Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

sex and reproductive organs:

May be preceded by male or female , the internal and external parts of the reproductive system in males and females. The female-reproductive-organs consist of the vagina , clitoris , vulva , uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and related structures. The male-reproductive-organs include the penis , testes and related structures, prostate , seminal vesicles, and bulbo urethral glands .

Synonyms: genital-organs ; genitalia ; genitals ; human-reproductive-organs ; organs-of-generation ; (male and/or female) organs-of-reproduction ; organs-of-the-reproductive-system ; reproductive-organs (of either the male or female); sex-organs (internal and/or external); sexual-organs (of reproduction); sexual and reproductive-organs (and system). See penis and vagina for synonyms.

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