Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
sexual asphyxia:
Near asphyxiation from self-induced strangulation or suffocation while masturbating. Synonyms: autoerotic-asphyxia ; autoerotic-strangulation ; scarfing .
See also: asphyxiaphilia ; erotic hanging; hypoxyphilia .
Quote: On-the-scene investigator (Patricia Thompson) explaining the death of a woman by sexual asphyxia in Rising Sun (1993): ' Individuals sexually aroused by hypoxyphilia , near strangulation. They ask their partner to strangle them or put a plastic bag over their heat while they have-sex . It's easy to make a mistake and go too far .' Capt. John Connor (Sean Connery) calls her: ' She's a rasper .'
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