Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

double wedding:

Double fellatio ; mutual oral-sex between two people in the 69 position .
Synonyms: double-header ; flip-flop ; head over heels; loop-de-loop ; (play) hoop-snake(s) ; sixty-nine ; 69 ; soixante-neuf (French); vice-versa .
See also: thirty-nine .
See Also: accept a proposal, awful-wedded wife, ballane, become houseproud, become man and wife, bestow one's hand, blood of the first night, bread buttered on both sides, break one's elbow at the church, commit merger, DINKS, do the altar thing, do the Mendelssohn March, double dong, double dude, double fire, double fuck, double harness, double payment, DPP, get bundled, get exclusive rights to, get in double harness, get it sealed, get parsoned, get welded, give a double-O, give oneself in marriage, give up one's freedom, go over the deep end, groom it, halvsies, have it tied, have the knot knotted, head over heels (in love), heads and tails, hitch horses, hoop snake(s), hymeneal, hyphenate, join the household brigade, loop-the-loop, love seat, marry oneself to, Mr. and Mrs. it, newly-weds, O.O, p's and q's, play hoop snake(s), playing hoopsnake, plight one's troth, put on the (old) noose, put on the ball and chain, put on the double act, quit the single state, say I do, Sheik, shotgun marriage, six-to-nine, soixante-neuf, tackle, take the final step, take the high dive, take the vows, tie the knot (that binds), tie up with, vice versa, walk down the aisle, walk down the middle aisle, walk the middle aisle, weddiversary, white wedding

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