Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Or: 6-to-9 / 6-2-9 , orthographic variant for sixty-nine (69), simultaneous mutual oragenitalism , heterosexual or homosexual .

Synonyms: 6-2-9 ; 6 to 9; double-header ; double-wedding ; flip-flop ; flying sixty-nine ; fork-and-spoon ; (go) halvsies ; head-over-heels-(in-love) ; heads-and-tails ; loop-de-loop ; (play) hoop-snake(s) ; p's-and-q's ; playing-hoopsnake ; soixante-neuf (69 in French); vice-versa .
See also: catch-a-sixty-nine ; dinner-beneath-the-bridge ; linguistic-exercise ; route-sixty-nine ; thirty-nine .

See Also: 59, 6-2-9, 6-to-9, 606, 69, 9 to 5, 9-5-er, 99, bent as a nine bob note, camp as a row of tents, cat-o-nine-tails, cosmetic intuition, double header, flip-flop, flogger, fork and spoon, fruitful vine, game of inches, halvsies, head over heels (in love), heads and tails, hoop snake(s), loop-de-loop, loop-the-loop, nine bob, nine-to-five, orogenitalism, p's and q's, play hoop snake(s), playing hoopsnake, queer as a football bat, queer as a nine bob note, queer as a nine-dollar bill, queer as a square egg, queer as a three-dollar bill, six à neuf, sixty-nine, soixante-neuf, tit-whip, vice versa

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