Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
In the 1950s, a house or apartment where effeminate public personalities were taught how to behave more manly.See Also: 3-Bs, baby dyke, biffa, biggums, bitchen-twitchen, bizotic, bloxie, boon dagger, boonch, bootch, bull bitch, bull-dagger, bull-dike, bull-diker, bull-dogger, butch, butch femme, butch mafia, butz, camper, cunt dracula, diesel dyke, dinky dyke, dogess, dyke, dyke-o-saurus, fly-boy, gank, gaychick, glitterbag, gooey, high postage, loaf, loxie, mackadocious, mantee walk, molly dyke, nectar, organ recital, pond skum, pushing academy, rack monster, rents, rickety-raw, rita, roarer, scamming, scrapping, sergeant, soft butch, spazz, stone butch, stone femme, sub-deb, take a cottage course, top-sergeant, units, virgin airlines
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