Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

sexual abstinence:

Or: abstinence , refraining from sexual-relations and genital stimulations of any kind, temporarily or permanently, as a religious requirement, as a contraceptive measure or for other motives. Refraining from sexual-intercourse during menstruation , ovulation or late pregnancy are examples of temporary abstinence . Periodic (sexual) abstinence during the fertile period of the menstrual cycle is the basis for the method of birth-control known as natural family planning. The lifelong vow of celibacy and chastity taken by monks, priests and nuns is an example of permanent or total (sexual) abstinence .

SYNONYMS AND QUASI-SYNONYMS: celibacy ; chastity ; coitus-abstentia ; continence; self-denial; sexual abstinence ; temperance; sobriety. (Remember, absence, not abstinence makes the heart grow founder.)

Quote: Alex(andra) Medford (Cher) in The Witches of Eastwick (1987): ' I think we're a little young to lock it and throw away the key .'

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