Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Rare synonym for fellatio , oral-stimulation of the male genitals . CAUTION: Oral sex between disease-free people is not risky. Although oral-sex was, until resently, considered a low risk activity for getting HIV (USA Today (Feb. 2, 2000) a recent study shows that as many as 8% of new HIV infections in gay men result from performing oral sex) other STDs such as syphilis , gonorrhea , herpes 2 that can be transmitted. Since HIV may be contained in the seminal and vaginal fluids of an HIV-infected person, protection in the form of a latex-condom with spermicide (preferably nonoxynol-9 which kills HIV) is recommended for fellatio and a dental-dam or latex barrier should be used for cunnilingus . It isn't easy for HIV to get-into the bloodstream through the mouth unless that the mouth contains cuts , sores, or recent dental work . No cases have been reported yet of people being infected with HIV by having oral-sex performed on them.SYNONYMS: coitus-in-os ; corvus (obs.); fellatio ; fellation ; fellatorism ; oral-copulation of the penis ; penilinctus; penilingism ; penilingus ; phallalingus ; virilingus . See fellatio for more synonyms.
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