Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


The thick, viscid, whitish fluid of the male reproductive tract that is ejaculated during sexual excitement. Semen is composed of spermatozoa suspended in secretions from accessory-glands (fluids from the prostate and the Cowper's glands). Sperm accounts for only 3 % of the average human ejaculate; the other 97% consists of fluids from the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles. In an average ejaculate, a man releases between 300 to 500 million sperms; only about 200 sperms survive the journey up the vagina , through the uterus, and into the oviduct . Semen has a nutritional value of about 6 calories per average ejaculate. Reverend Sylvester Graham (1794-1851) preached that ejaculating deprived a man of the vital fluids essential to maintain vital energies (health and vitality). According to Graham, each time a man ejaculates, he puts his physical health at risk. Graham preached against the dangers of ' wasting the seed ' through masturbation and frequent marital intercourse .


(1) R.Reisner. Graffiti. Two Thousand Years of Wall Writing : ' Last perm in is a rotten egg .'

(2).Sung by the chorus in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (1983): ' Every sperm is sacred / Every sperm is great / If a sperm is wasted / God is quite irate .'

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