Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

shot of beaver, a:

1. Or: beaver-shot / burgershot / split-beaver / spread-beaver , a sexually-explicit photograph or movie scene in which a nude or partially nude woman is sitting or reclining in a position fully exposing her genitals and pubic-hair or underpants. This is one of many beaver terms that appeared on college campuses across the country during the Roaring Twenties; it gained in popularity in the late 1960s when it became permissible to show the pubic-hair in pornographic magazines.
Synonym: gynecologic-spread .
See also: beaver ; beaver-pose ; eager-beavers; split-beaver-shot ; wide-open-beaver .

2. An act of voyeurism . One of many beaver terms , now dated, that appeared on college campuses across the country during the Roaring Twenties.

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