Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Said of a penis with surgically removed foreskin . In his humorous dictionary The Penthouse Sexicon (1968) Frederic Mullally defined circumcision: ' Method of sorting out the mensch from the goys .'
CIRCUMCISED: acucullophallic ; bald(-headed); chopped ; clipped ; cut ; cut-out-to-be-a-gentleman ; cut-out-to-be-a-man ; Jewish-by-hospitalization ; Jewish-by-operation ; kosher ; kosher-style ; low-neck ; low-neck-and-short-sleeves ; nipped ; ringbarked ; short-sleeved ; skinned-back ; sliced ; snipped ; surgically-altered; trimmed ; turtleneck ; twenty-twenty .
CIRCUMCISED PENIS: chopped-cock ; clipped-dick ; Jews-lance ; Jew's-compliment ; Jewish-compliment ; Jewish-corned-beef ; Jewish-national ; kosher-dill ; kosher-meat ; kosher-pickle ; lop-cock ; low-neck ; roundhead .
UNCIRCUMCISED: blind ; blind-as-a-boiled-turnip ; Canadian ; nearsighted ; u/c ; uncut ; unsliced ; wear-it-up-in-curls (or curlers); wear-it-up-in-pins ; wear-a-turtleneck-sweater ; wink .
UNCIRCUMCISED PENIS: blind-meat ; blind-piece ; Canadian-bacon ; cavalier ; change-purse ; chicken-neck ; goy-toy ; Jewish-nightcap ; Principal-Skinner ; roundhead ; skin-boy ; tref ; unsliced-bologna .

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