Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter O
- O
- O.P.P.
- obelisk
- observing holy week
- ocean pearl
- oculii
- oecophobia
- off
- off-color
- offspring of adultery
- ogles
- oiled
- okole-mas
- old baldy
- old blind Bob
- Old Damocles
- old faceful
- old fashioned look
- Old Frizzle
- old hat
- old in and out, the
- old lady five fingers
- old one-two, the
- old rip
- old thing
- oldest profession
- olisbos
- ommetaphobia
- omnisexual
- on one's way
- on the batter
- on the bones
- on the fence
- on the hip
- on the loose
- on the plug
- on the razzle
- on the snake
- on the town
- on-premise swing club
- onanism
- one and only
- one gun salute
- one in the oven
- one of Mrs. Warren's girl
- one of those
- one with the other
- one's weakness
- one-eye(d)
- one-eyed monk
- one-eyed trouser snake
- one-eyed worm
- one-night stand
- one-two
- oneirophobia
- onliest
- oomlaaters
- open C
- open ones bowels
- open well
- opening
- opposite sex
- oracular portcullis
- oral coitus
- oral genitalism
- oral service
- oral titillation
- oralism
- orbit
- Orchard of the Hesperides
- orchids
- organ grinder
- organic output
- organum virile
- orgasm chasm
- ornaments
- oscar
- oscillating the Oscar Meyer
- osculatory
- osphresiophobia
- other, the
- Our lady of the vapor(s)
- out of commission
- outed
- outercourse
- oven
- over the shoulder(s)
- overnight bag
- owl
- oyster
- O-ring
- oak tree
- obesophobia
- obstetrician
- ocean pinking
- odour colone
- oeillade
- off duty
- office bike
- ogle
- oikophobia
- oiling the glove
- okra and prunes
- old ball game
- old bubble
- old dirt road
- Old Faithful
- old fashioned way
- old girl
- old hen
- old in-out, the
- old man
- old patrol
- old slap and tickle
- old timer
- oldest trade
- Omar the tentmaker
- Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori
- on
- on the back
- on the battle
- on the bonk
- on the game
- on the honk
- on the make
- on the prod
- on the saddle
- on the stand
- on the turf
- Onan's Olympics
- onanist
- one and t'other
- one hand clapping
- one man show
- one of the boys
- one off the wrist
- one's everything
- one-2-one
- one-eyed Bob
- one-eyed monster
- one-eyed whale
- one-eyed zipper snake
- one-nighter
- one-way
- onery house
- only have eyes for
- oomph
- open charms
- open up
- open wound
- Ophelia
- optic
- oragenital sex
- oral copulation
- oral herpes
- oral sex
- oral-anal sex
- orality
- orbits
- orchestra stalls
- orectic
- organ of generation
- organs of generation
- organum virile durum
- orgasmus praecox
- orogenital sex
- Oscar Meyer
- oscula me
- osmolagnia
- other half
- ouranophobia
- out of order
- outer labia
- outlaw
- over head and heels (in love)
- over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder
- oversexed
- ownio
- oyster stew
- O.A.O.
- oat bin
- object of one's affection
- occupational hazard
- octoroon
- odynephobia
- of classic proportions
- off games
- office pump
- ogler
- oil change
- oiling the pogo stick
- Old Adam
- old bat
- old codger
- old dose
- Old Faithless
- old firm
- old goat
- Old Hornington
- old ladies homes
- old noose
- old pot
- Old Slimy
- old warty cod
- oldster
- ombrophobia
- omnibus
- on fire over
- on the bash
- on the blob
- on the bottle
- on the grind
- on the jamrag
- on the nest
- on the prowl
- on the shallows
- on the street(s)
- on the waterslide
- onanera
- onanistic
- one and two
- one handed clapping
- one man tug-o-war
- one of the Burlap sisters
- one on the way
- one's own
- one-arm driver
- one-eyed brother
- one-eyed pants mouse
- one-eyed wonder
- one-legged race
- one-on-one booth
- one-way girl
- onicker
- oogle
- oomph girl
- open marriage
- open up someone's ass
- open your legs
- ophidiophobia
- optophobia
- oragenitalism
- oral copulation (of the penis)
- oral intercourse
- oral specialist
- oral-erotic
- oranges
- orbs
- orchid eater
- Oreo cookie
- organ of reproduction
- organs of reproduction
- organum virile erectum
- orgy room
- orogenitalism
- oscarize
- osculate
- osmophobia
- other parts
- out
- out-call
- outer lips (of the vagina)
- outlaw broads
- over the hill
- overblaaters
- oviduct
- ox drapes
- oyster-catcher
- O.O
- obscene phone calling
- occupying-house
- oculars
- odynophobia
- of mature years
- off the roof
- offshore drilling
- oglers
- oil of man
- ointment
- old and bitter
- old battle-axe
- old crank case
- old Dutch
- old fashioned
- old flame
- old goat-peter
- Old Horny
- old lady
- old one-eye
- old queen
- old stuff, the
- old woman
- olfactophobia
- ommatophobia
- omnigendered
- on one's back
- on the bat
- on the block
- on the business
- on the hill
- on the job
- on the pavement
- on the rag
- on the side
- on the stroll
- on the white cotton horse
- onania
- oncer
- one cheek sneak
- one in the box
- one minute fuck
- one of the knights
- one that bite
- one's person
- one-eye target practice
- one-eyed demon
- one-eyed snake
- one-eyed wonder worm
- one-man band
- one-stick drum improvisation
- oneirogmophobia
- onion skin
- Oom Paul
- open one's legs
- open up the ass
- open-ass
- ophthalmophobia
- oracle
- oral Annie
- oral eroticism
- oral job
- oral stimulation
- oral-genital sex
- oranilinctus
- orbs of snow
- orchidectomy
- organ
- organ recital
- organs of the reproductive system
- orgasm
- Oriental Love Beads
- orolabial stimulation
- oscarizing
- osculation
- osphresiophilia
- other woman, the
- ottomans
- out of circulation
- out-call service
- outer vulvar lips
- outside sexual contact
- over the mountain
- overcoat
- ovum
- oxford pumps
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter O
- O
- O.P.P.
- obelisk
- observing holy week
- ocean pearl
- oculii
- oecophobia
- off
- off-color
- offspring of adultery
- ogles
- oiled
- okole-mas
- old baldy
- old blind Bob
- Old Damocles
- old faceful
- old fashioned look
- Old Frizzle
- old hat
- old in and out, the
- old lady five fingers
- old one-two, the
- old rip
- old thing
- oldest profession
- olisbos
- ommetaphobia
- omnisexual
- on one's way
- on the batter
- on the bones
- on the fence
- on the hip
- on the loose
- on the plug
- on the razzle
- on the snake
- on the town
- on-premise swing club
- onanism
- one and only
- one gun salute
- one in the oven
- one of Mrs. Warren's girl
- one of those
- one with the other
- one's weakness
- one-eye(d)
- one-eyed monk
- one-eyed trouser snake
- one-eyed worm
- one-night stand
- one-two
- oneirophobia
- onliest
- oomlaaters
- open C
- open ones bowels
- open well
- opening
- opposite sex
- oracular portcullis
- oral coitus
- oral genitalism
- oral service
- oral titillation
- oralism
- orbit
- Orchard of the Hesperides
- orchids
- organ grinder
- organic output
- organum virile
- orgasm chasm
- ornaments
- oscar
- oscillating the Oscar Meyer
- osculatory
- osphresiophobia
- other, the
- Our lady of the vapor(s)
- out of commission
- outed
- outercourse
- oven
- over the shoulder(s)
- overnight bag
- owl
- oyster
- O-ring
- oak tree
- obesophobia
- obstetrician
- ocean pinking
- odour colone
- oeillade
- off duty
- office bike
- ogle
- oikophobia
- oiling the glove
- okra and prunes
- old ball game
- old bubble
- old dirt road
- Old Faithful
- old fashioned way
- old girl
- old hen
- old in-out, the
- old man
- old patrol
- old slap and tickle
- old timer
- oldest trade
- Omar the tentmaker
- Omnia vincit amor; et nos cedamus amori
- on
- on the back
- on the battle
- on the bonk
- on the game
- on the honk
- on the make
- on the prod
- on the saddle
- on the stand
- on the turf
- Onan's Olympics
- onanist
- one and t'other
- one hand clapping
- one man show
- one of the boys
- one off the wrist
- one's everything
- one-2-one
- one-eyed Bob
- one-eyed monster
- one-eyed whale
- one-eyed zipper snake
- one-nighter
- one-way
- onery house
- only have eyes for
- oomph
- open charms
- open up
- open wound
- Ophelia
- optic
- oragenital sex
- oral copulation
- oral herpes
- oral sex
- oral-anal sex
- orality
- orbits
- orchestra stalls
- orectic
- organ of generation
- organs of generation
- organum virile durum
- orgasmus praecox
- orogenital sex
- Oscar Meyer
- oscula me
- osmolagnia
- other half
- ouranophobia
- out of order
- outer labia
- outlaw
- over head and heels (in love)
- over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder
- oversexed
- ownio
- oyster stew
- O.A.O.
- oat bin
- object of one's affection
- occupational hazard
- octoroon
- odynephobia
- of classic proportions
- off games
- office pump
- ogler
- oil change
- oiling the pogo stick
- Old Adam
- old bat
- old codger
- old dose
- Old Faithless
- old firm
- old goat
- Old Hornington
- old ladies homes
- old noose
- old pot
- Old Slimy
- old warty cod
- oldster
- ombrophobia
- omnibus
- on fire over
- on the bash
- on the blob
- on the bottle
- on the grind
- on the jamrag
- on the nest
- on the prowl
- on the shallows
- on the street(s)
- on the waterslide
- onanera
- onanistic
- one and two
- one handed clapping
- one man tug-o-war
- one of the Burlap sisters
- one on the way
- one's own
- one-arm driver
- one-eyed brother
- one-eyed pants mouse
- one-eyed wonder
- one-legged race
- one-on-one booth
- one-way girl
- onicker
- oogle
- oomph girl
- open marriage
- open up someone's ass
- open your legs
- ophidiophobia
- optophobia
- oragenitalism
- oral copulation (of the penis)
- oral intercourse
- oral specialist
- oral-erotic
- oranges
- orbs
- orchid eater
- Oreo cookie
- organ of reproduction
- organs of reproduction
- organum virile erectum
- orgy room
- orogenitalism
- oscarize
- osculate
- osmophobia
- other parts
- out
- out-call
- outer lips (of the vagina)
- outlaw broads
- over the hill
- overblaaters
- oviduct
- ox drapes
- oyster-catcher
- O.O
- obscene phone calling
- occupying-house
- oculars
- odynophobia
- of mature years
- off the roof
- offshore drilling
- oglers
- oil of man
- ointment
- old and bitter
- old battle-axe
- old crank case
- old Dutch
- old fashioned
- old flame
- old goat-peter
- Old Horny
- old lady
- old one-eye
- old queen
- old stuff, the
- old woman
- olfactophobia
- ommatophobia
- omnigendered
- on one's back
- on the bat
- on the block
- on the business
- on the hill
- on the job
- on the pavement
- on the rag
- on the side
- on the stroll
- on the white cotton horse
- onania
- oncer
- one cheek sneak
- one in the box
- one minute fuck
- one of the knights
- one that bite
- one's person
- one-eye target practice
- one-eyed demon
- one-eyed snake
- one-eyed wonder worm
- one-man band
- one-stick drum improvisation
- oneirogmophobia
- onion skin
- Oom Paul
- open one's legs
- open up the ass
- open-ass
- ophthalmophobia
- oracle
- oral Annie
- oral eroticism
- oral job
- oral stimulation
- oral-genital sex
- oranilinctus
- orbs of snow
- orchidectomy
- organ
- organ recital
- organs of the reproductive system
- orgasm
- Oriental Love Beads
- orolabial stimulation
- oscarizing
- osculation
- osphresiophilia
- other woman, the
- ottomans
- out of circulation
- out-call service
- outer vulvar lips
- outside sexual contact
- over the mountain
- overcoat
- ovum
- oxford pumps