Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter S
- S & M
- S.O.S.
- S/W/M
- sack o' nuts
- sad-ass
- Sadie Thompson
- safe
- safeword
- sail into the wind
- sailors' joy
- salacity
- salt basin
- salty yogurt slinger
- same sex love
- sanctum
- Sandra Bullocks
- sapphic
- sapphistry
- sard
- sarmassophobia
- satchel
- satchmo
- sauce-box
- sauna club
- sausage sandwich
- saving it for marriage
- say high mass
- scabies
- scag
- scallops
- scank
- scarf (up)
- scarlet letter
- scarleteer
- scatophobia
- schlong
- schmock
- schnoz(z)
- School of Venus
- schwanz
- scientia sexualis
- scones
- scope
- scopolagnia
- score
- scorf up on a bod
- scotophobia
- scraping the horn
- scratch the patch
- scratching the snatch patch
- screamplay
- screw one's head off
- screw up
- screwing
- scrot
- scrotcher
- scrotitis
- scrub the cake pan
- scrumpable
- scuffer
- scum dump
- scumsuck
- scurvy end
- scutz around
- se faire les cinq doigts de la main
- sea-fairy
- seats of honor
- second eye
- second oldest profession
- secondary sex characteristics
- secret indulgence
- secret sin
- secrets
- see a man about a dog
- see Johnny
- see one's friend
- see-through
- seekers
- selbst befriedigung
- self-disclosure
- self-inflicted intercourse
- self-pleasure
- self-service
- sell one's back
- sell one's charms
- sell one's hips
- semen goober smoocher
- seminal discharge
- seminal vesuviation
- senectitude
- sensate focus exercises
- sensitive truncheon
- sergeant
- serta solo
- service station
- set of cakes
- set on
- set-down
- seven dials
- sew
- sewer-chewing
- sex act
- sex antagonism
- sex apple
- sex bone
- Sex Desire
- sex glands
- sex industry worker
- sex life
- sex meat
- sex organon
- sex ring, a
- sex something up
- sex toys
- sex with someone you love
- sex-O
- sexalt
- sexcess
- sexcitement
- sexed up
- sexhaustion
- sexicon
- sexist
- sexobatics
- sexoschizia
- sexperienced
- sexpert
- sexpot
- sexteen
- sextraction
- sexual abstinence
- sexual anesthesia
- sexual atelia
- sexual climax
- sexual congress
- sexual deprivation
- sexual deviancy
- sexual disease
- sexual harassment
- sexual intercourse
- sexual object
- sexual orientation
- sexual relief
- sexual slit
- sexual variance
- sexually confused
- sexually nonconforming
- sexy
- shack-up
- shady
- shaft of Cupid
- shag artist
- shag-bag
- shagnasty
- shake and shiver
- shake hands with the governor
- shake the beads
- shake the snake
- shakester
- shaking hands with Little Elvis
- shaking hands with the General
- shaking hands with the wife's best friend
- shaking the dice
- shaking the sausage
- shaking your fist at the sky
- shame tongue
- shanker
- share a bed with
- share one's bed
- shattered seal
- she-male
- she/he
- shebang
- sheepherder
- Sheila-na-gig
- shellacking the shellaleigh
- shemping the hog
- shickster
- shifting into first gear
- shine stand
- shining the pork sword
- shit locker
- shit stick
- shit-chute
- shit-house
- shitter
- shmo(e)
- shock absorbers
- shoot a wad
- shoot blanks
- shoot in the back
- shoot off
- shoot one's cream
- shoot ones load
- shoot skeet
- shoot the thrill
- Shooter's Hill
- shooting for the moon
- shooting off a load
- shooting the cat
- shopping for a rattle
- short hairs
- short sleeved
- short-arm inspection
- short-time girl
- shot betwixt wind and water
- shot-locker
- shouse
- shove the tongue
- shoving the beaver with the lever
- showcase
- showing your form
- shrimp queen
- shrubbery
- shuck the corn
- shuntyard captain
- Siamese Strings
- side-glance
- sidesaddle queen
- sidy
- sigh after
- signed, sealed and delivered
- silent epidemic
- silhouette routine
- sillycones
- simple infanticide
- simultaneous climax
- sin fest
- sin sister
- sinfant
- sing an aria
- sing with Rosie
- single woman
- sink of iniquity
- sink the sailor
- sinking the battleship
- sip at the fuzzy cup
- sire
- sissie
- sissyish
- sister-of-charity
- sistie
- sit on the throne
- sit-upon(s)
- sitting on the fence
- sitzbein
- six-pack
- sixty-nine queen
- sixty-six
- sizzle
- sizzling
- skanky
- skeeze
- ski up and down Happy Valley
- skimming the cream
- skin chimney
- skin flick
- skin mag
- skin the banana
- skin the lizard
- skin-dive
- skinned
- skinny-dipping
- skirt
- skivvies
- skuddy
- skull pussy
- skylights
- slam
- slam the spam
- slamming the hammer
- slant eye
- slap head
- slap the wapper
- slapping it
- slapping the Cap'n
- slapping the fleshgopher
- slapping the salami
- slate plate
- slaughter of the innocent
- slaver
- sleaze
- sleep with
- sleepy-time girl
- slice the legs off
- slick and slim up the old dusty road
- slide the shaft
- slimmer
- slinger
- slip her a length
- slip into
- slip someone a length
- slippin' and slidin'
- slit bit
- slitlicker
- slob-job
- slope gal
- sloppy seconds
- slotted job
- slug
- slurpee
- slut hut
- smack in the puss
- smacking the oompa loompa
- smacking your sister
- small room
- smarties
- smear the tuna
- smeggy
- smell-hole
- smentana
- smitten with
- smockface
- smoker
- smooch
- smoongy
- smosabs
- smud
- smurf
- smut-slut
- Snafu
- snake pit
- snake's hiss
- snap
- snapper
- snapping the carrot
- snapping the whip
- snatch box is decorated with red roses
- snatch pointer
- snatch-box
- sneeze in the basket
- snib
- snippet
- snooch
- snorer
- snotter
- snow queen
- snowstorm
- snuffler
- snuggle pup
- snuggy
- soaking in Palmolive
- sob sister
- social disease
- social vice
- socket money
- sodoma imperfecta
- sodomist
- soft butch
- soft job
- soft peat
- softening of the hearters
- soil one's knees
- sold on
- soliciting
- solitary evil
- solo box
- solo spit
- something's rotten in Denmark
- Song of Songs
- sorry and sad
- soteriophobia
- soul case
- soul sauce
- soupy
- south side
- southern comfort
- southern massage
- souvenir
- spadger
- Spanish gout
- Spanish pox
- spank
- spank the little boy
- spanking Elvis
- spanking the monkey
- spare rib
- spark
- sparrowhawk
- speak in tongues
- spear chucking
- speciman
- speed-dame
- spence
- spendings
- sperm sack
- spermatize
- spermicide
- spew snaks
- spice island
- spigot-sucker
- spikes
- spinal reflex
- spintry
- spit swapping
- spitfire
- splash ones boots
- splatter face
- split a sheet
- split beaver
- split someone's buns
- split the slit
- split-beaver shot
- splits, the
- splooge
- spoiling house
- sponge off the dust
- spoof
- spoon
- spooneyism
- spooning
- spoony for
- sporran
- sport of Venus
- sporting goods
- sporting woman
- spot
- spotters
- sprain an ankle
- spray (the bowl)
- spread beaver
- spread one's cheeks
- spreader
- spreading the mayo
- springing
- spume
- spunk holders
- spunking
- spurt
- spy-smashers
- squashing the meat
- squaw
- squeeky
- squeeze off
- squeezing the cream from the twinkie
- squeezing the squid
- squinters
- squirt
- squirting clots
- stab
- stable-my-naggie
- stacks
- staff-breaker
- stag movie
- stalkerazzi
- stand up and shout
- standing
- stanley
- star-fucker
- stargazer
- stark born naked
- starry orbs
- stasivalence
- statuesque
- stay in the closet
- steady goer
- steamed (up)
- steel beam
- steerer
- stemmer
- step out
- steppe sister
- stepping out on
- stern approach
- stew(s)
- stick it in
- stickshift
- sticky seed
- stiff one
- stiff-and-stout
- stigiophobia
- stink
- stink-anger
- Stinkhole Bay
- stinky-pinky
- stir shit
- stir someone's shit
- stirring it up
- stits
- stoking the furnace
- stone femme
- stonk
- stool pigeon
- storm and stripes
- stovepipe
- straight date
- straight trick
- strain the taters
- strangle Kojak
- strangling the serpent
- strapping
- strawberry kiss
- streamlined
- street mechanic
- street walker
- street-sister
- streetwalking
- stretch some jeans
- strike the pink match
- stringer
- strippo
- striptease to go
- stroke house
- stroke the bloke
- stroke the purple-nosed gusset ferret
- stroke the Wookie
- stroker
- stroking the dog
- stroking the one-eyed burping gecko
- stroking the scoobie
- stroking the wiener
- stroll down the Cadbury avenue
- stropping the beak
- strum
- strumming the Big Open
- stub your chub
- stuck on
- stud-service
- studly
- stuff the taco
- stuffy
- stung by a serpent
- Stupefi
- subagitate
- submarine watching
- suck a fatty
- suck face
- suck up to
- suck-cocker
- suck-sy
- suckster
- suffocate the organ
- sugar brown
- sugar finger
- sugar pimp
- sugared diamond
- summoning the semen demon
- Sunday girl
- sunny south
- superdick
- supporter
- surfing at finger beach
- surfspeak
- sushi party
- swallow the pipe
- swallowed a seed
- swapping spit
- sweater dandies
- sweaterful
- Swedish culture
- sweet agony
- sweet glands
- sweet meat
- sweet patootie
- sweet talk
- sweet-scented hole
- sweetheart neckline
- sweetman
- swept off one's feet
- swing
- swing on it
- swinger's pen pal
- swinging the ax
- swishy
- switch-hitting
- swivel eyes
- swoony
- swords
- sycophant
- synchronized love
- syph
- syphilitic arthritis
- syphon the python
- séance à trois
- S.Q.Q.
- sack
- sacking
- saddle
- sadism
- Safe Ears
- saggers
- sailor's bait
- Saint Valentine's Day
- salami
- salt cellar
- salute the sailor
- same sex lover
- sandbags
- sandwich
- sapphire
- sapphomasochism
- sardine
- sass
- satchel ass
- satin doll
- saucer eyes
- sausage
- save oneself for marriage
- saving it for the worms
- say I do
- scabies mite
- scalder
- scalp
- scankie
- scarfing
- scarlet letter girls
- scarring
- scatter
- schmeegle
- schmuck
- schnozzle
- schplitzing the schmeckel
- Schwanzesser
- sciophobia
- scooby snack
- scope on
- scopophobia
- score between the posts
- scoring the hoop
- scouring the tower of power
- scrapping
- scratch the snatch
- screamer and creamer
- screw
- screw some ass
- screwdriver
- screwy
- scrot sack
- scrote
- scrotopexy
- scrubber
- scrumping
- scuffing the muff
- scum sack
- scumsucker
- scut
- scuzz
- se passer un poignet
- seals
- seats of shame
- second face
- second sex
- secondary syphilis
- secret parts
- secret sorrow
- seducer
- see a star about a twinkle
- see Madam(e) Thumb and her four daughters
- see stars
- seed
- seers
- selenophobia
- self-flagellation
- self-love
- self-pleasuring
- self-stimulation
- sell one's bacon
- sell one's desires
- sell oneself
- semen shooter
- seminal fluid
- seminary
- senescence
- sensible part
- sentenced (for life)
- sergeant major
- servant's entrance
- session fee
- set of jugs
- set one's cap for
- setting off a depth charge
- seven digits
- sew up
- sewing circle
- sex addict
- sex appeal
- sex arousing
- sex bunny
- sex drive
- sex goddess
- sex it up
- sex lube
- sex monger
- sex organs
- sex shop
- sex stalk
- sex trade worker
- sex worker
- sex-on-the-run
- sexaltation
- sexcessful
- sexciter
- sexer
- sexhibition
- sexiness
- sexlove
- sexocet missile
- sexotic
- sexperiencer
- sexploitation
- sexpression
- sexteenager
- sextractive
- sexual act
- sexual aperture
- sexual behavior
- sexual commerce
- sexual conjunction
- sexual desire
- sexual deviation
- sexual ego
- sexual icon
- sexual intimacy
- sexual organon
- sexual position
- sexual reproduction
- sexual spendings
- sexual variety
- sexually dysfunctional
- sexually transmitted disease
- sexy number
- shad
- shady lady
- shaft of delight
- shag like a rattlesnake
- shagadelic
- shagstress
- shake bag
- shake hands with the unemployed
- shake the dew off the lily
- shake the weasel
- shaking
- shaking hands with Mr. Happy
- shaking hands with the guy that stood up when I got married
- shaking hands with your John Thomas
- shaking the hand of the self-employed
- shaking the sheets
- shaking your hand at the sky
- shamltzy
- shanking
- share a pillow with
- sharp and blunt
- shattis
- she-man
- sheath
- shed
- sheer hell
- shell queen
- shelling the bean
- Sherman
- shift gears
- shiksa
- shine the pole
- shissom
- shit on a stick
- shit stirrer
- shit-faced
- shit-palm
- shitty
- shmok
- shoot
- shoot at the back door
- shoot bullets
- shoot in the brown
- shoot off one's load
- shoot one's creamy load
- shoot ones supper
- shoot the cat
- shoot up the straight
- shooting (off) the muck
- shooting gallery
- shooting putty at the moon
- shooting the rapids
- short and curlies
- short heels
- short sleeves
- short-arm practice
- shortcake
- shot his great stones
- shotgun marriage
- shout at one's shoes
- shove-straight
- show house
- shower cap
- shrieker sex
- shrimper
- shtick
- shuffle the deck
- shutters
- Sid Phillis
- side-stroke
- sidewalk pickup
- sif
- sights
- significant other
- silent flute
- silicones
- silver penny
- simple pimp
- simultaneous orgasm
- sin girl
- sin spot
- sinful commerce
- sing psychedelic praises to the depths of the china bowl
- single
- single-O
- sink of solitude
- sink the sausage
- sinking the pork sword
- siph
- sis
- sissies
- sister act
- sister-of-mercy
- sistren
- sit-down
- sitter
- sitting parts
- six à neuf
- six-to-four
- sixty-niner
- sixty-three
- sizzle for
- skainsmate
- skating rink
- skeezer
- skid marks
- skin
- skin condom
- skin flute
- skin magazine
- skin the bone
- skin the pizzle
- skin-diver
- skinned-back
- skinonyms
- skirt man
- skivvy
- skull buggery
- skulling
- slabs
- slam spunk
- slam-bam-thankee-ma'am
- slamming the salami
- slanters
- slap skins
- slaphead
- slapping pappy
- slapping the carrot
- slapping the mackerel
- slash
- slattern
- slave
- slaves and masters
- sleazy
- sleeping bag
- sleeve
- sliced
- slick chick
- Slim
- sling one's drizzle
- slinging the jelly
- slip her a quick crippler
- slip it to
- slip-sliding away
- slipping yourself a mickey
- slitch
- slitted underbelly
- slog the log
- slopie gal
- sloppy sign language
- slow exotic
- slugs
- slushy
- slutty
- smacker
- smacking the salami
- smacking-off
- small-clothes
- smash mouth
- smearing the queer
- smeghead
- smell-smock
- smiler
- smock
- smockster
- smoking hooch with reagan
- smooching
- smooth article
- smosobs
- smudger
- smurfs
- smutty
- snag
- snake ranch
- snakephobia
- snap it
- snappers
- snapping the monkey
- snapping turtle
- snatch monsters
- snatch purser
- snatching
- sneeze in the cabbage
- sniff queen
- snitch
- snoot
- snorker
- snotty
- snowball
- snozzle
- snug
- snuggle pups
- snutchie
- soaking the whisker biscuit
- sobbyist
- social evil
- sociobiology
- socks appeal
- sodomant
- sodomite
- soft cadaby
- soft leg
- soft roll
- softer sex
- soiled dove
- soldier's joy
- solicitor general, the
- solitary sex
- solo flight
- Solomon
- somniphobia
- soppy
- sorting girl
- sother
- soul kiss
- soup
- sour apple quickstep
- south-end
- southern exposure
- southern pleasures
- sow one's wild oats
- spam wham
- Spanish needle
- Spanish rice
- spank the bishop
- spank the wank
- spanking lovers
- spanking the salami
- spare tire
- spark ignited
- spastic colon
- speak Low Genitalese
- spear the bearded clam
- spectrophobia
- speedster
- spend
- sperm
- sperm-sucker
- spermatophobia
- sperminator
- spew spuds
- spice of life
- spike
- spill
- spindle
- spit
- spit the seeds
- spitter
- splash shot
- spliced
- split act, the
- split belly
- split stuff
- split up
- split-mutton
- Splitsville
- spoffskins
- spoiling one's figure
- spoo
- spooge
- spoon fashion
- spooneyness
- spoons
- spoonyism
- sport goods
- sport the dairy
- sporting her blubbers
- sportsman
- spot hard breathing, a
- spouse
- sprained her ankle
- spray the porcelain
- spread eagle
- spread shot
- spreader bar
- spreading the petals
- spuds
- spunk
- spunk the monk
- Spunky
- spurt out
- square
- squashy bits
- squaw man
- squeeze and a squirt, a
- squeeze the lemon
- squeezing the creamy filter
- squeezing the weasel
- Squire of Dames
- squirt one off
- squirting the seed
- stab in the thigh
- stacked
- stadge
- stag
- stag party
- stand
- stand up job
- standing member
- star of the line
- star-gazer
- stark ballock naked
- stark naked
- start bleeding
- state of nature
- statuophilia
- steak
- steamer
- steel woolies
- steg
- stems
- step out on
- stepper
- stereotype
- stern chaser
- sticker
- stickspin
- sticky spud gun
- stiff peter
- stiff-on
- stimble
- stink hole
- stink-finger
- stinkpot
- stir a little fudge
- stir some shit
- stir the cauldron
- stirring the batter
- stoat
- stomach fetish
- stone-ache
- stonk-on
- stoop for it
- Stormy Dick
- str
- straight lay
- strain the main vein
- strain the vein
- strangle the dangle
- strangulation fetish
- strassemaedchen
- strawberry patch
- streamstown
- street of shame
- street whore
- street-tricking
- streetwalking prostitute
- stretcher
- string and nuggets
- strip
- stripster
- stripteaser
- stroke off
- stroke the dog
- stroke the slit
- stroke your ego
- stroking and poking
- stroking the lizard
- stroking the poker
- stroking the snail
- stroll
- stroll down the Cadbury canal
- stropping the mulligan
- strum the ol' banjo
- strumpet
- stub's one toe
- stud
- Studgitarius
- study astronomy
- stuffed up
- stump
- stunner
- stygiophobia
- subagitation
- succubus
- suck asshole
- suck head
- suck, fuck, tickle balls and rim
- suck-hole
- suck-up-toer
- suckstress
- sugar basin
- sugar bush
- sugar hill
- sugar stick
- suitcase
- Sunday best
- Sunday widow
- sunnyside up
- superdroopers
- sure thing
- surfing on the Milky Highway
- surgically altered
- swab the tonsils
- swallow the roe
- swallowed a watermelon seed
- swassonder
- sweater girl
- sweating phenomenon
- sweep off
- sweet charity
- sweet line
- sweet nothings
- sweet potato pie
- sweet tooth
- sweetcakes
- sweethearting
- sweetmeat
- swift baby
- swing both ways
- swing on some flivver
- swingers
- swingles
- switch
- switched-on
- swizzle stick
- sword
- swordsman
- sylph-like
- syngenesophobia
- syphilis
- syphilophobia
- S-word
- s/he
- sack chaser
- sacrifice to Venus
- saddle it
- sado-maso
- safe sex
- sagging summer squash
- sailor's cup of tea
- Saint's delight
- saleslady
- salty
- sample of sin
- sanding the banister
- Sandy McNabs
- sapphism
- sapphosadism
- sardine can
- Satanic devices
- satchel butt
- satisfy oneself
- saucers
- sausage jockey
- saveloy
- saw off a chunk
- scab
- scabiophobia
- scale
- scalp hunter
- scants
- Scarlet Harlot
- scarlet sister
- scat
- scelerophobia
- schmekel
- schnauzer shuffleboard
- schnozzola
- schtup
- schwing
- scoff
- scoop
- scope out
- scoptophobia
- score with
- scorz
- scrag
- scratch
- scratchers
- screaming bitch
- screw around
- screw the arse off
- screwed, blued, and tattooed
- scroat
- scrotal
- scrotilinctus
- scrotoplasty
- scrud
- scrunch
- scum
- scum-twat
- scunt
- scutter(s)
- se branler
- sea food
- search for Spock
- secko
- second highest duty calls, the
- second-hand article
- secret disease
- secret selfish sin
- secret vice
- see
- see company
- see one's aunt
- see the King
- seed plot
- sees
- self-abuse
- self-gratification
- self-manipulation
- self-pollution
- sell favors
- sell one's body
- sell one's favors
- selling customhouse goods
- semi-diesel
- seminal milk
- Senator Packwood
- senility
- sensitive plant
- seraglietto
- serpent
- serve head
- set
- set of pears
- set one's eyes on
- setting the oysters
- seven year itch
- sewed up
- sex
- sex aids
- sex appealing
- sex between hills
- sex cap
- sex expert
- sex hormones
- sex job
- sex lubricant
- sex number
- sex position
- sex show
- sex stuff
- sex voltage
- sex-chauvinist
- sexaholic
- sexalted
- sexcitable
- sexciting
- sexercise(s)
- sexhibitionism
- sexing piece
- sexnet
- sexology
- sexoticism
- sexperiment
- sexploiter
- sextacy
- sextortion
- sextrology
- sexual aid
- sexual appetite
- sexual bondage
- sexual communion
- sexual defilement
- sexual detrition
- sexual dimorphism
- sexual embrace
- sexual identity
- sexual knowledge
- sexual organs
- sexual preference
- sexual revolution
- sexual trocar of the male
- sexually appealing
- sexually explicit
- sexually transmitted infection
- shadow of a woman
- shaft
- shafting
- shag tags
- shaggable
- shake
- shake hands with an old friend
- shake hands with the wife's best friend
- shake the peg
- shake up
- shaking hands with Abraham Lincoln
- shaking hands with Mr. President
- shaking hands with the midget
- shaking hands with Yul Brenner
- shaking the hand of the unemployed
- shaking the snake
- shaky-shivery
- shampoo
- shanty
- share a sexual embrace
- sharpen the pencil
- shay
- she-pimp
- sheath the sword to the hilt
- shed a tear
- Sheik
- shell-like
- shelling the oyster
- Sherman tank
- shift-work
- shiksy
- shining the helmet
- shit
- shit stabber
- shit the plug
- shit-fuck
- shithouse
- shlong
- shmoya
- shoot a cat
- shoot between the fagots
- shoot bunnies
- shoot in the bush
- shoot one's batch
- shoot one's roe
- shoot ones wad
- shoot the plug
- shoot white
- shooting eyes at
- shooting hoops
- shooting stick
- shop (around)
- short arm
- short leg
- short strokes
- short-eyes
- shot at the back door, a
- shot of beaver, a
- shotgun wedding
- shouting to Huey and Ralph
- shoving a sausage up Regent Street
- show one's true colors
- shower dance
- shrimp
- shrimping
- shtoop
- shuffling the Kit-Kat
- shuttle-butt
- side dish
- sideboards
- sidewalk socialite
- siffy
- sightseer
- Silastic
- silent horror
- silky appendage
- silver spoon
- simulsex
- sin
- sin of impurity
- sin-twister
- sinfully handsome
- sing the sailor songbook
- single dingles
- singles
- sink the brown
- sink the soldier
- sinking the sausage
- siphnianize
- sisbros
- sissified
- sister of the night
- sistern
- sit for company
- sit-down job
- sitters
- sitting room
- six months gone
- six-to-nine
- sixty-nining
- size queen
- sizzler
- skank
- skeeger
- sketell
- skillet queen
- skin and blister
- skin diving
- skin game
- skin room
- skin the cat
- skin the weinie
- skinclad tube
- skinning
- skins
- skirt woman
- sklook
- skull fuck
- skunk
- slag
- slam the clam
- slamming
- slamming the salmon
- slap 'n tickle
- slap the hammer
- slapper
- slapping skins
- slapping the clown
- slapping the pud
- slate
- slatterpiece
- slave driver
- slavist
- sleep around
- sleeping beauty
- slice of damp
- slich
- slick leggins
- slime
- sling one's jelly
- slinky
- slip her one
- slip it to her
- slip-up
- slips
- slither
- slizz
- sloop of war
- slopping the hogs
- sloptimist
- slow strack
- sluice
- slut
- SM dyke
- smackers
- smacking the sausage
- small arm
- smallers
- smash the stake
- smeat
- smegma
- smeller
- smite
- smock service
- smoke
- smoking the fur
- smoodge
- smooth operator
- smouge
- smudges
- smush
- snackbar
- snake
- snake skin
- snaking
- snap the rubber
- snapping one off
- snapping the rubber
- snarfing
- snatch patch
- snatch thatch
- snedge
- sneeze in the canyon
- sniffer
- snizzling
- snoozing-ken
- snorter
- snout
- snowballing
- snuff film
- snuggle
- snuggle the nozzle
- SO
- soap
- soceraphobia
- social infection
- sociophobia
- socksy
- sodomante
- sodomize
- soft chancre
- soft nothings
- soft spot
- softest part of a woman's torso
- soiled senior citizen
- solicit
- solid waste
- solitary sin
- solo marathon
- solophobia
- son of Venus
- soror
- sothers
- soul kissing
- soup-sipper
- sourpuss
- south-of-the-border tart
- southern hemisphere
- southern romance
- sow some wild oats
- spaneria
- Spanish padlock
- Spanish Rose
- spank the carrot
- spank the wife's best friend
- spanking the bishop
- spanner
- spare tongue
- sparker
- spazz
- speak to the head
- special disease
- speed bags
- speedy sister
- spend a penny
- sperm bank
- spermapositor
- spermicidal
- spermophobia
- spew up
- spider lady
- spike-faggot
- spill water at a womans feet
- spinners
- spit bath
- spit-fuck
- spitting cobra
- splash the boots
- split
- split apricot
- split kipper
- split the blanket
- split-arse mechanic
- split-tail
- splitting the hamster
- spoil her figure
- spoiling one's shape
- spooch
- spooge gun
- spooney
- spoonies
- spoonta
- spoonyness
- sport model
- sporting girl
- sporting house
- sportsmans gap
- spot of perving
- spouse and strife
- spratz
- spraying the spectators
- spread for someone
- spread some good leather
- spreading a technicolor rainbow
- spring a leak
- spudwater
- spunk dump
- spunk up (somebody)
- spurious offspring
- spuzz receptacle
- square (someone's) circle
- squat
- squawking half
- squeeze box
- squeeze the peach
- squeezing the juice
- squelching
- squire of the placket
- squirt seed
- squirts
- stable
- stacked well up
- staff
- stag hag
- stag show
- stand a push
- stand-on
- standing room for one
- star over the garter, the
- starch
- stark ballux
- starkers
- starter marriage
- state of undress
- statutory rape
- steady
- steal a bird
- steamy
- Steely Dan
- stem
- stench trench
- step sister
- stepper-outer
- sterile
- stern job
- stick
- sticking it in and pulling it out
- sticky
- stiff
- stiff prick
- stiffening the upper lip
- sting
- stink pot
- stink-pit
- stinky
- stir chocolate
- stir someone's chocolate
- stir the stew
- stirring the yogurt
- stocking stuffer
- stompers
- stones
- stonker
- stork
- stormy weather
- straddle the paddle
- straight sex
- strain the potatoes
- straining the spaghetti
- strangle the stogie
- strap
- strawberries
- streak
- street girl
- street pimp
- street worker
- streets
- strephon
- stretching the muscle
- string bondage
- strip one's tarse
- striptease
- stroke
- stroke oneself
- stroke the lizard
- stroke the stallion
- Stroke-Ability Scale
- stroking it
- stroking the loaf
- stroking the satin-headed serpent
- stroking the squirmin' german
- stroll down Cadbury avenue
- strollop
- struck by lightning
- strumming
- strut one's stuff
- stubble
- stud mare
- studhammer
- stuff
- stuffer
- stump-jump
- stunt cock
- sub
- subby
- suck
- suck cock
- suck off
- suck-and-swallow
- suck-queen
- sucker
- suds
- sugar bowl
- sugar cookies
- sugar honey
- sugar-chaser
- summa libido
- Sunday clothes
- sunflower
- sunset years
- superdupers
- surf the crimson wave
- surfing the channel
- surphling of breasts
- swack
- swallow a sword
- swallow the worm
- swanska
- swat the twat
- sweater meat
- Swedish
- sweep off one's feet
- sweet chocolate
- sweet mama
- sweet on
- sweet rolls
- sweet young thing
- sweetest valley
- sweetie
- sweets
- swift grope
- swing club
- swinge
- swinging
- swings both ways
- switch club
- switchel
- swollen
- sword swallower
- swounds
- symbolophobia
- syntribadism
- syphilitic
- sypho
- S.A.
- S/W/F
- sack lunch
- sacrificing sperm to the god of lonely nights
- sadie and maisie
- Saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas
- safest sex
- saggy pig tits
- sailor's delight
- salacious
- Sally
- salty dog
- same gender oriented
- San Quentin quail
- sanding wood
- sanitary
- sapphist(s)
- Sarcoptes scabiei (hominis)
- sarmassophilia
- satanophobia
- satchel mouth
- sauce
- saucy
- sausage party
- saving it
- saw off a piece
- scabbado
- scabs
- scalloped potatoes
- scamming
- scar-crossed prunes
- scarlet lady
- scarlet woman
- scatophiliac
- schamlzy
- schmo(e)
- schnitzel
- schnozztrils
- schwantz
- sciaphobia
- scolds bridle
- scoops
- scoping
- scorcher
- scorekeeper
- Scotch screw
- scrape
- scratch the crack
- scratching the itch
- screaming queen
- screw off
- screw the ass off
- screwed, jewed and tattooed
- scrog
- scrotal sac
- scrotilingus
- scrotum
- scrump
- scuff the muff
- scum bag
- scumber
- scupper
- scuttle
- se crosser
- sea food dinner
- seat (of the pants)
- second base
- second hole from the back of the neck
- second-hand dartboart
- secret handshake
- secret services
- secret works
- see a dog about a man
- see if the baby's home
- see one's auntie
- see you next Tuesday
- seeing-to
- segoonya
- self-cannibalism
- self-induced penile regurgitation
- self-mutilation
- self-relief
- sell one's ass
- sell one's butt
- sell one's flesh
- semen
- semiglobes
- seminal spurt
- send out the troops
- senoreater
- sensitive spot
- seraglio
- serpent socket
- service
- set eyes on
- set of pipes
- set one's heart on
- settle down
- seventy-eight
- sewer
- sex abolitionist
- sex and reproductive organs
- sex appealitty
- sex between mountains
- sex care provider
- sex for one
- sex icon
- sex kitten
- sex machine
- sex object
- sex pot
- sex skin
- sex symbol
- sex wagon
- sex-linked
- sexaholism
- sexarche
- sexcite
- sexed
- sexhausted
- sexhilarating
- sexism
- sexo
- sexophobia
- sexperience
- sexperimenter
- sexploration
- sextainment
- sextortioner
- sexual aberration
- sexual analism
- sexual asphyxia
- sexual charge
- sexual concourse
- sexual defluvium
- sexual deviance
- sexual discharge
- sexual fulfillment
- sexual inappetence
- sexual liaison
- sexual orgasm
- sexual relations
- sexual secretions
- sexual union
- sexually arousing
- sexually focused chronologically gifted individual
- sexualogy
- shack job
- shadrack
- shaft in the bum
- shag
- shag your lugs off
- shagging
- shake a sock
- shake hands with old Mend
- shake it up
- shake the sheets
- shakers
- shaking hands with Jack Mcnasty
- shaking hands with Shorty
- shaking hands with the unemployed
- shaking the bottle
- shaking the sauce
- shaking your (own) maracas
- shame of shames
- shank
- shapely
- share bed and board
- shatter the seal
- she-bop
- she-thing
- Sheba
- sheep's eyes
- Sheila
- shell-out
- sheltering under the pink umbrella
- sherry flips
- shifting gears
- shimmies
- shining the pole
- shit jacket
- shit stabbing
- shit-box
- shit-hole
- shithouse poet
- shmendrik
- shmuck
- shoot a lion
- shoot between wind and water
- shoot downstairs
- shoot in the tail
- shoot one's cocoa
- shoot ones cookies
- shoot over the stubble
- shoot the star
- shoot your load
- shooting flies
- shooting iron
- shooting tadpoles at the moon
- shop door
- short eyeballs
- short one
- short timer
- short-heeled wench
- shot at the front door
- shot up the straight
- shoulder boulders
- shove
- shoving it into the Lincoln Tunnel
- showboat
- showering in a raincoat
- shrimp job
- shriveller
- shtup
- shunamitism
- Si vis amari, ama
- side-by-side position
- siderophobia
- Sidewalk Suzie
- siftless
- sigma phi
- silent beard
- silent mouth
- silly about
- simonizer
- simulsexual
- sin bin
- Sin of Sodom
- sinbad
- sing a rainbow
- sing to the sink
- single man
- singles bar
- sink the pink
- sink the sub
- sinking the sub
- Sir Anthony Blunt
- siss
- sissy
- sister-in-law
- sisters of the bank
- sit on a face
- sit-me-down
- sitting on it
- situational homosexuality
- Six-o-Six
- sixty-nine
- Sixty-Ninth Street Bridge
- size-ist
- sizzlers
- skankskeever
- skeet shooting
- skewer
- skillful skull
- skin boy
- skin dog
- skin head
- skin sacks
- skin the live rabbit
- skin-chasing
- skincoat
- Skinny rubbing
- skinz
- skirt-chaser
- skroging
- skull job
- sky-clad
- slaking the bacon
- slam the ham
- slamming the ham
- slamming the spam
- slap and tickle
- slap the little head
- slapping high fives with Yul Brynner
- slapping the big-nosed rasta man
- slapping the donkey
- slapping the purple headed yogurt pistol
- slate bowl
- slaughter house
- slavemaster
- slaying the one-eyed monster
- sleep together
- sleeping partner
- slice of life
- slick abuse
- slicker
- slime-hole
- sling one's juice
- slip a length
- slip in
- slip one a hot beef injection
- slippery slued
- slit
- slithery
- slob the knob
- slop-chute
- sloppy bot
- slot
- slowie
- sluice box
- slut butter
- smack
- smacking the clam
- smacking the weasel
- small person
- smallest room
- smasher
- smeg
- smell the place up
- smelly pussy
- smitten
- smockage
- smoke the beef
- smoo
- smooge
- smoothie
- smucking
- smug
- smut
- snackpack
- snake charmer
- snake venom
- Snaky-Lick Trick
- snap-on (tool)
- snapping pussy
- snapping the twig
- snatch
- snatch peddler
- snatch-blatch
- sneeky peeks
- sneezer
- snipped
- snog
- snorbs
- snot
- snow bunny
- snowdropping
- snuff movie
- snuggle bunny
- snuggling-ken
- so busy Ive had to put a man on to help
- sob
- social dandruff
- social phobia
- sock
- sod
- sodomee
- sodomy
- soft furry mound of love
- soft on
- soft-core
- softy
- soixante-neuf
- solicit someone
- solids
- solitary vice
- solo sex
- sombrero
- Song of Solomon
- sororal
- sotadism
- sotto voce affair
- soul roll
- soupbone
- south pole
- southern belle
- southern love
- southern seduction
- spackling the ceiling
- Spanish fly
- Spanish pip
- Spanish tummy
- spank the hangdown
- spanking cheetah
- spanking the frank
- spanogyny
- spare tyre
- sparking
- speak French
- spear
- Special K
- speed bumps
- spelunking
- spend the night with
- sperm canal
- spermatic juice
- spermicidal latex condom
- spew
- spheres
- spiffy
- spiked phallus
- spinach queen
- spintra
- spit one off
- spit-polishing the purple helmet
- splash
- splat your fat
- split a kipper
- split arse
- split some buns
- split the cup
- split-ass
- splitment
- splooch
- spoil her shape
- spoke-box
- spooey
- spooged
- spooney for
- spooniness
- spoony
- spooters
- sport of the masses
- sporting girl's manager
- sporting some wood
- sportsmans hole
- spot the nuptial bed
- spout
- sprauncy
- spread
- spread one's ass
- spread your legs
- spreading the folds
- springer
- spuff
- spunk factories
- spunk-pot
- spurm gun
- spy queen
- square up
- squatter
- squealer
- squeeze it off
- squeezing the cheese
- squeezing the lemon
- squelchy monkey
- squirrel
- squirt-n-spurt
- squitters
- stable boss
- stacking the deck
- staff meeting
- stag mag
- stalk
- stand up and cheer
- standard
- stank
- star's dressing chamber
- stare
- stark bone naked
- starko
- starved for
- state prostitution
- staurophobia
- steady date
- steam someone up
- steatopygia
- steer joint
- stem siren
- step around
- step-out-oner
- stepping out
- stern
- sterner sex
- stick and bangers
- stickman
- sticky finger
- stiff deity
- stiff stander
- stiffy
- stinger
- stink well
- stinkers bridge
- stinky-finger
- stir fudge
- stir someone's fudge
- stir the yogurt
- stitch
- Stoke-on-Trent
- stone butch
- Stonewall Uprising, The
- stonkers
- storked
- stout warrior
- straight
- straight shot
- strain the spuds
- strangioso
- strangle Yoda
- strap-on dildo
- strawberry
- streaking
- street hustler
- street trick
- street-meat
- streetwalker
- stretch leather
- strike out
- String of Pearls
- stripper
- striptease artist
- stroke book
- stroke the beef
- stroke the poker
- stroke the string
- strokem your scrotum
- stroking off
- stroking the mole
- stroking the schlong
- stroking the twinkie
- stroll down Cadbury canal
- strop one's beak
- struggle and strife
- strumming the banjo
- stu
- stubs
- stud meat
- studies that contemplate nature
- stuff a turkey
- stuffing
- Stumpy
- stup
- sub-deb
- sublimation
- suck a bondini
- suck dry
- suck the sugar stick
- suck-ass
- suck-sucker
- suckers
- suedehead
- sugar bowl pie
- sugar daddy
- sugar papa
- sugar-cookie
- summon the genie
- Sunday face
- sunkist queen
- super J
- supper-jet
- surf the wet
- surfing the crimson wave
- surrogate mother
- swaffonder
- swallow a watermelon seed
- swallow-cock
- swap spit
- sweat hog
- sweater treats
- Swedish arts
- sweep out the chimney
- sweet death
- sweet man
- sweet papa
- sweet slide, the
- sweet-hot
- sweetheart
- sweetie pie
- swelling
- swiftie
- swing low
- swinger
- swinging single
- swish
- switch-hitter
- swive
- Swollen Bite
- swordfighting
- swyve
- symmetrophobia
- syntribate
- syphilitic acne
- syphon off
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter S
- S & M
- S.O.S.
- S/W/M
- sack o' nuts
- sad-ass
- Sadie Thompson
- safe
- safeword
- sail into the wind
- sailors' joy
- salacity
- salt basin
- salty yogurt slinger
- same sex love
- sanctum
- Sandra Bullocks
- sapphic
- sapphistry
- sard
- sarmassophobia
- satchel
- satchmo
- sauce-box
- sauna club
- sausage sandwich
- saving it for marriage
- say high mass
- scabies
- scag
- scallops
- scank
- scarf (up)
- scarlet letter
- scarleteer
- scatophobia
- schlong
- schmock
- schnoz(z)
- School of Venus
- schwanz
- scientia sexualis
- scones
- scope
- scopolagnia
- score
- scorf up on a bod
- scotophobia
- scraping the horn
- scratch the patch
- scratching the snatch patch
- screamplay
- screw one's head off
- screw up
- screwing
- scrot
- scrotcher
- scrotitis
- scrub the cake pan
- scrumpable
- scuffer
- scum dump
- scumsuck
- scurvy end
- scutz around
- se faire les cinq doigts de la main
- sea-fairy
- seats of honor
- second eye
- second oldest profession
- secondary sex characteristics
- secret indulgence
- secret sin
- secrets
- see a man about a dog
- see Johnny
- see one's friend
- see-through
- seekers
- selbst befriedigung
- self-disclosure
- self-inflicted intercourse
- self-pleasure
- self-service
- sell one's back
- sell one's charms
- sell one's hips
- semen goober smoocher
- seminal discharge
- seminal vesuviation
- senectitude
- sensate focus exercises
- sensitive truncheon
- sergeant
- serta solo
- service station
- set of cakes
- set on
- set-down
- seven dials
- sew
- sewer-chewing
- sex act
- sex antagonism
- sex apple
- sex bone
- Sex Desire
- sex glands
- sex industry worker
- sex life
- sex meat
- sex organon
- sex ring, a
- sex something up
- sex toys
- sex with someone you love
- sex-O
- sexalt
- sexcess
- sexcitement
- sexed up
- sexhaustion
- sexicon
- sexist
- sexobatics
- sexoschizia
- sexperienced
- sexpert
- sexpot
- sexteen
- sextraction
- sexual abstinence
- sexual anesthesia
- sexual atelia
- sexual climax
- sexual congress
- sexual deprivation
- sexual deviancy
- sexual disease
- sexual harassment
- sexual intercourse
- sexual object
- sexual orientation
- sexual relief
- sexual slit
- sexual variance
- sexually confused
- sexually nonconforming
- sexy
- shack-up
- shady
- shaft of Cupid
- shag artist
- shag-bag
- shagnasty
- shake and shiver
- shake hands with the governor
- shake the beads
- shake the snake
- shakester
- shaking hands with Little Elvis
- shaking hands with the General
- shaking hands with the wife's best friend
- shaking the dice
- shaking the sausage
- shaking your fist at the sky
- shame tongue
- shanker
- share a bed with
- share one's bed
- shattered seal
- she-male
- she/he
- shebang
- sheepherder
- Sheila-na-gig
- shellacking the shellaleigh
- shemping the hog
- shickster
- shifting into first gear
- shine stand
- shining the pork sword
- shit locker
- shit stick
- shit-chute
- shit-house
- shitter
- shmo(e)
- shock absorbers
- shoot a wad
- shoot blanks
- shoot in the back
- shoot off
- shoot one's cream
- shoot ones load
- shoot skeet
- shoot the thrill
- Shooter's Hill
- shooting for the moon
- shooting off a load
- shooting the cat
- shopping for a rattle
- short hairs
- short sleeved
- short-arm inspection
- short-time girl
- shot betwixt wind and water
- shot-locker
- shouse
- shove the tongue
- shoving the beaver with the lever
- showcase
- showing your form
- shrimp queen
- shrubbery
- shuck the corn
- shuntyard captain
- Siamese Strings
- side-glance
- sidesaddle queen
- sidy
- sigh after
- signed, sealed and delivered
- silent epidemic
- silhouette routine
- sillycones
- simple infanticide
- simultaneous climax
- sin fest
- sin sister
- sinfant
- sing an aria
- sing with Rosie
- single woman
- sink of iniquity
- sink the sailor
- sinking the battleship
- sip at the fuzzy cup
- sire
- sissie
- sissyish
- sister-of-charity
- sistie
- sit on the throne
- sit-upon(s)
- sitting on the fence
- sitzbein
- six-pack
- sixty-nine queen
- sixty-six
- sizzle
- sizzling
- skanky
- skeeze
- ski up and down Happy Valley
- skimming the cream
- skin chimney
- skin flick
- skin mag
- skin the banana
- skin the lizard
- skin-dive
- skinned
- skinny-dipping
- skirt
- skivvies
- skuddy
- skull pussy
- skylights
- slam
- slam the spam
- slamming the hammer
- slant eye
- slap head
- slap the wapper
- slapping it
- slapping the Cap'n
- slapping the fleshgopher
- slapping the salami
- slate plate
- slaughter of the innocent
- slaver
- sleaze
- sleep with
- sleepy-time girl
- slice the legs off
- slick and slim up the old dusty road
- slide the shaft
- slimmer
- slinger
- slip her a length
- slip into
- slip someone a length
- slippin' and slidin'
- slit bit
- slitlicker
- slob-job
- slope gal
- sloppy seconds
- slotted job
- slug
- slurpee
- slut hut
- smack in the puss
- smacking the oompa loompa
- smacking your sister
- small room
- smarties
- smear the tuna
- smeggy
- smell-hole
- smentana
- smitten with
- smockface
- smoker
- smooch
- smoongy
- smosabs
- smud
- smurf
- smut-slut
- Snafu
- snake pit
- snake's hiss
- snap
- snapper
- snapping the carrot
- snapping the whip
- snatch box is decorated with red roses
- snatch pointer
- snatch-box
- sneeze in the basket
- snib
- snippet
- snooch
- snorer
- snotter
- snow queen
- snowstorm
- snuffler
- snuggle pup
- snuggy
- soaking in Palmolive
- sob sister
- social disease
- social vice
- socket money
- sodoma imperfecta
- sodomist
- soft butch
- soft job
- soft peat
- softening of the hearters
- soil one's knees
- sold on
- soliciting
- solitary evil
- solo box
- solo spit
- something's rotten in Denmark
- Song of Songs
- sorry and sad
- soteriophobia
- soul case
- soul sauce
- soupy
- south side
- southern comfort
- southern massage
- souvenir
- spadger
- Spanish gout
- Spanish pox
- spank
- spank the little boy
- spanking Elvis
- spanking the monkey
- spare rib
- spark
- sparrowhawk
- speak in tongues
- spear chucking
- speciman
- speed-dame
- spence
- spendings
- sperm sack
- spermatize
- spermicide
- spew snaks
- spice island
- spigot-sucker
- spikes
- spinal reflex
- spintry
- spit swapping
- spitfire
- splash ones boots
- splatter face
- split a sheet
- split beaver
- split someone's buns
- split the slit
- split-beaver shot
- splits, the
- splooge
- spoiling house
- sponge off the dust
- spoof
- spoon
- spooneyism
- spooning
- spoony for
- sporran
- sport of Venus
- sporting goods
- sporting woman
- spot
- spotters
- sprain an ankle
- spray (the bowl)
- spread beaver
- spread one's cheeks
- spreader
- spreading the mayo
- springing
- spume
- spunk holders
- spunking
- spurt
- spy-smashers
- squashing the meat
- squaw
- squeeky
- squeeze off
- squeezing the cream from the twinkie
- squeezing the squid
- squinters
- squirt
- squirting clots
- stab
- stable-my-naggie
- stacks
- staff-breaker
- stag movie
- stalkerazzi
- stand up and shout
- standing
- stanley
- star-fucker
- stargazer
- stark born naked
- starry orbs
- stasivalence
- statuesque
- stay in the closet
- steady goer
- steamed (up)
- steel beam
- steerer
- stemmer
- step out
- steppe sister
- stepping out on
- stern approach
- stew(s)
- stick it in
- stickshift
- sticky seed
- stiff one
- stiff-and-stout
- stigiophobia
- stink
- stink-anger
- Stinkhole Bay
- stinky-pinky
- stir shit
- stir someone's shit
- stirring it up
- stits
- stoking the furnace
- stone femme
- stonk
- stool pigeon
- storm and stripes
- stovepipe
- straight date
- straight trick
- strain the taters
- strangle Kojak
- strangling the serpent
- strapping
- strawberry kiss
- streamlined
- street mechanic
- street walker
- street-sister
- streetwalking
- stretch some jeans
- strike the pink match
- stringer
- strippo
- striptease to go
- stroke house
- stroke the bloke
- stroke the purple-nosed gusset ferret
- stroke the Wookie
- stroker
- stroking the dog
- stroking the one-eyed burping gecko
- stroking the scoobie
- stroking the wiener
- stroll down the Cadbury avenue
- stropping the beak
- strum
- strumming the Big Open
- stub your chub
- stuck on
- stud-service
- studly
- stuff the taco
- stuffy
- stung by a serpent
- Stupefi
- subagitate
- submarine watching
- suck a fatty
- suck face
- suck up to
- suck-cocker
- suck-sy
- suckster
- suffocate the organ
- sugar brown
- sugar finger
- sugar pimp
- sugared diamond
- summoning the semen demon
- Sunday girl
- sunny south
- superdick
- supporter
- surfing at finger beach
- surfspeak
- sushi party
- swallow the pipe
- swallowed a seed
- swapping spit
- sweater dandies
- sweaterful
- Swedish culture
- sweet agony
- sweet glands
- sweet meat
- sweet patootie
- sweet talk
- sweet-scented hole
- sweetheart neckline
- sweetman
- swept off one's feet
- swing
- swing on it
- swinger's pen pal
- swinging the ax
- swishy
- switch-hitting
- swivel eyes
- swoony
- swords
- sycophant
- synchronized love
- syph
- syphilitic arthritis
- syphon the python
- séance à trois
- S.Q.Q.
- sack
- sacking
- saddle
- sadism
- Safe Ears
- saggers
- sailor's bait
- Saint Valentine's Day
- salami
- salt cellar
- salute the sailor
- same sex lover
- sandbags
- sandwich
- sapphire
- sapphomasochism
- sardine
- sass
- satchel ass
- satin doll
- saucer eyes
- sausage
- save oneself for marriage
- saving it for the worms
- say I do
- scabies mite
- scalder
- scalp
- scankie
- scarfing
- scarlet letter girls
- scarring
- scatter
- schmeegle
- schmuck
- schnozzle
- schplitzing the schmeckel
- Schwanzesser
- sciophobia
- scooby snack
- scope on
- scopophobia
- score between the posts
- scoring the hoop
- scouring the tower of power
- scrapping
- scratch the snatch
- screamer and creamer
- screw
- screw some ass
- screwdriver
- screwy
- scrot sack
- scrote
- scrotopexy
- scrubber
- scrumping
- scuffing the muff
- scum sack
- scumsucker
- scut
- scuzz
- se passer un poignet
- seals
- seats of shame
- second face
- second sex
- secondary syphilis
- secret parts
- secret sorrow
- seducer
- see a star about a twinkle
- see Madam(e) Thumb and her four daughters
- see stars
- seed
- seers
- selenophobia
- self-flagellation
- self-love
- self-pleasuring
- self-stimulation
- sell one's bacon
- sell one's desires
- sell oneself
- semen shooter
- seminal fluid
- seminary
- senescence
- sensible part
- sentenced (for life)
- sergeant major
- servant's entrance
- session fee
- set of jugs
- set one's cap for
- setting off a depth charge
- seven digits
- sew up
- sewing circle
- sex addict
- sex appeal
- sex arousing
- sex bunny
- sex drive
- sex goddess
- sex it up
- sex lube
- sex monger
- sex organs
- sex shop
- sex stalk
- sex trade worker
- sex worker
- sex-on-the-run
- sexaltation
- sexcessful
- sexciter
- sexer
- sexhibition
- sexiness
- sexlove
- sexocet missile
- sexotic
- sexperiencer
- sexploitation
- sexpression
- sexteenager
- sextractive
- sexual act
- sexual aperture
- sexual behavior
- sexual commerce
- sexual conjunction
- sexual desire
- sexual deviation
- sexual ego
- sexual icon
- sexual intimacy
- sexual organon
- sexual position
- sexual reproduction
- sexual spendings
- sexual variety
- sexually dysfunctional
- sexually transmitted disease
- sexy number
- shad
- shady lady
- shaft of delight
- shag like a rattlesnake
- shagadelic
- shagstress
- shake bag
- shake hands with the unemployed
- shake the dew off the lily
- shake the weasel
- shaking
- shaking hands with Mr. Happy
- shaking hands with the guy that stood up when I got married
- shaking hands with your John Thomas
- shaking the hand of the self-employed
- shaking the sheets
- shaking your hand at the sky
- shamltzy
- shanking
- share a pillow with
- sharp and blunt
- shattis
- she-man
- sheath
- shed
- sheer hell
- shell queen
- shelling the bean
- Sherman
- shift gears
- shiksa
- shine the pole
- shissom
- shit on a stick
- shit stirrer
- shit-faced
- shit-palm
- shitty
- shmok
- shoot
- shoot at the back door
- shoot bullets
- shoot in the brown
- shoot off one's load
- shoot one's creamy load
- shoot ones supper
- shoot the cat
- shoot up the straight
- shooting (off) the muck
- shooting gallery
- shooting putty at the moon
- shooting the rapids
- short and curlies
- short heels
- short sleeves
- short-arm practice
- shortcake
- shot his great stones
- shotgun marriage
- shout at one's shoes
- shove-straight
- show house
- shower cap
- shrieker sex
- shrimper
- shtick
- shuffle the deck
- shutters
- Sid Phillis
- side-stroke
- sidewalk pickup
- sif
- sights
- significant other
- silent flute
- silicones
- silver penny
- simple pimp
- simultaneous orgasm
- sin girl
- sin spot
- sinful commerce
- sing psychedelic praises to the depths of the china bowl
- single
- single-O
- sink of solitude
- sink the sausage
- sinking the pork sword
- siph
- sis
- sissies
- sister act
- sister-of-mercy
- sistren
- sit-down
- sitter
- sitting parts
- six à neuf
- six-to-four
- sixty-niner
- sixty-three
- sizzle for
- skainsmate
- skating rink
- skeezer
- skid marks
- skin
- skin condom
- skin flute
- skin magazine
- skin the bone
- skin the pizzle
- skin-diver
- skinned-back
- skinonyms
- skirt man
- skivvy
- skull buggery
- skulling
- slabs
- slam spunk
- slam-bam-thankee-ma'am
- slamming the salami
- slanters
- slap skins
- slaphead
- slapping pappy
- slapping the carrot
- slapping the mackerel
- slash
- slattern
- slave
- slaves and masters
- sleazy
- sleeping bag
- sleeve
- sliced
- slick chick
- Slim
- sling one's drizzle
- slinging the jelly
- slip her a quick crippler
- slip it to
- slip-sliding away
- slipping yourself a mickey
- slitch
- slitted underbelly
- slog the log
- slopie gal
- sloppy sign language
- slow exotic
- slugs
- slushy
- slutty
- smacker
- smacking the salami
- smacking-off
- small-clothes
- smash mouth
- smearing the queer
- smeghead
- smell-smock
- smiler
- smock
- smockster
- smoking hooch with reagan
- smooching
- smooth article
- smosobs
- smudger
- smurfs
- smutty
- snag
- snake ranch
- snakephobia
- snap it
- snappers
- snapping the monkey
- snapping turtle
- snatch monsters
- snatch purser
- snatching
- sneeze in the cabbage
- sniff queen
- snitch
- snoot
- snorker
- snotty
- snowball
- snozzle
- snug
- snuggle pups
- snutchie
- soaking the whisker biscuit
- sobbyist
- social evil
- sociobiology
- socks appeal
- sodomant
- sodomite
- soft cadaby
- soft leg
- soft roll
- softer sex
- soiled dove
- soldier's joy
- solicitor general, the
- solitary sex
- solo flight
- Solomon
- somniphobia
- soppy
- sorting girl
- sother
- soul kiss
- soup
- sour apple quickstep
- south-end
- southern exposure
- southern pleasures
- sow one's wild oats
- spam wham
- Spanish needle
- Spanish rice
- spank the bishop
- spank the wank
- spanking lovers
- spanking the salami
- spare tire
- spark ignited
- spastic colon
- speak Low Genitalese
- spear the bearded clam
- spectrophobia
- speedster
- spend
- sperm
- sperm-sucker
- spermatophobia
- sperminator
- spew spuds
- spice of life
- spike
- spill
- spindle
- spit
- spit the seeds
- spitter
- splash shot
- spliced
- split act, the
- split belly
- split stuff
- split up
- split-mutton
- Splitsville
- spoffskins
- spoiling one's figure
- spoo
- spooge
- spoon fashion
- spooneyness
- spoons
- spoonyism
- sport goods
- sport the dairy
- sporting her blubbers
- sportsman
- spot hard breathing, a
- spouse
- sprained her ankle
- spray the porcelain
- spread eagle
- spread shot
- spreader bar
- spreading the petals
- spuds
- spunk
- spunk the monk
- Spunky
- spurt out
- square
- squashy bits
- squaw man
- squeeze and a squirt, a
- squeeze the lemon
- squeezing the creamy filter
- squeezing the weasel
- Squire of Dames
- squirt one off
- squirting the seed
- stab in the thigh
- stacked
- stadge
- stag
- stag party
- stand
- stand up job
- standing member
- star of the line
- star-gazer
- stark ballock naked
- stark naked
- start bleeding
- state of nature
- statuophilia
- steak
- steamer
- steel woolies
- steg
- stems
- step out on
- stepper
- stereotype
- stern chaser
- sticker
- stickspin
- sticky spud gun
- stiff peter
- stiff-on
- stimble
- stink hole
- stink-finger
- stinkpot
- stir a little fudge
- stir some shit
- stir the cauldron
- stirring the batter
- stoat
- stomach fetish
- stone-ache
- stonk-on
- stoop for it
- Stormy Dick
- str
- straight lay
- strain the main vein
- strain the vein
- strangle the dangle
- strangulation fetish
- strassemaedchen
- strawberry patch
- streamstown
- street of shame
- street whore
- street-tricking
- streetwalking prostitute
- stretcher
- string and nuggets
- strip
- stripster
- stripteaser
- stroke off
- stroke the dog
- stroke the slit
- stroke your ego
- stroking and poking
- stroking the lizard
- stroking the poker
- stroking the snail
- stroll
- stroll down the Cadbury canal
- stropping the mulligan
- strum the ol' banjo
- strumpet
- stub's one toe
- stud
- Studgitarius
- study astronomy
- stuffed up
- stump
- stunner
- stygiophobia
- subagitation
- succubus
- suck asshole
- suck head
- suck, fuck, tickle balls and rim
- suck-hole
- suck-up-toer
- suckstress
- sugar basin
- sugar bush
- sugar hill
- sugar stick
- suitcase
- Sunday best
- Sunday widow
- sunnyside up
- superdroopers
- sure thing
- surfing on the Milky Highway
- surgically altered
- swab the tonsils
- swallow the roe
- swallowed a watermelon seed
- swassonder
- sweater girl
- sweating phenomenon
- sweep off
- sweet charity
- sweet line
- sweet nothings
- sweet potato pie
- sweet tooth
- sweetcakes
- sweethearting
- sweetmeat
- swift baby
- swing both ways
- swing on some flivver
- swingers
- swingles
- switch
- switched-on
- swizzle stick
- sword
- swordsman
- sylph-like
- syngenesophobia
- syphilis
- syphilophobia
- S-word
- s/he
- sack chaser
- sacrifice to Venus
- saddle it
- sado-maso
- safe sex
- sagging summer squash
- sailor's cup of tea
- Saint's delight
- saleslady
- salty
- sample of sin
- sanding the banister
- Sandy McNabs
- sapphism
- sapphosadism
- sardine can
- Satanic devices
- satchel butt
- satisfy oneself
- saucers
- sausage jockey
- saveloy
- saw off a chunk
- scab
- scabiophobia
- scale
- scalp hunter
- scants
- Scarlet Harlot
- scarlet sister
- scat
- scelerophobia
- schmekel
- schnauzer shuffleboard
- schnozzola
- schtup
- schwing
- scoff
- scoop
- scope out
- scoptophobia
- score with
- scorz
- scrag
- scratch
- scratchers
- screaming bitch
- screw around
- screw the arse off
- screwed, blued, and tattooed
- scroat
- scrotal
- scrotilinctus
- scrotoplasty
- scrud
- scrunch
- scum
- scum-twat
- scunt
- scutter(s)
- se branler
- sea food
- search for Spock
- secko
- second highest duty calls, the
- second-hand article
- secret disease
- secret selfish sin
- secret vice
- see
- see company
- see one's aunt
- see the King
- seed plot
- sees
- self-abuse
- self-gratification
- self-manipulation
- self-pollution
- sell favors
- sell one's body
- sell one's favors
- selling customhouse goods
- semi-diesel
- seminal milk
- Senator Packwood
- senility
- sensitive plant
- seraglietto
- serpent
- serve head
- set
- set of pears
- set one's eyes on
- setting the oysters
- seven year itch
- sewed up
- sex
- sex aids
- sex appealing
- sex between hills
- sex cap
- sex expert
- sex hormones
- sex job
- sex lubricant
- sex number
- sex position
- sex show
- sex stuff
- sex voltage
- sex-chauvinist
- sexaholic
- sexalted
- sexcitable
- sexciting
- sexercise(s)
- sexhibitionism
- sexing piece
- sexnet
- sexology
- sexoticism
- sexperiment
- sexploiter
- sextacy
- sextortion
- sextrology
- sexual aid
- sexual appetite
- sexual bondage
- sexual communion
- sexual defilement
- sexual detrition
- sexual dimorphism
- sexual embrace
- sexual identity
- sexual knowledge
- sexual organs
- sexual preference
- sexual revolution
- sexual trocar of the male
- sexually appealing
- sexually explicit
- sexually transmitted infection
- shadow of a woman
- shaft
- shafting
- shag tags
- shaggable
- shake
- shake hands with an old friend
- shake hands with the wife's best friend
- shake the peg
- shake up
- shaking hands with Abraham Lincoln
- shaking hands with Mr. President
- shaking hands with the midget
- shaking hands with Yul Brenner
- shaking the hand of the unemployed
- shaking the snake
- shaky-shivery
- shampoo
- shanty
- share a sexual embrace
- sharpen the pencil
- shay
- she-pimp
- sheath the sword to the hilt
- shed a tear
- Sheik
- shell-like
- shelling the oyster
- Sherman tank
- shift-work
- shiksy
- shining the helmet
- shit
- shit stabber
- shit the plug
- shit-fuck
- shithouse
- shlong
- shmoya
- shoot a cat
- shoot between the fagots
- shoot bunnies
- shoot in the bush
- shoot one's batch
- shoot one's roe
- shoot ones wad
- shoot the plug
- shoot white
- shooting eyes at
- shooting hoops
- shooting stick
- shop (around)
- short arm
- short leg
- short strokes
- short-eyes
- shot at the back door, a
- shot of beaver, a
- shotgun wedding
- shouting to Huey and Ralph
- shoving a sausage up Regent Street
- show one's true colors
- shower dance
- shrimp
- shrimping
- shtoop
- shuffling the Kit-Kat
- shuttle-butt
- side dish
- sideboards
- sidewalk socialite
- siffy
- sightseer
- Silastic
- silent horror
- silky appendage
- silver spoon
- simulsex
- sin
- sin of impurity
- sin-twister
- sinfully handsome
- sing the sailor songbook
- single dingles
- singles
- sink the brown
- sink the soldier
- sinking the sausage
- siphnianize
- sisbros
- sissified
- sister of the night
- sistern
- sit for company
- sit-down job
- sitters
- sitting room
- six months gone
- six-to-nine
- sixty-nining
- size queen
- sizzler
- skank
- skeeger
- sketell
- skillet queen
- skin and blister
- skin diving
- skin game
- skin room
- skin the cat
- skin the weinie
- skinclad tube
- skinning
- skins
- skirt woman
- sklook
- skull fuck
- skunk
- slag
- slam the clam
- slamming
- slamming the salmon
- slap 'n tickle
- slap the hammer
- slapper
- slapping skins
- slapping the clown
- slapping the pud
- slate
- slatterpiece
- slave driver
- slavist
- sleep around
- sleeping beauty
- slice of damp
- slich
- slick leggins
- slime
- sling one's jelly
- slinky
- slip her one
- slip it to her
- slip-up
- slips
- slither
- slizz
- sloop of war
- slopping the hogs
- sloptimist
- slow strack
- sluice
- slut
- SM dyke
- smackers
- smacking the sausage
- small arm
- smallers
- smash the stake
- smeat
- smegma
- smeller
- smite
- smock service
- smoke
- smoking the fur
- smoodge
- smooth operator
- smouge
- smudges
- smush
- snackbar
- snake
- snake skin
- snaking
- snap the rubber
- snapping one off
- snapping the rubber
- snarfing
- snatch patch
- snatch thatch
- snedge
- sneeze in the canyon
- sniffer
- snizzling
- snoozing-ken
- snorter
- snout
- snowballing
- snuff film
- snuggle
- snuggle the nozzle
- SO
- soap
- soceraphobia
- social infection
- sociophobia
- socksy
- sodomante
- sodomize
- soft chancre
- soft nothings
- soft spot
- softest part of a woman's torso
- soiled senior citizen
- solicit
- solid waste
- solitary sin
- solo marathon
- solophobia
- son of Venus
- soror
- sothers
- soul kissing
- soup-sipper
- sourpuss
- south-of-the-border tart
- southern hemisphere
- southern romance
- sow some wild oats
- spaneria
- Spanish padlock
- Spanish Rose
- spank the carrot
- spank the wife's best friend
- spanking the bishop
- spanner
- spare tongue
- sparker
- spazz
- speak to the head
- special disease
- speed bags
- speedy sister
- spend a penny
- sperm bank
- spermapositor
- spermicidal
- spermophobia
- spew up
- spider lady
- spike-faggot
- spill water at a womans feet
- spinners
- spit bath
- spit-fuck
- spitting cobra
- splash the boots
- split
- split apricot
- split kipper
- split the blanket
- split-arse mechanic
- split-tail
- splitting the hamster
- spoil her figure
- spoiling one's shape
- spooch
- spooge gun
- spooney
- spoonies
- spoonta
- spoonyness
- sport model
- sporting girl
- sporting house
- sportsmans gap
- spot of perving
- spouse and strife
- spratz
- spraying the spectators
- spread for someone
- spread some good leather
- spreading a technicolor rainbow
- spring a leak
- spudwater
- spunk dump
- spunk up (somebody)
- spurious offspring
- spuzz receptacle
- square (someone's) circle
- squat
- squawking half
- squeeze box
- squeeze the peach
- squeezing the juice
- squelching
- squire of the placket
- squirt seed
- squirts
- stable
- stacked well up
- staff
- stag hag
- stag show
- stand a push
- stand-on
- standing room for one
- star over the garter, the
- starch
- stark ballux
- starkers
- starter marriage
- state of undress
- statutory rape
- steady
- steal a bird
- steamy
- Steely Dan
- stem
- stench trench
- step sister
- stepper-outer
- sterile
- stern job
- stick
- sticking it in and pulling it out
- sticky
- stiff
- stiff prick
- stiffening the upper lip
- sting
- stink pot
- stink-pit
- stinky
- stir chocolate
- stir someone's chocolate
- stir the stew
- stirring the yogurt
- stocking stuffer
- stompers
- stones
- stonker
- stork
- stormy weather
- straddle the paddle
- straight sex
- strain the potatoes
- straining the spaghetti
- strangle the stogie
- strap
- strawberries
- streak
- street girl
- street pimp
- street worker
- streets
- strephon
- stretching the muscle
- string bondage
- strip one's tarse
- striptease
- stroke
- stroke oneself
- stroke the lizard
- stroke the stallion
- Stroke-Ability Scale
- stroking it
- stroking the loaf
- stroking the satin-headed serpent
- stroking the squirmin' german
- stroll down Cadbury avenue
- strollop
- struck by lightning
- strumming
- strut one's stuff
- stubble
- stud mare
- studhammer
- stuff
- stuffer
- stump-jump
- stunt cock
- sub
- subby
- suck
- suck cock
- suck off
- suck-and-swallow
- suck-queen
- sucker
- suds
- sugar bowl
- sugar cookies
- sugar honey
- sugar-chaser
- summa libido
- Sunday clothes
- sunflower
- sunset years
- superdupers
- surf the crimson wave
- surfing the channel
- surphling of breasts
- swack
- swallow a sword
- swallow the worm
- swanska
- swat the twat
- sweater meat
- Swedish
- sweep off one's feet
- sweet chocolate
- sweet mama
- sweet on
- sweet rolls
- sweet young thing
- sweetest valley
- sweetie
- sweets
- swift grope
- swing club
- swinge
- swinging
- swings both ways
- switch club
- switchel
- swollen
- sword swallower
- swounds
- symbolophobia
- syntribadism
- syphilitic
- sypho
- S.A.
- S/W/F
- sack lunch
- sacrificing sperm to the god of lonely nights
- sadie and maisie
- Saepe creat molles aspera spina rosas
- safest sex
- saggy pig tits
- sailor's delight
- salacious
- Sally
- salty dog
- same gender oriented
- San Quentin quail
- sanding wood
- sanitary
- sapphist(s)
- Sarcoptes scabiei (hominis)
- sarmassophilia
- satanophobia
- satchel mouth
- sauce
- saucy
- sausage party
- saving it
- saw off a piece
- scabbado
- scabs
- scalloped potatoes
- scamming
- scar-crossed prunes
- scarlet lady
- scarlet woman
- scatophiliac
- schamlzy
- schmo(e)
- schnitzel
- schnozztrils
- schwantz
- sciaphobia
- scolds bridle
- scoops
- scoping
- scorcher
- scorekeeper
- Scotch screw
- scrape
- scratch the crack
- scratching the itch
- screaming queen
- screw off
- screw the ass off
- screwed, jewed and tattooed
- scrog
- scrotal sac
- scrotilingus
- scrotum
- scrump
- scuff the muff
- scum bag
- scumber
- scupper
- scuttle
- se crosser
- sea food dinner
- seat (of the pants)
- second base
- second hole from the back of the neck
- second-hand dartboart
- secret handshake
- secret services
- secret works
- see a dog about a man
- see if the baby's home
- see one's auntie
- see you next Tuesday
- seeing-to
- segoonya
- self-cannibalism
- self-induced penile regurgitation
- self-mutilation
- self-relief
- sell one's ass
- sell one's butt
- sell one's flesh
- semen
- semiglobes
- seminal spurt
- send out the troops
- senoreater
- sensitive spot
- seraglio
- serpent socket
- service
- set eyes on
- set of pipes
- set one's heart on
- settle down
- seventy-eight
- sewer
- sex abolitionist
- sex and reproductive organs
- sex appealitty
- sex between mountains
- sex care provider
- sex for one
- sex icon
- sex kitten
- sex machine
- sex object
- sex pot
- sex skin
- sex symbol
- sex wagon
- sex-linked
- sexaholism
- sexarche
- sexcite
- sexed
- sexhausted
- sexhilarating
- sexism
- sexo
- sexophobia
- sexperience
- sexperimenter
- sexploration
- sextainment
- sextortioner
- sexual aberration
- sexual analism
- sexual asphyxia
- sexual charge
- sexual concourse
- sexual defluvium
- sexual deviance
- sexual discharge
- sexual fulfillment
- sexual inappetence
- sexual liaison
- sexual orgasm
- sexual relations
- sexual secretions
- sexual union
- sexually arousing
- sexually focused chronologically gifted individual
- sexualogy
- shack job
- shadrack
- shaft in the bum
- shag
- shag your lugs off
- shagging
- shake a sock
- shake hands with old Mend
- shake it up
- shake the sheets
- shakers
- shaking hands with Jack Mcnasty
- shaking hands with Shorty
- shaking hands with the unemployed
- shaking the bottle
- shaking the sauce
- shaking your (own) maracas
- shame of shames
- shank
- shapely
- share bed and board
- shatter the seal
- she-bop
- she-thing
- Sheba
- sheep's eyes
- Sheila
- shell-out
- sheltering under the pink umbrella
- sherry flips
- shifting gears
- shimmies
- shining the pole
- shit jacket
- shit stabbing
- shit-box
- shit-hole
- shithouse poet
- shmendrik
- shmuck
- shoot a lion
- shoot between wind and water
- shoot downstairs
- shoot in the tail
- shoot one's cocoa
- shoot ones cookies
- shoot over the stubble
- shoot the star
- shoot your load
- shooting flies
- shooting iron
- shooting tadpoles at the moon
- shop door
- short eyeballs
- short one
- short timer
- short-heeled wench
- shot at the front door
- shot up the straight
- shoulder boulders
- shove
- shoving it into the Lincoln Tunnel
- showboat
- showering in a raincoat
- shrimp job
- shriveller
- shtup
- shunamitism
- Si vis amari, ama
- side-by-side position
- siderophobia
- Sidewalk Suzie
- siftless
- sigma phi
- silent beard
- silent mouth
- silly about
- simonizer
- simulsexual
- sin bin
- Sin of Sodom
- sinbad
- sing a rainbow
- sing to the sink
- single man
- singles bar
- sink the pink
- sink the sub
- sinking the sub
- Sir Anthony Blunt
- siss
- sissy
- sister-in-law
- sisters of the bank
- sit on a face
- sit-me-down
- sitting on it
- situational homosexuality
- Six-o-Six
- sixty-nine
- Sixty-Ninth Street Bridge
- size-ist
- sizzlers
- skankskeever
- skeet shooting
- skewer
- skillful skull
- skin boy
- skin dog
- skin head
- skin sacks
- skin the live rabbit
- skin-chasing
- skincoat
- Skinny rubbing
- skinz
- skirt-chaser
- skroging
- skull job
- sky-clad
- slaking the bacon
- slam the ham
- slamming the ham
- slamming the spam
- slap and tickle
- slap the little head
- slapping high fives with Yul Brynner
- slapping the big-nosed rasta man
- slapping the donkey
- slapping the purple headed yogurt pistol
- slate bowl
- slaughter house
- slavemaster
- slaying the one-eyed monster
- sleep together
- sleeping partner
- slice of life
- slick abuse
- slicker
- slime-hole
- sling one's juice
- slip a length
- slip in
- slip one a hot beef injection
- slippery slued
- slit
- slithery
- slob the knob
- slop-chute
- sloppy bot
- slot
- slowie
- sluice box
- slut butter
- smack
- smacking the clam
- smacking the weasel
- small person
- smallest room
- smasher
- smeg
- smell the place up
- smelly pussy
- smitten
- smockage
- smoke the beef
- smoo
- smooge
- smoothie
- smucking
- smug
- smut
- snackpack
- snake charmer
- snake venom
- Snaky-Lick Trick
- snap-on (tool)
- snapping pussy
- snapping the twig
- snatch
- snatch peddler
- snatch-blatch
- sneeky peeks
- sneezer
- snipped
- snog
- snorbs
- snot
- snow bunny
- snowdropping
- snuff movie
- snuggle bunny
- snuggling-ken
- so busy Ive had to put a man on to help
- sob
- social dandruff
- social phobia
- sock
- sod
- sodomee
- sodomy
- soft furry mound of love
- soft on
- soft-core
- softy
- soixante-neuf
- solicit someone
- solids
- solitary vice
- solo sex
- sombrero
- Song of Solomon
- sororal
- sotadism
- sotto voce affair
- soul roll
- soupbone
- south pole
- southern belle
- southern love
- southern seduction
- spackling the ceiling
- Spanish fly
- Spanish pip
- Spanish tummy
- spank the hangdown
- spanking cheetah
- spanking the frank
- spanogyny
- spare tyre
- sparking
- speak French
- spear
- Special K
- speed bumps
- spelunking
- spend the night with
- sperm canal
- spermatic juice
- spermicidal latex condom
- spew
- spheres
- spiffy
- spiked phallus
- spinach queen
- spintra
- spit one off
- spit-polishing the purple helmet
- splash
- splat your fat
- split a kipper
- split arse
- split some buns
- split the cup
- split-ass
- splitment
- splooch
- spoil her shape
- spoke-box
- spooey
- spooged
- spooney for
- spooniness
- spoony
- spooters
- sport of the masses
- sporting girl's manager
- sporting some wood
- sportsmans hole
- spot the nuptial bed
- spout
- sprauncy
- spread
- spread one's ass
- spread your legs
- spreading the folds
- springer
- spuff
- spunk factories
- spunk-pot
- spurm gun
- spy queen
- square up
- squatter
- squealer
- squeeze it off
- squeezing the cheese
- squeezing the lemon
- squelchy monkey
- squirrel
- squirt-n-spurt
- squitters
- stable boss
- stacking the deck
- staff meeting
- stag mag
- stalk
- stand up and cheer
- standard
- stank
- star's dressing chamber
- stare
- stark bone naked
- starko
- starved for
- state prostitution
- staurophobia
- steady date
- steam someone up
- steatopygia
- steer joint
- stem siren
- step around
- step-out-oner
- stepping out
- stern
- sterner sex
- stick and bangers
- stickman
- sticky finger
- stiff deity
- stiff stander
- stiffy
- stinger
- stink well
- stinkers bridge
- stinky-finger
- stir fudge
- stir someone's fudge
- stir the yogurt
- stitch
- Stoke-on-Trent
- stone butch
- Stonewall Uprising, The
- stonkers
- storked
- stout warrior
- straight
- straight shot
- strain the spuds
- strangioso
- strangle Yoda
- strap-on dildo
- strawberry
- streaking
- street hustler
- street trick
- street-meat
- streetwalker
- stretch leather
- strike out
- String of Pearls
- stripper
- striptease artist
- stroke book
- stroke the beef
- stroke the poker
- stroke the string
- strokem your scrotum
- stroking off
- stroking the mole
- stroking the schlong
- stroking the twinkie
- stroll down Cadbury canal
- strop one's beak
- struggle and strife
- strumming the banjo
- stu
- stubs
- stud meat
- studies that contemplate nature
- stuff a turkey
- stuffing
- Stumpy
- stup
- sub-deb
- sublimation
- suck a bondini
- suck dry
- suck the sugar stick
- suck-ass
- suck-sucker
- suckers
- suedehead
- sugar bowl pie
- sugar daddy
- sugar papa
- sugar-cookie
- summon the genie
- Sunday face
- sunkist queen
- super J
- supper-jet
- surf the wet
- surfing the crimson wave
- surrogate mother
- swaffonder
- swallow a watermelon seed
- swallow-cock
- swap spit
- sweat hog
- sweater treats
- Swedish arts
- sweep out the chimney
- sweet death
- sweet man
- sweet papa
- sweet slide, the
- sweet-hot
- sweetheart
- sweetie pie
- swelling
- swiftie
- swing low
- swinger
- swinging single
- swish
- switch-hitter
- swive
- Swollen Bite
- swordfighting
- swyve
- symmetrophobia
- syntribate
- syphilitic acne
- syphon off