Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. In Britain, a casual term for a young woman or a girl . In America, a woman , a girl , sometimes a male homosexual , more rarely any unknown person. See also: chick .

2. The bird : The middle-finger raised alone on a closed fist in an angry and obscene gesture meaning: fuck you, up yours, take-it-in the ass . - That guy gave me the bird. - Well, flip him back .
Synonyms: big-bird ; the finger ; the middle-finger-salute ; the toby-finger-(salute) ; the toby-salute .
See also: digitus-infamis .

Quote: Babbit (Ted Pierce) and Catstello (Mel Blanc) in A Tweety Tale of Two Kitties (1942):
-- Babbit: ' Give me the bird! '
-- Catstello: ' If the Hays Office would only let me, I'd give him the bird all right! ' (The Hayes Office was, at one time, the censorship office of the movie industry.)

3. In the 1920s, a female prostitute . See prostitute for synonyms.

4. The penis . See penis for synonyms.

5. Bird of the game , in the 19 th century, referred to a promiscuous man .

See Also: avisodomy, bestialsadism, bicycle, big bird, bike, bird, bird cage, bird circuit, bird's eggs, bird's nest, birdcage, birds-nester, breastage, canary, catch a bird, cathouse cutie, chic, cop a bird, cop a joint, cuckold, cuddle doves, digitus infamis, faygeleh, fegelah, feygelah, flip the bird, give someone the bird, give someone the finger, grab a bird, grab a hot one, harpy, in the sack, lady bird, middle finger salute, Mister Wiggly, night-hawk, perch, push in the bush is worth two in the hand, a, pussycat, quail, queer, queer fellow, Saint Valentine's Day, screamplay, steal a bird, tender chick, throw a bird, toby finger (salute), toby salute, town bike, village bicycle, village bike

Quotes Containing bird:
Rick Jarman (Mel Gibson) to Muffy (Goldie Hawn) in Bird on a Wire (1990): ''Mister Wiggly''s been on bread and water for five long years.''
Call-in radio show ''Doctor'' Shirlee Kenyan (Dolly Parton) to one of her callers in Straight Talk (1992): ''Like my daddy always used to say: a bird and a fish can fall in-love , but where do they make a home?''
Jim Bridger (Tully Marshall) about Felice (Lily Damita) making eyes at Clint Belmet (Gary Cooper) in Fighting Caravans (1931): 'Look at her! A-wiggling and a-pouting and a-butting up with that rubber mouth of hers just like a snake putting a spell on a bird .'
Jim Bridger (Tully Marshall) about Felice (Lily Damita) making eyes at Clint Belmet (Gary Cooper) in Fighting Caravans (1931): ''Look at her! A-wiggling and a-pouting and a-butting up with that rubber mouth of hers just like a snake putting a spell on a bird .''
Jim Bridger (Tully Marshall) about Felice (Lily Damita) making eyes at Clint Belmet (Gary Cooper) in Fighting Caravans (1931): 'Look at her! A-wiggling and a-pouting and a-butting up with that rubber mouth of hers just like a snake putting a spell on a bird .'
Anonymous limerick: ''Heres to America, land of the push / Where a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush / But if in that bush a fair maiden should stand / Then a push in the bush is worth two in the hand.''
Greg Brady (C. D . Barnes) and Donna (Megan Ward) in The Brady Bunch Movie (1994): - Greg Brady: ''Hey there, groovy chic .'' - Donna: ''Oh, great! Do I look like a yellow fuzzy baby bird to you?''

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