Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. A man between two women.

2. A act of sex involving three people in a layered fashion, a sexual threesome , two women and one man , two men copulating the vagina and rectum of a woman , three men engaged in a chain of anal-intercourse with the middle man being passive and active at the same time, or two men, one from the front, the other from the rear , simultaneously penetrating the anus of a third man .
Synonyms: chance-sandwich ; club-sandwich ; cluster fuck ; design-for-living ; double-peptide ; flesh-sandwich ; ménage à trois; Oreo-cookie ; sausage-sandwich ; séance-à-trois ; three-decker ; three-high ; three-hole-activities ; three-in-a-bed : three-layer-cake ; threesies ; three-way ; three-way-split ; three-way-swing ; threesome ; triple-shag .
See also: cicisbeism ; double-entry ; Three-P ; three-way-woman .

Quote: From Bulletproof (1997): Adam Sandler and Charlie , a hotel clerk:
-- Adam : ' What do you think? Me, you, the old lady? A little sandwich action .'
-- Clerk: ' What do you mean? '
-- Adam : ' Come on . You're a piece of white bread , she's a piece of white bread , I'm the salami ; let's give it a shot .'

3. The passive-partner , male or female, in a threesome , the meat between the two slices of bread .

Synonyms: coitus-ante-portas, coitus-inter-femora, coitus-interfemoris, college-fuck, college-style, dry-fuck, dry-hump, dry-run, English-method, femoral-intercourse, femoral-coitus, Harvard-style, interfemoral-intercourse, intracrural-intercourse, irrumatio(n), leg-work, leggins, Princeton Rub (or Style), rubbins, slick-leggins, thigh-sandwich, thighs

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