Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

sexual bondage:

Or: bondage , the sensual and consensual experience of safe captivity and physical helplessness. A sexual practice in which a participant is physically restrained or otherwise tied-up , as with cords, ropes, silk scarves, collars, fetters, leg irons, handcuffs, or manacles, or through the use of stocks, pillories, cages, etc., as a means of attaining sexual gratification from relinquishming control, or in combination with spanking, whipping and other disciplines as in bondage-and-discipline . Bondage scenarios are negotiated ahead of time to determine the modes and modalities of the exchange of physical power to be acted out , to select the paraphernalia to be used, and to agree on a safeword to be used by the submissive to end the game whenever s/he chooses. CAUTION: A bound person should never be left unattended and should be constantly monitored for breathing, circulation, skin tone, and temperature of the fingers and toes.
Etymology: Fom the Anglo-Latin bondagium, to inhabit. The word entered English prior to the 14 th century referring to the tenure of a serf or slave to his master .
See also: bondage-and-discipline ; burgundy-handkerchief ; tity (or titty) bondage ; vincilagnia (arousal from bondage).


(1) The Detainer (Daliah Lavi), strapped naked on a couch , and the short megalomaniac head of the evil organization SMERSH, Dr. Noah (Woody Allen) in Casino Royale (1967):
-- Detainer: ' Do you treat all the girls you desire this way? '
-- Dr. Noah: ' Yes, oh yes . I undress them and tie them up . I learned that in the Boy Scouts .'

(2) Hairdresser Rita/Susan White (Julie Walters) and a client in Educating Rita (1983):
-- Client: ' Is that a book you're reading? (...) What's it called? '
-- Rita: ' Of Human Bondage .'
-- Client: ' Yeah? My husband's got a lot of books like that .'
-- Rita: ' Somerset Maugham books? '
-- Client: ' No, bondage books. '

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