Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Or: sexo / sexO , Internet lingo for sex-oriented. ' SexO FAG; Sexo newsgroups .'Quotes Containing sex-O:
Guess what? You're having free sex right now. You're getting screwed and you don't even know it .' Huey Walker's (Dennis Hopper) speech in Flashback (1989) is sometimes misquoted as: '...you're getting fucked ...'
'Practice safe-sex ; go fuck yourself.' Graffito
'Just remember, this is a mercy-fuck .' Ellen Stone (Dyan Cannon) consenting to have-sex-with her ex-husband Harry (Danny Aiello) to keep him from jumping out the window and as an alternative to re-marriage in The Pickle (1993)
'The mathematician Von Blecks Devised the equation for sex Having proved a good fuck Isn't patience or luck But a function of Y over X .' VARIANT: 'The mathematician Von Blecks Derived the equation for sex He found a good fuck Isn't patience or luck But a function of Y over X .' Limerick: Ca. 1949.
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