Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
A male who performs oral-sex on the clitoris and vulva .Synonyms: cunnilingist ; cunnilinguist .
See also: cunnilinctrice .
Slangonyms and euphemisms: box-biter ; butter-mouth ; cake-eater ; carpet-muncher ; cat-lapper (catlapper); clam-diver ; clit-licker ; cunnilingam ; cunnilingham ; cunnilinguant ; cunning-linguist ; cunnophile ; cunt-sucker ; cuntlapper ; cuntsucker ; dive-in-the-bushes ; diver ; doormat-basher ; face-man ; fanny-nosher ; fish-queen ; Frencher ; gamahucheur ; gash-eater ; gift-of-tongues ; growl-biter ; head ; head-hunter ; head-worker; high-diver ; homophagist ; keyhole-whistler ; kneeler ; lap-lover ; lapper ; lécheur ; lickbox ; licker ; linguist ; lover-under-the-lap ; mohuncher ; mouth-worker ; mouther ; muff-diver ; muff muncher; Oom-Paul ; rug-muncher ; skin-diver ; sixty-niner ; slitlicker ; sucker ; suckstress ; top-diver ; trapeze-artist ; twat-sucker ; twatter ; vacuum-cleaner ; yodeler .
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