Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
1. Sexuoerotic pleasure from touching, looking at, or eating feces. In psychiatry, a paraphilic condition in which sexuoerotic arousal or erotic feelings respond to or are dependent on observing defecation and/or being smeared with feces and/or smelling feces and/or ingesting feces. This paraphilia may be expressed by such reactions as constantly joking about defecation and feces, hoarding feces or soiled clothing, fecal fantasies, sexual excitement during evacuation and, in some schizophrenic patients, smearing feces on walls or other objects. Coprophilia is a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type. Synonym: coprolagnia . See also: urophilia .Etymology: From the Greek , kropos , feces, and philia , attachment to.
2. Fondness for or attraction to excreta and filth, especially human feces. Synonym: scat .
3. A love of obscenity, especially in art or literature.
4. The use of obscene or scatological language for sexual excitement and gratification.
5. More rarely, a condition in which an individual is stimulated by the female buttocks .
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