Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter P
- P
- P-maker
- P3
- pack the palm
- packet
- packing the palm
- padded bra
- paddling the peter
- Paddy
- pads
- paid lover
- paint the walls
- painting the pickle
- pair of headlights
- palace of pleasure
- Palmala Handerson
- palooka
- palpitate over
- palsy-walsy
- pan
- pander
- panderism
- pangendered
- pansy
- pant plaything
- pantilever
- pants python
- panty liner
- pantywaist
- papaya
- Paphian
- papovavirus warts
- paraffin lamp
- paraphilic infantilism
- parasitically oppressed
- parish stallion
- parlor
- parlour
- parsley patch
- part that went over the fence last, the
- partial to
- parting the waters
- parts below
- parturient
- party girl
- pash eye
- pass gas
- pass water
- passion
- passion pole
- passionate love
- passive Greek
- pasties
- pat the Robertson
- Patess
- pathophobia
- patroiophobia
- pavement pizza
- paw
- pay a visit to the old soldier's home
- payoff queen
- peach-fish
- peaks
- pearl diver
- pearl necklace
- pearly passion potion
- peccatiphobia
- pecker checker
- pecker snot
- pecs
- pectoral excurvations
- peculator pecker
- peculiar river
- peddle one's butt
- peddle pussy
- pederastic marriage
- pedicato
- pedigree chum
- Pedro
- pee-dee
- pee-pee
- peecam
- peeker
- peeled
- peeling the carrot
- peep freak
- peepee hole
- peephole
- peeping sentinel
- peer queer
- peg house
- pegs
- pen
- pencil and tassel
- pendulum
- penie
- penile detumescence
- penilingus
- penis equivalent
- penis immensus
- penis machinist
- penis substitue
- penisuction
- penny a mile
- penosugia
- people-in-law
- Percy
- performance anxiety
- performing diagnostics on your mantool
- perineal genital mouth
- perishable commodity
- perm the poodle
- perpetual emotion
- personalities
- persuasion
- perve
- pestle
- pet the poodle
- peter machinist
- peter puffer
- peter-eater
- petting
- petting the kitty
- petting the Wookie
- phallactory act
- phallating
- phallator per rectum
- phallic erection
- phallic prod
- phallic vomitus
- phallocentrism
- phallus
- phallus rigidus
- phat chick
- Phil Latio
- philemaphobia
- philogynist
- philter
- phobia
- phoneys
- phragmie
- phutz
- physical
- picayunes
- pichita de oro
- pick a flower
- pick up
- picker-up
- pickle
- pickleville
- picnic
- pictorial prostitution
- piddler
- piece of calico
- piece of fluff
- piece of mutton
- piece of stuff
- pierce
- pig room
- pigger
- pikestaff
- piles
- pillars to the temple
- pillicock-hill
- pillowed
- pimp
- pimp shades
- pimp whiskin
- pimping
- pimple-prick
- pimples on the chest
- pincers
- pinch-cunt
- pineapple chunk
- pink
- pink eye
- pink panther gay libber
- pink torpedo
- pinky
- pintle-bit
- pintle-merchant
- pinup
- pip
- piper's wife
- pipping the pumpkin
- piss broken glass
- piss freak
- piss hard-on
- piss pins and needles
- piss pure cream
- piss white
- piss-lover
- pissed off
- pissing pins and needles
- pissy queen
- piston rod
- pit mouth
- pitch a knuckle ball
- pitching a bitch
- pizzle
- place of sixpenny sinfulness
- plague, the
- plant a big one
- plant one's wild oats
- plaquet-box
- plastic lover
- plates of meat
- play a flute solo on one's meat whistle
- play at Adam and Eve
- play at itch-buttocks
- play at up-tails-all
- play bouncy-bouncy
- play chess
- play dump truck
- play games with
- play hide the sausage
- play in and out
- play kissy-poo
- play mouth music
- play on the flute
- play one's ace of spade and receive the jack
- play rub-belly
- play stink-anger
- play the fiddle
- play the horn
- play the piano
- play the trombone
- play with oneself
- play-girl
- Playboys Playmate
- playground, the
- playing a one-stringed guitar
- playing chopsticks
- playing in the sandbox
- playing pocket pool
- playing the beaver
- playing the hairy banjo
- playing the pink oboe
- playing the slots
- playing with dick
- playing with the man in the boat
- playing with the turtle
- playmate
- pleasant eminences
- pleasingly plump
- pleasure enhancer
- pleasure merchant
- plight one's troth
- plooch
- ploughing the furrow
- pluck
- pluck the bean
- plug
- pluke
- plumbing
- plums
- plurisexual
- pneumatic
- PO-ed
- pocket polka
- pocket waltz
- pod juice
- poe-slap
- poinephobia
- pointer
- points of interest
- poke in the whiskers
- poke through the whiskers
- poker face
- poking
- poking the pork
- pole vault
- polecat
- polish the bayonet
- polish the log
- polish the viper
- polishing the family jewels
- polishing the peanut
- polishing the silver
- poll
- Pollyanna
- polygendered
- pom-pom
- poncess
- ponts
- poo
- poo jabbing
- pooch
- poof
- poofy
- poon hound
- poonj
- poontenanny
- poop-hole
- poopster
- poovy
- pop
- pop off
- pop shot
- pop the question
- pope's eyes, the
- poppa cherry
- popping the cork
- popsicle stick
- population paste
- pork dagger
- porking
- pornchops
- porno movie
- pornographic
- pornography
- pornpics
- porridge gun
- portal of love
- portrait
- position
- post-coital tristesse
- posterior
- pot
- potato trap
- potent regiment
- pouffe
- pound it
- pound the ass
- pound the cheeks
- pound the pavement
- pound the sidewalk
- pounders
- pounding the pud
- pow-wow with the one-eyed Redskin
- power beads
- pox doctor
- practising
- prang
- pratt
- prattler
- pray to the porcelain god
- pray with the knees upwards
- pre-operative transsexual
- precheck
- pregas
- preggy
- pregs
- premie
- prepuce
- press the flesh
- pretties
- pretty-pretty
- price of greens
- prick peddler
- prick-juice
- prick-proud
- prick-skinner
- prickholder
- pricktures
- prides
- priggling
- prime article
- prime the womb cannon
- Prince Everhard of the Netherlands
- princesse lointaine
- princock
- private parts
- privities
- privy limb
- privy parts
- pro-life
- proboscis
- proctophobia
- prodding the half-cooked pastrami
- professional woman
- promised land
- prong
- prop
- propose
- props
- prosser
- prostate
- prostituta
- prostitutke
- protective raincoat
- proud
- proxenetist
- prune the fifth limb
- prurient
- Prussian
- pseudo-rape
- psychobabble
- psychrolagnia
- pub the dub
- pubic
- pubic visitors
- public display of affection
- pubococcygeal
- pucker up
- pud
- pud-pulling
- pudendal inlet
- pudendal sanctum
- pudendum
- pudwhacking
- puff the one-eyed dragon
- puke
- pull a trick
- pull one off
- pull one's wang
- pull some lumber
- pull the joint
- pull the pope
- pull the root
- pull your prick
- pulling on Peter
- pulling the carrot
- pulling the goalie
- pulling the pope
- pulling the train
- pulling your own leg
- pulpit
- pummel the love truncheon
- pump bilge
- pump oneself off
- pump your nads
- pumping
- pumping gas
- pumping the kooter
- punani
- punch house
- punchin' the munchkin
- punish Percy in the palm
- punishing the pope
- punni
- puny prick
- puppy
- pups
- Purple Heart
- purple-headed custard chucker
- purple-headed warrior
- pursonality papa
- pus-rod
- push on
- push-over
- pushing school
- pushpin
- pussy beard
- pussy fart
- pussy hair
- pussy plunger
- pussy show
- pussy-nibbling
- pussy-whanker
- put (one) on the corner
- put four corners on the spit
- put it in and break it
- put it to her
- put on airs
- put on the double act
- put the boots to
- put the horns on
- puta
- puto
- putting on the pot
- pylon
- P and P
- P.I.
- pachyhymenia
- package
- packin' mud
- packs a ton, he
- paddies
- paddling the pickle
- paddy hustler
- paederast
- pain in the ass
- painted lady
- painting the walls
- pair of kettledrums
- palimony
- palming the calm
- palookas
- palpitating bosoms
- pamper pirate
- pan handle
- panderage
- panel
- panphobia
- pansy ball
- pant rabbits
- pantophobia
- pants worm
- panty pisser
- pap
- papayas
- papilla
- Pappas
- parallel parking
- paraphilic juvenilism
- parental units
- park the pink cadillac
- parlor house
- parlour snake
- parsoned
- part-timer
- parting the fuzz
- partner
- parts of generation
- parturiphobia
- party hat
- pashful
- pass secrets
- pass wind
- passion flaps
- passion stick
- passionate pilgrim
- passive partner
- pasture woman
- patch
- pathic
- pato
- patron
- pavement pounder
- paw-paw tricks
- pay papa
- PC
- peacemaker
- peacherino
- peanut smuggling
- pearl diving
- pearlies
- pears
- pechitos
- pecker cheese
- pecker tracks
- pectoral bubbies
- pectoral handfuls
- peculiar
- pedal extremities
- peddle one's hips
- peddle snatch
- pederasty
- pedicator
- pediophobia
- pee
- pee-eye
- pee-pee hole
- peegames
- peekers
- peeler
- peeling the chile
- peep show
- peepee puller
- peephole squad
- Peeping Tom
- peeved
- peg puff
- peladophobia
- pen bait
- pencil dick
- penial
- penile
- penile erection
- penis
- penis femineus
- penis in erectus
- penis mouthus
- penis worship
- penisuctionist
- penoanal
- penovaginal
- peppered
- perfect lady
- performing a pearl jam
- performing for Mr. Swaggart
- perineal pad
- periwinkle
- permanent mascara
- person with AIDS
- personhood
- perv
- pervert
- pet
- pet the pussy (cat)
- peter out
- Peter, Paul, and Mary
- petticoat discipline
- petting kitty
- petting the lizard
- petting your dog
- phallalingus
- phallating club
- phallic cleaver
- phallic haven
- phallic quencher
- phallic worship
- phallocrat
- phallus adamantus
- pharmacophobia
- pheasant plucker
- philander
- philematology
- philogyny
- phiz
- phobophobia
- phoning the czar
- phronemophobia
- phutzing
- physical sex
- piccadilly commando
- pichon
- pick a lock
- pick up a nail
- picker-upper
- pickle tickle
- picklock
- picnic lunch
- pie
- piece of dark meat
- piece of goods
- piece of patch
- piece of tail
- piercers
- pig sticking
- piggies
- pile
- pilgrim
- pillcock
- pillock
- pillows
- pimp dust
- pimp stick
- pimp's corral
- pimple
- pimples
- pimpmobile
- pinch the cat
- pinch-prick
- pineapple princess
- pink bits
- pink flaps
- pink piston practice
- pink triangle
- pins
- pintle-case
- pintle-monger
- pinup boy
- pipe
- pipes
- pips
- piss call
- piss green
- piss hole
- piss play
- piss razor blades
- piss yellow
- piss-pipe
- pisser
- pissing someone off
- pistol
- pit
- pit of darkness
- pitch a tent
- pitching a tent in one's shorts
- pix
- pizzler
- placket
- plain Jane
- plant a kissy-poo
- plant the oats
- plaster job
- plate
- platonic
- play a return engagement
- play at all fours
- play at pickle-me-tickle-me
- play belly-to-belly
- play bugle boy
- play chipmunk
- play fiddly-fuck
- play grab-ass
- play hide the weenie
- play in the hay
- play leapfrog
- play mummies and daddies
- play on the horn
- play pickle-me-tickle-me
- play smacky-lips
- play stinky-pinky
- play the field
- play the male organ
- play the piss pipe
- play the two-back game
- play with Willy Wanker
- playbore
- player
- playing a bass solo
- playing a solo on the meat whistle
- playing field
- playing peek-a-boo (with Mr. Johnson)
- playing soapy Peter
- playing the fiddle
- playing the man-flute
- playing the schweinte
- playing tug-o-war with the cyclops
- playing with it
- playing with the pineapple
- playing with your 6th finger
- playmates
- please the pisser
- pleasurable underside (of the female)
- pleasure garden(s)
- pleasure place
- plonk
- ploot
- plover
- pluck a cherry
- pluck the roses
- plug-tail
- plumb (her depths)
- plumbing the bottomless pit of passion
- plunger
- plush
- pneumatic bliss
- pocket billiards
- pocket pool
- pocket-book
- poddy
- pogo-stick
- point
- Pointer Sisters, The
- poisoned
- poke pants
- poke-hole
- poker pan
- poking the bearded triangle
- poking the pucker
- pole vaulting
- poling
- polish the chrome dome
- polish the Oscar
- polishing Charlie Brown
- polishing the helmet
- polishing the pearl
- polishing the sword
- pollute
- polone
- polymorphously perverse
- pom-poms
- pond
- ponum
- poo chute
- poo pusher
- pood
- poof about
- pooh
- poon hunting
- poontang
- poonts
- pooper
- poor man's blessing
- pooz
- pop a cherry
- pop one's cookies
- pop somebody open
- pop your cookies
- poperin pear
- poppers
- popping the purple pimple
- popsies
- porcelain halls
- pork enema
- porking de ho
- porno
- pornocracy
- pornographic film
- pornolagnia
- pornshop
- port hole
- portal of Venus
- Portuguese pump
- position for coitus
- post a letter
- post-op TS
- posteriora
- pot and pan
- potatoes
- pouch
- poule de luxe
- pound leather
- pound the block
- pound the flounder
- pound the peenie
- pound the street
- pounding off
- pounding the pudding
- powder one's nose
- power exchange
- pox-ridden
- prack
- prairie oysters
- pranny
- pratt-hunter
- pratts
- pray to the porcelain goddess
- prayer bones
- pre-orgasmic
- predator
- preggers
- pregnancy interruption
- preheating the oven
- premises
- presbyteress
- pressed ham
- pretty as paint
- prevenception
- prick
- prick rag
- prick-lick
- prick-purse
- prick-stand
- prickle
- pricnic
- prig
- prigpas
- prime cut
- primed
- princepessa
- Princeton rub
- princum prancum
- private passages
- privy chose
- privy limbs
- privy queen
- pro-lifer
- procreative sex
- procurer
- producing whore moans
- profligate
- promontories
- pronger
- proper bit of frock
- proposish
- prosodist
- prossie
- prostate maintenance
- prostitute
- prostitutor
- protector
- proud below the navel
- prozzy
- prunes
- prurient interest
- pry open
- pseudo-rapist
- psychokick
- psychrophilia
- pubephilia
- pubic area
- pubickers
- public enemy
- pubococcygeal muscle
- pucker water
- pud wrestling
- pudding
- pudendal intercourse
- pudendal smile
- pudendum muliebre
- puer
- pug
- pulchritude
- pull in your horns
- pull one's dong
- pull oneself off
- pull some peepee
- pull the peter
- pull the pork
- pull the taffy
- pull-over
- pulling out
- pulling the colonel sanders heimleich manuever
- pulling the handbrake
- pulling the pud
- pulling the weed
- pulling your prick
- pulse accelerator
- pummeling the priest
- pump handle
- pump ship
- pumped
- pumping cream
- pumping off
- pumping the stump
- punce
- punch in the mouth
- punching the clown
- punish the Harlequin
- punk
- punse
- pup
- puppy fat
- pure
- purple lollipop
- purple-headed love truncheon
- purple-helmeted yogurt thrower
- purushayita-bandha
- push
- push out a grumpy
- push-push
- pushing the button
- puss
- pussy butterfly
- pussy feeder
- pussy palace
- pussy poking
- pussy soccer
- pussy-poker
- pussy-whipped
- put a bun in the oven
- put horns on
- put it into
- put lipstick on his dipstick
- put on heirs
- put out
- put the chill on someone
- put the make on someone
- putage
- puts out
- putting Percy to bed
- pyggies
- pyrie
- Póg mo thón
- P.T.A.
- pack fudge
- packaging the ol' sausage
- packing heat
- packs a wallop, he
- padding
- paddling the pink canoe
- padlock
- paederasty
- paint the bucket
- painted woman
- pair
- paired
- palliardy
- Palmolive finger dip
- palpable characters
- palpitators
- pamper sniffer
- pancake
- panderer
- panel house
- pansexual
- pansy without a stem
- panters
- pantry shelves
- panty
- panty pudding
- pap heads
- paper ass
- papillon d'amour
- paps
- paramour
- paraphin lamp
- Paris brothers
- park the porpoise
- parlor lizard
- parnel
- part cheeks
- parthenophobia
- parting the petals
- parts
- parts of reproduction
- party
- party pack
- pashy
- pass through the fire
- passatiempo
- passion hole
- passional
- passive
- past his prime
- Pat and Mick
- patellas
- pathicant
- patootie
- patties
- pavement pretty
- pax wax
- pay the water bill
- PC dyke
- peach
- peaches
- peanuts
- pearl drop
- pearlstring
- peasants
- peck
- pecker glove
- pecker wood
- pectoral bulges
- pectoral ninnies
- peculiar member
- peddle and crank
- peddle one's meat
- peddling her hips
- pediaphobia
- pediculophobia
- pedophobia
- pee white
- pee-games
- pee-pee lover
- peek freak
- peel
- peeling some chilies
- peenie
- peep show booth
- peeper
- peepholes
- peeping-tomism
- peezel
- peg-boy
- pellin
- penal dick
- pencil-sharpener
- Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhea
- penile braggart
- penile-vaginal
- penis captivus
- penis femininis
- penis infibulation
- penis muliebris
- penis-to-armpit intercourse
- penitis
- penoanal intercourse
- penovaginal intercourse
- peppermint stick
- perfervid
- performing a self-test
- Perfumed Garden, The
- perineum
- perkies
- peroxide blonde
- persona
- personification
- perv about
- pervie
- pet snake
- petal pushing
- peter pan
- peter-beater
- petticoat merchant
- petting Snoopy
- petting the pussy
- phallate
- phallating stick
- phallic decorum
- phallic pencil
- phallic scratcher
- phallicism
- phallophobia
- phallus erectus
- phasmophobia
- pheasantry
- philanderer
- philematophobia
- philophobia
- phizgig
- phone sex
- phonophobia
- phthiriophobia
- Phyllis
- physog
- piccolo
- pick a cherry
- pick a rosebud
- pick up the soap
- picket fence
- pickle-me-tickle-me
- pickup
- picnic on it
- piddle
- piece
- piece of Eve's meat
- piece of luggage
- piece of skirt
- piece of trade
- pig
- pig-fucker
- pigmouth
- pile driver
- pilgrims staff
- pillcock-hill
- pillow fucker
- pills
- pimp fronts
- pimp tints
- pimp-mobile
- pimple joint
- pimples and penetration
- pin
- pinch-bottom
- pine
- pineapple queen
- pink bus
- pink oboe
- pink surprise
- pink velvet sausage wallet
- pintle
- pintle-fancier
- pintle-ranger
- pinup girl
- pipe-job
- piping
- piquant
- piss fat
- piss handle
- piss in the dugout
- piss prophet
- piss slit
- piss-easy
- pissaphone
- pisshouse
- pissworm
- piston
- pit hole
- pit stop
- pitch woo
- pitching in the bush leagues
- pixie stick
- place
- placket-lady
- plain vanilla
- plant a sweet pea
- plant wild oats
- plaster of warm guts
- plate of ham
- Platonic love
- play a tune
- play at cock in cover
- play at stallions and mares
- play billiards
- play center
- play cock in cover
- play footsy
- play hide the hamster
- play hockey
- play kissy
- play lickey-face
- play musical arrangements
- play on the skin flute
- play pocket billiards
- play snuggle-bunnies
- play the bones
- play the first game ever played
- play the national indoor game
- play the silent trumbone
- play the whale
- play with your Willy Wanker
- playboy
- player-arounded
- playing a little five-on-one
- playing around
- playing hoopsnake
- playing piano
- playing solitaire
- playing the flesh flute
- playing the one-stringed melody
- playing the silent trombone
- playing twenty toes
- playing with oneself
- playing with the pink Power Ranger
- playing with your big Alien
- playpen
- pleaser
- pleasure and pain
- pleasure ground(s)
- pleasure someone
- plonker
- plough
- plow
- pluck a rose
- plucked
- plugging
- plumber
- plump
- plungers
- plushie
- pnigerophobia
- pocket fisherman
- pocket the red
- pocketbook
- podex
- pogonophobia
- point one's social finger
- pointers
- poke
- poke party
- poker
- pokers
- poking the fire
- pole
- pole work
- Polish disease
- polish the horn
- polish the pole
- polishing Percy in your palm
- polishing the night stick
- polishing the pud
- polishing the wedding ring
- polly
- poloni-homi
- Polyphemus
- ponce
- pond skum
- pony
- poo hatch
- poo-bah
- poodle
- poofta(h)
- pooh-pooh
- poon light
- poontang palace
- poop
- poopie-plops
- poot
- poozie
- pop a nut
- pop one's nuts
- pop the cork
- pop-a-chop
- popo
- popping a nut
- popping the zit
- popular body parts
- porcelain spheres
- pork packer
- porn
- porno film
- Pornoctionary
- pornographic movie
- pornomania
- porny
- Port Said garter
- portals of sex
- posh
- positive living
- post coitum
- post-operative transsexual
- posteriors
- pot of brown, a
- potcharooney
- pouch of Douglas
- poultice of warm guts
- pound off
- pound the bobo
- pound the meat
- pound the pork
- poundcake
- pounding the bald-headed moose
- pouter
- powder ones puff
- power U
- poxed
- practice nudism
- praising the orchid
- prat
- pratt-man
- prawn of pleasure
- pray to the porcelain gods
- pre-cum
- pre-orgasmic woman
- preemie
- preggie
- pregnant
- premature ejaculation
- preparing the bassinet
- press a shoelace
- pressing the pleats
- pretty lungs
- preventable disease
- prick farrier
- prick-climber
- prick-licker
- prick-scourer
- prick-tease
- pricknic
- pride and joy
- prigger
- prigstar
- prime it
- primed for stroking
- princess
- Princeton style
- priss
- private property
- privy hole
- Privy Member
- pro
- probe
- proctalgia
- procuress
- professional
- prominent bosom
- promoter
- pronoun reversal
- proper Casanova, a
- proposition
- prospector
- prosso
- prosti-cutie
- prostitute-versus-madonna syndrome
- prosty
- protein
- proud inclination of the flesh
- prune
- prurience
- pruritus ani
- pryvetee
- pseudogeneric
- psycholagnia
- PT
- puberty
- pubic hair
- pubis
- public house
- pubococcygeous muscle
- pucker-assed
- pud-licker
- pudding head
- pudendal intruder
- pudendal symphony
- pudendus
- puff
- pug noshing
- pull
- pull it (off)
- pull one's joint
- pull out
- pull someone off
- pull the pin
- pull the pud
- pull the wire
- pulling a solo session
- pulling rank
- pulling the cord
- pulling the mule
- pulling the putz
- pulling the wire
- pully hawly
- pulse upperer
- pump
- pump off
- pump the monkey
- pumped full-up
- pumping for pleasure
- pumping the electric goo gun
- pumpkins
- punch
- punchable nun
- punching the puppet
- punish the penguin
- punker
- punt the cunt
- puppetophilia
- puppy flesh
- purple
- purple throbber
- purple-headed meat puppet
- purple-veined tonsil-tickler
- purvy
- push in the bush is worth two in the hand, a
- push ponies
- pushing academy
- pushing the daisy and make it cum
- puss gentleman
- pussy cover
- pussy fodder
- pussy patrol
- pussy posse
- pussy talk
- pussy-simple
- pussycat
- put a move on someone
- put it about
- put it out of sight
- put lipstick on the dipstick
- put on the (old) noose
- put the blocks to
- put the devil into hell
- put the moves on someone
- putain
- putter
- puttock
- pygies
- pyrophobia
- p's and q's
- P/P
- pack some mud
- packer glove
- packing mud
- pad
- paddle the pickle
- paddling the robin
- padlock of purity
- Page Three Girl
- paint the ceiling
- painters are in, the
- pair of Cupids kettledrums
- palace gates
- palm it
- palone
- palpitate for
- palsies
- pampering the pussy
- pancakes
- pandering
- panel worker
- pansexuality
- pansyland
- panties
- pants philistine
- panty hose
- panty raid
- papa cherry
- paper kiss(es)
- Papist
- paradise strokes
- paraphilic adolescentilism
- paraphobia
- parish bull
- parking place
- parlor room
- parsley bed
- part someone's cheeks
- partial pudenda
- parting the red sea
- parts behind
- parts of shame
- party boy
- pash
- pass air
- pass urine
- passing math
- passion pit
- passionate
- passive algolagnia
- paste
- pat me muller
- patent heavers
- pathicus
- patriotute
- pause that refreshes, the
- pavement princess
- pay a visit
- pay-per-view sites
- PC muscle
- peach of a pair
- peak
- pearl
- pearl fishing
- pearly gates
- pebbles
- pecker
- pecker pack
- pecnoster
- pectoral eminences
- pects
- peculiar members
- peddle one's ass
- peddle one's wares
- pederast
- pedication
- pediculosis pubis
- pedosexual
- pee willy
- pee-hole
- pee-wee
- peek-a-rama
- peel one's best end in
- peeling the banana
- peep
- peepee
- peepers
- peeping
- peeps
- peg
- pego
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- pencil
- pendulant breasts
- penicillus
- penile colony
- penilingism
- penis envy
- penis glans
- penis length
- penis size
- penisize
- penization
- penoclitoris
- people paste
- perch
- perform the work of nature
- performing an organ solo
- perianal area
- period
- perling the oyster
- peroxide hair
- personal relations
- persuader
- perv around
- pervy
- pet the petunia
- peter
- peter puff
- peter-cheater
- petticoat pensioner
- petting the bunny
- petting the snake
- phalacrophobia
- phallate per rectum
- phallation
- phallic ejaculant
- phallic pendant
- phallic symbol
- phallocentric
- phallos
- phallus induratus
- phat
- phenogophobia
- philantropy
- phillipean
- philoprogenetive
- phizog
- phonemophobia
- photophobia
- Phthirus pubis
- physic face
- phyz
- piccolo player
- pick a daisy
- pick the lock
- pick-up artist
- pickets
- picklepuss
- pickup line
- picnic up on it
- piddle the pud
- piece of ass
- piece of flesh
- piece of meat
- piece of snatch
- pieface
- pig pile
- pig-meat
- pike
- pile driving
- piliphiliac
- pillicock
- pillow-biter
- pilose adit
- pimp ride
- pimp walk
- pimped down
- pimple palace
- pimples on a chest
- pin-up
- pinch-buttock
- pine for
- pinga
- pink cadilac
- Pink Palace in the Black Forest
- pink tea
- pinkler
- pintle fever
- pintle-maid
- pintle-twister
- pioneer of nature
- piper
- pipkin
- piss
- piss flaps
- piss hard
- piss one's tallow
- piss proud
- piss ugly
- piss-elegant
- pissed
- pissing for shits and giggles
- pissy
- piston job
- pit job
- pitch
- pitcher
- pity fuck
- pizza-face
- place of sixpence sinfulness
- placket-racket
- plank
- plant one
- plaquet stung
- plastercasters
- plates and dishes
- platonism
- play around (with)
- play at fathers and mothers
- play at tops and bottoms
- play both sides of the fence
- play checkers
- play doctor
- play footsy-wootsy
- play hide the salami
- play hoop snake(s)
- play kissy-face
- play mothers and fathers
- play night baseball
- play one's ace
- play pocket pool
- play solitaire
- play the clitar
- play the flute
- play the organ
- play the skin flute
- play tonsil hockey
- Play-Doh
- Playboy Bunny
- playgirl
- playing a little game of five on one
- playing canasta
- playing in a one-man show
- playing pocket pinball
- playing tag with the pink torpedo
- playing the flesh trombone
- playing the piccolo
- playing the skin flute
- playing uno
- playing with Susi Palmer and her five friends
- playing with the spitting llama
- playing Yahtzee
- plaything
- pleasing the pisser
- pleasure boat
- pleasure lady
- plentiful
- plonkers
- plough the back forty
- plowing (the back forty)
- pluck and trim
- plucking the chicken
- plugs both ways
- plumber's helper
- plumpies
- plunking the twanger
- pluviophobia
- pnigophobia
- pocket pinball
- pocket twister
- pocrescophobia
- poe
- pogue
- point Percy at the porcelain
- points
- poke a stroke
- poke the pussy
- poker breaker
- pokes
- poking the pie
- pole hole
- pole-climber
- polish one's ass on the top sheet
- polish the knob
- polish the shooter
- polishing the beak
- polishing the nugget
- polishing the rocket
- politically correct dyke
- polly-nussy
- polygamy
- polyphobia
- ponce off
- pontoons
- pony and trap
- poo jabber
- poo-poo
- poodle queen
- poofter
- poon
- poonce
- poontanger
- poop-chute
- poopshoote
- poove
- poozle
- pop it in
- pop ones cork
- pop the puss
- popcorn pimp
- popover
- popping it in the toaster nut
- popsicle
- popular with the ladies
- pork
- pork sword
- porn pics
- porno flick
- pornographer
- pornographist
- pornoshop
- pornzine
- portable pocket rocket
- portly
- posh wank
- possesh
- Post coitum triste omni est
- post-surgical transsexual
- postern
- potato finger
- potency
- poud
- pound
- pound someone's ass
- pound the butt
- pound the mound
- pound the pud
- poundering complexities
- pounding the flounder
- pouve
- powder-room
- pox
- poxy
- practicing one's mantra
- praline
- prats
- prattle box
- pray at the porcelain altar
- pray to the porcelain princess
- pre-op TS
- pre-woman
- preferred stock
- preggo
- prego
- premature ejaculator
- preparing the carrot
- press the button
- pretender to the throne
- pretty-boy
- priapus
- prick parade
- prick-holder
- prick-pride
- prick-scouring
- prick-teaser
- pricksmith
- pride-of-the-morning
- prigging
- primary syphilis
- prime the pump
- priming the pump
- princess of the pavement
- Principal Skinner
- prissy
- privates
- privy house
- privy members
- pro-baller
- problem day
- proctophallism
- prod
- Professional queer
- promiscuous
- prompt the porpoise
- proof shot
- prophylactic
- proposition someone
- pross
- prossy
- prostie
- prostitution
- protection
- protein queen
- proxenetism
- prune person
- pruriency
- prushun
- Psappho
- psychedelic spit
- psychophobia
- pubes
- pubic lice
- public convenience
- public ledger
- pubococcygeus
- puckered gazoo
- pud-puller
- pudenda
- pudendal pleasures
- pudendal trifler
- pudery
- puff on some tubing
- puka
- pull a train
- pull off
- pull one's pud
- pull putz
- pull the duck's neck
- pull the pole
- pull the pudding
- pull wire
- pulling off
- pulling the bologna pony
- pulling the five-knuckle shuffle
- pulling the pole
- pulling the taffy
- pulling your goalie
- pully hully
- pum-pum
- pump action mottgun
- pump one's pickle
- pump the python
- pumped up
- pumping for power
- pumping the gas at the self-service island
- pumps
- punch a hole
- punchboard
- puncture
- punisher, the
- punkie
- punter
- puppies
- puppy love
- Purple Hand, The
- purple-headed avenger
- purple-headed monster
- purse
- pus glands
- push in the truck
- push-face
- pushing box
- pushover
- pussy
- pussy diver
- pussy game
- pussy pleaser
- pussy queer
- pussy-fucker
- pussy-sticker
- put (one) on the block
- put and take
- put it in
- put it to
- put my fire out
- put on the ball and chain
- put the boots
- put the flag out
- put the S.A. in U.S.A.
- putana
- putter in the hole
- putz
- pygmies' cocks
- python
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter P
- P
- P-maker
- P3
- pack the palm
- packet
- packing the palm
- padded bra
- paddling the peter
- Paddy
- pads
- paid lover
- paint the walls
- painting the pickle
- pair of headlights
- palace of pleasure
- Palmala Handerson
- palooka
- palpitate over
- palsy-walsy
- pan
- pander
- panderism
- pangendered
- pansy
- pant plaything
- pantilever
- pants python
- panty liner
- pantywaist
- papaya
- Paphian
- papovavirus warts
- paraffin lamp
- paraphilic infantilism
- parasitically oppressed
- parish stallion
- parlor
- parlour
- parsley patch
- part that went over the fence last, the
- partial to
- parting the waters
- parts below
- parturient
- party girl
- pash eye
- pass gas
- pass water
- passion
- passion pole
- passionate love
- passive Greek
- pasties
- pat the Robertson
- Patess
- pathophobia
- patroiophobia
- pavement pizza
- paw
- pay a visit to the old soldier's home
- payoff queen
- peach-fish
- peaks
- pearl diver
- pearl necklace
- pearly passion potion
- peccatiphobia
- pecker checker
- pecker snot
- pecs
- pectoral excurvations
- peculator pecker
- peculiar river
- peddle one's butt
- peddle pussy
- pederastic marriage
- pedicato
- pedigree chum
- Pedro
- pee-dee
- pee-pee
- peecam
- peeker
- peeled
- peeling the carrot
- peep freak
- peepee hole
- peephole
- peeping sentinel
- peer queer
- peg house
- pegs
- pen
- pencil and tassel
- pendulum
- penie
- penile detumescence
- penilingus
- penis equivalent
- penis immensus
- penis machinist
- penis substitue
- penisuction
- penny a mile
- penosugia
- people-in-law
- Percy
- performance anxiety
- performing diagnostics on your mantool
- perineal genital mouth
- perishable commodity
- perm the poodle
- perpetual emotion
- personalities
- persuasion
- perve
- pestle
- pet the poodle
- peter machinist
- peter puffer
- peter-eater
- petting
- petting the kitty
- petting the Wookie
- phallactory act
- phallating
- phallator per rectum
- phallic erection
- phallic prod
- phallic vomitus
- phallocentrism
- phallus
- phallus rigidus
- phat chick
- Phil Latio
- philemaphobia
- philogynist
- philter
- phobia
- phoneys
- phragmie
- phutz
- physical
- picayunes
- pichita de oro
- pick a flower
- pick up
- picker-up
- pickle
- pickleville
- picnic
- pictorial prostitution
- piddler
- piece of calico
- piece of fluff
- piece of mutton
- piece of stuff
- pierce
- pig room
- pigger
- pikestaff
- piles
- pillars to the temple
- pillicock-hill
- pillowed
- pimp
- pimp shades
- pimp whiskin
- pimping
- pimple-prick
- pimples on the chest
- pincers
- pinch-cunt
- pineapple chunk
- pink
- pink eye
- pink panther gay libber
- pink torpedo
- pinky
- pintle-bit
- pintle-merchant
- pinup
- pip
- piper's wife
- pipping the pumpkin
- piss broken glass
- piss freak
- piss hard-on
- piss pins and needles
- piss pure cream
- piss white
- piss-lover
- pissed off
- pissing pins and needles
- pissy queen
- piston rod
- pit mouth
- pitch a knuckle ball
- pitching a bitch
- pizzle
- place of sixpenny sinfulness
- plague, the
- plant a big one
- plant one's wild oats
- plaquet-box
- plastic lover
- plates of meat
- play a flute solo on one's meat whistle
- play at Adam and Eve
- play at itch-buttocks
- play at up-tails-all
- play bouncy-bouncy
- play chess
- play dump truck
- play games with
- play hide the sausage
- play in and out
- play kissy-poo
- play mouth music
- play on the flute
- play one's ace of spade and receive the jack
- play rub-belly
- play stink-anger
- play the fiddle
- play the horn
- play the piano
- play the trombone
- play with oneself
- play-girl
- Playboys Playmate
- playground, the
- playing a one-stringed guitar
- playing chopsticks
- playing in the sandbox
- playing pocket pool
- playing the beaver
- playing the hairy banjo
- playing the pink oboe
- playing the slots
- playing with dick
- playing with the man in the boat
- playing with the turtle
- playmate
- pleasant eminences
- pleasingly plump
- pleasure enhancer
- pleasure merchant
- plight one's troth
- plooch
- ploughing the furrow
- pluck
- pluck the bean
- plug
- pluke
- plumbing
- plums
- plurisexual
- pneumatic
- PO-ed
- pocket polka
- pocket waltz
- pod juice
- poe-slap
- poinephobia
- pointer
- points of interest
- poke in the whiskers
- poke through the whiskers
- poker face
- poking
- poking the pork
- pole vault
- polecat
- polish the bayonet
- polish the log
- polish the viper
- polishing the family jewels
- polishing the peanut
- polishing the silver
- poll
- Pollyanna
- polygendered
- pom-pom
- poncess
- ponts
- poo
- poo jabbing
- pooch
- poof
- poofy
- poon hound
- poonj
- poontenanny
- poop-hole
- poopster
- poovy
- pop
- pop off
- pop shot
- pop the question
- pope's eyes, the
- poppa cherry
- popping the cork
- popsicle stick
- population paste
- pork dagger
- porking
- pornchops
- porno movie
- pornographic
- pornography
- pornpics
- porridge gun
- portal of love
- portrait
- position
- post-coital tristesse
- posterior
- pot
- potato trap
- potent regiment
- pouffe
- pound it
- pound the ass
- pound the cheeks
- pound the pavement
- pound the sidewalk
- pounders
- pounding the pud
- pow-wow with the one-eyed Redskin
- power beads
- pox doctor
- practising
- prang
- pratt
- prattler
- pray to the porcelain god
- pray with the knees upwards
- pre-operative transsexual
- precheck
- pregas
- preggy
- pregs
- premie
- prepuce
- press the flesh
- pretties
- pretty-pretty
- price of greens
- prick peddler
- prick-juice
- prick-proud
- prick-skinner
- prickholder
- pricktures
- prides
- priggling
- prime article
- prime the womb cannon
- Prince Everhard of the Netherlands
- princesse lointaine
- princock
- private parts
- privities
- privy limb
- privy parts
- pro-life
- proboscis
- proctophobia
- prodding the half-cooked pastrami
- professional woman
- promised land
- prong
- prop
- propose
- props
- prosser
- prostate
- prostituta
- prostitutke
- protective raincoat
- proud
- proxenetist
- prune the fifth limb
- prurient
- Prussian
- pseudo-rape
- psychobabble
- psychrolagnia
- pub the dub
- pubic
- pubic visitors
- public display of affection
- pubococcygeal
- pucker up
- pud
- pud-pulling
- pudendal inlet
- pudendal sanctum
- pudendum
- pudwhacking
- puff the one-eyed dragon
- puke
- pull a trick
- pull one off
- pull one's wang
- pull some lumber
- pull the joint
- pull the pope
- pull the root
- pull your prick
- pulling on Peter
- pulling the carrot
- pulling the goalie
- pulling the pope
- pulling the train
- pulling your own leg
- pulpit
- pummel the love truncheon
- pump bilge
- pump oneself off
- pump your nads
- pumping
- pumping gas
- pumping the kooter
- punani
- punch house
- punchin' the munchkin
- punish Percy in the palm
- punishing the pope
- punni
- puny prick
- puppy
- pups
- Purple Heart
- purple-headed custard chucker
- purple-headed warrior
- pursonality papa
- pus-rod
- push on
- push-over
- pushing school
- pushpin
- pussy beard
- pussy fart
- pussy hair
- pussy plunger
- pussy show
- pussy-nibbling
- pussy-whanker
- put (one) on the corner
- put four corners on the spit
- put it in and break it
- put it to her
- put on airs
- put on the double act
- put the boots to
- put the horns on
- puta
- puto
- putting on the pot
- pylon
- P and P
- P.I.
- pachyhymenia
- package
- packin' mud
- packs a ton, he
- paddies
- paddling the pickle
- paddy hustler
- paederast
- pain in the ass
- painted lady
- painting the walls
- pair of kettledrums
- palimony
- palming the calm
- palookas
- palpitating bosoms
- pamper pirate
- pan handle
- panderage
- panel
- panphobia
- pansy ball
- pant rabbits
- pantophobia
- pants worm
- panty pisser
- pap
- papayas
- papilla
- Pappas
- parallel parking
- paraphilic juvenilism
- parental units
- park the pink cadillac
- parlor house
- parlour snake
- parsoned
- part-timer
- parting the fuzz
- partner
- parts of generation
- parturiphobia
- party hat
- pashful
- pass secrets
- pass wind
- passion flaps
- passion stick
- passionate pilgrim
- passive partner
- pasture woman
- patch
- pathic
- pato
- patron
- pavement pounder
- paw-paw tricks
- pay papa
- PC
- peacemaker
- peacherino
- peanut smuggling
- pearl diving
- pearlies
- pears
- pechitos
- pecker cheese
- pecker tracks
- pectoral bubbies
- pectoral handfuls
- peculiar
- pedal extremities
- peddle one's hips
- peddle snatch
- pederasty
- pedicator
- pediophobia
- pee
- pee-eye
- pee-pee hole
- peegames
- peekers
- peeler
- peeling the chile
- peep show
- peepee puller
- peephole squad
- Peeping Tom
- peeved
- peg puff
- peladophobia
- pen bait
- pencil dick
- penial
- penile
- penile erection
- penis
- penis femineus
- penis in erectus
- penis mouthus
- penis worship
- penisuctionist
- penoanal
- penovaginal
- peppered
- perfect lady
- performing a pearl jam
- performing for Mr. Swaggart
- perineal pad
- periwinkle
- permanent mascara
- person with AIDS
- personhood
- perv
- pervert
- pet
- pet the pussy (cat)
- peter out
- Peter, Paul, and Mary
- petticoat discipline
- petting kitty
- petting the lizard
- petting your dog
- phallalingus
- phallating club
- phallic cleaver
- phallic haven
- phallic quencher
- phallic worship
- phallocrat
- phallus adamantus
- pharmacophobia
- pheasant plucker
- philander
- philematology
- philogyny
- phiz
- phobophobia
- phoning the czar
- phronemophobia
- phutzing
- physical sex
- piccadilly commando
- pichon
- pick a lock
- pick up a nail
- picker-upper
- pickle tickle
- picklock
- picnic lunch
- pie
- piece of dark meat
- piece of goods
- piece of patch
- piece of tail
- piercers
- pig sticking
- piggies
- pile
- pilgrim
- pillcock
- pillock
- pillows
- pimp dust
- pimp stick
- pimp's corral
- pimple
- pimples
- pimpmobile
- pinch the cat
- pinch-prick
- pineapple princess
- pink bits
- pink flaps
- pink piston practice
- pink triangle
- pins
- pintle-case
- pintle-monger
- pinup boy
- pipe
- pipes
- pips
- piss call
- piss green
- piss hole
- piss play
- piss razor blades
- piss yellow
- piss-pipe
- pisser
- pissing someone off
- pistol
- pit
- pit of darkness
- pitch a tent
- pitching a tent in one's shorts
- pix
- pizzler
- placket
- plain Jane
- plant a kissy-poo
- plant the oats
- plaster job
- plate
- platonic
- play a return engagement
- play at all fours
- play at pickle-me-tickle-me
- play belly-to-belly
- play bugle boy
- play chipmunk
- play fiddly-fuck
- play grab-ass
- play hide the weenie
- play in the hay
- play leapfrog
- play mummies and daddies
- play on the horn
- play pickle-me-tickle-me
- play smacky-lips
- play stinky-pinky
- play the field
- play the male organ
- play the piss pipe
- play the two-back game
- play with Willy Wanker
- playbore
- player
- playing a bass solo
- playing a solo on the meat whistle
- playing field
- playing peek-a-boo (with Mr. Johnson)
- playing soapy Peter
- playing the fiddle
- playing the man-flute
- playing the schweinte
- playing tug-o-war with the cyclops
- playing with it
- playing with the pineapple
- playing with your 6th finger
- playmates
- please the pisser
- pleasurable underside (of the female)
- pleasure garden(s)
- pleasure place
- plonk
- ploot
- plover
- pluck a cherry
- pluck the roses
- plug-tail
- plumb (her depths)
- plumbing the bottomless pit of passion
- plunger
- plush
- pneumatic bliss
- pocket billiards
- pocket pool
- pocket-book
- poddy
- pogo-stick
- point
- Pointer Sisters, The
- poisoned
- poke pants
- poke-hole
- poker pan
- poking the bearded triangle
- poking the pucker
- pole vaulting
- poling
- polish the chrome dome
- polish the Oscar
- polishing Charlie Brown
- polishing the helmet
- polishing the pearl
- polishing the sword
- pollute
- polone
- polymorphously perverse
- pom-poms
- pond
- ponum
- poo chute
- poo pusher
- pood
- poof about
- pooh
- poon hunting
- poontang
- poonts
- pooper
- poor man's blessing
- pooz
- pop a cherry
- pop one's cookies
- pop somebody open
- pop your cookies
- poperin pear
- poppers
- popping the purple pimple
- popsies
- porcelain halls
- pork enema
- porking de ho
- porno
- pornocracy
- pornographic film
- pornolagnia
- pornshop
- port hole
- portal of Venus
- Portuguese pump
- position for coitus
- post a letter
- post-op TS
- posteriora
- pot and pan
- potatoes
- pouch
- poule de luxe
- pound leather
- pound the block
- pound the flounder
- pound the peenie
- pound the street
- pounding off
- pounding the pudding
- powder one's nose
- power exchange
- pox-ridden
- prack
- prairie oysters
- pranny
- pratt-hunter
- pratts
- pray to the porcelain goddess
- prayer bones
- pre-orgasmic
- predator
- preggers
- pregnancy interruption
- preheating the oven
- premises
- presbyteress
- pressed ham
- pretty as paint
- prevenception
- prick
- prick rag
- prick-lick
- prick-purse
- prick-stand
- prickle
- pricnic
- prig
- prigpas
- prime cut
- primed
- princepessa
- Princeton rub
- princum prancum
- private passages
- privy chose
- privy limbs
- privy queen
- pro-lifer
- procreative sex
- procurer
- producing whore moans
- profligate
- promontories
- pronger
- proper bit of frock
- proposish
- prosodist
- prossie
- prostate maintenance
- prostitute
- prostitutor
- protector
- proud below the navel
- prozzy
- prunes
- prurient interest
- pry open
- pseudo-rapist
- psychokick
- psychrophilia
- pubephilia
- pubic area
- pubickers
- public enemy
- pubococcygeal muscle
- pucker water
- pud wrestling
- pudding
- pudendal intercourse
- pudendal smile
- pudendum muliebre
- puer
- pug
- pulchritude
- pull in your horns
- pull one's dong
- pull oneself off
- pull some peepee
- pull the peter
- pull the pork
- pull the taffy
- pull-over
- pulling out
- pulling the colonel sanders heimleich manuever
- pulling the handbrake
- pulling the pud
- pulling the weed
- pulling your prick
- pulse accelerator
- pummeling the priest
- pump handle
- pump ship
- pumped
- pumping cream
- pumping off
- pumping the stump
- punce
- punch in the mouth
- punching the clown
- punish the Harlequin
- punk
- punse
- pup
- puppy fat
- pure
- purple lollipop
- purple-headed love truncheon
- purple-helmeted yogurt thrower
- purushayita-bandha
- push
- push out a grumpy
- push-push
- pushing the button
- puss
- pussy butterfly
- pussy feeder
- pussy palace
- pussy poking
- pussy soccer
- pussy-poker
- pussy-whipped
- put a bun in the oven
- put horns on
- put it into
- put lipstick on his dipstick
- put on heirs
- put out
- put the chill on someone
- put the make on someone
- putage
- puts out
- putting Percy to bed
- pyggies
- pyrie
- Póg mo thón
- P.T.A.
- pack fudge
- packaging the ol' sausage
- packing heat
- packs a wallop, he
- padding
- paddling the pink canoe
- padlock
- paederasty
- paint the bucket
- painted woman
- pair
- paired
- palliardy
- Palmolive finger dip
- palpable characters
- palpitators
- pamper sniffer
- pancake
- panderer
- panel house
- pansexual
- pansy without a stem
- panters
- pantry shelves
- panty
- panty pudding
- pap heads
- paper ass
- papillon d'amour
- paps
- paramour
- paraphin lamp
- Paris brothers
- park the porpoise
- parlor lizard
- parnel
- part cheeks
- parthenophobia
- parting the petals
- parts
- parts of reproduction
- party
- party pack
- pashy
- pass through the fire
- passatiempo
- passion hole
- passional
- passive
- past his prime
- Pat and Mick
- patellas
- pathicant
- patootie
- patties
- pavement pretty
- pax wax
- pay the water bill
- PC dyke
- peach
- peaches
- peanuts
- pearl drop
- pearlstring
- peasants
- peck
- pecker glove
- pecker wood
- pectoral bulges
- pectoral ninnies
- peculiar member
- peddle and crank
- peddle one's meat
- peddling her hips
- pediaphobia
- pediculophobia
- pedophobia
- pee white
- pee-games
- pee-pee lover
- peek freak
- peel
- peeling some chilies
- peenie
- peep show booth
- peeper
- peepholes
- peeping-tomism
- peezel
- peg-boy
- pellin
- penal dick
- pencil-sharpener
- Penicillinase Producing Neisseria Gonorrhea
- penile braggart
- penile-vaginal
- penis captivus
- penis femininis
- penis infibulation
- penis muliebris
- penis-to-armpit intercourse
- penitis
- penoanal intercourse
- penovaginal intercourse
- peppermint stick
- perfervid
- performing a self-test
- Perfumed Garden, The
- perineum
- perkies
- peroxide blonde
- persona
- personification
- perv about
- pervie
- pet snake
- petal pushing
- peter pan
- peter-beater
- petticoat merchant
- petting Snoopy
- petting the pussy
- phallate
- phallating stick
- phallic decorum
- phallic pencil
- phallic scratcher
- phallicism
- phallophobia
- phallus erectus
- phasmophobia
- pheasantry
- philanderer
- philematophobia
- philophobia
- phizgig
- phone sex
- phonophobia
- phthiriophobia
- Phyllis
- physog
- piccolo
- pick a cherry
- pick a rosebud
- pick up the soap
- picket fence
- pickle-me-tickle-me
- pickup
- picnic on it
- piddle
- piece
- piece of Eve's meat
- piece of luggage
- piece of skirt
- piece of trade
- pig
- pig-fucker
- pigmouth
- pile driver
- pilgrims staff
- pillcock-hill
- pillow fucker
- pills
- pimp fronts
- pimp tints
- pimp-mobile
- pimple joint
- pimples and penetration
- pin
- pinch-bottom
- pine
- pineapple queen
- pink bus
- pink oboe
- pink surprise
- pink velvet sausage wallet
- pintle
- pintle-fancier
- pintle-ranger
- pinup girl
- pipe-job
- piping
- piquant
- piss fat
- piss handle
- piss in the dugout
- piss prophet
- piss slit
- piss-easy
- pissaphone
- pisshouse
- pissworm
- piston
- pit hole
- pit stop
- pitch woo
- pitching in the bush leagues
- pixie stick
- place
- placket-lady
- plain vanilla
- plant a sweet pea
- plant wild oats
- plaster of warm guts
- plate of ham
- Platonic love
- play a tune
- play at cock in cover
- play at stallions and mares
- play billiards
- play center
- play cock in cover
- play footsy
- play hide the hamster
- play hockey
- play kissy
- play lickey-face
- play musical arrangements
- play on the skin flute
- play pocket billiards
- play snuggle-bunnies
- play the bones
- play the first game ever played
- play the national indoor game
- play the silent trumbone
- play the whale
- play with your Willy Wanker
- playboy
- player-arounded
- playing a little five-on-one
- playing around
- playing hoopsnake
- playing piano
- playing solitaire
- playing the flesh flute
- playing the one-stringed melody
- playing the silent trombone
- playing twenty toes
- playing with oneself
- playing with the pink Power Ranger
- playing with your big Alien
- playpen
- pleaser
- pleasure and pain
- pleasure ground(s)
- pleasure someone
- plonker
- plough
- plow
- pluck a rose
- plucked
- plugging
- plumber
- plump
- plungers
- plushie
- pnigerophobia
- pocket fisherman
- pocket the red
- pocketbook
- podex
- pogonophobia
- point one's social finger
- pointers
- poke
- poke party
- poker
- pokers
- poking the fire
- pole
- pole work
- Polish disease
- polish the horn
- polish the pole
- polishing Percy in your palm
- polishing the night stick
- polishing the pud
- polishing the wedding ring
- polly
- poloni-homi
- Polyphemus
- ponce
- pond skum
- pony
- poo hatch
- poo-bah
- poodle
- poofta(h)
- pooh-pooh
- poon light
- poontang palace
- poop
- poopie-plops
- poot
- poozie
- pop a nut
- pop one's nuts
- pop the cork
- pop-a-chop
- popo
- popping a nut
- popping the zit
- popular body parts
- porcelain spheres
- pork packer
- porn
- porno film
- Pornoctionary
- pornographic movie
- pornomania
- porny
- Port Said garter
- portals of sex
- posh
- positive living
- post coitum
- post-operative transsexual
- posteriors
- pot of brown, a
- potcharooney
- pouch of Douglas
- poultice of warm guts
- pound off
- pound the bobo
- pound the meat
- pound the pork
- poundcake
- pounding the bald-headed moose
- pouter
- powder ones puff
- power U
- poxed
- practice nudism
- praising the orchid
- prat
- pratt-man
- prawn of pleasure
- pray to the porcelain gods
- pre-cum
- pre-orgasmic woman
- preemie
- preggie
- pregnant
- premature ejaculation
- preparing the bassinet
- press a shoelace
- pressing the pleats
- pretty lungs
- preventable disease
- prick farrier
- prick-climber
- prick-licker
- prick-scourer
- prick-tease
- pricknic
- pride and joy
- prigger
- prigstar
- prime it
- primed for stroking
- princess
- Princeton style
- priss
- private property
- privy hole
- Privy Member
- pro
- probe
- proctalgia
- procuress
- professional
- prominent bosom
- promoter
- pronoun reversal
- proper Casanova, a
- proposition
- prospector
- prosso
- prosti-cutie
- prostitute-versus-madonna syndrome
- prosty
- protein
- proud inclination of the flesh
- prune
- prurience
- pruritus ani
- pryvetee
- pseudogeneric
- psycholagnia
- PT
- puberty
- pubic hair
- pubis
- public house
- pubococcygeous muscle
- pucker-assed
- pud-licker
- pudding head
- pudendal intruder
- pudendal symphony
- pudendus
- puff
- pug noshing
- pull
- pull it (off)
- pull one's joint
- pull out
- pull someone off
- pull the pin
- pull the pud
- pull the wire
- pulling a solo session
- pulling rank
- pulling the cord
- pulling the mule
- pulling the putz
- pulling the wire
- pully hawly
- pulse upperer
- pump
- pump off
- pump the monkey
- pumped full-up
- pumping for pleasure
- pumping the electric goo gun
- pumpkins
- punch
- punchable nun
- punching the puppet
- punish the penguin
- punker
- punt the cunt
- puppetophilia
- puppy flesh
- purple
- purple throbber
- purple-headed meat puppet
- purple-veined tonsil-tickler
- purvy
- push in the bush is worth two in the hand, a
- push ponies
- pushing academy
- pushing the daisy and make it cum
- puss gentleman
- pussy cover
- pussy fodder
- pussy patrol
- pussy posse
- pussy talk
- pussy-simple
- pussycat
- put a move on someone
- put it about
- put it out of sight
- put lipstick on the dipstick
- put on the (old) noose
- put the blocks to
- put the devil into hell
- put the moves on someone
- putain
- putter
- puttock
- pygies
- pyrophobia
- p's and q's
- P/P
- pack some mud
- packer glove
- packing mud
- pad
- paddle the pickle
- paddling the robin
- padlock of purity
- Page Three Girl
- paint the ceiling
- painters are in, the
- pair of Cupids kettledrums
- palace gates
- palm it
- palone
- palpitate for
- palsies
- pampering the pussy
- pancakes
- pandering
- panel worker
- pansexuality
- pansyland
- panties
- pants philistine
- panty hose
- panty raid
- papa cherry
- paper kiss(es)
- Papist
- paradise strokes
- paraphilic adolescentilism
- paraphobia
- parish bull
- parking place
- parlor room
- parsley bed
- part someone's cheeks
- partial pudenda
- parting the red sea
- parts behind
- parts of shame
- party boy
- pash
- pass air
- pass urine
- passing math
- passion pit
- passionate
- passive algolagnia
- paste
- pat me muller
- patent heavers
- pathicus
- patriotute
- pause that refreshes, the
- pavement princess
- pay a visit
- pay-per-view sites
- PC muscle
- peach of a pair
- peak
- pearl
- pearl fishing
- pearly gates
- pebbles
- pecker
- pecker pack
- pecnoster
- pectoral eminences
- pects
- peculiar members
- peddle one's ass
- peddle one's wares
- pederast
- pedication
- pediculosis pubis
- pedosexual
- pee willy
- pee-hole
- pee-wee
- peek-a-rama
- peel one's best end in
- peeling the banana
- peep
- peepee
- peepers
- peeping
- peeps
- peg
- pego
- pelvic inflammatory disease
- pencil
- pendulant breasts
- penicillus
- penile colony
- penilingism
- penis envy
- penis glans
- penis length
- penis size
- penisize
- penization
- penoclitoris
- people paste
- perch
- perform the work of nature
- performing an organ solo
- perianal area
- period
- perling the oyster
- peroxide hair
- personal relations
- persuader
- perv around
- pervy
- pet the petunia
- peter
- peter puff
- peter-cheater
- petticoat pensioner
- petting the bunny
- petting the snake
- phalacrophobia
- phallate per rectum
- phallation
- phallic ejaculant
- phallic pendant
- phallic symbol
- phallocentric
- phallos
- phallus induratus
- phat
- phenogophobia
- philantropy
- phillipean
- philoprogenetive
- phizog
- phonemophobia
- photophobia
- Phthirus pubis
- physic face
- phyz
- piccolo player
- pick a daisy
- pick the lock
- pick-up artist
- pickets
- picklepuss
- pickup line
- picnic up on it
- piddle the pud
- piece of ass
- piece of flesh
- piece of meat
- piece of snatch
- pieface
- pig pile
- pig-meat
- pike
- pile driving
- piliphiliac
- pillicock
- pillow-biter
- pilose adit
- pimp ride
- pimp walk
- pimped down
- pimple palace
- pimples on a chest
- pin-up
- pinch-buttock
- pine for
- pinga
- pink cadilac
- Pink Palace in the Black Forest
- pink tea
- pinkler
- pintle fever
- pintle-maid
- pintle-twister
- pioneer of nature
- piper
- pipkin
- piss
- piss flaps
- piss hard
- piss one's tallow
- piss proud
- piss ugly
- piss-elegant
- pissed
- pissing for shits and giggles
- pissy
- piston job
- pit job
- pitch
- pitcher
- pity fuck
- pizza-face
- place of sixpence sinfulness
- placket-racket
- plank
- plant one
- plaquet stung
- plastercasters
- plates and dishes
- platonism
- play around (with)
- play at fathers and mothers
- play at tops and bottoms
- play both sides of the fence
- play checkers
- play doctor
- play footsy-wootsy
- play hide the salami
- play hoop snake(s)
- play kissy-face
- play mothers and fathers
- play night baseball
- play one's ace
- play pocket pool
- play solitaire
- play the clitar
- play the flute
- play the organ
- play the skin flute
- play tonsil hockey
- Play-Doh
- Playboy Bunny
- playgirl
- playing a little game of five on one
- playing canasta
- playing in a one-man show
- playing pocket pinball
- playing tag with the pink torpedo
- playing the flesh trombone
- playing the piccolo
- playing the skin flute
- playing uno
- playing with Susi Palmer and her five friends
- playing with the spitting llama
- playing Yahtzee
- plaything
- pleasing the pisser
- pleasure boat
- pleasure lady
- plentiful
- plonkers
- plough the back forty
- plowing (the back forty)
- pluck and trim
- plucking the chicken
- plugs both ways
- plumber's helper
- plumpies
- plunking the twanger
- pluviophobia
- pnigophobia
- pocket pinball
- pocket twister
- pocrescophobia
- poe
- pogue
- point Percy at the porcelain
- points
- poke a stroke
- poke the pussy
- poker breaker
- pokes
- poking the pie
- pole hole
- pole-climber
- polish one's ass on the top sheet
- polish the knob
- polish the shooter
- polishing the beak
- polishing the nugget
- polishing the rocket
- politically correct dyke
- polly-nussy
- polygamy
- polyphobia
- ponce off
- pontoons
- pony and trap
- poo jabber
- poo-poo
- poodle queen
- poofter
- poon
- poonce
- poontanger
- poop-chute
- poopshoote
- poove
- poozle
- pop it in
- pop ones cork
- pop the puss
- popcorn pimp
- popover
- popping it in the toaster nut
- popsicle
- popular with the ladies
- pork
- pork sword
- porn pics
- porno flick
- pornographer
- pornographist
- pornoshop
- pornzine
- portable pocket rocket
- portly
- posh wank
- possesh
- Post coitum triste omni est
- post-surgical transsexual
- postern
- potato finger
- potency
- poud
- pound
- pound someone's ass
- pound the butt
- pound the mound
- pound the pud
- poundering complexities
- pounding the flounder
- pouve
- powder-room
- pox
- poxy
- practicing one's mantra
- praline
- prats
- prattle box
- pray at the porcelain altar
- pray to the porcelain princess
- pre-op TS
- pre-woman
- preferred stock
- preggo
- prego
- premature ejaculator
- preparing the carrot
- press the button
- pretender to the throne
- pretty-boy
- priapus
- prick parade
- prick-holder
- prick-pride
- prick-scouring
- prick-teaser
- pricksmith
- pride-of-the-morning
- prigging
- primary syphilis
- prime the pump
- priming the pump
- princess of the pavement
- Principal Skinner
- prissy
- privates
- privy house
- privy members
- pro-baller
- problem day
- proctophallism
- prod
- Professional queer
- promiscuous
- prompt the porpoise
- proof shot
- prophylactic
- proposition someone
- pross
- prossy
- prostie
- prostitution
- protection
- protein queen
- proxenetism
- prune person
- pruriency
- prushun
- Psappho
- psychedelic spit
- psychophobia
- pubes
- pubic lice
- public convenience
- public ledger
- pubococcygeus
- puckered gazoo
- pud-puller
- pudenda
- pudendal pleasures
- pudendal trifler
- pudery
- puff on some tubing
- puka
- pull a train
- pull off
- pull one's pud
- pull putz
- pull the duck's neck
- pull the pole
- pull the pudding
- pull wire
- pulling off
- pulling the bologna pony
- pulling the five-knuckle shuffle
- pulling the pole
- pulling the taffy
- pulling your goalie
- pully hully
- pum-pum
- pump action mottgun
- pump one's pickle
- pump the python
- pumped up
- pumping for power
- pumping the gas at the self-service island
- pumps
- punch a hole
- punchboard
- puncture
- punisher, the
- punkie
- punter
- puppies
- puppy love
- Purple Hand, The
- purple-headed avenger
- purple-headed monster
- purse
- pus glands
- push in the truck
- push-face
- pushing box
- pushover
- pussy
- pussy diver
- pussy game
- pussy pleaser
- pussy queer
- pussy-fucker
- pussy-sticker
- put (one) on the block
- put and take
- put it in
- put it to
- put my fire out
- put on the ball and chain
- put the boots
- put the flag out
- put the S.A. in U.S.A.
- putana
- putter in the hole
- putz
- pygmies' cocks
- python