Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

screw around:

1. To idle about aimlessly, to waste-time . To have-fun when one should be working.

2. To cheat on one's spouse or lover .

3. To be promiscuous , to search promiscuously for sexual partners, or to engage in indiscriminate sexual activity.
Synonyms: cat-around ; chippy-around ; fan-one's-ass ; fan-one's-pussy ; fart-around ; fool around; fuck-around ; fuzz-around ; go-wenching ; go-womanizing ; horse-around ; hump-'em-and-dump-'em ; jack-around ; jazz-around ; mess-about / around; monkey-about ; muck-around ; perv-about / around; philander ; plant some (wild) oats; play around; play-games-with ; play-the-field ; play-checkers ; put-it-about ; scutz-around ; shoot-the-thrills; sleep-around ; sow-one's-wild-oats ; tomcat ; tomcating ; tramp ; whore .

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