Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Or: bulldagger , derogatory appellation for an aggressively masculine lesbian , more often one who is muscular or burly , who assumes the male role in lovemaking .Etymology: Derived from bull-dogger , a rodeo cowboy , and Bill Pickens, the black cowboy who invented bulldogging.
Synonyms: boon-dagger ; boonch ; bootch ; bull ; bull-bitch ; bull-dike(r); bull-dogger ; bumper ; butch ; butch-lesbian ; butch-dagger ; butz ; diesel-dyke ; dike ; dyke ; top-sergeant .
See also: baby-butch ; baby-dyke ; boy dyke ; buildiking ; camper ; dinky-dyke ; gaychick ; molly-dyke ; semi-diesel ; soft-butch ; stone-butch ; stone-femme .
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