Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

pubic hair:

Or: pubic hairs , the triangular patch of hair on the lower abdomen and genital area. They appear at puberty , one of the secondary-sex-characteristics , at first downy but then darker, curlier, and coarser.


FEMALE: Apostle's-grove ; badger ; baz ; bear-trapper's-hat ; beard ; beard-flit ; bearded ; bearded-lady ; bearskin ; beetlebonnet ; belly-bristles ; belly-thicket ; belly-whiskers; bermuda-triangle ; bird's-nest ; black-ace ; black-bess ; blurtbeard ; brakes ; briar patch ; Brillo-pad ; broom ; brown-madam ; brush ; bugger grips; carpet ; cat ; catskin ; clover-field ; cod-cove ; cotton ; cotton-and-wool ; County-Down ; crown-and-feathers ; cunny-skin ; cunt-carpet ; cunt-curtain ; cunt-down ; cunt-hair ; curlies ; curls ; curly-hairs ; dickweed ; Dilberry brush ; down ; Elysian-Fields ; fanny-hair ; fascinating-furpiece ; fern ; fleece ; fluff ; forest ; forest-bush ; Fort-Bushy ; frizzle ; front-door-mat ; front-garden ; fuck-fur ; fur ; fur-below (furbelow); furry-bush ; furry-mound ; furze ; furze-bush ; fuzz ; fuzzies ; garden ; garden-hedge ; garden-of-Eden ; gooseberry-bush ; grass ; green-grove ; green-meadow ; Grove-of-Eglantine ; hair-court ; hairy-axe-wound ; hairy-escutcheon ; hairy-ring ; hairy-wheel ; Hairyfordshire ; kitten's-ear ; lady's-low-toupee ; ladys-welcome-mat ; leg-beard ; lower-wig ; map-of-Tasmania ; map-of-Tazzy ; mat ; merkin ; moss ; moss-rose ; mossy-bank ; mossy-cell ; mossy-doughnut ; mossy-face ; mossy-mound ; mot-carpet ; mowed-lawn ; muffet ; mustard-and-cress ; nature's-veil ; nest-in-the-bush ; nether-eyebrow ; nether-lashes ; nether-whiskers ; old Frizzle; Orchard-of-the-Hesperides ; parsley-bed ; parsley-patch ; patch ; plush ; pubes ; pubickers ; pussy-beard ; pussy-cover ; pussy-hair ; quim-bush ; quim-whiskers ; quim-wig ; rosebush ; rubyfruit-jungle ; rug ; scut ; short-and-curlies ; short-hairs ; shrubbery ; silent-beard ; snatch-patch ; snatch-thatch ; sporran ; squirrel ; steel-woolies ; strawberry-patch ; stubble ; sugar-bush ; tail-feathers ; thicket ; toupee ; triangle-of-love ; trim ; tufted-honor ; tufted-treasure ; turf ; tush ; twat-fuzz ; twat-hair ; twat-mat ; twat-rug ; undergrowth ; vaginal hair; velcro-strips ; velcro (love) triangle ; vertical-axe-wound-with-sideburns ; wig ; wool ; woolies ; wools ; zebra-fanny .
SEE ALSO: mohair-knickers .

MALE: baz ; belly-bristles ; belly-thicket ; belly-whiskers; bush ; curls ; curlies ; curly-hairs ; dick-wheat ; gorilla-salad ; pubes ; pubickers ; short-and-curlies ; short-hairs ; sporran .

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