Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Or: ball-buster / ball-wracker :1. A hard taskmaster ; a hard-to-please boss.
2. A domineering, castrating woman or a nagging wife , one who saps or destroys masculinity. Synonym: nut-cruncher .
See also: ball-tearer .
(1) Jonathan (Jack Nicholson) to Bobbie (Ann-Margret) in Carnal Knowledge (1971): 'Is this an ultimatum? Answer me, you ball-busting , castrating, son-of-a-cunt bitch .'
(2) Taylor Christopher (Kathy Ireland) playing pool with a redneck in Amore! (1993):
-- Redneck: ' She's a real ball-breaker .'
-- Taylor: ' You don't have anything to worry about .'
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