Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word

beat one's time:

Idiomatically speaking, to make good-time with a friend's or another man's wife or girlfriend .
See Also: 24/7/365, beat to it, beating fantasies, break in the balls, BTSOOM, change one's luck, cherry-merry, chronological age, chronophilia, dead beat of one's heart, first-timer, foken, fresh bit, fuck away, heavy date, honeymoon bladder, honeymoon cystitis, jump the gun, jus primae noctis, kick ass, masturbation-male, multiple climax, multiple orgasm, on the razzle, pissing for shits and giggles, pound the pavement, pound the sidewalk, pound the street, tachycardia, to be late, twenty-four seven, up for it

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