Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Or: stinky-finger , to insert a finger into the anus of a sex partner .
See Also: a-one and a-two and a-three, backhand drive, bell ringers, buttered finger, cleaning your fingers, cock-pluck, coitus inter digitae, finger, finger blasting, finger fuck, five-fingered Annie, four sisters on thumb street, hold a bowling ball, longer and linger, Madam(e) Thumb and her four daughters, Mary Palm, masturbation-female, Mother Fist and her five daughters, Mrs. Palm and her five daughters, play stink-anger, play stinky-pinky, stank, stink, stink-finger, stinky-finger, sugar finger, tenpin, thelemassation, toby salute, veuve poignet

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