Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Or: pruriency , an inordinate interest in sex ; an inclination toward lewdness or lustfulness; lascivious .

ETYMOLOGY: From the Latin prurire, to itch . See horny for synonyms.

SYNONYMS, QUASI-SYNONYMS AND RELATED TERMS: aphrodisia ; appetence ; appetite ; appetition ; ardor-veneris ; carnal-desire ; carnality; coitolimia ; concupiscence ; craving; eroticism; estrus ; heat ; horniness ; hunger ; lechery ; lewdness; libidinal craving; libido ; licentiousness ; lickerishness; longing; lust ; lustfulness; passion ; prurience; pruriency ; restlessness; rut; salaciousness; salacity ; sensualism; sensuality; sensuous desire ; wantonness; zazzle . Antonyms: anaphrodisia (anaphrodesia); sexual-anesthesia ; sexual-defluvium ; sexual-inappetence .

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