Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter B
- B
- B & T
- B-G
- B.B.
- B.J.
- B.S.
- babaloos
- babe-a-cious
- babes having babies
- baby
- baby blues
- baby botting
- baby bust
- baby chute
- baby dyke
- Baby Gets Clean
- baby motel
- baby porker
- baby vamp
- baby-faced
- baby-grinder
- baby-raper
- babyolatry
- babys forearm
- bach
- bachelor
- bachelor's baby
- bachelor's wife
- bachelorette
- back breaker
- back door trumpet
- back garden
- back number
- back parts
- back scuttle
- back slit
- back way
- back-alley
- back-door burglar
- back-door milkman
- back-slapper
- backeye slice
- backgammon player
- backland
- backside
- backstair affair
- backup
- backy
- bacon bomb doors
- bacon sandwich
- bacterial STDs
- bad
- bad case of the tins
- bad lamps
- bad sex
- bad woman
- badger
- bag
- bag of fruits
- bag up
- bagadga
- baggage-boy
- baggie
- bagpiping
- bait
- baked alaska
- baker's dozen
- balano-
- bald cocksucker
- bald man in a boat
- bald-headed mouse
- bale of straw
- ball bag
- ball gag
- ball off
- ball stretcher
- ball wracker
- ball-buster
- ballad bar
- ballasts
- balling the jack
- ballocker
- balloon knot
- ballroom
- balls deep in the furry fun house
- balls like a scoutmaster
- baloney
- baloobas
- bambi effect
- bamsey
- banana splits
- band in the box
- band-house
- bang
- bang it
- bang the bishop
- banged up
- banging
- bangs like a bunny
- banjo eyes
- bank and biff
- bannocks
- bar
- bar on
- barbettes
- bare
- bare-breasted
- bare-skin
- bareback sex
- barf
- barfly
- barges
- barkers
- barking spider has a cigar
- Barnet
- baroselgia
- barrelhouse
- barse
- base fuck
- base-son
- bash the bishop
- bashing the dummy
- basket
- basket making
- basket shopping
- basketeer
- basorgasmus
- bastard
- basting the meat
- bat boy
- bat shit
- batcaver
- bath bun
- bathroom
- Batman and Robin
- bats for the other side
- battered
- batting and bowling
- battle
- battlefat
- batty about
- battybwoy
- baume de vie
- bawd
- bawdy basket
- bawls
- bayonet drill
- bazaar
- bazooka
- bazoombas
- bazoongies
- BD drill
- be at number one
- be cuckoo over
- be gone on
- be in a condition
- be in a state of nature
- be in the life
- be knocked up
- be on the game
- be one of the knights
- be soft on
- be taken with
- be unwell
- be your own best friend
- beach blanket bingo
- beached whale
- bean
- bean flickologist
- bean queen
- bean-spillng
- beanfeast
- beany
- bear trapper's hat
- beard-splitter
- bearded leisure center
- bearskin
- beast-fuck
- beastiality
- beat it
- beat of one's heart
- beat Pete
- beat the dork
- beat the hog
- beat the tom-tom
- beating
- beating fantasies
- beating the bed flute
- beating the bush
- beating the pud
- beating your meat on the toilet seat
- Beaulah
- beauties
- beauty
- Beave, The
- beaver cleaver
- beaver lever
- beaver posse
- beaver trap
- become man and wife
- bed breath
- bed down with
- bed house
- bed sister
- bed-presser
- beddies
- bedroom eyes
- bedwork
- bee-hive
- beef banana boy
- beef burger
- beef extract
- beef jerky
- beef whistle
- beefbot
- beefcakery
- beefsteak and onions
- beeples
- beer tumor
- beetlebonnet
- begonias
- behind
- being pinned
- bell
- bell polishing
- bell-rope
- belly
- belly entrance
- belly ride
- belly slapping
- belly woman
- belly-buster
- belly-queen
- bellying
- belonephilia
- below the belt
- belt-fed mortar
- Ben Wa Balls
- bend down
- bender
- benny
- bent as a nine bob note
- benzadrina
- berk
- Berkley, Theresa
- bermuda triangle
- Bertie
- best friend
- best part
- bestialist
- Bethlehem Steel
- betty
- Betty shitting her shoes
- between the sheets
- beverada
- BF
- bi bar
- bi-gaited
- bi-sexuality
- biastophile
- bibbing
- bicycle rider
- biffie
- biffits bridge
- big bamboo
- Big Bertha
- big brown eyes
- big conk, big cock
- big dick from Boston
- Big feet, big meat
- big G
- big girl flamboyant
- big hug
- big job
- big love
- big O
- big red
- big stroke time
- big twenty
- big wheel
- big-bellied
- bigendered
- bijou
- bikini bar
- bikini fillers
- bilabial trump card
- bill and coo
- billiards
- billy club
- bimbette
- bimbosphere
- binding
- bint
- biological reaction
- biphobia
- bird
- bird dog
- bird's nester
- birdcage cleaner
- birth control
- birthday
- birthday party
- biscuits
- bisexous
- bisexualism
- bishop's miter
- bit of alright
- bit of brown
- bit of cuddle
- bit of fat
- bit of fluff
- bit of goods
- bit of hard for a bit of soft
- bit of mutton
- bit of pork
- bit of rough
- bit of skin
- bit of spare
- bit of the old in and out
- bit on the side
- bitch heaven
- bitch's blind
- bitched, buggered, and bewildered
- bitches' blinds
- Bitchville
- bite my weinie
- bite the brown
- biteful
- biting dog
- bitten
- biz
- BJLs
- blabber
- black bess
- black cherry
- black in white TV
- black limo
- black pencil
- black velvet
- blackness
- bladder
- blah-faced
- blanket drill
- blaps
- blastolagnia
- blazer
- bleed the goose
- bleeder
- blend modality
- blennorrhea
- blind
- blind buckler
- blind entrance
- blind piece
- blindfold
- bliss-ninnies
- blit
- block
- blooch
- blood of the first night
- bloody flag is up, the
- bloomers
- blossom
- blotto
- blouzette
- blow beets
- blow chunks
- blow hot and cold
- blow mud
- blow off on the groundsels
- blow one's load
- blow ones groceries
- blow stick
- blow the pipe
- blow your top
- blowing an arsenut
- blown all over the map
- bloxie
- blubbers
- bludget
- blue boar
- blue discharge
- blue gown
- blue jews
- blue moon
- blue steeler
- blue-vein shuffle
- blue-veined piccolo
- blueballs
- bluefoot
- bluff
- blurtbeard
- Bo Peep
- boat
- bob
- bob stay
- bobbers
- bobby's helmet
- bod
- bodice-ripper
- bodkin
- body lover
- body shop
- body worker
- bodyguard
- bog
- bogga
- bogy
- boiled frog principle
- boinking
- bold thing, the
- bollocks
- bolt-ons
- Bombay crud
- bombosities
- bon vivant
- bona polone
- bonbon
- bondage and dominance
- bondage device
- bondagemaster
- bone
- bone bag
- bone gobbler
- bone in the leg
- bone queen
- bone-on
- boneless stiff
- boneroni
- boning
- bonnet
- boob
- boob tube
- boobifers
- boobulars
- boody
- boogie lips
- boom boom room
- boomer
- boong-moll
- boosies
- booth dance
- booty call
- bop
- bopping Richard
- bordel
- boretto man
- born on the wrong side of the blanket
- bosiasm(s)
- bosom cheaters
- bosoms
- boss player
- Boston Tea Party
- botch
- botter
- bottle merchant
- bottom
- bottom man
- bottom woman
- bottomless
- botty
- botuliform genital pendant of the male
- bouginonia
- boum-boum parlor
- bouncy-bouncy
- bountiful
- boustrophate
- bow down before the porcelain god
- bowel movement
- bowler
- bowzer
- box lunch at the Y
- box of worries
- box tonsils
- box-house girl
- boxey
- boxing the Bozak
- boy brothel
- boy hole
- boy pussy
- boy-crazy
- boy-lover
- boys on ice
- bra
- brace yourself, Sheila
- brachioproctic eroticism
- Brad Pitts
- braille
- branch
- brandle
- brass
- brassiere
- brassirothesauriast
- brat-getting place
- bread bags
- break
- break a leg
- break her leg above the knee
- break one off
- break somebody in
- break up
- breakfast nook
- breakthrough
- breast bondage
- breast man
- breastage
- breath control
- breeder fish
- bremelo
- brevet-wife
- brick defecatorium
- bride's pride
- Brigham Young
- brim
- bring off
- bring out (of the closet)
- bringing oneself off
- bristle up
- British Standard Handful(s)
- broad house
- broad-beamed
- broad-minded
- broadway broads
- broken
- broken oar
- bromidrophobia
- bronc rider
- Bronx cheer
- broody
- broom in a cave
- brothel sprout
- brothel-keeping
- Brother Round Mouth
- brothern
- brown
- brown bag special
- brown bucket
- brown daisy
- brown eye pie
- brown hat
- brown job
- brown madam
- brown sugar
- brown word
- brownable
- brownie queen
- Browning sister
- bruise the fruit
- Brummagem Joe
- brush
- brutal breasting
- btm
- bub and sis
- bubbies and cunt
- bubble gum
- bubble-jack
- bubby boob
- bubby heaters
- bubby trap
- buccal intercourse
- buck face
- buck's face
- bucket broad
- bucking bronco
- buckwilding
- buddy
- budgie's tongue
- BUF(F)
- buff leather
- buff the mushroom
- buff-boy
- buffed
- buffing the banana
- buffing the jewel
- buffle
- bug chaser
- bugaroch
- buggerantoes
- buggering the hand
- buggers handles
- bugging eyes
- bugs
- built
- bulbs
- bull by the souse
- bull party
- bull session
- bull-dicking
- bull-ring clamp
- buller
- bulling
- bullshit artist
- bully back
- bum
- bum balls
- bum boys
- bum crumbs
- bum gravy
- bum prodder
- bum-brusher
- bum-fucking
- bumf
- bumjuicer
- bumming
- bump bellies
- bump uglies
- Bumper Kiss
- bumph
- bumpkin
- bumshop
- bun in the oven
- bun-bandit
- bunch of fives
- bundler
- bung navel
- bungalowing
- bunghole bandit
- bunk-up
- bunko booth
- bunny cake
- buns
- buonballs
- burger munch
- burgle
- burka
- burly
- burn artist
- burn the grass
- burnies
- burnt
- burp the worm
- bury a quaker
- bury the bishop
- bury the hobbit
- bury the wick
- bush bunny
- bush pie
- bush whacker
- bushel-cunted
- bushy
- business girl
- bust a nut
- bust one's nuts
- bust up
- busted cherry
- bustier
- butch
- butch dagger
- butch lesbian
- butch-queen
- butcher boy
- butchy
- butt bang
- butt broker
- butt fucker
- butt peddler
- butt pussy
- butt sniper
- butt-end
- butt-peddler
- butter
- butter baby
- butter churn
- butter the muffin
- buttercup
- butterflies, the
- butterfly flutter
- butterfly vibrator
- buttermilk
- butthole raper
- buttock
- buttock climber
- buttock-clingers
- buttocks cleavage
- button groove
- button-loose
- buttonhole worker
- butz
- buzwams
- buzzard
- bwoy
- by-slip
- B & B
- b-boy
- B-girl
- B.C.
- B.M.
- B.S.H.
- babe
- babe-a-licious
- babette
- baby bar, the
- baby boom
- baby box
- baby buster
- Baby Crockett
- baby face
- baby gravy
- baby owl
- baby pro
- baby's
- baby-factory
- baby-kisser
- baby-snatcher
- babyology
- babys public house
- bach it
- bachelor bait
- bachelor's delight
- bachelor-man
- bacillophobia
- back cave
- Back Drop (Club)
- back hole
- back one out (and snap it off)
- back passage
- back seat
- back talk
- back wheels
- back-door bandit
- back-door conquistador
- back-door work
- backassed
- backeye slit
- backgammoner
- backs
- backside artist
- backstroke roulette
- backward about coming forward
- bacon
- bacon fed
- bacon strips
- bacterial vaginosis
- bad blood
- bad date
- bad lay
- bad talk
- bad-ass
- badger game
- bag bride
- bag of tricks
- bag-filler
- bagel baby
- bagged
- bagnio
- bags
- bait the hook
- baked ass
- bakery goods
- balanotage
- bald eagle
- bald-headed
- bald-headed rat
- Balkans, the
- ball basket
- ball gown
- ball restraint ring
- ball stretcher with chain
- ball-bearing oil
- ball-busting
- ballane
- ballbag
- ballinocack
- ballocks
- ballooning
- balls
- balls deep into your fist
- ballsey
- baloney colonic
- balum rancum
- bambi sex
- banana
- bananas and cream
- band moll
- band-member
- bang and biff
- bang like a shithouse door (in a gale)
- bang the wanger
- banger
- banging fudge
- bangs like a tappet
- banjo string
- bank with Barclays
- banns
- bar girl
- Barbarella
- Barbie
- bare brisket
- bare-bum
- bare-skinned
- barebacking
- barf someone out
- bargain basement
- bark
- barking at the ape
- barn burner
- Barnet Fair
- barosmia
- barren
- bart
- base over apex
- baseborn
- basher
- basis
- basket crusher
- basket of goodies
- basket weaving
- basketful of meat
- basorthosis
- bastardly gullion
- basting the tuna
- bat house
- bat up
- batch
- bath house
- baths, the
- baton
- bats wings
- battering piece
- batting for both sides
- battle of the bulge
- battler
- batty boy
- battyman
- bawangos
- bawd's house
- bawdy cleft
- bay window
- bayonet wound
- bazongas
- bazooka shooter
- bazooms
- bazumbas
- BDS & M
- BDTs
- be captivated by
- be enchanted by
- be gooey about
- be in a delicate condition
- be in a state of undress
- be in the Red Sea
- be mad about
- be on the loose
- be outed
- be stuck on
- be the first
- be wacky about
- beach bash
- beach bunny
- beads
- bean bags
- bean juice
- bean-eater
- bean-tosser
- beanie
- bear
- bear-garden language
- bearded
- bearded oyster
- beast
- beastess
- beastliness
- beat it while the beating is good
- beat off
- beat the bald-headed bandit
- beat the dummy
- beat the meat
- beat to it
- beating (someone) with the ugly stick
- beating it with a smile on your face
- beating the bishop
- beating the meat
- beating the snake
- Beattie and Babs
- beauns
- Beautiful People
- beauty mark
- beaver
- beaver flick
- beaver loop
- beaver shooter
- beaver-retriever
- bed
- bed bugs
- bed faggot
- Bed of Nails
- bed someone
- bed-swerver
- beddy
- bedswerver
- bedworthy
- Beecham's pills
- beef bayo with extra mayo
- beef cakes
- beef gravy
- beef jibber
- beef-a-roni
- beefcake
- beefcakes
- beefsteak, hold the onions
- beer barrel
- bees and bees
- beetleskin
- beguile
- behind door work
- bejonkers
- bell cheese
- bell ringers
- bell-swagged
- belly ass
- belly full
- belly rub
- belly thicket
- belly-bump
- belly-fuck
- belly-to-belly
- bellyrina
- belonephobia
- below the navel
- belter
- ben's gran
- bend over
- bends, the
- benny house
- bent dick
- beo
- Berkeley Hunt
- berkleys
- berries
- besotted
- best girl
- best piece
- bestiality
- better fraction
- Betty Bouffant
- Betty Swollocks
- between you and me is the bed post
- Beverly
- bi community
- bi-gendered
- bi-trade
- biastophilia
- bibble chunks
- biddy
- biff
- biffin
- biffon
- Big Bang Theory
- big bird
- big browneys
- big daddy
- big dick queen
- big fella, the
- big game
- big hair
- big hunk of meat
- big jobbies
- big moment
- big one
- big S
- big T, the
- big up your chest
- big with child
- bigamist
- biggest enthusiasm
- bike
- bikini brief
- bikini lines
- bilbo
- Bill Grundies
- billie-coo
- Billy No Mates
- bimbo
- bimmy
- bing-bang-thank-you-mam
- bio boy
- biological response
- bippy
- bird bandit
- bird song
- bird-taker
- birdie
- birth control clinic
- birthday attire
- birthday suit
- biscuits and cheese
- bisexual
- bisexuality
- bishoprage
- bit of ass
- bit of butt
- bit of cunt
- bit of fish
- bit of fork
- bit of grease
- bit of jam
- bit of nifty
- bit of quimsy
- bit of rumpty-tumpty
- bit of skirt
- bit of stiff
- bit of the other
- bitch
- bitch kitty
- bitch's Christmas
- bitchen
- bitches' Christmas
- bitchy
- Bite of the Boar
- bite the bullet
- biter
- biting kiss
- bitten by the love bug
- bizotic
- black ace
- black book
- black handkerchief
- black jack
- black Maria
- black ring
- black widow
- Blackout Romeo
- bladdered
- blamps
- blanket hornpipe
- blart
- blatherskite
- bleached mort
- bleed the liver
- bleeding dirt
- blended orgasm
- blessed event
- bliff
- blind alley
- blind canals
- blind eye
- blind pig
- blindfolding
- blissom
- blither
- bloating the vein
- block of ice
- blood and semen cocktail
- blood spitter
- Bloody Mary
- blooming
- blossoms
- blouzabella
- blow
- blow book
- blow foam
- blow job
- blow my hat
- blow off the loose corns
- blow one's lunch
- blow pop
- blow the anal horn
- blow the whistle
- blowen
- blowing chunks
- blown safe
- blubber
- bludgeon
- blue
- blue boy
- blue fart
- blue handkerchief
- blue joke
- blue movie
- blue thimble
- blue-veined custard chucker
- blue-veined steak
- Bluebeard
- blueness
- blunt end
- blurter
- board
- boat and oar
- bob and hit
- bob the bologna
- bobbing the boloney
- bobbys anorak
- bod-comic
- bodikin
- bodmod
- body odor
- body slave
- body worship
- boff
- bog queen
- boggle
- bohemian
- boiled rag
- boinng
- bollock bag
- bollocky-starkers
- bombay roll
- bombosity
- bona
- bona roba
- bonbons
- bondage and domination
- bondage harness
- bondagepics
- bone ache
- bone balloon
- bone head
- bone of one's bone and flesh of one's flesh
- bone smuggler
- bone-up
- boner
- bones
- bonk
- bonny
- boob job
- boob-balling
- booboisie
- booby prize
- booger
- book-keeper
- boom the census
- boon dagger
- boop-boop-a-doopy dame
- boot slave
- bootlicking
- booty-bandit
- bop the baloney
- bopping the bishop
- bordello
- boring a bud
- born out of wedlock
- bosom
- bosom chums
- bosomy
- boss-queen
- Boston version
- bother
- bottle
- bottle of scent
- bottom burp
- bottom surgeon
- bottom's up
- bottomless bar
- botty boy
- botulinonia
- boulder houlder
- bounce (in bed)
- bound
- bouquet of assholes
- bovine drapes
- bow window
- bower of bliss
- bowls from both ends
- box
- box of assorted creams
- box step
- box unseen
- boxer
- boxing the bald champ
- boxing the clown
- boy fag
- boy honey
- boy toy
- boy-dyke
- boy-scout queen
- boyz
- bra-burner
- bracelet
- brachiovaginal eroticism
- bradyorthosis
- braille party
- brand
- brandy
- brass eye
- brassiere food
- brassy
- brazen
- bread basket
- break a cherry
- break a peter on
- break in the balls
- break one's elbow at the church
- break the ice
- break wind
- breakfast of champion
- bream cream
- breast bucket
- breast press
- breasties
- breather
- breeding
- brer
- brewer's droop
- brick shithouse
- bride's proof
- bright specimen, a
- brimstone
- bring off by hand
- bring someone off
- bris
- Bristol bits
- bro
- broad in the beam
- broad-gauge(d)
- broadcaster
- broiler
- broken balls
- broken-kneed
- bromidrosiphobia
- bronco
- bronza
- Brooklyn mating call, the
- broomstick
- brothel sprouts
- brother
- brother starling
- brothers and sisters
- brown admiral
- brown berry
- brown bullet-hole
- brown dollars
- brown eyes
- brown hatter
- Brown Joe
- brown pipe engineer
- brown trout
- brown-nose
- browned off
- browning
- Browning sisters
- bruiser
- brummy
- brush one's teeth
- BS
- bubatoes
- bubbies' uncle
- bubble-gum machine
- bubbleable
- bubby bube
- bubby hutch
- bube
- buccal onanism
- buck fitch
- buckaruby
- bucket head
- bucking it
- bud
- buddy booths
- buds
- buff
- buff skin
- buff the pylon
- buff-buff
- buffers
- buffing the bishop
- buffing the magic lamp
- buffy
- bug eyes
- bugger
- buggerclaw
- buggerling
- buggershy
- bugladders
- bugskin
- built for comfort
- bulge
- bull gravy
- bull pen
- bull twister
- bull-dike
- bulla
- bullets
- bullish
- bullshitter
- bully boy
- bum and tits
- bum bandit
- bum chain
- bum fiddle
- bum hole
- bum sucker
- bum-fighter
- bum-fugger
- bumfluff
- bumkin
- bummy
- bump bones
- bump-n-run
- bumper sticker
- bumping pussies
- bumps
- bumtags
- bun puncher
- bun-boogie
- bunch-punch
- bung
- bung spew
- bunged up
- bunghole basher
- bunker
- bunky
- bunny fuck
- bunt
- burbulence
- burgers and dogs
- burgler
- burlap
- Burmese balls
- burn bad powder
- burn up over
- burning
- burnt cheese
- burping the baby
- bury face upwards
- bury the bone
- bury the knuckle
- busbus
- bush child
- bush pig
- bushel and peck
- bushes
- Bushy Park
- buss
- bust bodice
- bust some booty
- bust your nuts
- busted coupling
- bustle
- butch as Kong
- butch femme
- butch mafia
- butch-school
- butcher's shop
- butt
- butt banging
- butt dumpling
- butt in
- butt pirate
- butt slammer
- butt snort
- butt-fuck buddy
- butt-slut
- butter and cheesecake
- butter bags
- butter schlopping
- butter the potato
- buttered bun
- butterfly
- butterfly kiss
- buttering the beaver
- buttfuck buddy
- butthole surfing
- buttock and file
- buttock jig
- buttocking ken
- button
- button hole
- button-short
- buttons
- buxom
- buzz
- buzzing
- by-blow
- bye-blow
- B & D
- B-cups
- B-girl string
- B.F.
- B.O.
- B.U.
- babe lair
- babe-o-rama
- babia majora
- baby beef
- baby boomer
- baby buggy
- baby butch
- baby custard
- baby fat
- baby in the boat
- baby paste
- baby talk
- baby's cries
- baby-gallop
- baby-maker
- baby-split
- babys arm
- Bacchanalia
- bach night
- bachelor girl
- bachelor's fare
- bachelor-mother
- bacilluria
- back door
- back end
- back in circulation
- back parlor
- back porch
- back seat driver
- back teeth are afloat
- back yard
- back-door boogie
- back-door dirt box
- back-patter
- backdoor-birth
- backfire
- backhand drive
- backs against the wall!
- backslidious hypocritious
- backswing
- backwards burp
- bacon and eggs
- bacon hole
- bacterial cystitis
- bacteriophobia
- bad boy
- bad disease
- bad news
- bad thing
- bad-ass mf
- badhouse
- bag of bones
- bag off
- bag-piper
- bagels
- bagger double entry
- bagpipe
- bags of mystery
- bajongas
- baker flying
- balaclava
- balcony
- bald journey
- bald-headed candidate
- baldwin
- ball
- ball collar
- ball locks
- ball sack
- ball torture
- ball-bearing stewardess
- ball-face
- Ballarat
- ballers
- ballock bag
- ballocky
- ballooning effect
- balls and all!
- balls eye
- ballsy
- baloney hop
- bam bam
- bamboo stick
- banana car
- banbury
- band rat
- bandage
- bang artist
- bang like a shithouse door in the wind
- bang-bang-bang
- banger hanger
- banging the drum
- bangster
- banjoed
- bankside lady
- bans
- bar handles
- barbecue
- Barclay's bank
- bare-ass
- bare-chested
- bareback
- bared
- barfairy
- barge
- bark a sharp report
- barking carrots
- barnacle
- barney
- barracuda
- barrenness
- basculocolpia
- base trio, the
- basement
- bashing the bishop
- basiter
- basket days
- basket party
- basket-watcher
- basoexia
- Basra belly
- Bastille
- bat
- bat off
- bat-cave
- batch night
- bath of birth
- Bathsheba
- batonophobia
- batter
- battering ram
- batting for the other side
- battle of the sexes
- battling the purple-helmeted warrior
- batty rider
- bauble
- bawble
- bawdy
- bawdy house
- bayadere
- bayot
- bazonkers
- bazookas
- bazoomy
- BB
- bdsm
- be a pro
- be covetous of
- be fascinated by
- be goofy about
- be in a delicate state of health
- be in a woman's beef
- be infatuated with
- be mooney for
- be on the rag
- be sick
- be sweet on
- be turned on by
- be with a woman
- beach bitch
- beach dyke
- beak
- bean belly
- bean pods
- bean-jacks
- beanbags
- beanor
- bear lover
- beard
- bearded clam
- bearded taco
- beast fetishism
- beastette
- beat
- beat meat
- beat one's little brother
- beat the beaver
- beat the goose
- beat the pud
- beat with the ugly stick
- beating about the bush
- beating off
- beating the bologna
- beating the old man
- beating the stick
- beau nasty
- beausom
- beautocks
- beauty parlor
- beaver base
- beaver fryer
- beaver patrol
- beaver shot
- become a lady
- bed bait
- bed bunny
- bed flute
- bed partner
- bed sports
- bedbug
- bedful of sin
- bedtime story
- bee bites
- beef
- beef bayonet
- beef curtains
- beef in the can
- beef on the hoof
- beef-stroke-it-off
- beefcake books
- beefer
- beefy
- beer belly
- bees knees
- beeveedees
- beguin
- behind the behind
- beldam(e)
- bell dancing
- bell-end (of the penis)
- belle boy
- belly bristles
- belly itch(ing)
- belly ruffian
- belly warmer
- belly-bumper
- belly-fucker
- belly-up
- bellys
- belongings
- belt
- belting
- bend
- bend some ham
- bene mort
- benrus queen
- bent stick
- bequeath your genes
- berkeleys
- berks
- berry
- bessie
- best in Christendom
- best-worst part
- bestialsadism
- better half
- Betty Bracelets
- between hay and grass
- Beulah
- bewifed
- BG
- bi-coastal
- bi-guy
- bi-wife
- biatch
- bicho
- bidet
- biffa
- biffin bridge
- biforatia
- big beast, the
- big bite
- big casino
- big dame hunter
- big dipper
- Big Foot Joe
- big game hunter
- big head
- big J
- big jobs
- Big nose, big hose
- big piece of meat
- big shit
- big tender
- big V
- big woman
- bigamous
- biggums
- biker
- bikini burger
- bikini stuffers
- bilingual
- bill-and-cooers
- billy
- billy-doo
- bimbo-nomics
- Binaca blast
- bingey
- biological event
- bipara
- birching
- bird cage
- bird's eggs
- bird-washing
- birds and the bees, the
- birth-naked
- birthday clothes
- biscuit
- bisecting the triangle
- bisexual community
- bisexuous
- bit
- bit of beef
- bit of cauliflower
- bit of ebony
- bit of flat
- bit of front door work
- bit of hair
- bit of meat
- bit of nobble
- bit of raspberry
- bit of rumpy-bumpy
- bit of snug
- bit of stuff
- bit of tripe
- bitch boy
- bitch magnet
- bitch-queen
- bitchen-twitchen
- bitchin'
- bite
- bite rhymes
- bite the crank
- biting
- bits
- bitter half
- bizzo
- blaaters
- black badger
- black box
- black hole
- black jock
- black meat
- black snake
- blackjack
- blackroom
- blade
- blankard
- blanket ripper
- blast off
- blatts
- blech a belch
- bleed the lizard
- bleep
- blennophobia
- blessing
- bliff mag
- blind as a boiled turnip
- blind cheeks
- blind love
- blind tiger
- blinds
- blister
- blitzed
- blob
- blodded park
- blood disease
- blood sports
- bloody red flag is up, the
- blootered
- blot
- blouzalinda
- blow a fart
- blow boy
- blow hole
- blow job man
- blow my horn
- blow one's breakfast
- blow one's wad
- blow some ass
- blow the groundsels
- blow up
- blower
- blowing out the plug
- blowtorch
- blubber bags
- bludgeon the beefsteak
- blue angel
- blue butter
- blue flame
- blue humor
- blue language
- Blue Ribbon (Campaign)
- blue vein
- blue-veined junket hooligan
- blue-veined throbber
- Bluebeard's closet
- blues, the
- blurt
- blushing bride
- board lodger
- boat race
- Bob Monk
- bob-tail
- bobbles
- bobstay
- bodacious tatas
- bodily
- body esteem
- body queen
- body squeak
- body's captain
- boffer
- bog snorkeling
- bogs
- Bohemian love
- boiler
- boke
- bollock service
- bologna bop
- bom
- bombhead
- bombshell
- bona omi
- bonar
- bondage
- bondage and torture
- bondage queen
- bondager
- bone addict
- bone box
- bone house
- bone out
- bone the bum
- boneless appendage (of the male)
- boner bag
- boneyard visit
- bonk-on
- boo
- boob juice
- boobies
- booboos
- booby trap
- boogie
- bookbinder's wife
- boom-boom
- boonch
- boosey cock
- boot-licker
- boots and shoes fetish
- booty-shot
- bop the mop
- bopping the bologna
- bore
- Boris
- borsties
- bosom buddies
- bosom friends
- boss and his two helpers
- boss-trick
- bot
- bother and strife
- bottle and glass
- bottle opener
- bottom dweller
- bottom surgery
- bottom-sucker
- bottomless pit
- botty burp
- boudoir bandit
- boulders
- bouncers
- boundaries
- bouquet of pansies
- Bovril bypass
- bowel bugle
- bowl of wax fruit
- bowls from the Pavilion end
- box boy
- box of dominos
- box the compass
- box with teeth
- boxer shorts
- boxing the bald-headed clown
- boxing with Richard
- boy Friday
- boy in the boat
- boy's club
- boy-eater
- boylies
- boyzzz
- bra-busters
- bracelet cockring
- brack
- Brahms and Liszt
- brain sex
- brand name
- brank
- brass nail
- brassierolagnia
- brat
- bread buttered on both sides
- break a crust
- break and enter
- break like a shotgun
- break open the pie
- break the seal
- break wind backwards
- breaking luck
- breast
- breast fest
- breast torture
- breasts and buttocks
- breed
- breeding cage
- brethen and sistern
- brewers droop
- brick top
- bridle string
- Brighton Pier
- bring down (by hand)
- bring on
- bring up
- briskets
- Bristol City
- broach claret
- broad jest
- broad-jumper
- broaden someone's outlook
- broke her ankle
- Broken Cloud
- broken-legged (above the knee)
- bronc
- bronco buster
- bronze eye
- broom
- brothel
- brothel-house
- brother girl
- brother-in-law
- brothersister
- brown all 'round
- brown Betty
- brown burp
- brown eye
- Brown family
- brown hole
- brown lips
- brown shower
- brown Windsor
- brown-noser
- brownie
- Browning family
- brownpipe engineer
- Brummagem bubbies
- brunser
- brush teeth
- BT
- bubbied
- bubble
- bubble-gum set
- bubbly jack
- bubby circus
- bubby smoocher
- bubo
- buccaneer
- buck naked
- bucket
- buckets
- Buckinger's boot
- buddies
- buddy-fuck
- buds of beauty
- buff ball
- buff the beaver
- buff the weasle
- buff-light
- buffing
- buffing the box
- buffing the rifle
- bufu
- bug up the ass
- bugger-arsed
- buggered and bewildered
- buggers
- buggery
- bugle
- buick
- built like a brick shithouse
- bull
- bull money
- bull point
- bull's eye
- bull-diker
- bulldog chewing a wasp
- bullfuck
- bullock's heart
- bullwhip
- bully in the muzzle
- bum bacon
- bum basher
- bum chums
- bum fiddler
- bum jockey
- bum tickler
- bum-fuck
- bum-licking
- bumhole engineer
- bummer
- bump
- bump nasties
- bumper
- bumper-to-bumper
- bumping pussy
- bumps and grinds
- bun
- bun spreader
- bun-bun
- bunchy
- bung fodder
- bung upwards
- bunger
- bungie-boy
- bunker-shy
- bunnies
- Bunny Girl
- bunter
- burdock
- burgershot
- burgundy handkerchief
- Burlap sister
- Burmese Bull
- burn one's poker
- burned
- burning bush
- burp
- burping the worm
- bury it
- bury the bone in the backyard
- bury the salami
- bush
- bush dinner
- bush scrubber
- bushel bubby
- bushie mall
- business
- buss-beggar
- bust one's beads
- bust some suds
- bust-girdle
- buster
- bustle pinching
- butch bottom
- butch in the streets
- butch number
- butched up
- butcher's window
- butt bags
- butt basher
- butt floss
- butt middleman
- butt play
- butt smasher
- butt tape
- butt-fucking
- butt-ugly
- butter and dash
- butter boat
- butter the bacon
- butter, bake and baste
- buttered finger
- butterfly board
- butterfly queen
- buttering the corn
- butthead
- butting the bead
- buttock and tongue
- buttock stirring
- buttocking shop
- button buster
- button mushroom
- buttonhole
- buttplay
- buying an E-Ticket
- buzz kill
- BVDs
- by-chop
- byke
- B & D dyke
- B-flat
- B.A.
- B.F.D.
- B.Q.
- B.V.
- babe on wheels
- babellicious
- babooms
- baby blue
- baby botter
- baby bumpers
- baby child
- baby doll
- baby food
- baby juice
- baby pillows
- baby up
- baby-bound
- baby-girl
- baby-making love
- babycakes
- babys dinners
- Bacchus march
- bachelette
- bachelor night
- bachelor's life
- bachelor-woman
- back
- back door trot(s)
- back eye
- back jump
- back part
- back room
- back slice
- back teeth are floating
- back yard prowler
- back-door buddy
- back-door man
- back-scratcher
- backed up
- backgammon
- backhouse
- backs to the wall chaps!
- backstage
- backtalk
- backwoods fiddler
- bacon bazooka
- bacon rind
- bacterial sexually transmitted diseases
- bacteriuria
- bad breaker-upper
- bad girl
- bad reputation
- bad week
- badge
- badido
- bag of coke
- bag shanty
- bag-twister
- baggage
- baggette
- bagpipes
- bahookie
- bake potatoes
- baker's closed
- balanitis
- bald
- bald man
- bald-headed hermit
- baldy
- ball and chain
- ball dancing
- ball of fire
- ball someone or something up
- ball toy
- ball-breaker
- ball-tearer
- ballast
- balling off
- ballock-naked
- balloon
- balloons
- balls and bat
- balls in a sling
- ballum rancum
- baloney pony
- bambi
- bamboochas
- banana skin
- band
- band-box
- bandicooting
- bang away
- bang the banjo
- bang-up
- bangers
- bangles
- bangtail
- bank
- banned
- baps
- bar hustler
- barber's chair
- bardajes
- bare-assed
- bare-naked (and in the flesh)
- bareback rider
- barefoot
- barfed out
- barge pole
- bark at ants
- barking spider
- barndoor
- Barnwell ague
- barrel ass
- Barrer Moke
- basculophilia
- base-begotten child
- bash leather
- bashing the candle
- basitrix
- basket lunch
- basket picnic
- basket-watching
- basorexia
- bass ackwards
- bastinado
- bat and balls
- bat one's eyes at
- bat-foul
- batchelor's fare
- bathing beauty
- bathysadism
- bats for both sides
- batter the sausage
- batti
- batting practice
- battle-axe
- batty
- batty-hole
- baubles
- bawbles
- bawdy banquet
- bawdy monosyllable
- bayonet
- baz
- bazoo
- bazoomas
- bazoongas
- BDSMer
- be a professional
- be crazy about
- be fruitful and multiply
- be hot for
- be in a family way
- be in an interesting condition
- be intimate with
- be nuts about
- be on the saddle
- be smitten with
- be swept off one's feet
- be under the weather
- be with child
- beach blanket
- beach whale
- beam
- bean flicker
- bean pole
- bean-shooter
- beaner
- beans
- bear play
- beard flit
- bearded lady
- bearded woman
- beast with two backs
- beastialist
- beat a trick
- beat moll
- beat one's time
- beat the bishop
- beat the gun
- beat the pup
- beat your meat like it owes you money
- beating around the bush
- beating the bait
- beating the boner
- beating the piss outta my best friend
- beating tool
- beauhunk
- beaut
- beauts
- beauty spot
- beaver beach
- beaver hunt
- beaver pose
- beaver tail
- become houseproud
- bed bargain
- bed down
- bed hopper
- bed rite
- bed-fellow
- beddable
- bedmate
- bedventure
- bee stings
- beef bags
- beef box
- beef eater
- beef injection
- beef stick
- beef-tugging
- beefcake film
- beefsteak
- beehive
- beer can
- beetle
- beezer
- behavioral transsexualism
- beige
- belfa
- bell peppers
- bell-knobbed
- belle chose
- belly button
- belly plea
- belly seed
- belly whiskers
- belly-bumping
- belly-piece
- bellyful of marrow-pudding
- belomophobia
- beloved
- belt buster
- bemascopia
- bend a pipe on the pisser
- bend someone over
- benjamin
- bent
- bent-wrist
- berdache
- berker
- Berkshire Hunt
- berthas
- best and plenty of it, the
- best leg of three
- bestial
- bestow one's hand
- better sex
- Betty shits her dress
- between the legs
- Beulah-lover
- bezongas
- bi
- bi-curious
- bi-lingual
- bias-free
- bib
- bicycle
- bienfaiteur
- biffer
- biffing off
- Big A, the
- Big Ben
- big brother
- big chester
- big date with Rosy Palms
- big F, the
- big for dates
- big game hunting
- big hit
- Big Jim and the twins
- big legs
- big number
- big potty
- big shot
- big time
- big wand
- big-ass
- bigamy
- Bihari procedure
- bikini
- bikini condom
- bikini whale
- Bill
- billet-doux
- billy and doo
- bim
- bimboid
- binders
- bingo
- biological male
- biparous
- Birchington Hunt
- bird circuit
- bird's nest
- birdcage
- birds-nester
- birth-rate control
- birthday gear
- biscuit-bandit
- bisensual
- bisexual libido
- bishop
- bit of all right
- bit of bouncy-bouncy
- bit of crumb
- bit of ebony goodness
- bit of flesh
- bit of fun
- bit of hard
- bit of muslin
- bit of nookey
- bit of ring
- bit of rumpy-pumpy
- bit of snug for a bit of stiff
- bit of tail
- bit on the fork
- bitch goddess
- bitch's bastard
- bitched up
- bitchery
- bitchin'-twitchin'
- bite me!
- bite the big one
- bite the dog-end
- biting daddy
- bits and pieces
- bivirist
- BJ
- blab
- black bagging
- black cat with its throat cut
- black in white
- black joke
- black mouth
- black triangle
- blackleg
- blacksmiths shop
- blah-face
- blanket
- blanket stiff
- blasted event
- blaze the trail
- bleed
- bleed the weed
- bleeping
- blennorrhagia
- bletherskate
- blimp
- Blind Bob
- blind cupid
- blind meat
- blinders
- blinkers
- blisterine
- blivvet
- blobs
- bloke
- blood flaps
- blood-breaker
- bloomer pudding
- bloss
- blotch of the escutcheon, a
- blouze
- blow a kiss
- blow chow
- blow holes
- blow me!
- blow off
- blow one's fat
- blow ones doughnuts
- blow some tunes
- blow the horn
- blow your biscuits
- blowing
- blowing your own horn
- blowzabelle
- blubber-belly
- bludger
- blue balls
- blue chamber district
- blue flick
- blue jay
- blue Monday
- blue skin
- blue veiner
- blue-veined junket pump
- blue-veined trumpet
- blueberry pie
- bluey
- blurt out
- bo
- boasin tone
- boating
- bob on the knob
- bobber
- bobby brown pants
- bobtail
- bodice-buster
- bodily functions
- body lice
- body rub
- body wax
- body-naked
- boffing
- bog-house
- bogus
- bohunkus
- boink
- bold
- bollock-naked
- bolt the door
- bomb bay
- bombing the German helmet
- bomsey
- bona palone
- bonar for
- bondage and discipline
- bondage bra
- bondage table
- bonds of humiliation
- bone ague
- bone dance
- bone in the bum
- bone phone
- bone xylophone
- boneless fish
- boner nochy
- bonfire
- bonking
- boo-boo head
- boob sandwich
- boobiferous
- boobs
- boodle
- boogie butt
- bookends
- boom-booms
- boondocking
- boosiasm(s)
- bootch
- booty
- boovies
- bopper
- bopping the bonzo
- bored
- born in the vestry
- bosco boulevard
- bosom buddy
- bosom of the pants
- boss pimp
- Boston marriage
- Botany Bay
- botsy
- bottle dance
- bottle-ass
- bottom in front
- bottom wetting
- bottomite
- bottomless pool
- botty man
- boudoir photo
- boulevardier
- bouncing
- bounder
- Bournville Boulevard
- bow
- bowel howl
- bowlegged
- bowsprit
- box lunch
- box of ivories
- box the Jesuit (and get cockroaches)
- box-biter
- boxers
- boxing the ballsack
- boy
- boy herder
- boy marriage
- boy's smoking house
- boy-kisser
- boys
- bozack
- brace and bits
- braces
- bracket face
- braid cutting
- brakes
- branding
- brap
- brasser
- brassiroregia
- brat-getter
- bread
- breadwinner
- break a lance with
- break face
- break luck
- break out in a rash over
- break the sound barried
- breakfast in bed
- breaking wind
- breast augs
- breast form
- breast work
- breastworks
- breeder
- breezer
- brethern
- briar pach
- bride and groom it
- briefs
- Brillo pad
- bring it up for a vote
- bring oneself off
- bring up by hand
- bristen
- bristols
- broad
- broad smile
- broad-jumping
- broadwalk
- broke her knees
- broken her teacup
- broken-wrist
- bronc buster
- bronk
- bronzer
- broom handle
- brothel creeper
- brothel-keeper
- brother of the gusset
- brotherly love
- brought out
- brown artist
- brown boy
- brown cherry
- brown eye miner
- brown handkerchief
- brown house
- brown log jobbie
- brown star
- brown wings
- brown-tongue
- brownie king
- browning queen
- brownsward
- Brummagem buttons
- Brunswick
- brushing the beaver
- bub
- bubbies
- bubble dancer
- bubble-gummer
- bubbly jock
- bubby hammock
- bubby trader
- bubs
- buck
- buck the bone
- bucket boy
- buckeye
- buckwild
- buddings
- budget
- buey
- buff ball and ballum rancum
- buff the dog
- buff-bare
- buffarilla
- buffing stick
- buffing the helmet
- buffing the wood
- bug
- bug-fucker
- buggerage
- buggering
- buggers grips
- buggery grips
- bugle butt
- buildiking
- bulb of the vestibule
- bull bitch
- bull nurse
- bull ring
- bull-dagger
- bull-dogger
- bulldog dose
- bullhead
- bullshit
- bully
- bulp
- bum bags
- bum boy
- bum cleavage
- bum fodder
- bum plumber
- bum worker
- bum-fucker
- bumbo
- bumholerous fuckerous
- bummers
- bump and grind
- bump pelvis
- bumper head
- bumpers
- bumping uglies
- bumpy jumpers
- bun huggers
- bun woman
- bun-pressers
- bundled
- bung juice
- bung-hole
- bunghole
- Bunjamin
- bunkie
- bunny
- bunny rub
- buntline hitch
- burgeoning bunnies
- burglar
- buried alive
- Burlington Hunt
- burn
- burn out
- burner
- burning shame
- burp the baldman
- burrito
- bury one's ring
- bury the hatchet where it won't rust
- bury the weenie
- bush beater
- bush patrol
- bush talk
- bushel of coke
- bushwack
- business boy
- bust
- bust one's gut
- bust someone out
- bust-maker
- busters
- busty
- butch cut
- butch it up
- butch-fluff
- butcher
- butchered chicken
- butt balling
- butt book
- butt fuck
- butt out!
- butt plug
- butt sneeze
- butt-crack
- butt-naked (and in the flesh)
- butt-wipe
- butter and eggs
- butter box
- butter the bead
- butter-mouth
- butterfinger
- butterfly flick
- butterfly ring
- buttering the muffin
- butthole
- buttinsky
- buttock ball
- buttock-broker
- buttocks
- button factory
- Button your arse!
- buttonhole work
- butyl nitrite
- buysexual
- buzz the brillo
- by-scape
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter B
- B
- B & T
- B-G
- B.B.
- B.J.
- B.S.
- babaloos
- babe-a-cious
- babes having babies
- baby
- baby blues
- baby botting
- baby bust
- baby chute
- baby dyke
- Baby Gets Clean
- baby motel
- baby porker
- baby vamp
- baby-faced
- baby-grinder
- baby-raper
- babyolatry
- babys forearm
- bach
- bachelor
- bachelor's baby
- bachelor's wife
- bachelorette
- back breaker
- back door trumpet
- back garden
- back number
- back parts
- back scuttle
- back slit
- back way
- back-alley
- back-door burglar
- back-door milkman
- back-slapper
- backeye slice
- backgammon player
- backland
- backside
- backstair affair
- backup
- backy
- bacon bomb doors
- bacon sandwich
- bacterial STDs
- bad
- bad case of the tins
- bad lamps
- bad sex
- bad woman
- badger
- bag
- bag of fruits
- bag up
- bagadga
- baggage-boy
- baggie
- bagpiping
- bait
- baked alaska
- baker's dozen
- balano-
- bald cocksucker
- bald man in a boat
- bald-headed mouse
- bale of straw
- ball bag
- ball gag
- ball off
- ball stretcher
- ball wracker
- ball-buster
- ballad bar
- ballasts
- balling the jack
- ballocker
- balloon knot
- ballroom
- balls deep in the furry fun house
- balls like a scoutmaster
- baloney
- baloobas
- bambi effect
- bamsey
- banana splits
- band in the box
- band-house
- bang
- bang it
- bang the bishop
- banged up
- banging
- bangs like a bunny
- banjo eyes
- bank and biff
- bannocks
- bar
- bar on
- barbettes
- bare
- bare-breasted
- bare-skin
- bareback sex
- barf
- barfly
- barges
- barkers
- barking spider has a cigar
- Barnet
- baroselgia
- barrelhouse
- barse
- base fuck
- base-son
- bash the bishop
- bashing the dummy
- basket
- basket making
- basket shopping
- basketeer
- basorgasmus
- bastard
- basting the meat
- bat boy
- bat shit
- batcaver
- bath bun
- bathroom
- Batman and Robin
- bats for the other side
- battered
- batting and bowling
- battle
- battlefat
- batty about
- battybwoy
- baume de vie
- bawd
- bawdy basket
- bawls
- bayonet drill
- bazaar
- bazooka
- bazoombas
- bazoongies
- BD drill
- be at number one
- be cuckoo over
- be gone on
- be in a condition
- be in a state of nature
- be in the life
- be knocked up
- be on the game
- be one of the knights
- be soft on
- be taken with
- be unwell
- be your own best friend
- beach blanket bingo
- beached whale
- bean
- bean flickologist
- bean queen
- bean-spillng
- beanfeast
- beany
- bear trapper's hat
- beard-splitter
- bearded leisure center
- bearskin
- beast-fuck
- beastiality
- beat it
- beat of one's heart
- beat Pete
- beat the dork
- beat the hog
- beat the tom-tom
- beating
- beating fantasies
- beating the bed flute
- beating the bush
- beating the pud
- beating your meat on the toilet seat
- Beaulah
- beauties
- beauty
- Beave, The
- beaver cleaver
- beaver lever
- beaver posse
- beaver trap
- become man and wife
- bed breath
- bed down with
- bed house
- bed sister
- bed-presser
- beddies
- bedroom eyes
- bedwork
- bee-hive
- beef banana boy
- beef burger
- beef extract
- beef jerky
- beef whistle
- beefbot
- beefcakery
- beefsteak and onions
- beeples
- beer tumor
- beetlebonnet
- begonias
- behind
- being pinned
- bell
- bell polishing
- bell-rope
- belly
- belly entrance
- belly ride
- belly slapping
- belly woman
- belly-buster
- belly-queen
- bellying
- belonephilia
- below the belt
- belt-fed mortar
- Ben Wa Balls
- bend down
- bender
- benny
- bent as a nine bob note
- benzadrina
- berk
- Berkley, Theresa
- bermuda triangle
- Bertie
- best friend
- best part
- bestialist
- Bethlehem Steel
- betty
- Betty shitting her shoes
- between the sheets
- beverada
- BF
- bi bar
- bi-gaited
- bi-sexuality
- biastophile
- bibbing
- bicycle rider
- biffie
- biffits bridge
- big bamboo
- Big Bertha
- big brown eyes
- big conk, big cock
- big dick from Boston
- Big feet, big meat
- big G
- big girl flamboyant
- big hug
- big job
- big love
- big O
- big red
- big stroke time
- big twenty
- big wheel
- big-bellied
- bigendered
- bijou
- bikini bar
- bikini fillers
- bilabial trump card
- bill and coo
- billiards
- billy club
- bimbette
- bimbosphere
- binding
- bint
- biological reaction
- biphobia
- bird
- bird dog
- bird's nester
- birdcage cleaner
- birth control
- birthday
- birthday party
- biscuits
- bisexous
- bisexualism
- bishop's miter
- bit of alright
- bit of brown
- bit of cuddle
- bit of fat
- bit of fluff
- bit of goods
- bit of hard for a bit of soft
- bit of mutton
- bit of pork
- bit of rough
- bit of skin
- bit of spare
- bit of the old in and out
- bit on the side
- bitch heaven
- bitch's blind
- bitched, buggered, and bewildered
- bitches' blinds
- Bitchville
- bite my weinie
- bite the brown
- biteful
- biting dog
- bitten
- biz
- BJLs
- blabber
- black bess
- black cherry
- black in white TV
- black limo
- black pencil
- black velvet
- blackness
- bladder
- blah-faced
- blanket drill
- blaps
- blastolagnia
- blazer
- bleed the goose
- bleeder
- blend modality
- blennorrhea
- blind
- blind buckler
- blind entrance
- blind piece
- blindfold
- bliss-ninnies
- blit
- block
- blooch
- blood of the first night
- bloody flag is up, the
- bloomers
- blossom
- blotto
- blouzette
- blow beets
- blow chunks
- blow hot and cold
- blow mud
- blow off on the groundsels
- blow one's load
- blow ones groceries
- blow stick
- blow the pipe
- blow your top
- blowing an arsenut
- blown all over the map
- bloxie
- blubbers
- bludget
- blue boar
- blue discharge
- blue gown
- blue jews
- blue moon
- blue steeler
- blue-vein shuffle
- blue-veined piccolo
- blueballs
- bluefoot
- bluff
- blurtbeard
- Bo Peep
- boat
- bob
- bob stay
- bobbers
- bobby's helmet
- bod
- bodice-ripper
- bodkin
- body lover
- body shop
- body worker
- bodyguard
- bog
- bogga
- bogy
- boiled frog principle
- boinking
- bold thing, the
- bollocks
- bolt-ons
- Bombay crud
- bombosities
- bon vivant
- bona polone
- bonbon
- bondage and dominance
- bondage device
- bondagemaster
- bone
- bone bag
- bone gobbler
- bone in the leg
- bone queen
- bone-on
- boneless stiff
- boneroni
- boning
- bonnet
- boob
- boob tube
- boobifers
- boobulars
- boody
- boogie lips
- boom boom room
- boomer
- boong-moll
- boosies
- booth dance
- booty call
- bop
- bopping Richard
- bordel
- boretto man
- born on the wrong side of the blanket
- bosiasm(s)
- bosom cheaters
- bosoms
- boss player
- Boston Tea Party
- botch
- botter
- bottle merchant
- bottom
- bottom man
- bottom woman
- bottomless
- botty
- botuliform genital pendant of the male
- bouginonia
- boum-boum parlor
- bouncy-bouncy
- bountiful
- boustrophate
- bow down before the porcelain god
- bowel movement
- bowler
- bowzer
- box lunch at the Y
- box of worries
- box tonsils
- box-house girl
- boxey
- boxing the Bozak
- boy brothel
- boy hole
- boy pussy
- boy-crazy
- boy-lover
- boys on ice
- bra
- brace yourself, Sheila
- brachioproctic eroticism
- Brad Pitts
- braille
- branch
- brandle
- brass
- brassiere
- brassirothesauriast
- brat-getting place
- bread bags
- break
- break a leg
- break her leg above the knee
- break one off
- break somebody in
- break up
- breakfast nook
- breakthrough
- breast bondage
- breast man
- breastage
- breath control
- breeder fish
- bremelo
- brevet-wife
- brick defecatorium
- bride's pride
- Brigham Young
- brim
- bring off
- bring out (of the closet)
- bringing oneself off
- bristle up
- British Standard Handful(s)
- broad house
- broad-beamed
- broad-minded
- broadway broads
- broken
- broken oar
- bromidrophobia
- bronc rider
- Bronx cheer
- broody
- broom in a cave
- brothel sprout
- brothel-keeping
- Brother Round Mouth
- brothern
- brown
- brown bag special
- brown bucket
- brown daisy
- brown eye pie
- brown hat
- brown job
- brown madam
- brown sugar
- brown word
- brownable
- brownie queen
- Browning sister
- bruise the fruit
- Brummagem Joe
- brush
- brutal breasting
- btm
- bub and sis
- bubbies and cunt
- bubble gum
- bubble-jack
- bubby boob
- bubby heaters
- bubby trap
- buccal intercourse
- buck face
- buck's face
- bucket broad
- bucking bronco
- buckwilding
- buddy
- budgie's tongue
- BUF(F)
- buff leather
- buff the mushroom
- buff-boy
- buffed
- buffing the banana
- buffing the jewel
- buffle
- bug chaser
- bugaroch
- buggerantoes
- buggering the hand
- buggers handles
- bugging eyes
- bugs
- built
- bulbs
- bull by the souse
- bull party
- bull session
- bull-dicking
- bull-ring clamp
- buller
- bulling
- bullshit artist
- bully back
- bum
- bum balls
- bum boys
- bum crumbs
- bum gravy
- bum prodder
- bum-brusher
- bum-fucking
- bumf
- bumjuicer
- bumming
- bump bellies
- bump uglies
- Bumper Kiss
- bumph
- bumpkin
- bumshop
- bun in the oven
- bun-bandit
- bunch of fives
- bundler
- bung navel
- bungalowing
- bunghole bandit
- bunk-up
- bunko booth
- bunny cake
- buns
- buonballs
- burger munch
- burgle
- burka
- burly
- burn artist
- burn the grass
- burnies
- burnt
- burp the worm
- bury a quaker
- bury the bishop
- bury the hobbit
- bury the wick
- bush bunny
- bush pie
- bush whacker
- bushel-cunted
- bushy
- business girl
- bust a nut
- bust one's nuts
- bust up
- busted cherry
- bustier
- butch
- butch dagger
- butch lesbian
- butch-queen
- butcher boy
- butchy
- butt bang
- butt broker
- butt fucker
- butt peddler
- butt pussy
- butt sniper
- butt-end
- butt-peddler
- butter
- butter baby
- butter churn
- butter the muffin
- buttercup
- butterflies, the
- butterfly flutter
- butterfly vibrator
- buttermilk
- butthole raper
- buttock
- buttock climber
- buttock-clingers
- buttocks cleavage
- button groove
- button-loose
- buttonhole worker
- butz
- buzwams
- buzzard
- bwoy
- by-slip
- B & B
- b-boy
- B-girl
- B.C.
- B.M.
- B.S.H.
- babe
- babe-a-licious
- babette
- baby bar, the
- baby boom
- baby box
- baby buster
- Baby Crockett
- baby face
- baby gravy
- baby owl
- baby pro
- baby's
- baby-factory
- baby-kisser
- baby-snatcher
- babyology
- babys public house
- bach it
- bachelor bait
- bachelor's delight
- bachelor-man
- bacillophobia
- back cave
- Back Drop (Club)
- back hole
- back one out (and snap it off)
- back passage
- back seat
- back talk
- back wheels
- back-door bandit
- back-door conquistador
- back-door work
- backassed
- backeye slit
- backgammoner
- backs
- backside artist
- backstroke roulette
- backward about coming forward
- bacon
- bacon fed
- bacon strips
- bacterial vaginosis
- bad blood
- bad date
- bad lay
- bad talk
- bad-ass
- badger game
- bag bride
- bag of tricks
- bag-filler
- bagel baby
- bagged
- bagnio
- bags
- bait the hook
- baked ass
- bakery goods
- balanotage
- bald eagle
- bald-headed
- bald-headed rat
- Balkans, the
- ball basket
- ball gown
- ball restraint ring
- ball stretcher with chain
- ball-bearing oil
- ball-busting
- ballane
- ballbag
- ballinocack
- ballocks
- ballooning
- balls
- balls deep into your fist
- ballsey
- baloney colonic
- balum rancum
- bambi sex
- banana
- bananas and cream
- band moll
- band-member
- bang and biff
- bang like a shithouse door (in a gale)
- bang the wanger
- banger
- banging fudge
- bangs like a tappet
- banjo string
- bank with Barclays
- banns
- bar girl
- Barbarella
- Barbie
- bare brisket
- bare-bum
- bare-skinned
- barebacking
- barf someone out
- bargain basement
- bark
- barking at the ape
- barn burner
- Barnet Fair
- barosmia
- barren
- bart
- base over apex
- baseborn
- basher
- basis
- basket crusher
- basket of goodies
- basket weaving
- basketful of meat
- basorthosis
- bastardly gullion
- basting the tuna
- bat house
- bat up
- batch
- bath house
- baths, the
- baton
- bats wings
- battering piece
- batting for both sides
- battle of the bulge
- battler
- batty boy
- battyman
- bawangos
- bawd's house
- bawdy cleft
- bay window
- bayonet wound
- bazongas
- bazooka shooter
- bazooms
- bazumbas
- BDS & M
- BDTs
- be captivated by
- be enchanted by
- be gooey about
- be in a delicate condition
- be in a state of undress
- be in the Red Sea
- be mad about
- be on the loose
- be outed
- be stuck on
- be the first
- be wacky about
- beach bash
- beach bunny
- beads
- bean bags
- bean juice
- bean-eater
- bean-tosser
- beanie
- bear
- bear-garden language
- bearded
- bearded oyster
- beast
- beastess
- beastliness
- beat it while the beating is good
- beat off
- beat the bald-headed bandit
- beat the dummy
- beat the meat
- beat to it
- beating (someone) with the ugly stick
- beating it with a smile on your face
- beating the bishop
- beating the meat
- beating the snake
- Beattie and Babs
- beauns
- Beautiful People
- beauty mark
- beaver
- beaver flick
- beaver loop
- beaver shooter
- beaver-retriever
- bed
- bed bugs
- bed faggot
- Bed of Nails
- bed someone
- bed-swerver
- beddy
- bedswerver
- bedworthy
- Beecham's pills
- beef bayo with extra mayo
- beef cakes
- beef gravy
- beef jibber
- beef-a-roni
- beefcake
- beefcakes
- beefsteak, hold the onions
- beer barrel
- bees and bees
- beetleskin
- beguile
- behind door work
- bejonkers
- bell cheese
- bell ringers
- bell-swagged
- belly ass
- belly full
- belly rub
- belly thicket
- belly-bump
- belly-fuck
- belly-to-belly
- bellyrina
- belonephobia
- below the navel
- belter
- ben's gran
- bend over
- bends, the
- benny house
- bent dick
- beo
- Berkeley Hunt
- berkleys
- berries
- besotted
- best girl
- best piece
- bestiality
- better fraction
- Betty Bouffant
- Betty Swollocks
- between you and me is the bed post
- Beverly
- bi community
- bi-gendered
- bi-trade
- biastophilia
- bibble chunks
- biddy
- biff
- biffin
- biffon
- Big Bang Theory
- big bird
- big browneys
- big daddy
- big dick queen
- big fella, the
- big game
- big hair
- big hunk of meat
- big jobbies
- big moment
- big one
- big S
- big T, the
- big up your chest
- big with child
- bigamist
- biggest enthusiasm
- bike
- bikini brief
- bikini lines
- bilbo
- Bill Grundies
- billie-coo
- Billy No Mates
- bimbo
- bimmy
- bing-bang-thank-you-mam
- bio boy
- biological response
- bippy
- bird bandit
- bird song
- bird-taker
- birdie
- birth control clinic
- birthday attire
- birthday suit
- biscuits and cheese
- bisexual
- bisexuality
- bishoprage
- bit of ass
- bit of butt
- bit of cunt
- bit of fish
- bit of fork
- bit of grease
- bit of jam
- bit of nifty
- bit of quimsy
- bit of rumpty-tumpty
- bit of skirt
- bit of stiff
- bit of the other
- bitch
- bitch kitty
- bitch's Christmas
- bitchen
- bitches' Christmas
- bitchy
- Bite of the Boar
- bite the bullet
- biter
- biting kiss
- bitten by the love bug
- bizotic
- black ace
- black book
- black handkerchief
- black jack
- black Maria
- black ring
- black widow
- Blackout Romeo
- bladdered
- blamps
- blanket hornpipe
- blart
- blatherskite
- bleached mort
- bleed the liver
- bleeding dirt
- blended orgasm
- blessed event
- bliff
- blind alley
- blind canals
- blind eye
- blind pig
- blindfolding
- blissom
- blither
- bloating the vein
- block of ice
- blood and semen cocktail
- blood spitter
- Bloody Mary
- blooming
- blossoms
- blouzabella
- blow
- blow book
- blow foam
- blow job
- blow my hat
- blow off the loose corns
- blow one's lunch
- blow pop
- blow the anal horn
- blow the whistle
- blowen
- blowing chunks
- blown safe
- blubber
- bludgeon
- blue
- blue boy
- blue fart
- blue handkerchief
- blue joke
- blue movie
- blue thimble
- blue-veined custard chucker
- blue-veined steak
- Bluebeard
- blueness
- blunt end
- blurter
- board
- boat and oar
- bob and hit
- bob the bologna
- bobbing the boloney
- bobbys anorak
- bod-comic
- bodikin
- bodmod
- body odor
- body slave
- body worship
- boff
- bog queen
- boggle
- bohemian
- boiled rag
- boinng
- bollock bag
- bollocky-starkers
- bombay roll
- bombosity
- bona
- bona roba
- bonbons
- bondage and domination
- bondage harness
- bondagepics
- bone ache
- bone balloon
- bone head
- bone of one's bone and flesh of one's flesh
- bone smuggler
- bone-up
- boner
- bones
- bonk
- bonny
- boob job
- boob-balling
- booboisie
- booby prize
- booger
- book-keeper
- boom the census
- boon dagger
- boop-boop-a-doopy dame
- boot slave
- bootlicking
- booty-bandit
- bop the baloney
- bopping the bishop
- bordello
- boring a bud
- born out of wedlock
- bosom
- bosom chums
- bosomy
- boss-queen
- Boston version
- bother
- bottle
- bottle of scent
- bottom burp
- bottom surgeon
- bottom's up
- bottomless bar
- botty boy
- botulinonia
- boulder houlder
- bounce (in bed)
- bound
- bouquet of assholes
- bovine drapes
- bow window
- bower of bliss
- bowls from both ends
- box
- box of assorted creams
- box step
- box unseen
- boxer
- boxing the bald champ
- boxing the clown
- boy fag
- boy honey
- boy toy
- boy-dyke
- boy-scout queen
- boyz
- bra-burner
- bracelet
- brachiovaginal eroticism
- bradyorthosis
- braille party
- brand
- brandy
- brass eye
- brassiere food
- brassy
- brazen
- bread basket
- break a cherry
- break a peter on
- break in the balls
- break one's elbow at the church
- break the ice
- break wind
- breakfast of champion
- bream cream
- breast bucket
- breast press
- breasties
- breather
- breeding
- brer
- brewer's droop
- brick shithouse
- bride's proof
- bright specimen, a
- brimstone
- bring off by hand
- bring someone off
- bris
- Bristol bits
- bro
- broad in the beam
- broad-gauge(d)
- broadcaster
- broiler
- broken balls
- broken-kneed
- bromidrosiphobia
- bronco
- bronza
- Brooklyn mating call, the
- broomstick
- brothel sprouts
- brother
- brother starling
- brothers and sisters
- brown admiral
- brown berry
- brown bullet-hole
- brown dollars
- brown eyes
- brown hatter
- Brown Joe
- brown pipe engineer
- brown trout
- brown-nose
- browned off
- browning
- Browning sisters
- bruiser
- brummy
- brush one's teeth
- BS
- bubatoes
- bubbies' uncle
- bubble-gum machine
- bubbleable
- bubby bube
- bubby hutch
- bube
- buccal onanism
- buck fitch
- buckaruby
- bucket head
- bucking it
- bud
- buddy booths
- buds
- buff
- buff skin
- buff the pylon
- buff-buff
- buffers
- buffing the bishop
- buffing the magic lamp
- buffy
- bug eyes
- bugger
- buggerclaw
- buggerling
- buggershy
- bugladders
- bugskin
- built for comfort
- bulge
- bull gravy
- bull pen
- bull twister
- bull-dike
- bulla
- bullets
- bullish
- bullshitter
- bully boy
- bum and tits
- bum bandit
- bum chain
- bum fiddle
- bum hole
- bum sucker
- bum-fighter
- bum-fugger
- bumfluff
- bumkin
- bummy
- bump bones
- bump-n-run
- bumper sticker
- bumping pussies
- bumps
- bumtags
- bun puncher
- bun-boogie
- bunch-punch
- bung
- bung spew
- bunged up
- bunghole basher
- bunker
- bunky
- bunny fuck
- bunt
- burbulence
- burgers and dogs
- burgler
- burlap
- Burmese balls
- burn bad powder
- burn up over
- burning
- burnt cheese
- burping the baby
- bury face upwards
- bury the bone
- bury the knuckle
- busbus
- bush child
- bush pig
- bushel and peck
- bushes
- Bushy Park
- buss
- bust bodice
- bust some booty
- bust your nuts
- busted coupling
- bustle
- butch as Kong
- butch femme
- butch mafia
- butch-school
- butcher's shop
- butt
- butt banging
- butt dumpling
- butt in
- butt pirate
- butt slammer
- butt snort
- butt-fuck buddy
- butt-slut
- butter and cheesecake
- butter bags
- butter schlopping
- butter the potato
- buttered bun
- butterfly
- butterfly kiss
- buttering the beaver
- buttfuck buddy
- butthole surfing
- buttock and file
- buttock jig
- buttocking ken
- button
- button hole
- button-short
- buttons
- buxom
- buzz
- buzzing
- by-blow
- bye-blow
- B & D
- B-cups
- B-girl string
- B.F.
- B.O.
- B.U.
- babe lair
- babe-o-rama
- babia majora
- baby beef
- baby boomer
- baby buggy
- baby butch
- baby custard
- baby fat
- baby in the boat
- baby paste
- baby talk
- baby's cries
- baby-gallop
- baby-maker
- baby-split
- babys arm
- Bacchanalia
- bach night
- bachelor girl
- bachelor's fare
- bachelor-mother
- bacilluria
- back door
- back end
- back in circulation
- back parlor
- back porch
- back seat driver
- back teeth are afloat
- back yard
- back-door boogie
- back-door dirt box
- back-patter
- backdoor-birth
- backfire
- backhand drive
- backs against the wall!
- backslidious hypocritious
- backswing
- backwards burp
- bacon and eggs
- bacon hole
- bacterial cystitis
- bacteriophobia
- bad boy
- bad disease
- bad news
- bad thing
- bad-ass mf
- badhouse
- bag of bones
- bag off
- bag-piper
- bagels
- bagger double entry
- bagpipe
- bags of mystery
- bajongas
- baker flying
- balaclava
- balcony
- bald journey
- bald-headed candidate
- baldwin
- ball
- ball collar
- ball locks
- ball sack
- ball torture
- ball-bearing stewardess
- ball-face
- Ballarat
- ballers
- ballock bag
- ballocky
- ballooning effect
- balls and all!
- balls eye
- ballsy
- baloney hop
- bam bam
- bamboo stick
- banana car
- banbury
- band rat
- bandage
- bang artist
- bang like a shithouse door in the wind
- bang-bang-bang
- banger hanger
- banging the drum
- bangster
- banjoed
- bankside lady
- bans
- bar handles
- barbecue
- Barclay's bank
- bare-ass
- bare-chested
- bareback
- bared
- barfairy
- barge
- bark a sharp report
- barking carrots
- barnacle
- barney
- barracuda
- barrenness
- basculocolpia
- base trio, the
- basement
- bashing the bishop
- basiter
- basket days
- basket party
- basket-watcher
- basoexia
- Basra belly
- Bastille
- bat
- bat off
- bat-cave
- batch night
- bath of birth
- Bathsheba
- batonophobia
- batter
- battering ram
- batting for the other side
- battle of the sexes
- battling the purple-helmeted warrior
- batty rider
- bauble
- bawble
- bawdy
- bawdy house
- bayadere
- bayot
- bazonkers
- bazookas
- bazoomy
- BB
- bdsm
- be a pro
- be covetous of
- be fascinated by
- be goofy about
- be in a delicate state of health
- be in a woman's beef
- be infatuated with
- be mooney for
- be on the rag
- be sick
- be sweet on
- be turned on by
- be with a woman
- beach bitch
- beach dyke
- beak
- bean belly
- bean pods
- bean-jacks
- beanbags
- beanor
- bear lover
- beard
- bearded clam
- bearded taco
- beast fetishism
- beastette
- beat
- beat meat
- beat one's little brother
- beat the beaver
- beat the goose
- beat the pud
- beat with the ugly stick
- beating about the bush
- beating off
- beating the bologna
- beating the old man
- beating the stick
- beau nasty
- beausom
- beautocks
- beauty parlor
- beaver base
- beaver fryer
- beaver patrol
- beaver shot
- become a lady
- bed bait
- bed bunny
- bed flute
- bed partner
- bed sports
- bedbug
- bedful of sin
- bedtime story
- bee bites
- beef
- beef bayonet
- beef curtains
- beef in the can
- beef on the hoof
- beef-stroke-it-off
- beefcake books
- beefer
- beefy
- beer belly
- bees knees
- beeveedees
- beguin
- behind the behind
- beldam(e)
- bell dancing
- bell-end (of the penis)
- belle boy
- belly bristles
- belly itch(ing)
- belly ruffian
- belly warmer
- belly-bumper
- belly-fucker
- belly-up
- bellys
- belongings
- belt
- belting
- bend
- bend some ham
- bene mort
- benrus queen
- bent stick
- bequeath your genes
- berkeleys
- berks
- berry
- bessie
- best in Christendom
- best-worst part
- bestialsadism
- better half
- Betty Bracelets
- between hay and grass
- Beulah
- bewifed
- BG
- bi-coastal
- bi-guy
- bi-wife
- biatch
- bicho
- bidet
- biffa
- biffin bridge
- biforatia
- big beast, the
- big bite
- big casino
- big dame hunter
- big dipper
- Big Foot Joe
- big game hunter
- big head
- big J
- big jobs
- Big nose, big hose
- big piece of meat
- big shit
- big tender
- big V
- big woman
- bigamous
- biggums
- biker
- bikini burger
- bikini stuffers
- bilingual
- bill-and-cooers
- billy
- billy-doo
- bimbo-nomics
- Binaca blast
- bingey
- biological event
- bipara
- birching
- bird cage
- bird's eggs
- bird-washing
- birds and the bees, the
- birth-naked
- birthday clothes
- biscuit
- bisecting the triangle
- bisexual community
- bisexuous
- bit
- bit of beef
- bit of cauliflower
- bit of ebony
- bit of flat
- bit of front door work
- bit of hair
- bit of meat
- bit of nobble
- bit of raspberry
- bit of rumpy-bumpy
- bit of snug
- bit of stuff
- bit of tripe
- bitch boy
- bitch magnet
- bitch-queen
- bitchen-twitchen
- bitchin'
- bite
- bite rhymes
- bite the crank
- biting
- bits
- bitter half
- bizzo
- blaaters
- black badger
- black box
- black hole
- black jock
- black meat
- black snake
- blackjack
- blackroom
- blade
- blankard
- blanket ripper
- blast off
- blatts
- blech a belch
- bleed the lizard
- bleep
- blennophobia
- blessing
- bliff mag
- blind as a boiled turnip
- blind cheeks
- blind love
- blind tiger
- blinds
- blister
- blitzed
- blob
- blodded park
- blood disease
- blood sports
- bloody red flag is up, the
- blootered
- blot
- blouzalinda
- blow a fart
- blow boy
- blow hole
- blow job man
- blow my horn
- blow one's breakfast
- blow one's wad
- blow some ass
- blow the groundsels
- blow up
- blower
- blowing out the plug
- blowtorch
- blubber bags
- bludgeon the beefsteak
- blue angel
- blue butter
- blue flame
- blue humor
- blue language
- Blue Ribbon (Campaign)
- blue vein
- blue-veined junket hooligan
- blue-veined throbber
- Bluebeard's closet
- blues, the
- blurt
- blushing bride
- board lodger
- boat race
- Bob Monk
- bob-tail
- bobbles
- bobstay
- bodacious tatas
- bodily
- body esteem
- body queen
- body squeak
- body's captain
- boffer
- bog snorkeling
- bogs
- Bohemian love
- boiler
- boke
- bollock service
- bologna bop
- bom
- bombhead
- bombshell
- bona omi
- bonar
- bondage
- bondage and torture
- bondage queen
- bondager
- bone addict
- bone box
- bone house
- bone out
- bone the bum
- boneless appendage (of the male)
- boner bag
- boneyard visit
- bonk-on
- boo
- boob juice
- boobies
- booboos
- booby trap
- boogie
- bookbinder's wife
- boom-boom
- boonch
- boosey cock
- boot-licker
- boots and shoes fetish
- booty-shot
- bop the mop
- bopping the bologna
- bore
- Boris
- borsties
- bosom buddies
- bosom friends
- boss and his two helpers
- boss-trick
- bot
- bother and strife
- bottle and glass
- bottle opener
- bottom dweller
- bottom surgery
- bottom-sucker
- bottomless pit
- botty burp
- boudoir bandit
- boulders
- bouncers
- boundaries
- bouquet of pansies
- Bovril bypass
- bowel bugle
- bowl of wax fruit
- bowls from the Pavilion end
- box boy
- box of dominos
- box the compass
- box with teeth
- boxer shorts
- boxing the bald-headed clown
- boxing with Richard
- boy Friday
- boy in the boat
- boy's club
- boy-eater
- boylies
- boyzzz
- bra-busters
- bracelet cockring
- brack
- Brahms and Liszt
- brain sex
- brand name
- brank
- brass nail
- brassierolagnia
- brat
- bread buttered on both sides
- break a crust
- break and enter
- break like a shotgun
- break open the pie
- break the seal
- break wind backwards
- breaking luck
- breast
- breast fest
- breast torture
- breasts and buttocks
- breed
- breeding cage
- brethen and sistern
- brewers droop
- brick top
- bridle string
- Brighton Pier
- bring down (by hand)
- bring on
- bring up
- briskets
- Bristol City
- broach claret
- broad jest
- broad-jumper
- broaden someone's outlook
- broke her ankle
- Broken Cloud
- broken-legged (above the knee)
- bronc
- bronco buster
- bronze eye
- broom
- brothel
- brothel-house
- brother girl
- brother-in-law
- brothersister
- brown all 'round
- brown Betty
- brown burp
- brown eye
- Brown family
- brown hole
- brown lips
- brown shower
- brown Windsor
- brown-noser
- brownie
- Browning family
- brownpipe engineer
- Brummagem bubbies
- brunser
- brush teeth
- BT
- bubbied
- bubble
- bubble-gum set
- bubbly jack
- bubby circus
- bubby smoocher
- bubo
- buccaneer
- buck naked
- bucket
- buckets
- Buckinger's boot
- buddies
- buddy-fuck
- buds of beauty
- buff ball
- buff the beaver
- buff the weasle
- buff-light
- buffing
- buffing the box
- buffing the rifle
- bufu
- bug up the ass
- bugger-arsed
- buggered and bewildered
- buggers
- buggery
- bugle
- buick
- built like a brick shithouse
- bull
- bull money
- bull point
- bull's eye
- bull-diker
- bulldog chewing a wasp
- bullfuck
- bullock's heart
- bullwhip
- bully in the muzzle
- bum bacon
- bum basher
- bum chums
- bum fiddler
- bum jockey
- bum tickler
- bum-fuck
- bum-licking
- bumhole engineer
- bummer
- bump
- bump nasties
- bumper
- bumper-to-bumper
- bumping pussy
- bumps and grinds
- bun
- bun spreader
- bun-bun
- bunchy
- bung fodder
- bung upwards
- bunger
- bungie-boy
- bunker-shy
- bunnies
- Bunny Girl
- bunter
- burdock
- burgershot
- burgundy handkerchief
- Burlap sister
- Burmese Bull
- burn one's poker
- burned
- burning bush
- burp
- burping the worm
- bury it
- bury the bone in the backyard
- bury the salami
- bush
- bush dinner
- bush scrubber
- bushel bubby
- bushie mall
- business
- buss-beggar
- bust one's beads
- bust some suds
- bust-girdle
- buster
- bustle pinching
- butch bottom
- butch in the streets
- butch number
- butched up
- butcher's window
- butt bags
- butt basher
- butt floss
- butt middleman
- butt play
- butt smasher
- butt tape
- butt-fucking
- butt-ugly
- butter and dash
- butter boat
- butter the bacon
- butter, bake and baste
- buttered finger
- butterfly board
- butterfly queen
- buttering the corn
- butthead
- butting the bead
- buttock and tongue
- buttock stirring
- buttocking shop
- button buster
- button mushroom
- buttonhole
- buttplay
- buying an E-Ticket
- buzz kill
- BVDs
- by-chop
- byke
- B & D dyke
- B-flat
- B.A.
- B.F.D.
- B.Q.
- B.V.
- babe on wheels
- babellicious
- babooms
- baby blue
- baby botter
- baby bumpers
- baby child
- baby doll
- baby food
- baby juice
- baby pillows
- baby up
- baby-bound
- baby-girl
- baby-making love
- babycakes
- babys dinners
- Bacchus march
- bachelette
- bachelor night
- bachelor's life
- bachelor-woman
- back
- back door trot(s)
- back eye
- back jump
- back part
- back room
- back slice
- back teeth are floating
- back yard prowler
- back-door buddy
- back-door man
- back-scratcher
- backed up
- backgammon
- backhouse
- backs to the wall chaps!
- backstage
- backtalk
- backwoods fiddler
- bacon bazooka
- bacon rind
- bacterial sexually transmitted diseases
- bacteriuria
- bad breaker-upper
- bad girl
- bad reputation
- bad week
- badge
- badido
- bag of coke
- bag shanty
- bag-twister
- baggage
- baggette
- bagpipes
- bahookie
- bake potatoes
- baker's closed
- balanitis
- bald
- bald man
- bald-headed hermit
- baldy
- ball and chain
- ball dancing
- ball of fire
- ball someone or something up
- ball toy
- ball-breaker
- ball-tearer
- ballast
- balling off
- ballock-naked
- balloon
- balloons
- balls and bat
- balls in a sling
- ballum rancum
- baloney pony
- bambi
- bamboochas
- banana skin
- band
- band-box
- bandicooting
- bang away
- bang the banjo
- bang-up
- bangers
- bangles
- bangtail
- bank
- banned
- baps
- bar hustler
- barber's chair
- bardajes
- bare-assed
- bare-naked (and in the flesh)
- bareback rider
- barefoot
- barfed out
- barge pole
- bark at ants
- barking spider
- barndoor
- Barnwell ague
- barrel ass
- Barrer Moke
- basculophilia
- base-begotten child
- bash leather
- bashing the candle
- basitrix
- basket lunch
- basket picnic
- basket-watching
- basorexia
- bass ackwards
- bastinado
- bat and balls
- bat one's eyes at
- bat-foul
- batchelor's fare
- bathing beauty
- bathysadism
- bats for both sides
- batter the sausage
- batti
- batting practice
- battle-axe
- batty
- batty-hole
- baubles
- bawbles
- bawdy banquet
- bawdy monosyllable
- bayonet
- baz
- bazoo
- bazoomas
- bazoongas
- BDSMer
- be a professional
- be crazy about
- be fruitful and multiply
- be hot for
- be in a family way
- be in an interesting condition
- be intimate with
- be nuts about
- be on the saddle
- be smitten with
- be swept off one's feet
- be under the weather
- be with child
- beach blanket
- beach whale
- beam
- bean flicker
- bean pole
- bean-shooter
- beaner
- beans
- bear play
- beard flit
- bearded lady
- bearded woman
- beast with two backs
- beastialist
- beat a trick
- beat moll
- beat one's time
- beat the bishop
- beat the gun
- beat the pup
- beat your meat like it owes you money
- beating around the bush
- beating the bait
- beating the boner
- beating the piss outta my best friend
- beating tool
- beauhunk
- beaut
- beauts
- beauty spot
- beaver beach
- beaver hunt
- beaver pose
- beaver tail
- become houseproud
- bed bargain
- bed down
- bed hopper
- bed rite
- bed-fellow
- beddable
- bedmate
- bedventure
- bee stings
- beef bags
- beef box
- beef eater
- beef injection
- beef stick
- beef-tugging
- beefcake film
- beefsteak
- beehive
- beer can
- beetle
- beezer
- behavioral transsexualism
- beige
- belfa
- bell peppers
- bell-knobbed
- belle chose
- belly button
- belly plea
- belly seed
- belly whiskers
- belly-bumping
- belly-piece
- bellyful of marrow-pudding
- belomophobia
- beloved
- belt buster
- bemascopia
- bend a pipe on the pisser
- bend someone over
- benjamin
- bent
- bent-wrist
- berdache
- berker
- Berkshire Hunt
- berthas
- best and plenty of it, the
- best leg of three
- bestial
- bestow one's hand
- better sex
- Betty shits her dress
- between the legs
- Beulah-lover
- bezongas
- bi
- bi-curious
- bi-lingual
- bias-free
- bib
- bicycle
- bienfaiteur
- biffer
- biffing off
- Big A, the
- Big Ben
- big brother
- big chester
- big date with Rosy Palms
- big F, the
- big for dates
- big game hunting
- big hit
- Big Jim and the twins
- big legs
- big number
- big potty
- big shot
- big time
- big wand
- big-ass
- bigamy
- Bihari procedure
- bikini
- bikini condom
- bikini whale
- Bill
- billet-doux
- billy and doo
- bim
- bimboid
- binders
- bingo
- biological male
- biparous
- Birchington Hunt
- bird circuit
- bird's nest
- birdcage
- birds-nester
- birth-rate control
- birthday gear
- biscuit-bandit
- bisensual
- bisexual libido
- bishop
- bit of all right
- bit of bouncy-bouncy
- bit of crumb
- bit of ebony goodness
- bit of flesh
- bit of fun
- bit of hard
- bit of muslin
- bit of nookey
- bit of ring
- bit of rumpy-pumpy
- bit of snug for a bit of stiff
- bit of tail
- bit on the fork
- bitch goddess
- bitch's bastard
- bitched up
- bitchery
- bitchin'-twitchin'
- bite me!
- bite the big one
- bite the dog-end
- biting daddy
- bits and pieces
- bivirist
- BJ
- blab
- black bagging
- black cat with its throat cut
- black in white
- black joke
- black mouth
- black triangle
- blackleg
- blacksmiths shop
- blah-face
- blanket
- blanket stiff
- blasted event
- blaze the trail
- bleed
- bleed the weed
- bleeping
- blennorrhagia
- bletherskate
- blimp
- Blind Bob
- blind cupid
- blind meat
- blinders
- blinkers
- blisterine
- blivvet
- blobs
- bloke
- blood flaps
- blood-breaker
- bloomer pudding
- bloss
- blotch of the escutcheon, a
- blouze
- blow a kiss
- blow chow
- blow holes
- blow me!
- blow off
- blow one's fat
- blow ones doughnuts
- blow some tunes
- blow the horn
- blow your biscuits
- blowing
- blowing your own horn
- blowzabelle
- blubber-belly
- bludger
- blue balls
- blue chamber district
- blue flick
- blue jay
- blue Monday
- blue skin
- blue veiner
- blue-veined junket pump
- blue-veined trumpet
- blueberry pie
- bluey
- blurt out
- bo
- boasin tone
- boating
- bob on the knob
- bobber
- bobby brown pants
- bobtail
- bodice-buster
- bodily functions
- body lice
- body rub
- body wax
- body-naked
- boffing
- bog-house
- bogus
- bohunkus
- boink
- bold
- bollock-naked
- bolt the door
- bomb bay
- bombing the German helmet
- bomsey
- bona palone
- bonar for
- bondage and discipline
- bondage bra
- bondage table
- bonds of humiliation
- bone ague
- bone dance
- bone in the bum
- bone phone
- bone xylophone
- boneless fish
- boner nochy
- bonfire
- bonking
- boo-boo head
- boob sandwich
- boobiferous
- boobs
- boodle
- boogie butt
- bookends
- boom-booms
- boondocking
- boosiasm(s)
- bootch
- booty
- boovies
- bopper
- bopping the bonzo
- bored
- born in the vestry
- bosco boulevard
- bosom buddy
- bosom of the pants
- boss pimp
- Boston marriage
- Botany Bay
- botsy
- bottle dance
- bottle-ass
- bottom in front
- bottom wetting
- bottomite
- bottomless pool
- botty man
- boudoir photo
- boulevardier
- bouncing
- bounder
- Bournville Boulevard
- bow
- bowel howl
- bowlegged
- bowsprit
- box lunch
- box of ivories
- box the Jesuit (and get cockroaches)
- box-biter
- boxers
- boxing the ballsack
- boy
- boy herder
- boy marriage
- boy's smoking house
- boy-kisser
- boys
- bozack
- brace and bits
- braces
- bracket face
- braid cutting
- brakes
- branding
- brap
- brasser
- brassiroregia
- brat-getter
- bread
- breadwinner
- break a lance with
- break face
- break luck
- break out in a rash over
- break the sound barried
- breakfast in bed
- breaking wind
- breast augs
- breast form
- breast work
- breastworks
- breeder
- breezer
- brethern
- briar pach
- bride and groom it
- briefs
- Brillo pad
- bring it up for a vote
- bring oneself off
- bring up by hand
- bristen
- bristols
- broad
- broad smile
- broad-jumping
- broadwalk
- broke her knees
- broken her teacup
- broken-wrist
- bronc buster
- bronk
- bronzer
- broom handle
- brothel creeper
- brothel-keeper
- brother of the gusset
- brotherly love
- brought out
- brown artist
- brown boy
- brown cherry
- brown eye miner
- brown handkerchief
- brown house
- brown log jobbie
- brown star
- brown wings
- brown-tongue
- brownie king
- browning queen
- brownsward
- Brummagem buttons
- Brunswick
- brushing the beaver
- bub
- bubbies
- bubble dancer
- bubble-gummer
- bubbly jock
- bubby hammock
- bubby trader
- bubs
- buck
- buck the bone
- bucket boy
- buckeye
- buckwild
- buddings
- budget
- buey
- buff ball and ballum rancum
- buff the dog
- buff-bare
- buffarilla
- buffing stick
- buffing the helmet
- buffing the wood
- bug
- bug-fucker
- buggerage
- buggering
- buggers grips
- buggery grips
- bugle butt
- buildiking
- bulb of the vestibule
- bull bitch
- bull nurse
- bull ring
- bull-dagger
- bull-dogger
- bulldog dose
- bullhead
- bullshit
- bully
- bulp
- bum bags
- bum boy
- bum cleavage
- bum fodder
- bum plumber
- bum worker
- bum-fucker
- bumbo
- bumholerous fuckerous
- bummers
- bump and grind
- bump pelvis
- bumper head
- bumpers
- bumping uglies
- bumpy jumpers
- bun huggers
- bun woman
- bun-pressers
- bundled
- bung juice
- bung-hole
- bunghole
- Bunjamin
- bunkie
- bunny
- bunny rub
- buntline hitch
- burgeoning bunnies
- burglar
- buried alive
- Burlington Hunt
- burn
- burn out
- burner
- burning shame
- burp the baldman
- burrito
- bury one's ring
- bury the hatchet where it won't rust
- bury the weenie
- bush beater
- bush patrol
- bush talk
- bushel of coke
- bushwack
- business boy
- bust
- bust one's gut
- bust someone out
- bust-maker
- busters
- busty
- butch cut
- butch it up
- butch-fluff
- butcher
- butchered chicken
- butt balling
- butt book
- butt fuck
- butt out!
- butt plug
- butt sneeze
- butt-crack
- butt-naked (and in the flesh)
- butt-wipe
- butter and eggs
- butter box
- butter the bead
- butter-mouth
- butterfinger
- butterfly flick
- butterfly ring
- buttering the muffin
- butthole
- buttinsky
- buttock ball
- buttock-broker
- buttocks
- button factory
- Button your arse!
- buttonhole work
- butyl nitrite
- buysexual
- buzz the brillo
- by-scape