Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

blow job:

Colloquial term for an act of oral-sex , especially fellatio , more rarely cunnilingus .
Synonyms: coitus-in-os , coitus-oralis , fellatio(n), irrumation , oragenitalism , oral genital sex , oral-genitalism , oral-coitus , oral-copulation-(of-the-penis) , oral-sex (on a man/penis), oralgenitalism, orogenitalism , penilingus , penosugia , virilingus . For slangonyms and euphemisms, see fellatio and cunnilingus .


(1) Adrian Cronauer (Robin Williams) to Sg. Mj. Dickerson (J.T. Walsh) in Good Morning, Vietnam (1987): ' You're in more dire need of a blow job than any white man in history .'

(2) Mitch Hennessy (Samuel L. Jackson) to Charlene Baltimore (Geena Davis) coming-on to him in The Long Kiss Goodnight (1997): ' Get real, sweetheart . I ain't handsome , I ain't rich, and the last time I got blown candy bars cost a nickel '.

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