Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter C
- C
- C and B torture
- C-food
- c-word
- C.R.
- C/S
- cab-moll
- cabbage field
- cable tie
- cacavalence
- cack-broad
- cacocallia
- cacophallic
- cadabies
- Cadbury cul-de-sac
- cafe au lait
- cage
- caithouse
- cake boy
- cake-shop
- calico queen
- caligynephobia
- call Earl
- call girl
- call it a day
- Call Ripley!
- callibombe
- callicolpos
- callimastian
- calliphallic
- callipygette
- callisural
- Calvins
- camel complaint
- camels foot
- camp
- camp bitch
- camp it off
- camp something up
- campfire girl
- can
- can travel
- canary
- cancerphobia
- candle
- candlesticking
- candy pants
- candy-leg
- canine interest(s)
- canned fruit
- cannibal
- canoe inspection
- canoodler
- cantaloupes
- Cantonese groin
- cap
- Cape of Good Hope
- capnolagnia
- capote anglaise
- caprification
- Captain Cheddar
- Captain Hogseye
- Captain Picard
- captive penis
- car whore
- carcinomatophobia
- cardigan
- career boy
- carezza
- carnal
- carnal desire
- carnal part
- carnal trap
- carnival knowledge
- carpe diem
- carpet munching
- carrot head
- carry a big stick
- carry a torch
- carry on
- carry-me-down
- carrying all before her
- carrying the bass drum
- cartes
- Carvel's ring
- Casanova
- case keeper
- case with
- cash and carried
- casigamy marriage
- Caspar Milquetoast
- cast one's pellet
- cast-off
- castrato
- cat
- cat flaps
- cat house detail
- cat-fight
- cat-party
- catamenial discharge
- catapygon
- catch a bird
- catch an oyster
- catch someone's eye
- catchable
- Cateracts of the Nile
- catheterophila
- catmeat
- catsmeat
- cattle
- caudate
- caught the scent
- caulk
- cavault
- cave
- cavity probe
- cedar burp
- celibacy
- cement mixer
- center of bliss
- center spot
- central office
- cervical hostility
- CG
- chaetophobia
- chain gang
- chalky farm
- chamber lye
- champagne trick
- chancroid
- change over
- chanticleer
- charactronym
- charge the rod
- charity girl
- Charley
- Charlie Hunt
- charm the cobra
- charming the snake
- charvering donna
- chase the cotton mouse
- chassis
- chat
- chatts
- chauvering
- chaver
- cheat the census
- cheating
- check the oil
- checking the foxhole
- cheek
- cheek-climber
- Cheeks of Cunnyborough
- cheese factory
- cheeser
- cheesy
- cheggers
- cheiloproclitic
- chemise
- cherish
- cherry ace
- cherry flip
- cherry is in sherry
- cherry pit
- cherry top
- cherry-topped sundaes
- chest and bedding
- chest puppies
- chestnuts
- chew ass
- chew someones ass out
- chew the slough
- chi-mo
- chic sale
- chichitas
- chick with dick
- chick-pic
- chicken butcher
- chicken hawk
- chicken kisser
- chicken neck
- chicken pox
- chicken snatchitori
- chicken-choker
- chicken-house
- chicken-milking
- chicken-with-a-basket
- chiclet
- child abuser
- child pornography
- Childing
- Chili pimp
- Chilly
- chimney-stopper
- china
- Chinese fashion
- chingus
- chip the lips
- chippie joint
- chippy on
- chips
- chirper
- chitty
- chloroform
- chocha
- chocolate bunny
- chocolate drop
- chocolate lover
- chocolate starfish
- chode
- choke the bad guy
- choker
- choking the bald guy until he pukes
- chones
- chooza
- chopped cock
- chopping
- chorus girl
- chrematisophilia
- christacrutchian
- christening
- Christmas crackers
- chrometophobia
- chronologically gifted
- chubblies
- chuberteens
- chuck a slob
- chuck up
- chudini
- chuff
- chuftie
- chulo
- chummy
- chunder loo
- chunk of lead
- chuppah
- churn
- churning the butter
- chut
- chymocunnia
- cinch
- cinema XXX
- cinnamon stick
- circle fuck
- circulus venosus of Haller
- circus
- cissy
- clack
- claff
- clam bake for one
- clam jousting
- clam trap
- clamping the pipe
- clap trap
- clapometer
- clappy
- Clarence Coon
- classy chassis
- clava
- clean queen
- clean up the kitchen
- cleaning the rifle
- clearing the snorkel
- cleft
- cleithrophobia
- clicket
- climb
- cliner
- Clint Toris
- clipped in the ring
- clit clot
- clit hopper
- clit twit
- clitoridectomy
- clitoromania
- clitty
- clobbering the kleenex
- clockers
- closed door
- closet case
- closet name
- closet swinger
- cloth
- clothespin
- cloven stamp of female distinction
- clowt
- club sandwich
- clubhouse
- clunes
- cluster-fuck
- cnemoscopy
- coachman on the box
- coat hangers
- cobbler's stall
- cobs
- cock a leg
- cock and ball torture
- cock block
- cock corpsman
- cock harness
- cock in her eye
- cock loft
- cock of the walk
- cock sock
- cock suckstress
- cock vomit
- cock-a-whoop
- cock-chafer
- cock-lover
- cock-pluck
- cock-strong
- cock-tail
- cock-teasing
- cockaroony
- cockeater
- cocker
- cockhound
- cockles
- cockring
- cocksmith
- cocksucker
- cocktail
- cocktus erectus
- cocky
- coco-shunter
- cocotte
- coddy-moddy
- codpiece
- coffee shop
- cognoscenti
- cohabitation
- coit
- coital orgasm
- coitant
- coitobalnism
- coiture
- coitus a mammilla
- coitus abstentia
- coitus ante portas
- coitus diurnus
- coitus in ano
- coitus in os
- coitus innuptus
- coitus interfemoris
- coitus legitimus
- coitus nocturnus
- coitus per anum
- coitus profundus
- coitus siccus
- coitus usitatus
- coitus vetitus
- coke fuck
- cold
- cold in the dong
- cold sex
- collar
- collar-and-tie
- college fuck
- colobosis
- colonel sanders heimleich maneuver
- colp-
- colpismus
- colpoheterophrenia
- colpopetia
- Colt's tooth
- Colwyn Bay
- combo, a
- come across
- come clean
- come off
- come ones fat
- come out to oneself
- come through the front door
- come-by-chance
- come-fuck-me's
- come-juice
- come-up-and-see-me-sometime look
- comfort room
- comfortable importance
- coming into your own
- coming out of the closet
- coming wench
- commasculation
- commercial phone sex
- commercial trade
- commit to someone
- Common Garden
- common sewer
- common-law husband
- commoner
- community chest
- company girl(s)
- compulsive cruising
- con amore
- conchita
- concrete womb
- concupiscencia
- concurrent climax
- condom earring
- condyloma (acuminata)
- confused
- conjugal
- conjugal relations
- conk
- Connie Lingus
- connubium
- consolateur
- constitution
- consummate a marriage
- continental shot
- contraceptive cap
- contrary sex
- contrectophilia
- controsexual
- Convent Garden
- convertible
- cooch
- cook book
- cook your nookie
- cookie crumbs
- cool
- coops
- cooz(e)
- cop a bird
- cop a doodle
- cop a joint
- cop off with
- copping
- coprastasophobia
- coprolalomania
- coprophagy
- coprophobia
- copula fornicatoria
- copulation
- coquette
- core gender identity
- corinth
- corking
- corn on the cob
- corned beef inspector
- cornhole palace
- cornputer sex
- corona radiata
- corporal arts
- corporeal
- corralling the tadpoles
- corvus
- cosh-carrier
- cottage
- cotton
- cotton pony
- couch audition
- cough cabbage water
- countering cunts
- country marriage
- couple
- couple with
- coupling bat
- courtesan
- courting cream
- Covent Garden abbess
- cover
- covers the waterfront
- covey
- cow yard
- cow-pad
- cowboy drag
- coxinutant
- cozy drop
- crab tease
- crack a cherry
- crack a fat (one)
- crack a teacup
- crack it
- crack one's face
- crack the belly
- crack-a-boo
- cracked on
- cracker ass
- cracking nuts
- crackish
- cradle-custard
- cram
- cranberry dip
- crank the cream separator
- crank the shank
- cranny
- crapola
- crash the breast fleet
- cratolagnia
- cream
- cream jug
- cream one's knickers
- cream your corn
- creamie
- crease
- credentials
- creep-joint
- cremaster muscle
- cremie, a
- crepitus
- crew-cut queen
- cribbage face
- crime of passion
- crimping the wire
- crimson wave
- Crisco cottage
- crone
- croopers
- croshabelle
- cross-dressing
- crossing the great divide
- crotch
- crotch crickets
- crotch rope
- crotch-grabber
- crow
- crown
- crown the king
- cruise for trade
- cruisy
- crumpet-trumpet
- crura
- crurormia
- crush
- crust
- cryophobia
- crystallophobia
- CT
- cuckold
- cuckoo over
- cucumber queen
- cuddle birds
- cuddler
- cue-ball
- cuff the carrot
- cuffs
- cull
- cully-shangy
- cultures
- cum dodger
- cum laude
- cum sponge
- cum-freak
- cundum
- cunnicle
- cunnilalia
- cunnilinctor
- cunnilingham
- cunnilinguant
- cunnilingus
- cunning linguistics
- cunnotage
- cunny-haunted
- cunt carpet
- cunt face
- cunt head
- cunt lapping
- cunt pie
- cunt torture
- cunt-stand
- cunt-sucker
- cunt-warren
- cuntino filet with white sauce
- cuntmobile
- cunty
- Cupid
- Cupid's arbour
- Cupid's cloister
- Cupid's sting
- cupidinous
- Cupids ring
- curb crawling
- cure the blind
- curls
- curse of Eve, the
- curtain drop
- curtezan
- cush
- custard cannon
- cut
- cut a slice of the joint
- cut loose
- cut out to be a gentleman
- cut the cheese
- cute number
- cutie
- cutting a slice
- cyberfeminism
- cybersex
- cyesis
- cymophobia
- Cyprian arbour
- cypridophobia
- cyprinophobia
- C & B bondage
- C section
- C-girl
- C.A.T.
- C.S.
- CA
- cabareting
- cabbage garden
- cabmans rests
- cachanca
- cackle
- cacoethes
- cacophobia
- Cadbury alley
- Cadburys canal cruiser
- cafe curtains
- cainophobia
- cajole
- cake hole
- cakes
- Califia
- calk
- call flat
- call house
- call it quits
- Call wardrobe!
- callicacia
- callicunnate
- calling all cum
- calliphallus
- callipygian
- callitrichous
- Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
- camel night
- camels toes
- camp about
- camp culture
- camp it up
- camp walk
- camping
- can entertain
- Can you insert a Tampax?
- canasta
- Candida albicans
- candle wax torture
- candy
- candy stick
- candy-maker
- caning
- canned goods
- cannibalism
- canoe inspector
- canoodlers
- cantankerous
- Canuck
- cap and blow
- capello
- capon
- capricious
- Caprihorny
- Captain Hard
- captain is at home
- Captain Standish
- captivity
- car-hop
- carcinomophobia
- cardinal has come, the
- caress
- caritas
- carnal abuse
- carnal engagement
- carnal parts
- carnalism
- carnivorous canary
- carpenters dream
- carpopedal spasm
- carrot top
- carry a bundle
- carry flaming embers for
- carry on like a mad Watoo
- carry-out rape
- carrying on
- carrying the flag
- carts
- carving knife
- Casanovas rubber sock
- case of spoons, a
- caseo
- Cash Flagg
- casimeria
- cassock
- cast sheep's eyes
- casting couch
- Castro clone
- cat and kitties
- cat flat
- cat rig
- cat-fighting
- catagelophobia
- catamenial state
- catasexuality
- catch a buzz
- catch colt
- catch something
- catcher
- caterwauling
- cathouse bird
- catoptrophobia
- catso
- cattle truck
- caught between the pointers and setters
- caught with his pants down
- cause of causes
- cavaulter
- cave man
- CB
- CDer
- cedarchest sissy
- celibate
- cenophobia
- center of desire
- centerfold
- centric part
- cervicitis
- chafer
- chain sex
- chalubbies
- chamber of commerce
- chance child
- change machine
- change purse
- chapel hat pegs
- charcoal blossom
- charger
- charity moll
- Charley Hunt
- Charlie Ronce
- charm the serpent
- charms
- chase pussy
- chased but chaste
- chaste
- chat down
- chatty cathy
- chauvering donna
- cheap
- cheat the meat
- chebs
- check the plumbing
- checking the oil
- cheek bite
- cheek-clinger
- cheeks-spreader
- cheese ridge
- cheesey bunnet
- cheesy bell-end
- cheilocunnidipity
- cheimaphobia
- chemise cagoule
- cherophobia
- cherry birch
- cherry girl
- cherry pick
- cherry pudding
- cherry-merry
- cherrylets
- chest bunnies
- chest surgery
- chesty
- chew foreskin
- chew the fat
- chewers
- chian
- Chicago Society for Human Rights
- chick
- chick with stick
- chickabiddy
- chicken crotchetory
- chicken head
- chicken lips
- chicken pass
- chicken queen
- chicken thief
- chicken-coop
- chicken-little
- chicken-of-the-sea
- chickie
- Chief Boot Knocka
- child molester
- child pornography laws
- Chile Bean
- Chili-eater
- Chimaropia
- Chin Dildo
- china closet
- Chinese Love Beads
- chink
- chipmunk
- chipping wood
- chippy-chaser
- Chirambault-Kandinsky syndrome
- chiselette
- chitty-faced
- choad
- chochito
- chocolate buttonhole
- chocolate eye
- chocolate lumberjack
- chocolate starfish collector
- choice
- choke the chicken
- chokeressa
- choking the chipmunk
- chong your schlong
- choozies
- chopped liver
- chora
- chossel
- chrematophobia
- christen the yak
- Christian disease
- chromatophobia
- chromo
- chronophilia
- chubby
- chubs
- chuck a tread
- chuckies
- chudleighs
- chuff box
- chuftie plug
- chum
- chump
- chundini
- chunk of meat
- church
- churn the butter
- churning the cream
- chutney ferret
- cicatrization
- Cinderella
- cinemarotic
- circadian rhythm
- circle jerk
- circulus vitiosus
- circus love
- City-Halled
- clack box
- clagnuts
- clam dive
- clam lapping
- clamming the engram
- clap eyes on
- clap with one hand
- clapped-up
- clapster
- clart
- classy pair
- clean
- clean sex
- cleaned
- cleaning the storm-drains
- cleat
- cleft of flesh
- click
- client
- climb trees to get away from it
- clinkers
- clip
- clit
- clit club
- clit licker
- clitoral
- clitorilingus
- clitoromegaly
- clitus lickus
- clock
- clodge
- closed marriage
- closet dyke
- closet queen
- closet, the
- clothes pegs
- clothespin torture
- clover field
- club
- clubbed foot
- clucked
- clunicentric
- cluster-fuck party
- CO
- coal burner
- coating prince william sound with love oil
- cobblers
- cocattish
- cock alley
- cock bath
- cock buster
- cock diesel
- cock hoist
- Cock Inn
- cock mouth gag
- cock paste
- cock something up
- cock the cannon
- cock whoop
- cock-and-bull
- cock-eater
- cock-on
- cock-rot
- cock-suckerish
- cock-tax
- cock-wagon
- cockatrice
- cocked
- cockfest
- cockish
- cockoroony
- cockroach
- cocksmoker
- cocksucker red
- cocktease
- cockwash
- cockyolly bird
- cocoa butter
- code brown
- cods
- coffee stalls
- cogs
- coil a shamski
- coital
- coital position
- coitante
- coitolimia
- coitus
- coitus a posteriori
- coitus acceptus
- coitus bacchicus
- coitus fear
- coitus in anum
- coitus in the anus
- coitus inter digitae
- coitus intermammarius
- coitus maritus
- coitus obstructus
- coitus per os
- coitus prolongatus
- coitus sine ejaculatione
- coitus vadosus
- coitus virgineus
- cokernuts
- cold biscuit
- cold meat
- cold tea
- collar ad
- collars and cuffs
- college girl
- colon commando
- colonial puck
- colpalgia
- colpkinophilia
- colpomentiors
- colpoxerosis
- columbine
- comarital
- combustoflatulation
- come aloft
- come drunk
- come on
- come out
- come over
- come through the side door
- come-down
- come-fuck-me-pumps
- come-on boy
- comely
- comfort station
- comforting Gary Coleman
- coming on
- coming out process
- coming woman
- commerce
- commercial queer
- commissure
- commitment ceremony
- common house
- common shore
- common-law marriage
- commoner of the camp
- companion
- Compass of the Netherland
- compulsive masturbation
- con anima
- conciliatrix
- concubine
- concupiscent
- conditional love
- condom practicing device
- cones
- congenital
- conjugal act
- conjugal rites
- conkers
- connubial
- conny
- consort
- constrictions
- consummate a relationship
- contingent invert
- contraceptive diaphragm
- contrasexism
- contrectophobia
- conundrum
- converse
- convertible coed
- coochee-coochee
- cook cucumbers
- cooked-up
- cookie duster
- cool out
- coot
- cooze-cola
- cop a cherry
- cop a dose
- cop a squat
- Copenhagen capon
- copping clothes
- copro-
- coprology
- coprophile
- coprophrasia
- copulate
- copulative
- coquettish
- corephallia
- Corinthian
- corking the onion
- corn-dot
- corner
- cornholer
- cornucopia
- coronal extender
- corporal punishment
- corporocity
- corset
- cory
- cosmetic intuition
- cottage cheese
- cotton and wool
- cotton to
- couch dance
- council gritter
- countess
- country-club girl
- couple freak
- couple-to-couple
- coupling house
- courtesan fantasy
- cousin sis
- Covent Garden ague
- cover girl
- covert homosexual
- cow
- cow-bag
- cow-tits
- cowcattish
- coxsman
- cpl
- crabs
- crack a crib
- crack a Jane
- crack detail man
- crack Judy's teacup
- crack run
- crack the pipkin
- crack-halter
- cracked pipkin
- crackerjacks
- cracking off
- crackling
- cradle-robber
- cramber
- crank
- crank the love pump
- cranking for cum
- cranny hunter
- crapper
- crash the yoghurt truck
- crave
- cream crackers
- cream jugs
- cream one's pants
- cream-catcher
- creaming the cheese
- create an arch
- Credo of the Jesuit
- creeper
- cremaster reftex
- cremorne
- Crescent Moon
- crib
- crim con
- crime of self-pollution
- crimson chitterling
- crinkly
- critter cramming
- crook
- croopy
- cross
- cross-gender behavior
- crossing the middle and index fingers
- crotch cartilage
- crotch critters
- crotch rot
- crotch-peeper
- crowbar
- crown and feathers
- crud
- cruiser
- crumb
- crunch queen
- crurocentric
- crus
- crush hour, the
- crusty beau
- cryptorchid
- CS
- Cuban pumps
- cuckold the parson
- cuckoo's nest
- cucumber rhumba
- cuddle bunny
- cuddler and cooer
- cue-snap
- cuff the dummy
- Cui peccare licet peccat minus
- cullion
- culo
- culty-gun
- cum drum
- cum membro artificiali
- cum stain
- cum-gargling fucker
- cundy
- cunnifungus
- cunnilinctio
- cunnilinctrice
- cunnilingist
- cunnilinguate
- cunnilingus perficiens
- cunniphilemia
- cunnus
- cunny-skin
- cunt curtain
- cunt fart
- cunt hunt
- cunt light
- cunt rag
- cunt-cuddling
- cunt-sticker
- cunt-sucking
- cunted
- cuntkin
- cuntocks
- cupboard love
- Cupid dances on his/her eyelids
- Cupid's archery
- Cupid's corner
- Cupid's toothpaste
- Cupids cramp
- cups
- curb service
- cure the horn
- curly hairs
- curse of Venus
- curtain rings
- curvaceous
- cushion
- custard-chucker
- cut a fart
- cut and carried
- cut off the joint
- cut out to be a man
- cut the mustard
- cute trick
- cutie pie
- cutty-eye
- cybergrrl
- cyberslut
- cyesolagnia
- cynophilia
- Cyprian cave
- cyprieunia
- cypriphobia
- C & B play
- C**T
- C-lady
- C.M.S.
- C.T.
- ca-ca
- cabbage
- cabbage patch
- caboose
- cache-sexe
- cackpipe
- cacolalia
- cacti
- Cadbury avenue
- cadet
- Cafe la Mama
- cainotophobia
- cajooblies
- cake pimp
- calf love
- California quail
- call boy
- call for herb
- call huey
- call joint
- call-a-date
- callicnemic
- callifemoral
- calling down for more mayo
- calliphygian
- callipygus
- callomania
- camarines
- camel toe
- camera obscura
- camp around
- camp drag
- camp names
- camper
- campus butcher
- can house
- Canadian
- cancan
- candida vaginal infection
- candle-sconce
- candy ass
- candy wrapper
- cane
- caning the vandal
- canned tomato
- cannibalize
- canonize
- canoodling
- Canterbury tale
- canyon
- cap-a-pie
- capnocratia
- capoop
- capricornified
- capris
- captain has come
- Captain of the Head
- captivate
- captor and captive
- carbon-based life form
- carcinphobia
- care
- caress oneself
- Carmen Miranda
- carnal acquaintance
- carnal knowledge
- carnal pleasures
- carnalite
- carnophobia
- carpet
- carrion
- carry a bat for
- carry a load
- carry live ammunition
- carry plenty of heat
- carrying
- carrying on an affair
- carrying weight
- cartso
- casa
- cascade
- case study
- Casey
- cash in the food stamps of love
- casket freak
- cassolette
- cast the net
- casting up one's accounts
- casual contact
- cat around
- cat heads
- cat with its throat cut
- cat-lapper
- catalog man
- catamite
- catatasis
- catch a cold
- catch on fire
- catch up with Popeye
- catchers mitt
- cateye
- cathouse cutie
- cats
- catting
- catty-cat
- caught by the short hairs
- caught with his trousers down
- cavalier
- cavaulting
- cave of harmony
- CD
- ceiling inspector
- cellar
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- center of joy
- central cut
- centrique part
- cervix
- cha-cha palace
- chain
- Chalfont St. Giles
- chamber combat
- chambre of Venus
- chance sandwich
- change of life
- change register
- chappie
- charcoal lily
- charisma
- Charlene
- charleys
- Charlie's home
- charmer
- charver
- chase tail
- chasee
- chastity
- chat up
- chaud
- chauvering moll
- cheap thing
- cheater
- check it out
- checking for impotence
- checking the status of the I/O port
- cheek flapper
- cheeker
- cheese
- cheesecake
- cheesing
- cheesy wheelbarrow
- cheilogusia
- cheimatophobia
- chemistry
- cherries
- cherry blossom
- cherry harvest
- cherry picker
- cherry ripe
- cherry-pipe
- cherrypop
- chest flesh
- chester
- chevy chase
- chew it
- chew the goo
- chewese
- chibi
- chichi
- chick fancier
- chick-a-biddy
- chickboy
- chicken dinner
- chicken hunter
- chicken lover
- chicken plucker
- chicken ranch
- chicken three way
- chicken-fancier
- chicken-looking
- chicken-on-a-spit
- chicklet
- chief cook and bottle washer
- child of Venus
- child-getter
- Chileno
- Chill out!
- chimney
- chin rest
- china plate
- Chinese style
- chink-stopper
- chippie
- chippy
- chippy-house
- chiraptophobia
- chiseling cutie
- chlamydia
- choca
- chocho gordo
- chocolate cha cha
- chocolate highway
- chocolate road
- chocolate thunder
- choke a darkie
- choke the chook
- choking Charlie 'till he throws up
- choking the sheriff and waiting for the posse to come
- chooch
- chop-chop
- chopper
- choreophilia
- chota
- Chris Hardwick
- christened with a pump handle
- Christine
- chrome-dome
- chromophobia
- chub
- chubby chaser
- chuck
- chuck a turd
- chucking a sausage down the Old Kent Road
- chuff chums
- chug nuts
- chumbawumbas
- chump pimp
- chungas
- chunky monkey
- church member
- churner
- chussies
- chutney locker
- cicisbeism
- Cindy
- cinemaroticism
- Circe
- circle the circus
- circumanal
- circy
- civet
- clacker
- claim jumper
- clam diver
- clam shell
- clamp
- clap one's eyes on
- clap, the
- clapper
- claptrap
- classic proportions
- claustrophilia
- clean it up
- clean the pipe(s)
- cleaning my fur coat
- cleaning your fingers
- cleavage
- cleft underside
- click right off the bat
- cliff
- climbing Mount Baldy
- clinophobia
- clipped
- clit bliss
- clit fight
- clit licking
- clitoral detumescence
- clitoris
- clitoropenis
- cloak the captain
- clock-stopper
- clone
- closed relationship
- closet frisbee
- closet queer
- closeted
- clothes pin
- cloven inlet
- Clovix
- club date
- clubbing eddy
- clucky
- cluster
- co husband
- coal scuttle
- cob
- cobbs
- coccyx
- cock and ball bondage
- cock bawd
- cock cheese
- cock eyes
- cock hotel
- cock knocker
- cock movie
- cock porridge
- cock strap
- cock torture
- cock your shotgun
- cock-and-hen
- cock-happy
- cock-pit
- cock-smitten
- cock-sucking
- cock-tease
- cockaholic
- cockbiter
- cocked gun
- cockhead
- cockish wench
- cockpit
- cockshire
- cockstipation
- cocksucker's breath
- cockteaser
- cockwax
- Cockzilla
- cocoa canal
- cod boy
- codeye
- coffee grinder
- coffin queen
- cohabit
- coin-slot
- coital alignment technique
- coital posture
- coithesis
- coitophobia
- coitus à cheval
- coitus a tergo
- coitus adulterinus
- coitus condomatus
- coitus fecundus
- coitus in axilla
- coitus in the rectum
- coitus inter femora
- coitus interruptus
- coitus miscegenatus
- coitus oralis
- coitus per rectum
- coitus reservatus
- coitus sodomus
- coitus variatus
- coitus wheel
- cokewold
- cold fish
- cold mutton
- cold-blooded
- collar and cuff
- collect the rent
- college style
- colon-bowler
- color in the coloring book
- colpectasia
- colpo-
- colpomimesis
- colpyle
- Columbus circle
- comarital sex
- come
- come around
- come factories
- come on over to the S & M side
- come out of confinement
- come stain
- come together
- come-drum
- come-hither eyes
- come-on eye, the
- cometosis
- comfort woman
- coming
- coming one's mutton
- coming to grips with yourself
- comings
- commercial beaver
- commercial sex worker
- commit divorce
- commodity
- common jack
- common tart
- common-law spouse
- communicable disease
- companionate love
- comprehensive physician
- compulsive sexual activity
- Conan
- concomitant of desire
- concubitus
- concupiscently
- condole
- condominium
- Coney Island whitefish
- congenital syphilis
- conjugal embrace
- conjugals
- conking the cardinal
- connubial pleasures
- consensual non-monogamy
- consort with
- consult Dr. Jerkoff
- consummate a union
- contour
- contract an STD
- contrasexual
- control scene
- convenience girl
- converse with Harry Palm
- convulsion of bliss
- coocher
- cook the clam
- cooker
- cookies
- cooler
- cooter
- coozey
- cop a cock
- cop a feel
- cop and blow
- copper penny
- copr-
- coprolagnia
- coprophagia
- coprophilia
- coproscopist
- copulater
- copulator
- coral branch
- corephallism
- cork
- corkscrew
- corn-hole
- cornflake
- cornholing
- corona
- coronal ridge
- corporalist
- corpuscle
- corsetting
- corybungo
- Cosmo Girl
- cottager
- cotton ball
- cotton up to
- couch hockey for one
- count ceiling tiles
- country
- County Down
- couple friend
- coupler
- courses, the
- courtesy fuck
- Cousins, The
- Covent Garden lady
- cover the waterfront
- covess-dinge
- cow and kisses
- cow-climbing
- cow-uddered
- cowgirl
- coynte
- crab ladder
- crabwalk
- crack a crust
- crack a Judy
- crack detail woman
- crack of heaven
- crack saleslady
- crack the pitcher
- cracked
- cracked pitcher
- crackers
- cracking the bat
- cracksman
- cradle-snatcher
- cramps, the
- crank an eight ball
- crank the monkey
- cranking the corona
- crap
- crapper dick
- crater
- crawl
- cream for
- cream of the crop
- cream one's silkies
- cream-stick
- creaming the pie
- creature of sales
- creep
- creepers
- cremasteric muscle
- Creole
- crevice
- crib district
- crime against nature
- criminal assault
- crimson crowbar
- crinkum crankum
- critters
- crooked rib
- crop
- cross girl
- cross-legged
- crossing the swamp
- crotch cheese
- crotch monkeys
- crotch voyeur
- croup
- crowd pleaser
- crown jewels
- Cruella
- cruising
- crumblie
- crunchers
- crurofact
- crus of the clitoris
- crushed fruit
- crutch
- cryptorchidism
- Cubans
- cuckoldry
- cuckquean
- cuddle
- cuddle doves
- cuddling the kielbasa
- cuff
- cuff the meat
- cuissade
- cullions
- culture the American Blood Sausage
- cum
- cum dumpster
- cum shot
- cum the scum
- cumdrum
- cunker
- cunnikin
- cunnilinction
- cunnilinctus
- cunnilingtie
- cunnilingue
- cunning
- cunniphrenia
- cunny
- cunny-warren
- cunt down
- cunt for hire
- cunt itch
- cunt lips
- cunt shop
- cunt-lap
- cunt-stirrer
- cunt-tease
- cuntikin
- cuntlapper
- cuntsmith
- cupcake
- Cupid's alley
- Cupid's arms
- Cupid's hotel
- Cupid's torch
- Cupids furrow
- curb crawl
- curbstone sailor
- curl one off
- current excitement
- curse, the
- curtains
- curvesome
- cushion creeper
- Custer's last stand
- cut a muffin
- cut and come again
- cut one
- cut the Brie
- cut up
- cutes
- cutlass
- cuzzie
- cyberporn
- Cyclops
- cylinder
- cynophobia
- Cyprian strait
- cyprinolalia
- cystitis
- C & B Torture
- c-d-m
- C-light
- C.P.
- C/B/T/T
- cab-joint
- cabbage fart
- cable laying
- caca
- cack
- cacky
- cacomorphobia
- cad
- Cadbury canal
- caducity
- cafeteria
- Cairo crud
- cake
- cake-eater
- calf-sticking
- californicate
- call buicks
- call for huey
- call it
- call of nature
- calliandrus
- callicolpia
- callimammapygian
- callinymph
- callipomate
- callisphyrous
- calls of nature
- Cambridge punt
- camel toes
- Camille
- camp as a row of tents
- camp follower
- camp queen
- campery
- campy
- can of brown polish
- Canadian bacon
- cancerophobia
- candidiasis
- candlestick-polisher
- candy cane
- candy-assed
- canetta
- canister set
- cannery
- cannon
- canoodle
- cans
- Canticle of Canticles
- canyon yodeling
- Cape Horn
- capnogeria
- capote allemande
- capricornus
- captain
- Captain Hightop the Love Commander
- Captain One-Eye
- captive
- capturing the bishop
- carcass
- cardboard box
- care for someone in a big way
- caressing the kitty
- Carmen(cita)
- carnal connection
- carnal member
- carnal stump
- carnally knew
- carouse
- carpet muncher
- carrot
- carry a bicycle seat
- carry a lot of heat
- carry off one's feet
- carry the torch
- carrying a torch
- carrying on with someone
- carsey
- cartzo
- casabas
- case
- case vrow
- cash a check
- Cashmerian togas
- caso
- cast an optic
- cast up
- castrate
- casual sex
- cat call
- cat house
- cat's head cut open
- cat-o-nine-tails
- catamenia
- cataphilist
- catch
- catch a sixty-nine
- catch on the rebound
- catch-fart
- catching a case of whackinitis
- catheads
- catlapper
- catskin
- catting on
- caudal
- caught in flagrante
- cauliflower
- cavaliere servente
- cavaulting school
- cavern
- cecum condom
- celebrating Palm Sunday
- cellarage
- center of attraction
- center of the senses
- central furrow
- cerassie
- chador
- chain fuck
- chalfonts
- chamber games
- champagne
- chancre mechanic
- change one's luck
- changing your oil
- chapstick lesbian
- charge
- charity dame
- Charles the Bald
- Charlie
- charlies
- charmers
- charvered
- chase the brown clown around the town
- chasma
- chastity belt
- chatterers
- chauverer
- chauvering-cove
- cheat
- cheaters
- check out
- checking for testicular cancer
- chee chees
- cheek kiss
- cheeks
- cheese and kisses
- cheesepipe clingfilm
- cheesing off
- cheezer
- cheilophilous
- chemical blonde
- cherchez la femme
- cherry
- cherry boy
- cherry in the hand
- cherry pie
- cherry splitter
- cherry-stuffing
- chest
- chest pillows
- Chester the Molester
- chew
- Chew my shorts!
- chew the she-fat
- chezolagnia
- chic
- chichis
- chick flick
- chick-chaser
- chicken
- chicken freak
- chicken in the basket
- chicken mc nuggets
- chicken porn
- chicken rancher
- chicken-breasted
- chicken-grabbing
- chicken-meter
- chicken-shit
- chickybabe
- chief of staff
- child porn
- child-lover
- Chili chump
- Chill with
- chimney sweep
- chin-strap
- chinch pad
- ching doll
- chip and chase
- chippie house
- chippy around
- chippy-joint
- chiromania
- chism
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- choccy
- chocolate bandit
- chocolate chimney sweep
- chocolate hole
- chocolate speedway
- chocolate wings
- choke hold
- choke the gopher
- choking Kojak
- chompers
- choose(-up)
- chopped
- choppers
- chorophobia
- chow box
- Christ and two apostles
- christener
- Christine Jorgensen
- chrome-plated
- chronological age
- chubbies
- chubbychops
- chuck a pizza
- chuck the muck
- chucking a worm up the Mersey Tunnel
- Chueh-Chen
- chuffer
- chull
- chummer
- chunder
- chunk
- chupas
- churched
- churning butter
- chutneylingus
- cigar burn
- cinebonds
- cingulomania
- circle
- circling the knoll
- circumcised
- civilian
- cladge
- clam
- clam diving
- clam smacker
- clamp it silly
- clap the clit
- clap-shouldered
- clappers
- Clarabella
- classy
- claustrophobia
- clean kitchen
- clean up
- cleaning the fish
- clear the custard
- cleaver
- cleisiophobia
- clicked
- climax
- climbing the tree
- clinovalent
- clipped dick
- clit closet
- clit fix
- clit lit
- clitoral orgasm
- clitorize
- clitters
- clobber up
- clocked
- close-coupled
- closed swinging
- closet gay
- closet shakedown
- closing the deal
- clothespeg
- cloven spot
- clown's hat
- club foot
- clubbing the clam
- cludgie
- cluster marriage
- cnemopalmia
- co wife
- coarse piece
- cobbler's awls
- cobra
- cock
- cock and ball harness
- cock bite
- cock chomper
- cock hall
- cock hound
- Cock Lane
- cock of death
- cock snot
- cock sucker
- cock up
- cock-a-fanny
- cock-artist
- cock-holder
- cock-pleaser
- cock-stand
- cock-sure
- cock-teaser
- cockaman
- cockchafer
- cocked-up
- cockhead cheese
- cockknuckle
- cockquean
- cocksman
- cockstupration
- cocksucker's teeth
- cockteasing
- cockwhip
- coco-pops
- coconuts
- cod cove
- codger
- coffee house
- Cogito, ergo sum
- cohabitarche
- coisman
- coital climax
- coitally
- coition
- coitophthoria
- coitus à la vache
- coitus a unda
- coitus analis
- coitus delicatus
- coitus from behind
- coitus in ore
- coitus incompletus
- coitus inter mammas
- coitus intramammas
- coitus more ferarum
- coitus orthodoxus
- coitus pluvius
- coitus saxonicus
- coitus sordidus
- coitus venenatus
- cojones
- colagnia
- cold heart
- cold pig
- collapsible container
- collar and lead
- Colleen Bawn
- collement
- Colonel Puck
- colorectal
- colpette
- colpochoresis
- colpopathy
- colt
- columns of Venus
- combing the brush
- come about
- come balloon
- come into your own
- come ones cocoa
- come out of the closet
- come the turkey
- come your fat
- come-freak
- come-hither look
- come-queen
- comfort for the troops
- comfort zone
- coming and going
- coming out
- coming together
- command module
- commercial body worker
- commercial sex workers
- commit merger
- common carrier
- common maid
- common woman
- common-law wife
- Communications Decency Act
- company
- compulsion
- computease
- concern
- concrete donkey
- concupiscence
- concupiscible
- condom
- condomless
- confirmed bachelor
- congress
- conjugal ordinary, the
- conjugate
- Connie
- connubial relations
- consenting adult
- constable
- consultation with the Third World
- contagious disease
- contours
- contrapunctum
- contrectation
- controlling part
- convenient
- convert
- cony
- coochied
- cook the kettle
- cookie
- cooking the cream of cock
- coolies
- cooties
- coozy
- cop a crown
- cop a hot one
- cop it
- copper stick
- coprafelchia
- coprolalia
- coprophagist
- coprophilic
- copula carnalis
- copulating
- copulatory
- cordless massager
- corespondent
- corker
- corn beef cudgel
- corncob
- cornhole
- cornification
- corona glandis
- coronal sulcus
- corporation
- corral
- Corsican
- corybungus
- cotquean
- cottaging
- cotton mouse
- couch
- couch rugby
- counter
- country cousins
- coup de foudre
- couple house
- coupling
- court Madam Knuckle
- courting
- Covent Garden
- Covent Garden nun
- covered way
- covet
- cow baby
- cow-cunted
- cowboy
- cows and kisses
- coyote
- crab lice
- crack
- crack a fart
- crack a pitcher
- crack hunter
- crack off a batch
- crack salesman
- crack the teapot
- cracked mortar
- cracker
- cracking
- cracking tool
- cradle
- crafty butcher
- cranberries
- crank the cream
- crank the shaft
- crankshaft
- craphole fuck
- crash one's muck
- crater-face
- crazy about
- cream in one's coffee
- cream one's jeans
- cream sauce
- creamed beef
- creaming the twinkie
- creature of the night
- creep house
- cremaster
- cremasteric reftex
- crepitate
- crevice courier
- crib-house
- crime of Onan
- crimper
- crimson tide
- crinkum(s)
- crockery
- crooney
- crop spraying
- cross-dresser
- cross-living
- crosswired
- crotch cobra
- crotch rocket
- crotch watcher
- croupade
- crowie
- crown of sense
- cruise
- cruising the Hershey highway
- crumpet
- crunt
- crurophilous
- crus penis
- crusher
- cry baby
- crystal palace
- CSWs
- cuck
- cuckoo
- cucumber
- cuddle and kiss
- cuddle-my-cuddle
- cue snapper
- cuff a carrot
- cuff the puppy
- cul-de-sac
- culls
- cultured
- cum breath
- cum factories
- cum slinger
- cum-cum
- cummy face
- cunni
- cunniknismos
- cunnilincto
- cunnilingam
- cunnilingual
- cunnilinguist
- cunning linguist
- cunnophile
- cunny-catcher
- cunt
- cunt dracula
- cunt hair
- cunt juice
- cunt pensioner
- cunt stretcher
- cunt-stabber
- cunt-struck
- cunt-teaser
- cunting
- cuntlet
- cuntsucker
- cupcakes
- Cupid's anvil
- Cupid's cave
- Cupid's itch
- cupiding
- Cupids kettledrums
- curb crawler
- curd
- curlies
- curry queen
- curtain climber
- curtains and drapes
- curvy
- custard
- custom-house
- cut a side
- cut him off
- cut out the eye chatter
- cut the cake
- cute
- cuticle cutie
- cuts
- cyber
- cyberpunk
- Cyclops' tears
- cymbalism
- Cyprian
- cyprianophobia
- cyprinophilia
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter C
- C
- C and B torture
- C-food
- c-word
- C.R.
- C/S
- cab-moll
- cabbage field
- cable tie
- cacavalence
- cack-broad
- cacocallia
- cacophallic
- cadabies
- Cadbury cul-de-sac
- cafe au lait
- cage
- caithouse
- cake boy
- cake-shop
- calico queen
- caligynephobia
- call Earl
- call girl
- call it a day
- Call Ripley!
- callibombe
- callicolpos
- callimastian
- calliphallic
- callipygette
- callisural
- Calvins
- camel complaint
- camels foot
- camp
- camp bitch
- camp it off
- camp something up
- campfire girl
- can
- can travel
- canary
- cancerphobia
- candle
- candlesticking
- candy pants
- candy-leg
- canine interest(s)
- canned fruit
- cannibal
- canoe inspection
- canoodler
- cantaloupes
- Cantonese groin
- cap
- Cape of Good Hope
- capnolagnia
- capote anglaise
- caprification
- Captain Cheddar
- Captain Hogseye
- Captain Picard
- captive penis
- car whore
- carcinomatophobia
- cardigan
- career boy
- carezza
- carnal
- carnal desire
- carnal part
- carnal trap
- carnival knowledge
- carpe diem
- carpet munching
- carrot head
- carry a big stick
- carry a torch
- carry on
- carry-me-down
- carrying all before her
- carrying the bass drum
- cartes
- Carvel's ring
- Casanova
- case keeper
- case with
- cash and carried
- casigamy marriage
- Caspar Milquetoast
- cast one's pellet
- cast-off
- castrato
- cat
- cat flaps
- cat house detail
- cat-fight
- cat-party
- catamenial discharge
- catapygon
- catch a bird
- catch an oyster
- catch someone's eye
- catchable
- Cateracts of the Nile
- catheterophila
- catmeat
- catsmeat
- cattle
- caudate
- caught the scent
- caulk
- cavault
- cave
- cavity probe
- cedar burp
- celibacy
- cement mixer
- center of bliss
- center spot
- central office
- cervical hostility
- CG
- chaetophobia
- chain gang
- chalky farm
- chamber lye
- champagne trick
- chancroid
- change over
- chanticleer
- charactronym
- charge the rod
- charity girl
- Charley
- Charlie Hunt
- charm the cobra
- charming the snake
- charvering donna
- chase the cotton mouse
- chassis
- chat
- chatts
- chauvering
- chaver
- cheat the census
- cheating
- check the oil
- checking the foxhole
- cheek
- cheek-climber
- Cheeks of Cunnyborough
- cheese factory
- cheeser
- cheesy
- cheggers
- cheiloproclitic
- chemise
- cherish
- cherry ace
- cherry flip
- cherry is in sherry
- cherry pit
- cherry top
- cherry-topped sundaes
- chest and bedding
- chest puppies
- chestnuts
- chew ass
- chew someones ass out
- chew the slough
- chi-mo
- chic sale
- chichitas
- chick with dick
- chick-pic
- chicken butcher
- chicken hawk
- chicken kisser
- chicken neck
- chicken pox
- chicken snatchitori
- chicken-choker
- chicken-house
- chicken-milking
- chicken-with-a-basket
- chiclet
- child abuser
- child pornography
- Childing
- Chili pimp
- Chilly
- chimney-stopper
- china
- Chinese fashion
- chingus
- chip the lips
- chippie joint
- chippy on
- chips
- chirper
- chitty
- chloroform
- chocha
- chocolate bunny
- chocolate drop
- chocolate lover
- chocolate starfish
- chode
- choke the bad guy
- choker
- choking the bald guy until he pukes
- chones
- chooza
- chopped cock
- chopping
- chorus girl
- chrematisophilia
- christacrutchian
- christening
- Christmas crackers
- chrometophobia
- chronologically gifted
- chubblies
- chuberteens
- chuck a slob
- chuck up
- chudini
- chuff
- chuftie
- chulo
- chummy
- chunder loo
- chunk of lead
- chuppah
- churn
- churning the butter
- chut
- chymocunnia
- cinch
- cinema XXX
- cinnamon stick
- circle fuck
- circulus venosus of Haller
- circus
- cissy
- clack
- claff
- clam bake for one
- clam jousting
- clam trap
- clamping the pipe
- clap trap
- clapometer
- clappy
- Clarence Coon
- classy chassis
- clava
- clean queen
- clean up the kitchen
- cleaning the rifle
- clearing the snorkel
- cleft
- cleithrophobia
- clicket
- climb
- cliner
- Clint Toris
- clipped in the ring
- clit clot
- clit hopper
- clit twit
- clitoridectomy
- clitoromania
- clitty
- clobbering the kleenex
- clockers
- closed door
- closet case
- closet name
- closet swinger
- cloth
- clothespin
- cloven stamp of female distinction
- clowt
- club sandwich
- clubhouse
- clunes
- cluster-fuck
- cnemoscopy
- coachman on the box
- coat hangers
- cobbler's stall
- cobs
- cock a leg
- cock and ball torture
- cock block
- cock corpsman
- cock harness
- cock in her eye
- cock loft
- cock of the walk
- cock sock
- cock suckstress
- cock vomit
- cock-a-whoop
- cock-chafer
- cock-lover
- cock-pluck
- cock-strong
- cock-tail
- cock-teasing
- cockaroony
- cockeater
- cocker
- cockhound
- cockles
- cockring
- cocksmith
- cocksucker
- cocktail
- cocktus erectus
- cocky
- coco-shunter
- cocotte
- coddy-moddy
- codpiece
- coffee shop
- cognoscenti
- cohabitation
- coit
- coital orgasm
- coitant
- coitobalnism
- coiture
- coitus a mammilla
- coitus abstentia
- coitus ante portas
- coitus diurnus
- coitus in ano
- coitus in os
- coitus innuptus
- coitus interfemoris
- coitus legitimus
- coitus nocturnus
- coitus per anum
- coitus profundus
- coitus siccus
- coitus usitatus
- coitus vetitus
- coke fuck
- cold
- cold in the dong
- cold sex
- collar
- collar-and-tie
- college fuck
- colobosis
- colonel sanders heimleich maneuver
- colp-
- colpismus
- colpoheterophrenia
- colpopetia
- Colt's tooth
- Colwyn Bay
- combo, a
- come across
- come clean
- come off
- come ones fat
- come out to oneself
- come through the front door
- come-by-chance
- come-fuck-me's
- come-juice
- come-up-and-see-me-sometime look
- comfort room
- comfortable importance
- coming into your own
- coming out of the closet
- coming wench
- commasculation
- commercial phone sex
- commercial trade
- commit to someone
- Common Garden
- common sewer
- common-law husband
- commoner
- community chest
- company girl(s)
- compulsive cruising
- con amore
- conchita
- concrete womb
- concupiscencia
- concurrent climax
- condom earring
- condyloma (acuminata)
- confused
- conjugal
- conjugal relations
- conk
- Connie Lingus
- connubium
- consolateur
- constitution
- consummate a marriage
- continental shot
- contraceptive cap
- contrary sex
- contrectophilia
- controsexual
- Convent Garden
- convertible
- cooch
- cook book
- cook your nookie
- cookie crumbs
- cool
- coops
- cooz(e)
- cop a bird
- cop a doodle
- cop a joint
- cop off with
- copping
- coprastasophobia
- coprolalomania
- coprophagy
- coprophobia
- copula fornicatoria
- copulation
- coquette
- core gender identity
- corinth
- corking
- corn on the cob
- corned beef inspector
- cornhole palace
- cornputer sex
- corona radiata
- corporal arts
- corporeal
- corralling the tadpoles
- corvus
- cosh-carrier
- cottage
- cotton
- cotton pony
- couch audition
- cough cabbage water
- countering cunts
- country marriage
- couple
- couple with
- coupling bat
- courtesan
- courting cream
- Covent Garden abbess
- cover
- covers the waterfront
- covey
- cow yard
- cow-pad
- cowboy drag
- coxinutant
- cozy drop
- crab tease
- crack a cherry
- crack a fat (one)
- crack a teacup
- crack it
- crack one's face
- crack the belly
- crack-a-boo
- cracked on
- cracker ass
- cracking nuts
- crackish
- cradle-custard
- cram
- cranberry dip
- crank the cream separator
- crank the shank
- cranny
- crapola
- crash the breast fleet
- cratolagnia
- cream
- cream jug
- cream one's knickers
- cream your corn
- creamie
- crease
- credentials
- creep-joint
- cremaster muscle
- cremie, a
- crepitus
- crew-cut queen
- cribbage face
- crime of passion
- crimping the wire
- crimson wave
- Crisco cottage
- crone
- croopers
- croshabelle
- cross-dressing
- crossing the great divide
- crotch
- crotch crickets
- crotch rope
- crotch-grabber
- crow
- crown
- crown the king
- cruise for trade
- cruisy
- crumpet-trumpet
- crura
- crurormia
- crush
- crust
- cryophobia
- crystallophobia
- CT
- cuckold
- cuckoo over
- cucumber queen
- cuddle birds
- cuddler
- cue-ball
- cuff the carrot
- cuffs
- cull
- cully-shangy
- cultures
- cum dodger
- cum laude
- cum sponge
- cum-freak
- cundum
- cunnicle
- cunnilalia
- cunnilinctor
- cunnilingham
- cunnilinguant
- cunnilingus
- cunning linguistics
- cunnotage
- cunny-haunted
- cunt carpet
- cunt face
- cunt head
- cunt lapping
- cunt pie
- cunt torture
- cunt-stand
- cunt-sucker
- cunt-warren
- cuntino filet with white sauce
- cuntmobile
- cunty
- Cupid
- Cupid's arbour
- Cupid's cloister
- Cupid's sting
- cupidinous
- Cupids ring
- curb crawling
- cure the blind
- curls
- curse of Eve, the
- curtain drop
- curtezan
- cush
- custard cannon
- cut
- cut a slice of the joint
- cut loose
- cut out to be a gentleman
- cut the cheese
- cute number
- cutie
- cutting a slice
- cyberfeminism
- cybersex
- cyesis
- cymophobia
- Cyprian arbour
- cypridophobia
- cyprinophobia
- C & B bondage
- C section
- C-girl
- C.A.T.
- C.S.
- CA
- cabareting
- cabbage garden
- cabmans rests
- cachanca
- cackle
- cacoethes
- cacophobia
- Cadbury alley
- Cadburys canal cruiser
- cafe curtains
- cainophobia
- cajole
- cake hole
- cakes
- Califia
- calk
- call flat
- call house
- call it quits
- Call wardrobe!
- callicacia
- callicunnate
- calling all cum
- calliphallus
- callipygian
- callitrichous
- Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
- camel night
- camels toes
- camp about
- camp culture
- camp it up
- camp walk
- camping
- can entertain
- Can you insert a Tampax?
- canasta
- Candida albicans
- candle wax torture
- candy
- candy stick
- candy-maker
- caning
- canned goods
- cannibalism
- canoe inspector
- canoodlers
- cantankerous
- Canuck
- cap and blow
- capello
- capon
- capricious
- Caprihorny
- Captain Hard
- captain is at home
- Captain Standish
- captivity
- car-hop
- carcinomophobia
- cardinal has come, the
- caress
- caritas
- carnal abuse
- carnal engagement
- carnal parts
- carnalism
- carnivorous canary
- carpenters dream
- carpopedal spasm
- carrot top
- carry a bundle
- carry flaming embers for
- carry on like a mad Watoo
- carry-out rape
- carrying on
- carrying the flag
- carts
- carving knife
- Casanovas rubber sock
- case of spoons, a
- caseo
- Cash Flagg
- casimeria
- cassock
- cast sheep's eyes
- casting couch
- Castro clone
- cat and kitties
- cat flat
- cat rig
- cat-fighting
- catagelophobia
- catamenial state
- catasexuality
- catch a buzz
- catch colt
- catch something
- catcher
- caterwauling
- cathouse bird
- catoptrophobia
- catso
- cattle truck
- caught between the pointers and setters
- caught with his pants down
- cause of causes
- cavaulter
- cave man
- CB
- CDer
- cedarchest sissy
- celibate
- cenophobia
- center of desire
- centerfold
- centric part
- cervicitis
- chafer
- chain sex
- chalubbies
- chamber of commerce
- chance child
- change machine
- change purse
- chapel hat pegs
- charcoal blossom
- charger
- charity moll
- Charley Hunt
- Charlie Ronce
- charm the serpent
- charms
- chase pussy
- chased but chaste
- chaste
- chat down
- chatty cathy
- chauvering donna
- cheap
- cheat the meat
- chebs
- check the plumbing
- checking the oil
- cheek bite
- cheek-clinger
- cheeks-spreader
- cheese ridge
- cheesey bunnet
- cheesy bell-end
- cheilocunnidipity
- cheimaphobia
- chemise cagoule
- cherophobia
- cherry birch
- cherry girl
- cherry pick
- cherry pudding
- cherry-merry
- cherrylets
- chest bunnies
- chest surgery
- chesty
- chew foreskin
- chew the fat
- chewers
- chian
- Chicago Society for Human Rights
- chick
- chick with stick
- chickabiddy
- chicken crotchetory
- chicken head
- chicken lips
- chicken pass
- chicken queen
- chicken thief
- chicken-coop
- chicken-little
- chicken-of-the-sea
- chickie
- Chief Boot Knocka
- child molester
- child pornography laws
- Chile Bean
- Chili-eater
- Chimaropia
- Chin Dildo
- china closet
- Chinese Love Beads
- chink
- chipmunk
- chipping wood
- chippy-chaser
- Chirambault-Kandinsky syndrome
- chiselette
- chitty-faced
- choad
- chochito
- chocolate buttonhole
- chocolate eye
- chocolate lumberjack
- chocolate starfish collector
- choice
- choke the chicken
- chokeressa
- choking the chipmunk
- chong your schlong
- choozies
- chopped liver
- chora
- chossel
- chrematophobia
- christen the yak
- Christian disease
- chromatophobia
- chromo
- chronophilia
- chubby
- chubs
- chuck a tread
- chuckies
- chudleighs
- chuff box
- chuftie plug
- chum
- chump
- chundini
- chunk of meat
- church
- churn the butter
- churning the cream
- chutney ferret
- cicatrization
- Cinderella
- cinemarotic
- circadian rhythm
- circle jerk
- circulus vitiosus
- circus love
- City-Halled
- clack box
- clagnuts
- clam dive
- clam lapping
- clamming the engram
- clap eyes on
- clap with one hand
- clapped-up
- clapster
- clart
- classy pair
- clean
- clean sex
- cleaned
- cleaning the storm-drains
- cleat
- cleft of flesh
- click
- client
- climb trees to get away from it
- clinkers
- clip
- clit
- clit club
- clit licker
- clitoral
- clitorilingus
- clitoromegaly
- clitus lickus
- clock
- clodge
- closed marriage
- closet dyke
- closet queen
- closet, the
- clothes pegs
- clothespin torture
- clover field
- club
- clubbed foot
- clucked
- clunicentric
- cluster-fuck party
- CO
- coal burner
- coating prince william sound with love oil
- cobblers
- cocattish
- cock alley
- cock bath
- cock buster
- cock diesel
- cock hoist
- Cock Inn
- cock mouth gag
- cock paste
- cock something up
- cock the cannon
- cock whoop
- cock-and-bull
- cock-eater
- cock-on
- cock-rot
- cock-suckerish
- cock-tax
- cock-wagon
- cockatrice
- cocked
- cockfest
- cockish
- cockoroony
- cockroach
- cocksmoker
- cocksucker red
- cocktease
- cockwash
- cockyolly bird
- cocoa butter
- code brown
- cods
- coffee stalls
- cogs
- coil a shamski
- coital
- coital position
- coitante
- coitolimia
- coitus
- coitus a posteriori
- coitus acceptus
- coitus bacchicus
- coitus fear
- coitus in anum
- coitus in the anus
- coitus inter digitae
- coitus intermammarius
- coitus maritus
- coitus obstructus
- coitus per os
- coitus prolongatus
- coitus sine ejaculatione
- coitus vadosus
- coitus virgineus
- cokernuts
- cold biscuit
- cold meat
- cold tea
- collar ad
- collars and cuffs
- college girl
- colon commando
- colonial puck
- colpalgia
- colpkinophilia
- colpomentiors
- colpoxerosis
- columbine
- comarital
- combustoflatulation
- come aloft
- come drunk
- come on
- come out
- come over
- come through the side door
- come-down
- come-fuck-me-pumps
- come-on boy
- comely
- comfort station
- comforting Gary Coleman
- coming on
- coming out process
- coming woman
- commerce
- commercial queer
- commissure
- commitment ceremony
- common house
- common shore
- common-law marriage
- commoner of the camp
- companion
- Compass of the Netherland
- compulsive masturbation
- con anima
- conciliatrix
- concubine
- concupiscent
- conditional love
- condom practicing device
- cones
- congenital
- conjugal act
- conjugal rites
- conkers
- connubial
- conny
- consort
- constrictions
- consummate a relationship
- contingent invert
- contraceptive diaphragm
- contrasexism
- contrectophobia
- conundrum
- converse
- convertible coed
- coochee-coochee
- cook cucumbers
- cooked-up
- cookie duster
- cool out
- coot
- cooze-cola
- cop a cherry
- cop a dose
- cop a squat
- Copenhagen capon
- copping clothes
- copro-
- coprology
- coprophile
- coprophrasia
- copulate
- copulative
- coquettish
- corephallia
- Corinthian
- corking the onion
- corn-dot
- corner
- cornholer
- cornucopia
- coronal extender
- corporal punishment
- corporocity
- corset
- cory
- cosmetic intuition
- cottage cheese
- cotton and wool
- cotton to
- couch dance
- council gritter
- countess
- country-club girl
- couple freak
- couple-to-couple
- coupling house
- courtesan fantasy
- cousin sis
- Covent Garden ague
- cover girl
- covert homosexual
- cow
- cow-bag
- cow-tits
- cowcattish
- coxsman
- cpl
- crabs
- crack a crib
- crack a Jane
- crack detail man
- crack Judy's teacup
- crack run
- crack the pipkin
- crack-halter
- cracked pipkin
- crackerjacks
- cracking off
- crackling
- cradle-robber
- cramber
- crank
- crank the love pump
- cranking for cum
- cranny hunter
- crapper
- crash the yoghurt truck
- crave
- cream crackers
- cream jugs
- cream one's pants
- cream-catcher
- creaming the cheese
- create an arch
- Credo of the Jesuit
- creeper
- cremaster reftex
- cremorne
- Crescent Moon
- crib
- crim con
- crime of self-pollution
- crimson chitterling
- crinkly
- critter cramming
- crook
- croopy
- cross
- cross-gender behavior
- crossing the middle and index fingers
- crotch cartilage
- crotch critters
- crotch rot
- crotch-peeper
- crowbar
- crown and feathers
- crud
- cruiser
- crumb
- crunch queen
- crurocentric
- crus
- crush hour, the
- crusty beau
- cryptorchid
- CS
- Cuban pumps
- cuckold the parson
- cuckoo's nest
- cucumber rhumba
- cuddle bunny
- cuddler and cooer
- cue-snap
- cuff the dummy
- Cui peccare licet peccat minus
- cullion
- culo
- culty-gun
- cum drum
- cum membro artificiali
- cum stain
- cum-gargling fucker
- cundy
- cunnifungus
- cunnilinctio
- cunnilinctrice
- cunnilingist
- cunnilinguate
- cunnilingus perficiens
- cunniphilemia
- cunnus
- cunny-skin
- cunt curtain
- cunt fart
- cunt hunt
- cunt light
- cunt rag
- cunt-cuddling
- cunt-sticker
- cunt-sucking
- cunted
- cuntkin
- cuntocks
- cupboard love
- Cupid dances on his/her eyelids
- Cupid's archery
- Cupid's corner
- Cupid's toothpaste
- Cupids cramp
- cups
- curb service
- cure the horn
- curly hairs
- curse of Venus
- curtain rings
- curvaceous
- cushion
- custard-chucker
- cut a fart
- cut and carried
- cut off the joint
- cut out to be a man
- cut the mustard
- cute trick
- cutie pie
- cutty-eye
- cybergrrl
- cyberslut
- cyesolagnia
- cynophilia
- Cyprian cave
- cyprieunia
- cypriphobia
- C & B play
- C**T
- C-lady
- C.M.S.
- C.T.
- ca-ca
- cabbage
- cabbage patch
- caboose
- cache-sexe
- cackpipe
- cacolalia
- cacti
- Cadbury avenue
- cadet
- Cafe la Mama
- cainotophobia
- cajooblies
- cake pimp
- calf love
- California quail
- call boy
- call for herb
- call huey
- call joint
- call-a-date
- callicnemic
- callifemoral
- calling down for more mayo
- calliphygian
- callipygus
- callomania
- camarines
- camel toe
- camera obscura
- camp around
- camp drag
- camp names
- camper
- campus butcher
- can house
- Canadian
- cancan
- candida vaginal infection
- candle-sconce
- candy ass
- candy wrapper
- cane
- caning the vandal
- canned tomato
- cannibalize
- canonize
- canoodling
- Canterbury tale
- canyon
- cap-a-pie
- capnocratia
- capoop
- capricornified
- capris
- captain has come
- Captain of the Head
- captivate
- captor and captive
- carbon-based life form
- carcinphobia
- care
- caress oneself
- Carmen Miranda
- carnal acquaintance
- carnal knowledge
- carnal pleasures
- carnalite
- carnophobia
- carpet
- carrion
- carry a bat for
- carry a load
- carry live ammunition
- carry plenty of heat
- carrying
- carrying on an affair
- carrying weight
- cartso
- casa
- cascade
- case study
- Casey
- cash in the food stamps of love
- casket freak
- cassolette
- cast the net
- casting up one's accounts
- casual contact
- cat around
- cat heads
- cat with its throat cut
- cat-lapper
- catalog man
- catamite
- catatasis
- catch a cold
- catch on fire
- catch up with Popeye
- catchers mitt
- cateye
- cathouse cutie
- cats
- catting
- catty-cat
- caught by the short hairs
- caught with his trousers down
- cavalier
- cavaulting
- cave of harmony
- CD
- ceiling inspector
- cellar
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- center of joy
- central cut
- centrique part
- cervix
- cha-cha palace
- chain
- Chalfont St. Giles
- chamber combat
- chambre of Venus
- chance sandwich
- change of life
- change register
- chappie
- charcoal lily
- charisma
- Charlene
- charleys
- Charlie's home
- charmer
- charver
- chase tail
- chasee
- chastity
- chat up
- chaud
- chauvering moll
- cheap thing
- cheater
- check it out
- checking for impotence
- checking the status of the I/O port
- cheek flapper
- cheeker
- cheese
- cheesecake
- cheesing
- cheesy wheelbarrow
- cheilogusia
- cheimatophobia
- chemistry
- cherries
- cherry blossom
- cherry harvest
- cherry picker
- cherry ripe
- cherry-pipe
- cherrypop
- chest flesh
- chester
- chevy chase
- chew it
- chew the goo
- chewese
- chibi
- chichi
- chick fancier
- chick-a-biddy
- chickboy
- chicken dinner
- chicken hunter
- chicken lover
- chicken plucker
- chicken ranch
- chicken three way
- chicken-fancier
- chicken-looking
- chicken-on-a-spit
- chicklet
- chief cook and bottle washer
- child of Venus
- child-getter
- Chileno
- Chill out!
- chimney
- chin rest
- china plate
- Chinese style
- chink-stopper
- chippie
- chippy
- chippy-house
- chiraptophobia
- chiseling cutie
- chlamydia
- choca
- chocho gordo
- chocolate cha cha
- chocolate highway
- chocolate road
- chocolate thunder
- choke a darkie
- choke the chook
- choking Charlie 'till he throws up
- choking the sheriff and waiting for the posse to come
- chooch
- chop-chop
- chopper
- choreophilia
- chota
- Chris Hardwick
- christened with a pump handle
- Christine
- chrome-dome
- chromophobia
- chub
- chubby chaser
- chuck
- chuck a turd
- chucking a sausage down the Old Kent Road
- chuff chums
- chug nuts
- chumbawumbas
- chump pimp
- chungas
- chunky monkey
- church member
- churner
- chussies
- chutney locker
- cicisbeism
- Cindy
- cinemaroticism
- Circe
- circle the circus
- circumanal
- circy
- civet
- clacker
- claim jumper
- clam diver
- clam shell
- clamp
- clap one's eyes on
- clap, the
- clapper
- claptrap
- classic proportions
- claustrophilia
- clean it up
- clean the pipe(s)
- cleaning my fur coat
- cleaning your fingers
- cleavage
- cleft underside
- click right off the bat
- cliff
- climbing Mount Baldy
- clinophobia
- clipped
- clit bliss
- clit fight
- clit licking
- clitoral detumescence
- clitoris
- clitoropenis
- cloak the captain
- clock-stopper
- clone
- closed relationship
- closet frisbee
- closet queer
- closeted
- clothes pin
- cloven inlet
- Clovix
- club date
- clubbing eddy
- clucky
- cluster
- co husband
- coal scuttle
- cob
- cobbs
- coccyx
- cock and ball bondage
- cock bawd
- cock cheese
- cock eyes
- cock hotel
- cock knocker
- cock movie
- cock porridge
- cock strap
- cock torture
- cock your shotgun
- cock-and-hen
- cock-happy
- cock-pit
- cock-smitten
- cock-sucking
- cock-tease
- cockaholic
- cockbiter
- cocked gun
- cockhead
- cockish wench
- cockpit
- cockshire
- cockstipation
- cocksucker's breath
- cockteaser
- cockwax
- Cockzilla
- cocoa canal
- cod boy
- codeye
- coffee grinder
- coffin queen
- cohabit
- coin-slot
- coital alignment technique
- coital posture
- coithesis
- coitophobia
- coitus à cheval
- coitus a tergo
- coitus adulterinus
- coitus condomatus
- coitus fecundus
- coitus in axilla
- coitus in the rectum
- coitus inter femora
- coitus interruptus
- coitus miscegenatus
- coitus oralis
- coitus per rectum
- coitus reservatus
- coitus sodomus
- coitus variatus
- coitus wheel
- cokewold
- cold fish
- cold mutton
- cold-blooded
- collar and cuff
- collect the rent
- college style
- colon-bowler
- color in the coloring book
- colpectasia
- colpo-
- colpomimesis
- colpyle
- Columbus circle
- comarital sex
- come
- come around
- come factories
- come on over to the S & M side
- come out of confinement
- come stain
- come together
- come-drum
- come-hither eyes
- come-on eye, the
- cometosis
- comfort woman
- coming
- coming one's mutton
- coming to grips with yourself
- comings
- commercial beaver
- commercial sex worker
- commit divorce
- commodity
- common jack
- common tart
- common-law spouse
- communicable disease
- companionate love
- comprehensive physician
- compulsive sexual activity
- Conan
- concomitant of desire
- concubitus
- concupiscently
- condole
- condominium
- Coney Island whitefish
- congenital syphilis
- conjugal embrace
- conjugals
- conking the cardinal
- connubial pleasures
- consensual non-monogamy
- consort with
- consult Dr. Jerkoff
- consummate a union
- contour
- contract an STD
- contrasexual
- control scene
- convenience girl
- converse with Harry Palm
- convulsion of bliss
- coocher
- cook the clam
- cooker
- cookies
- cooler
- cooter
- coozey
- cop a cock
- cop a feel
- cop and blow
- copper penny
- copr-
- coprolagnia
- coprophagia
- coprophilia
- coproscopist
- copulater
- copulator
- coral branch
- corephallism
- cork
- corkscrew
- corn-hole
- cornflake
- cornholing
- corona
- coronal ridge
- corporalist
- corpuscle
- corsetting
- corybungo
- Cosmo Girl
- cottager
- cotton ball
- cotton up to
- couch hockey for one
- count ceiling tiles
- country
- County Down
- couple friend
- coupler
- courses, the
- courtesy fuck
- Cousins, The
- Covent Garden lady
- cover the waterfront
- covess-dinge
- cow and kisses
- cow-climbing
- cow-uddered
- cowgirl
- coynte
- crab ladder
- crabwalk
- crack a crust
- crack a Judy
- crack detail woman
- crack of heaven
- crack saleslady
- crack the pitcher
- cracked
- cracked pitcher
- crackers
- cracking the bat
- cracksman
- cradle-snatcher
- cramps, the
- crank an eight ball
- crank the monkey
- cranking the corona
- crap
- crapper dick
- crater
- crawl
- cream for
- cream of the crop
- cream one's silkies
- cream-stick
- creaming the pie
- creature of sales
- creep
- creepers
- cremasteric muscle
- Creole
- crevice
- crib district
- crime against nature
- criminal assault
- crimson crowbar
- crinkum crankum
- critters
- crooked rib
- crop
- cross girl
- cross-legged
- crossing the swamp
- crotch cheese
- crotch monkeys
- crotch voyeur
- croup
- crowd pleaser
- crown jewels
- Cruella
- cruising
- crumblie
- crunchers
- crurofact
- crus of the clitoris
- crushed fruit
- crutch
- cryptorchidism
- Cubans
- cuckoldry
- cuckquean
- cuddle
- cuddle doves
- cuddling the kielbasa
- cuff
- cuff the meat
- cuissade
- cullions
- culture the American Blood Sausage
- cum
- cum dumpster
- cum shot
- cum the scum
- cumdrum
- cunker
- cunnikin
- cunnilinction
- cunnilinctus
- cunnilingtie
- cunnilingue
- cunning
- cunniphrenia
- cunny
- cunny-warren
- cunt down
- cunt for hire
- cunt itch
- cunt lips
- cunt shop
- cunt-lap
- cunt-stirrer
- cunt-tease
- cuntikin
- cuntlapper
- cuntsmith
- cupcake
- Cupid's alley
- Cupid's arms
- Cupid's hotel
- Cupid's torch
- Cupids furrow
- curb crawl
- curbstone sailor
- curl one off
- current excitement
- curse, the
- curtains
- curvesome
- cushion creeper
- Custer's last stand
- cut a muffin
- cut and come again
- cut one
- cut the Brie
- cut up
- cutes
- cutlass
- cuzzie
- cyberporn
- Cyclops
- cylinder
- cynophobia
- Cyprian strait
- cyprinolalia
- cystitis
- C & B Torture
- c-d-m
- C-light
- C.P.
- C/B/T/T
- cab-joint
- cabbage fart
- cable laying
- caca
- cack
- cacky
- cacomorphobia
- cad
- Cadbury canal
- caducity
- cafeteria
- Cairo crud
- cake
- cake-eater
- calf-sticking
- californicate
- call buicks
- call for huey
- call it
- call of nature
- calliandrus
- callicolpia
- callimammapygian
- callinymph
- callipomate
- callisphyrous
- calls of nature
- Cambridge punt
- camel toes
- Camille
- camp as a row of tents
- camp follower
- camp queen
- campery
- campy
- can of brown polish
- Canadian bacon
- cancerophobia
- candidiasis
- candlestick-polisher
- candy cane
- candy-assed
- canetta
- canister set
- cannery
- cannon
- canoodle
- cans
- Canticle of Canticles
- canyon yodeling
- Cape Horn
- capnogeria
- capote allemande
- capricornus
- captain
- Captain Hightop the Love Commander
- Captain One-Eye
- captive
- capturing the bishop
- carcass
- cardboard box
- care for someone in a big way
- caressing the kitty
- Carmen(cita)
- carnal connection
- carnal member
- carnal stump
- carnally knew
- carouse
- carpet muncher
- carrot
- carry a bicycle seat
- carry a lot of heat
- carry off one's feet
- carry the torch
- carrying a torch
- carrying on with someone
- carsey
- cartzo
- casabas
- case
- case vrow
- cash a check
- Cashmerian togas
- caso
- cast an optic
- cast up
- castrate
- casual sex
- cat call
- cat house
- cat's head cut open
- cat-o-nine-tails
- catamenia
- cataphilist
- catch
- catch a sixty-nine
- catch on the rebound
- catch-fart
- catching a case of whackinitis
- catheads
- catlapper
- catskin
- catting on
- caudal
- caught in flagrante
- cauliflower
- cavaliere servente
- cavaulting school
- cavern
- cecum condom
- celebrating Palm Sunday
- cellarage
- center of attraction
- center of the senses
- central furrow
- cerassie
- chador
- chain fuck
- chalfonts
- chamber games
- champagne
- chancre mechanic
- change one's luck
- changing your oil
- chapstick lesbian
- charge
- charity dame
- Charles the Bald
- Charlie
- charlies
- charmers
- charvered
- chase the brown clown around the town
- chasma
- chastity belt
- chatterers
- chauverer
- chauvering-cove
- cheat
- cheaters
- check out
- checking for testicular cancer
- chee chees
- cheek kiss
- cheeks
- cheese and kisses
- cheesepipe clingfilm
- cheesing off
- cheezer
- cheilophilous
- chemical blonde
- cherchez la femme
- cherry
- cherry boy
- cherry in the hand
- cherry pie
- cherry splitter
- cherry-stuffing
- chest
- chest pillows
- Chester the Molester
- chew
- Chew my shorts!
- chew the she-fat
- chezolagnia
- chic
- chichis
- chick flick
- chick-chaser
- chicken
- chicken freak
- chicken in the basket
- chicken mc nuggets
- chicken porn
- chicken rancher
- chicken-breasted
- chicken-grabbing
- chicken-meter
- chicken-shit
- chickybabe
- chief of staff
- child porn
- child-lover
- Chili chump
- Chill with
- chimney sweep
- chin-strap
- chinch pad
- ching doll
- chip and chase
- chippie house
- chippy around
- chippy-joint
- chiromania
- chism
- Chlamydia trachomatis
- choccy
- chocolate bandit
- chocolate chimney sweep
- chocolate hole
- chocolate speedway
- chocolate wings
- choke hold
- choke the gopher
- choking Kojak
- chompers
- choose(-up)
- chopped
- choppers
- chorophobia
- chow box
- Christ and two apostles
- christener
- Christine Jorgensen
- chrome-plated
- chronological age
- chubbies
- chubbychops
- chuck a pizza
- chuck the muck
- chucking a worm up the Mersey Tunnel
- Chueh-Chen
- chuffer
- chull
- chummer
- chunder
- chunk
- chupas
- churched
- churning butter
- chutneylingus
- cigar burn
- cinebonds
- cingulomania
- circle
- circling the knoll
- circumcised
- civilian
- cladge
- clam
- clam diving
- clam smacker
- clamp it silly
- clap the clit
- clap-shouldered
- clappers
- Clarabella
- classy
- claustrophobia
- clean kitchen
- clean up
- cleaning the fish
- clear the custard
- cleaver
- cleisiophobia
- clicked
- climax
- climbing the tree
- clinovalent
- clipped dick
- clit closet
- clit fix
- clit lit
- clitoral orgasm
- clitorize
- clitters
- clobber up
- clocked
- close-coupled
- closed swinging
- closet gay
- closet shakedown
- closing the deal
- clothespeg
- cloven spot
- clown's hat
- club foot
- clubbing the clam
- cludgie
- cluster marriage
- cnemopalmia
- co wife
- coarse piece
- cobbler's awls
- cobra
- cock
- cock and ball harness
- cock bite
- cock chomper
- cock hall
- cock hound
- Cock Lane
- cock of death
- cock snot
- cock sucker
- cock up
- cock-a-fanny
- cock-artist
- cock-holder
- cock-pleaser
- cock-stand
- cock-sure
- cock-teaser
- cockaman
- cockchafer
- cocked-up
- cockhead cheese
- cockknuckle
- cockquean
- cocksman
- cockstupration
- cocksucker's teeth
- cockteasing
- cockwhip
- coco-pops
- coconuts
- cod cove
- codger
- coffee house
- Cogito, ergo sum
- cohabitarche
- coisman
- coital climax
- coitally
- coition
- coitophthoria
- coitus à la vache
- coitus a unda
- coitus analis
- coitus delicatus
- coitus from behind
- coitus in ore
- coitus incompletus
- coitus inter mammas
- coitus intramammas
- coitus more ferarum
- coitus orthodoxus
- coitus pluvius
- coitus saxonicus
- coitus sordidus
- coitus venenatus
- cojones
- colagnia
- cold heart
- cold pig
- collapsible container
- collar and lead
- Colleen Bawn
- collement
- Colonel Puck
- colorectal
- colpette
- colpochoresis
- colpopathy
- colt
- columns of Venus
- combing the brush
- come about
- come balloon
- come into your own
- come ones cocoa
- come out of the closet
- come the turkey
- come your fat
- come-freak
- come-hither look
- come-queen
- comfort for the troops
- comfort zone
- coming and going
- coming out
- coming together
- command module
- commercial body worker
- commercial sex workers
- commit merger
- common carrier
- common maid
- common woman
- common-law wife
- Communications Decency Act
- company
- compulsion
- computease
- concern
- concrete donkey
- concupiscence
- concupiscible
- condom
- condomless
- confirmed bachelor
- congress
- conjugal ordinary, the
- conjugate
- Connie
- connubial relations
- consenting adult
- constable
- consultation with the Third World
- contagious disease
- contours
- contrapunctum
- contrectation
- controlling part
- convenient
- convert
- cony
- coochied
- cook the kettle
- cookie
- cooking the cream of cock
- coolies
- cooties
- coozy
- cop a crown
- cop a hot one
- cop it
- copper stick
- coprafelchia
- coprolalia
- coprophagist
- coprophilic
- copula carnalis
- copulating
- copulatory
- cordless massager
- corespondent
- corker
- corn beef cudgel
- corncob
- cornhole
- cornification
- corona glandis
- coronal sulcus
- corporation
- corral
- Corsican
- corybungus
- cotquean
- cottaging
- cotton mouse
- couch
- couch rugby
- counter
- country cousins
- coup de foudre
- couple house
- coupling
- court Madam Knuckle
- courting
- Covent Garden
- Covent Garden nun
- covered way
- covet
- cow baby
- cow-cunted
- cowboy
- cows and kisses
- coyote
- crab lice
- crack
- crack a fart
- crack a pitcher
- crack hunter
- crack off a batch
- crack salesman
- crack the teapot
- cracked mortar
- cracker
- cracking
- cracking tool
- cradle
- crafty butcher
- cranberries
- crank the cream
- crank the shaft
- crankshaft
- craphole fuck
- crash one's muck
- crater-face
- crazy about
- cream in one's coffee
- cream one's jeans
- cream sauce
- creamed beef
- creaming the twinkie
- creature of the night
- creep house
- cremaster
- cremasteric reftex
- crepitate
- crevice courier
- crib-house
- crime of Onan
- crimper
- crimson tide
- crinkum(s)
- crockery
- crooney
- crop spraying
- cross-dresser
- cross-living
- crosswired
- crotch cobra
- crotch rocket
- crotch watcher
- croupade
- crowie
- crown of sense
- cruise
- cruising the Hershey highway
- crumpet
- crunt
- crurophilous
- crus penis
- crusher
- cry baby
- crystal palace
- CSWs
- cuck
- cuckoo
- cucumber
- cuddle and kiss
- cuddle-my-cuddle
- cue snapper
- cuff a carrot
- cuff the puppy
- cul-de-sac
- culls
- cultured
- cum breath
- cum factories
- cum slinger
- cum-cum
- cummy face
- cunni
- cunniknismos
- cunnilincto
- cunnilingam
- cunnilingual
- cunnilinguist
- cunning linguist
- cunnophile
- cunny-catcher
- cunt
- cunt dracula
- cunt hair
- cunt juice
- cunt pensioner
- cunt stretcher
- cunt-stabber
- cunt-struck
- cunt-teaser
- cunting
- cuntlet
- cuntsucker
- cupcakes
- Cupid's anvil
- Cupid's cave
- Cupid's itch
- cupiding
- Cupids kettledrums
- curb crawler
- curd
- curlies
- curry queen
- curtain climber
- curtains and drapes
- curvy
- custard
- custom-house
- cut a side
- cut him off
- cut out the eye chatter
- cut the cake
- cute
- cuticle cutie
- cuts
- cyber
- cyberpunk
- Cyclops' tears
- cymbalism
- Cyprian
- cyprianophobia
- cyprinophilia