Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Used in the formation of euphemisms for:

1. The breasts : desirable-fleshy-parts ; fleshy-parts; other-parts .

2. The buttocks : after-parts ; arseparts ; back-parts ; parts-behind ; sitting-parts .

3. The female genitals : carnal-parts ; good parts; intimate-parts ; moving-parts ; natural-parts ; nether-parts ; parts-below ;parts of generation; parts-of-shame ; private-parts ; privy-parts ; rude-parts ; secret-parts .

4. The male genitals : carnal-parts ; good parts; intimate-parts ; moving-parts ; natural-parts ; nether-parts ; parts-below ; parts-of-generation ; parts-of-shame ; popular-body-parts ; popular parts of your anatomy; private-parts ; privy-parts ; rude-parts ; secret-parts .

QUOTE: C3PO in Star Wars. The Phantom Menace (2000): ' My parts are showing!? '

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