Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter A
- a bit ginger
- a bit of bouncy-bouncy
- a bit of crackling
- a bit of fat
- a bit of fun
- a bit of it
- a bit of mutton
- a bit of pork
- a bit of rumpty-tumpty
- a bit of skirt
- a bit of stuff
- a bit on the Wilde side
- a date with Senorita Mano
- a little one-on-one
- a piece of calico
- a piece of fluff
- a piece of mutton
- a piece of stray
- a poke through the whiskers
- a spot of Cupids archery
- a squeeze and a squirt
- a visit from Mother Fist
- A-double scribble
- a.b.p.
- a.s.b.
- a.s.s.d
- ab
- abandoned woman
- abasiophilia
- abbot
- abdominal
- abdominal hysterectomy
- abdominal testes
- abduction
- aberrant sexual behavior
- ablate
- ablaze
- ablutophobia
- abnormal chromosome effects
- abnormality
- abominable pants worm
- aborticide
- abortion pill
- abortive
- abortus artificialis
- abortus incompletus
- abrasive
- absolute CD4 count
- absolute inversion
- abstinence rule
- abuse someone
- AC-DC bar
- academy
- acaudate
- acceptive stage
- accessory placenta
- accidental homosexuality
- accordion
- accoucheur
- Accu-Jac
- ace gear
- ace queen
- achers
- acid phosphatase
- Ackerman breast types
- acme
- acne vulgaris
- aconuresis
- acousticophile
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- acral
- acrophobia
- acrosome
- acrotomophilia
- act of darkness
- act of pleasure
- actirasty
- active algolagnia
- active partner
- actress starlette
- acucullophallia
- aculeophallic
- acute infection
- Acyvir
- Adam and Eves togs
- Adam's whip
- adamantine organon
- adamism
- Adams PJs
- adelphirexia
- adjusting your set
- admirer
- adolescentilism
- adrenal cortex
- adulation
- adult bookshop
- adult movie
- adultera
- adulterine child
- advanced in years
- advertise
- aelurophobia
- aesthetically impaired
- affair of the heart
- affairs
- afghan
- African toothache
- after-market
- afternoon delight
- agalmatophilia
- agaptism
- age of consent
- aged
- aggie
- aging actress
- agomphathymia
- agoraphilia
- agreeable ruts of life
- agromania
- ahall
- aidoiomania
- ailurophile
- ain
- air dance
- air your guts
- airs and graces
- alamo!
- albutophilia
- algesis
- algolagnist
- algophily
- algorsenia
- all aflutter over
- all day, all night
- all fussed up
- all meat, no potatoes
- all sexed up
- all the way
- all worked up
- all-night trick
- alley
- alley job
- alligator
- alloiophilia
- allorgasmia
- allurement paraphilias
- almond rock candy
- Alphonse
- alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
- altar of pleasure
- altered
- alternative lovestyle
- alveoli
- Amantium irae, amoris integratio est
- amateur
- amatorial
- amaurophilia
- ambidexterity
- ambiguous gender
- ambivalence
- ambulophobia
- American by injection
- amicus
- amokoscisia
- amor lesbicus
- amorist
- amorous congress
- amour
- amourette
- amphierotic
- amphigenic invert
- ample-bodied woman
- amputee
- amychesis
- anaclisis
- anagapesis
- anal borer
- anal copulation
- anal egg
- anal felching
- anal fisting
- anal insert
- anal jabber
- anal lovemaking
- anal plug
- anal sexual play
- anal violin
- anal-sadistic
- analism
- Ananga Ranga
- anaphroditic
- anat
- andr-
- androdyke
- androgynous
- android
- andromania
- androphilia
- androsodomy
- anekay
- anesthesia
- angel with a dirty face
- Angelina
- angle of the dangle
- Angus
- anilingism
- Animal House
- animated ivory
- ankle cuffs
- annular hymen
- anogenital intercourse
- anomalous
- anophelophobia
- anoraptus
- anorchidism
- anorgasmia
- answer a call to the warden's office
- ansy-pay
- anteater
- anthrophobia
- anthropophagy
- antiblennorrhagic
- antiman
- antisyphilitic
- anuria
- anus worship
- apache
- apartment girl
- aphallate
- aphilophrenia
- aphrodism
- apodyopsis
- Apostle's grove
- apotemnophobia
- appetence
- appetition
- apple squire
- applying for a fishing liscence
- appropriate member
- apron high
- apron up
- arachnephobia
- arching for it
- Are you keeping it for the worms?
- areola
- arm
- arm-clutcher
- armful
- armswing
- arrhenphobia
- ars musica
- arse beard
- arse curtains
- arse over teakettle
- arse up
- arse-grapes
- arsecons
- arsenal
- arseparts
- arsometry
- arthur
- articulate the archdeacon
- artist
- arvo
- asexualization
- aspen leaf
- asphyxiaphile
- aspro
- ass backwards
- ass business
- ass goblin
- ass jabber
- ass master
- ass mites
- ass plug
- ass-bandit
- ass-end
- ass-gunner
- ass-licker
- ass-peddler
- ass-wedge
- assault on a friendly weapon
- assed up
- asshole buddies
- asshole plugging
- assmosis
- Astarte
- asymmetriphobia
- ataxophobia
- athazagoraphobia
- atocia
- attachment
- attitudinize
- atypical sexual behavior
- auditioning the hand puppet
- aunt Annie
- aunt Flo's here
- aunt Mathilda
- auntys round
- Australian sex
- auto pimp
- autoabasiophilia
- autodermatophagia
- autoerotic death
- autofetishism
- automasochism
- automysophilia
- autopaedophilia
- autophagy
- autoscophilia
- auxiliaries
- awaken the bacon
- awkward
- axillar
- axle grease
- azz
- a bit of all right
- a bit of brown
- a bit of crumpet
- a bit of flat
- a bit of hair
- a bit of meat
- a bit of nifty
- a bit of raspberry
- a bit of rumpy-bumpy
- a bit of snug
- a bit of the old in and out
- a capella
- A double S
- a little southern romance
- a piece of dark meat
- a piece of goods
- a piece of patch
- a piece of stuff
- a proper bit of frock
- a spot of hard breathing
- a straight shot
- A-200
- A-frame orgasm
- A.H.
- a.s.f.
- a2m
- Abélard
- abandonment (of a child)
- abatement
- abdominal abortion
- abdominal ostium
- abdominal testicle
- abduction (play)
- aberration
- ablatio penis
- ablutolagnia
- ablutoskepsis
- abnormal forms
- abominable and detestable crime against nature
- aboratorium
- abortifacient
- abortion rate
- abortively
- abortus completus
- abortus septicus
- Abraham
- abruptio placentae
- absolute code
- absolute invert
- abulia
- abuse-dwarfism
- acanthophallic
- acault
- acceptor
- accessory urethral canal
- accidental pornography
- accordion solo
- accoucheuse
- acculturation
- ace lover
- acedolagnia
- achilous
- acini
- Ackerman Types
- acmegenesis
- acokoinonia
- acorn
- acousticophilia
- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- acre
- acrorthosis
- acrosome reaction
- act
- act of generation
- act of shame
- activating cruise control
- active and passive
- active sexual trauma
- actual failure rate
- acucullophallic
- acupressure
- acute prostatitis
- ad
- Adam's apple
- Adam-and-Eve it
- adamatical
- adamite
- addressing Mr. Palmer
- adelphithymia
- admirate
- adolescence
- Adonis
- adrenal glands
- adult
- adult entertainment
- adult novelties
- adulterer
- adulterous affair
- advancing years
- advertising bar
- aerola mammae
- affaire d'amour
- affection
- aflutter over
- Afrodite
- afterbirth
- afternoon gig
- agape
- agastopia
- age of majority
- agedness
- aggressive pedophile
- agliophobia
- agonophilia
- agoraphobia
- agrexophrenia
- agrypnolagnia
- aichmophobia
- aidomania
- ailurophobia
- ainphiphilia
- air express
- airborne copulation
- airtight
- Alan Whisker(s)
- alcahueta
- algogenesolagnia
- algopareunia
- algophobia
- algoterpsia
- all aquiver over
- all diked out
- all het up
- all mouth
- all shaky-shivery
- all tits and teeth
- all-beef sausage
- all-nighter
- alley affair
- alley number
- alloandrism
- alloiophilic
- allotriorasty
- almanac(h)
- aloha
- alprosradil
- altar it
- altar room
- alternately gendered
- altocalciphilia
- alvinolagnia
- Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur
- amateur night
- amatory
- amaxophobia
- ambidextrous
- ambisextrous
- amblyopic organ
- amelotasis
- American sock
- amies
- amomaxia
- amor sui
- amorosa
- amorous glance
- amour fou
- ampailang
- amphieroticism
- amphigenous inversion
- amply endowed
- amputee fetish(ism)
- amychophobia
- anaclitic
- anal announcement
- anal buccaneer
- anal copulator
- anal eroticism
- anal fetishism
- anal fistula
- anal inserts
- anal job
- anal masturbation
- anal rampooner
- anal sphincter
- anal virgin
- analinctus
- analist
- anaphrodisia
- anaphroditous
- anatomical sex
- Andrew phenomenon
- androglossia
- androgynous dyke
- androidism
- andromimetic
- androphilic
- androtrope
- anerotic
- angel
- angel's gear
- Angelina sorority
- Anglican length
- anhedonia
- anilingus
- animal sex
- anisogamia
- ankle restraint
- anocrat
- anolinctus
- anonyma
- anophelorastia
- anorast
- anorchism
- anosmia
- answer nature's call
- antaphrodisiac
- antholagnia
- anthropoid
- anthropophobia
- anticipating (a happy event)
- Antipodes
- antivenereal
- anurous
- anything in trousers
- apadrayva
- aperture
- aphallatosis
- aphoria
- Aphrodite
- apodysophilia
- Apostle's pinch
- apparatus
- appetency
- apple dumplings
- apple-dumpling shop
- applying lip gloss
- appurtenances
- apron husband
- aquaphobia
- arachnophobia
- archorrhea
- Are you red sails in the sunset?
- areola of the mammary gland
- arm aerobics
- arm-in-armer
- armor
- armswinging
- arrow
- arse
- arse bender
- arse from elbow down
- arse over tit
- arse worm
- arse-opener
- arseduke
- Arsenal's playing at home
- arseplay
- arsy-tarvy
- artichoke
- artificial penis
- artiste
- as God made one
- ashes hauled
- aspermatism
- asphyxiaphilia
- ass
- ass blow
- ass crack
- ass grease
- ass king
- ass merchant
- ass over head
- ass queen
- ass-bite
- ass-fuck
- ass-hole
- ass-licking
- ass-seller
- ass-wipe
- assault with a friendly weapon
- assets
- asshole buddy
- assignation
- asspro
- asthenophobia
- asymptomatic viral shedding
- atelia
- athenian
- atom bombs
- attacking the one-eyed purple-headed warrior
- attractive
- au naturel
- auger
- aunt eater
- aunt Mame
- auntie
- aural sex
- Aut amat aut odit: nil est tertium
- auto-fisting
- autoagonistophilia
- autodysomophobia
- autoerotic strangulation
- autoflagellation
- automatic muzzle loader
- automysophobia
- autopederasty
- autophilia
- autoscopophilia
- available
- awaken the libido
- axe wound
- axillary
- ayuga
- a bit of alright
- a bit of butt
- a bit of cuddle
- a bit of fork
- a bit of hard for a bit of soft
- a bit of mess
- a bit of nobble
- a bit of ring
- a bit of rumpy-pumpy
- a bit of snug for a bit of stiff
- a bit of the other
- a dash up the channel
- a knee trembler
- a mensa et thoro
- a piece of Eve's meat
- a piece of luggage
- a piece of skirt
- a piece of tail
- a screamer and a creamer
- a spot of heavy breathing
- a tergo
- a-buck
- A-hole
- a.k.
- a.s.f.d.
- aardvark
- abacterial
- abandonment (of a spouse)
- abbess
- abdicate
- abdominal cavity
- abdominal pregnancy
- abdominal wall
- aberrant
- Abigail
- ablatio placentae
- ablutomania
- abnormal
- abnormal presentation
- abominable crime
- abort
- abortion
- abortion-on-demand
- abortuary
- abortus imminens
- abortus spontaneous
- Abraham's bosom
- abs
- absolute divorce
- absolute risk
- abuse
- abyss
- acarophobia
- accept a proposal
- accessory chromosome
- accident prone
- accommodate
- accosting the Oscar Meyer
- account executive
- ace
- ace of spades
- acey-deucey
- aching for a side of beef
- acinitis
- acknowledged father
- acne
- acomoclitic
- acorn-picker
- acquaintance
- acquired syphilis
- acromphalus
- acrosomal
- acrotometophilia
- act ass
- act of kind
- act of sport
- activating effects
- active castration complex
- active sodomist
- actual intercourse rate
- acucullophilia
- acute
- acyclovir
- ad feminam
- Adam's clothing
- Adam-and-Eveing
- adamic
- adamize
- adelophilia
- adelphogamy
- admiration
- adolescent growth spurt
- adore
- Adriatic tummy
- adult baby
- adult entertainment center
- adult toystore
- adulteress
- adultery
- adventure
- advertising pilgrim
- aesthetically advantaged
- affair
- affaire d'honneur
- affenliebe
- after part
- afterburner
- afternooner
- agapemone
- agate
- age segregation
- ageism
- agility
- Agnes
- agonorgasmos
- agoraphobic
- agriophrenia
- agynophelymity
- aidacratia
- AIDS terrorist
- aim Archie at the Armitage
- air bags
- air one's pores
- airing her dairy
- aischrolatreia
- albedosynia
- alcahuete
- algolagnia
- algophile
- algorgasmia
- alibido
- all bitched up
- all for
- all hot and bothered
- all penis bondage
- all steamed up
- all to cock
- all-night man
- allantotrioism
- alley apple
- alley queen
- alloeroticism
- allonemia
- allovalent
- almond
- alpha and omega
- alright
- altar of hymen
- altared
- alternating flame
- altogether
- Amanda
- amasius
- amative
- amatory pleasures
- ambibiosis
- ambierastia
- ambisexual
- amblyrosis
- amelotatist
- American trombone
- ammunition
- amor
- Amor vincit omnia
- amoroso
- amorous paranoia
- amour propre
- ampallang
- amphierotism
- amphiphilia
- amputation
- amyl nitrite
- anaclitism
- anal beads
- anal coitus
- anal dance
- anal exudate
- anal fire water
- anal impotence
- anal intercourse
- anal joyrider
- anal orifice
- anal scientist
- anal stormtrooper
- anal-genital intercourse
- analingus
- anality
- anaphrodisiac
- anaspadias
- anatomically correct
- andro-
- androgyne
- androgynous fucking
- andrologist
- andromimetophilia
- androphilist
- androzoon
- aneroticism
- angel food
- angel's suit
- anger rapist
- anglophobia
- anile
- anility
- animal training
- anisomastia
- ankle up the aisle
- anocratism
- anolinguist
- anonymous sex
- anophile
- anorchia
- anorchous
- another thing
- answer the bone-a-phone
- antaphroditic
- Anthony Blunt
- anthropophagolagnia
- anti-bod
- antifetishism
- antipudic
- anuptaphobia
- anus
- anything on two legs
- apandria
- aperture of bliss
- aphanisis
- aphrodette
- Aphrodites Evostick
- apophallation
- apotemnophile
- apparatus urogenitalis
- appetent
- apple head
- apple-polisher
- applying the hand brake
- apricot brandy
- apron knight
- Arabian Goggles
- arbor vitae
- ardor urinae
- Are you saving it for the worms?
- areola papillaris
- arm breaker
- arm-in-arming
- armored division
- around the world
- Ars Amandi
- arse about
- arse cooler
- arse gas
- arse pirate
- arse-bone
- arse-piss
- arsehole
- arsenosadism
- arser
- art of pleasure
- article
- artillerie de Cupidon
- arts
- as the actress said to the bishop
- Ashtoreth
- aspermia
- asphyxiator
- ass about
- ass boy
- ass farmer
- ass hound
- ass leech
- ass middleman
- ass pirate
- ass thrasher
- ass-bone
- ass-fucker
- ass-kisser
- ass-opener
- ass-to-mouth
- ass-wiper
- assc
- asshole
- asshole fucking
- assignation house
- assume the position
- astraphobia
- at it
- atelophobia
- athletic supporter
- atony of the bladder
- Attila The Hen
- atypical paraphilia
- audiotext
- aulophobia
- aunt fancy
- aunt Maria
- auntie man
- Australian active
- autagonistophilia
- auto-genital stimulation
- autoassassinatophilia
- autoerotic asphyxia
- autoeroticism
- autogynephilia
- automonosexualism
- autonecrophilia
- autopedication
- autophobia
- autosuck vagina
- avisodomy
- away the trip
- axed
- axillary intercourse
- Aztec hop
- a bit of beef
- a bit of cauliflower
- a bit of ebony
- a bit of front door work
- a bit of how's yer father
- a bit of muslin
- a bit of nookey
- a bit of rough
- a bit of skin
- a bit of stiff
- a bit on the side
- a date with Manuela
- a little o the one with tother
- a piece of ass
- a piece of flesh
- a piece of meat
- a piece of snatch
- a poke in the whiskers
- a soft spot for
- a spot of perving
- a vinculo matrimonii
- a-bucking
- a-one and a-two and a-three
- a.p.b.
- a.s.s.
- Aaron's rod
- abactio partus
- abareskin
- abbesse
- abdomen
- abdominal delivery
- abdominal protector
- abduct
- aberrant sex
- abirritant
- ablation
- ablutophilia
- abnormal bleeding
- abnormal psychology
- abominable crime against nature
- aborted
- abortion law
- abortionist
- abortus
- abortus incipiens
- about to drop
- abrasion
- abscess
- absolute infertility
- abstinence
- abuse oneself
- academician
- acaudal
- acceptive phase
- accessory gland
- accidental abortion
- accommodation house
- accouchement
- accoutrements
- ace fuck
- ace poker
- ache for
- achnutshik
- acinus
- acmasia
- acne syphilitica
- acomovulvate
- acorns
- acquaintance rape
- acrai
- acrophilia
- acrosomal reaction
- acrotomophile
- act of androgynation
- act of love
- active
- active Greek
- actress
- actus brevia
- acucullus
- acute HIV infection
- acyesis
- Adam
- Adam's dagger
- Adam-like
- adamical
- Adams arsenal
- adelphepothia
- adelphogomous
- admire
- adolescent homosexuality
- adrenal
- adulate
- adult book
- adult magazine
- Adult Verification Service
- adulterine
- adultism
- adventuress
- aesthetically challenged
- affair of love
- affaire de coeur
- afgay
- African queen
- after parts
- afternoon
- afters
- agapism
- age
- Age Verification Service
- agfay
- aging
- agnuopia
- agoraphile
- agraphobia
- agrizoophobia
- agyrophobia
- aidocratia
- ailuromania
- aimless amy
- air biscuit
- air the dairy
- airing the orchid
- aischrology
- albino custard
- alchemy
- algolagnic
- algophilia
- algorgynia
- Alice
- all butched up
- all forlorn
- all man
- all pink on the inside
- all the arts
- all wool and a yard long
- all-night movie
- allergic to
- alley cat
- alleyway
- allogynia
- allopellia
- allsbay
- almond rock
- alphamegamia
- Alsatian
- altar of love
- alter kocker
- alternative lifestyle
- altophobia
- Amantes sunt amentes
- amastia
- amatorculist
- amatripsis
- ambibombe
- ambiguous
- ambisexuality
- ambosexual
- amenorrhea
- amiable
- ammunition whore
- amor insanus
- amoretto
- amorous
- amorous rites
- amour socratique
- ampersand
- amphigenetic gender
- amphisexual
- amputation fetish(ism)
- amy-john
- amyl queen
- anaesthesia sexualis
- anal birth
- anal collar
- anal delight
- anal fantasies
- anal fissure
- anal injector
- anal intruder
- anal leakage
- anal play
- anal sex
- anal toy
- anal-rape fantasy
- analipsation
- analize
- anaphrodite
- anasteemaphilia
- anchored
- androcentrism
- androgynophilia
- androgyny
- andrology
- androphile
- androphobia
- ane
- anesodia
- angel kisses
- angelcakes
- angle
- angrophobia
- anililagnia
- animal
- animalist
- anisonogamist
- ankle-biter
- anogenital
- anolingus
- anoperineal
- anorapt
- anorchid
- anorectal
- another way to love
- answer the call of nature
- ante coitum
- anthophobia
- anthropophagus
- antiaphrodisiac
- antiluetic
- antique dealer
- anuresis
- anus queen
- AoC
- apantrophy
- aphallata
- aphephobia
- aphrodisia
- apistia
- aposthia
- apotemnophilia
- appendage
- appetite
- apple of one's eye
- apples
- appreciate
- apricots
- apron strings
- arachnephilia
- archangel
- ardor veneris
- arenokoites
- aris
- arm of love
- armbinders
- armstrong heaters
- around the world in eighty ways
- ars erotica
- arse bandit
- arse crawler
- arse grease
- arse pish
- arse-fuck
- arse-wedge
- arseholed
- arseovoir
- arsey-versey
- art of unisex
- article of virtue
- artillerie de Venus
- artsy-fartsy
- asexual
- ask for the ring
- asphaltic
- asphyxiophilia
- ass around
- ass broker
- ass games
- ass in a sling
- ass man
- ass middlewoman
- ass play
- ass-a-holic
- ass-deep
- ass-fucking
- ass-kissing
- ass-out
- ass-tronaut
- assaroonie
- assecons
- asshole bandit
- asshole liaisons officer
- assisted shower
- assy
- astrophobia
- ataxiophobia
- Athanasian wench
- Athor
- atresia vaginae
- attitudes
- atypical psychosexual dysfunction
- audition the finger puppets
- aunt
- aunt Flo
- aunt Mary
- auntie queen
- Australian passive
- autassassinophilia
- auto-hedonia
- autoassassinophilia
- autoerotic asphyxiation
- autoerotism
- autohedonia
- automutilation
- autonepiophilia
- autopedophilia
- autosadism
- autumn of life
- awful-wedded wife
- axilla
- axillism
- Aztec two-step
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter A
- a bit ginger
- a bit of bouncy-bouncy
- a bit of crackling
- a bit of fat
- a bit of fun
- a bit of it
- a bit of mutton
- a bit of pork
- a bit of rumpty-tumpty
- a bit of skirt
- a bit of stuff
- a bit on the Wilde side
- a date with Senorita Mano
- a little one-on-one
- a piece of calico
- a piece of fluff
- a piece of mutton
- a piece of stray
- a poke through the whiskers
- a spot of Cupids archery
- a squeeze and a squirt
- a visit from Mother Fist
- A-double scribble
- a.b.p.
- a.s.b.
- a.s.s.d
- ab
- abandoned woman
- abasiophilia
- abbot
- abdominal
- abdominal hysterectomy
- abdominal testes
- abduction
- aberrant sexual behavior
- ablate
- ablaze
- ablutophobia
- abnormal chromosome effects
- abnormality
- abominable pants worm
- aborticide
- abortion pill
- abortive
- abortus artificialis
- abortus incompletus
- abrasive
- absolute CD4 count
- absolute inversion
- abstinence rule
- abuse someone
- AC-DC bar
- academy
- acaudate
- acceptive stage
- accessory placenta
- accidental homosexuality
- accordion
- accoucheur
- Accu-Jac
- ace gear
- ace queen
- achers
- acid phosphatase
- Ackerman breast types
- acme
- acne vulgaris
- aconuresis
- acousticophile
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- acral
- acrophobia
- acrosome
- acrotomophilia
- act of darkness
- act of pleasure
- actirasty
- active algolagnia
- active partner
- actress starlette
- acucullophallia
- aculeophallic
- acute infection
- Acyvir
- Adam and Eves togs
- Adam's whip
- adamantine organon
- adamism
- Adams PJs
- adelphirexia
- adjusting your set
- admirer
- adolescentilism
- adrenal cortex
- adulation
- adult bookshop
- adult movie
- adultera
- adulterine child
- advanced in years
- advertise
- aelurophobia
- aesthetically impaired
- affair of the heart
- affairs
- afghan
- African toothache
- after-market
- afternoon delight
- agalmatophilia
- agaptism
- age of consent
- aged
- aggie
- aging actress
- agomphathymia
- agoraphilia
- agreeable ruts of life
- agromania
- ahall
- aidoiomania
- ailurophile
- ain
- air dance
- air your guts
- airs and graces
- alamo!
- albutophilia
- algesis
- algolagnist
- algophily
- algorsenia
- all aflutter over
- all day, all night
- all fussed up
- all meat, no potatoes
- all sexed up
- all the way
- all worked up
- all-night trick
- alley
- alley job
- alligator
- alloiophilia
- allorgasmia
- allurement paraphilias
- almond rock candy
- Alphonse
- alt.binaries.pictures.erotica
- altar of pleasure
- altered
- alternative lovestyle
- alveoli
- Amantium irae, amoris integratio est
- amateur
- amatorial
- amaurophilia
- ambidexterity
- ambiguous gender
- ambivalence
- ambulophobia
- American by injection
- amicus
- amokoscisia
- amor lesbicus
- amorist
- amorous congress
- amour
- amourette
- amphierotic
- amphigenic invert
- ample-bodied woman
- amputee
- amychesis
- anaclisis
- anagapesis
- anal borer
- anal copulation
- anal egg
- anal felching
- anal fisting
- anal insert
- anal jabber
- anal lovemaking
- anal plug
- anal sexual play
- anal violin
- anal-sadistic
- analism
- Ananga Ranga
- anaphroditic
- anat
- andr-
- androdyke
- androgynous
- android
- andromania
- androphilia
- androsodomy
- anekay
- anesthesia
- angel with a dirty face
- Angelina
- angle of the dangle
- Angus
- anilingism
- Animal House
- animated ivory
- ankle cuffs
- annular hymen
- anogenital intercourse
- anomalous
- anophelophobia
- anoraptus
- anorchidism
- anorgasmia
- answer a call to the warden's office
- ansy-pay
- anteater
- anthrophobia
- anthropophagy
- antiblennorrhagic
- antiman
- antisyphilitic
- anuria
- anus worship
- apache
- apartment girl
- aphallate
- aphilophrenia
- aphrodism
- apodyopsis
- Apostle's grove
- apotemnophobia
- appetence
- appetition
- apple squire
- applying for a fishing liscence
- appropriate member
- apron high
- apron up
- arachnephobia
- arching for it
- Are you keeping it for the worms?
- areola
- arm
- arm-clutcher
- armful
- armswing
- arrhenphobia
- ars musica
- arse beard
- arse curtains
- arse over teakettle
- arse up
- arse-grapes
- arsecons
- arsenal
- arseparts
- arsometry
- arthur
- articulate the archdeacon
- artist
- arvo
- asexualization
- aspen leaf
- asphyxiaphile
- aspro
- ass backwards
- ass business
- ass goblin
- ass jabber
- ass master
- ass mites
- ass plug
- ass-bandit
- ass-end
- ass-gunner
- ass-licker
- ass-peddler
- ass-wedge
- assault on a friendly weapon
- assed up
- asshole buddies
- asshole plugging
- assmosis
- Astarte
- asymmetriphobia
- ataxophobia
- athazagoraphobia
- atocia
- attachment
- attitudinize
- atypical sexual behavior
- auditioning the hand puppet
- aunt Annie
- aunt Flo's here
- aunt Mathilda
- auntys round
- Australian sex
- auto pimp
- autoabasiophilia
- autodermatophagia
- autoerotic death
- autofetishism
- automasochism
- automysophilia
- autopaedophilia
- autophagy
- autoscophilia
- auxiliaries
- awaken the bacon
- awkward
- axillar
- axle grease
- azz
- a bit of all right
- a bit of brown
- a bit of crumpet
- a bit of flat
- a bit of hair
- a bit of meat
- a bit of nifty
- a bit of raspberry
- a bit of rumpy-bumpy
- a bit of snug
- a bit of the old in and out
- a capella
- A double S
- a little southern romance
- a piece of dark meat
- a piece of goods
- a piece of patch
- a piece of stuff
- a proper bit of frock
- a spot of hard breathing
- a straight shot
- A-200
- A-frame orgasm
- A.H.
- a.s.f.
- a2m
- Abélard
- abandonment (of a child)
- abatement
- abdominal abortion
- abdominal ostium
- abdominal testicle
- abduction (play)
- aberration
- ablatio penis
- ablutolagnia
- ablutoskepsis
- abnormal forms
- abominable and detestable crime against nature
- aboratorium
- abortifacient
- abortion rate
- abortively
- abortus completus
- abortus septicus
- Abraham
- abruptio placentae
- absolute code
- absolute invert
- abulia
- abuse-dwarfism
- acanthophallic
- acault
- acceptor
- accessory urethral canal
- accidental pornography
- accordion solo
- accoucheuse
- acculturation
- ace lover
- acedolagnia
- achilous
- acini
- Ackerman Types
- acmegenesis
- acokoinonia
- acorn
- acousticophilia
- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- acre
- acrorthosis
- acrosome reaction
- act
- act of generation
- act of shame
- activating cruise control
- active and passive
- active sexual trauma
- actual failure rate
- acucullophallic
- acupressure
- acute prostatitis
- ad
- Adam's apple
- Adam-and-Eve it
- adamatical
- adamite
- addressing Mr. Palmer
- adelphithymia
- admirate
- adolescence
- Adonis
- adrenal glands
- adult
- adult entertainment
- adult novelties
- adulterer
- adulterous affair
- advancing years
- advertising bar
- aerola mammae
- affaire d'amour
- affection
- aflutter over
- Afrodite
- afterbirth
- afternoon gig
- agape
- agastopia
- age of majority
- agedness
- aggressive pedophile
- agliophobia
- agonophilia
- agoraphobia
- agrexophrenia
- agrypnolagnia
- aichmophobia
- aidomania
- ailurophobia
- ainphiphilia
- air express
- airborne copulation
- airtight
- Alan Whisker(s)
- alcahueta
- algogenesolagnia
- algopareunia
- algophobia
- algoterpsia
- all aquiver over
- all diked out
- all het up
- all mouth
- all shaky-shivery
- all tits and teeth
- all-beef sausage
- all-nighter
- alley affair
- alley number
- alloandrism
- alloiophilic
- allotriorasty
- almanac(h)
- aloha
- alprosradil
- altar it
- altar room
- alternately gendered
- altocalciphilia
- alvinolagnia
- Amare et sapere vix deo conceditur
- amateur night
- amatory
- amaxophobia
- ambidextrous
- ambisextrous
- amblyopic organ
- amelotasis
- American sock
- amies
- amomaxia
- amor sui
- amorosa
- amorous glance
- amour fou
- ampailang
- amphieroticism
- amphigenous inversion
- amply endowed
- amputee fetish(ism)
- amychophobia
- anaclitic
- anal announcement
- anal buccaneer
- anal copulator
- anal eroticism
- anal fetishism
- anal fistula
- anal inserts
- anal job
- anal masturbation
- anal rampooner
- anal sphincter
- anal virgin
- analinctus
- analist
- anaphrodisia
- anaphroditous
- anatomical sex
- Andrew phenomenon
- androglossia
- androgynous dyke
- androidism
- andromimetic
- androphilic
- androtrope
- anerotic
- angel
- angel's gear
- Angelina sorority
- Anglican length
- anhedonia
- anilingus
- animal sex
- anisogamia
- ankle restraint
- anocrat
- anolinctus
- anonyma
- anophelorastia
- anorast
- anorchism
- anosmia
- answer nature's call
- antaphrodisiac
- antholagnia
- anthropoid
- anthropophobia
- anticipating (a happy event)
- Antipodes
- antivenereal
- anurous
- anything in trousers
- apadrayva
- aperture
- aphallatosis
- aphoria
- Aphrodite
- apodysophilia
- Apostle's pinch
- apparatus
- appetency
- apple dumplings
- apple-dumpling shop
- applying lip gloss
- appurtenances
- apron husband
- aquaphobia
- arachnophobia
- archorrhea
- Are you red sails in the sunset?
- areola of the mammary gland
- arm aerobics
- arm-in-armer
- armor
- armswinging
- arrow
- arse
- arse bender
- arse from elbow down
- arse over tit
- arse worm
- arse-opener
- arseduke
- Arsenal's playing at home
- arseplay
- arsy-tarvy
- artichoke
- artificial penis
- artiste
- as God made one
- ashes hauled
- aspermatism
- asphyxiaphilia
- ass
- ass blow
- ass crack
- ass grease
- ass king
- ass merchant
- ass over head
- ass queen
- ass-bite
- ass-fuck
- ass-hole
- ass-licking
- ass-seller
- ass-wipe
- assault with a friendly weapon
- assets
- asshole buddy
- assignation
- asspro
- asthenophobia
- asymptomatic viral shedding
- atelia
- athenian
- atom bombs
- attacking the one-eyed purple-headed warrior
- attractive
- au naturel
- auger
- aunt eater
- aunt Mame
- auntie
- aural sex
- Aut amat aut odit: nil est tertium
- auto-fisting
- autoagonistophilia
- autodysomophobia
- autoerotic strangulation
- autoflagellation
- automatic muzzle loader
- automysophobia
- autopederasty
- autophilia
- autoscopophilia
- available
- awaken the libido
- axe wound
- axillary
- ayuga
- a bit of alright
- a bit of butt
- a bit of cuddle
- a bit of fork
- a bit of hard for a bit of soft
- a bit of mess
- a bit of nobble
- a bit of ring
- a bit of rumpy-pumpy
- a bit of snug for a bit of stiff
- a bit of the other
- a dash up the channel
- a knee trembler
- a mensa et thoro
- a piece of Eve's meat
- a piece of luggage
- a piece of skirt
- a piece of tail
- a screamer and a creamer
- a spot of heavy breathing
- a tergo
- a-buck
- A-hole
- a.k.
- a.s.f.d.
- aardvark
- abacterial
- abandonment (of a spouse)
- abbess
- abdicate
- abdominal cavity
- abdominal pregnancy
- abdominal wall
- aberrant
- Abigail
- ablatio placentae
- ablutomania
- abnormal
- abnormal presentation
- abominable crime
- abort
- abortion
- abortion-on-demand
- abortuary
- abortus imminens
- abortus spontaneous
- Abraham's bosom
- abs
- absolute divorce
- absolute risk
- abuse
- abyss
- acarophobia
- accept a proposal
- accessory chromosome
- accident prone
- accommodate
- accosting the Oscar Meyer
- account executive
- ace
- ace of spades
- acey-deucey
- aching for a side of beef
- acinitis
- acknowledged father
- acne
- acomoclitic
- acorn-picker
- acquaintance
- acquired syphilis
- acromphalus
- acrosomal
- acrotometophilia
- act ass
- act of kind
- act of sport
- activating effects
- active castration complex
- active sodomist
- actual intercourse rate
- acucullophilia
- acute
- acyclovir
- ad feminam
- Adam's clothing
- Adam-and-Eveing
- adamic
- adamize
- adelophilia
- adelphogamy
- admiration
- adolescent growth spurt
- adore
- Adriatic tummy
- adult baby
- adult entertainment center
- adult toystore
- adulteress
- adultery
- adventure
- advertising pilgrim
- aesthetically advantaged
- affair
- affaire d'honneur
- affenliebe
- after part
- afterburner
- afternooner
- agapemone
- agate
- age segregation
- ageism
- agility
- Agnes
- agonorgasmos
- agoraphobic
- agriophrenia
- agynophelymity
- aidacratia
- AIDS terrorist
- aim Archie at the Armitage
- air bags
- air one's pores
- airing her dairy
- aischrolatreia
- albedosynia
- alcahuete
- algolagnia
- algophile
- algorgasmia
- alibido
- all bitched up
- all for
- all hot and bothered
- all penis bondage
- all steamed up
- all to cock
- all-night man
- allantotrioism
- alley apple
- alley queen
- alloeroticism
- allonemia
- allovalent
- almond
- alpha and omega
- alright
- altar of hymen
- altared
- alternating flame
- altogether
- Amanda
- amasius
- amative
- amatory pleasures
- ambibiosis
- ambierastia
- ambisexual
- amblyrosis
- amelotatist
- American trombone
- ammunition
- amor
- Amor vincit omnia
- amoroso
- amorous paranoia
- amour propre
- ampallang
- amphierotism
- amphiphilia
- amputation
- amyl nitrite
- anaclitism
- anal beads
- anal coitus
- anal dance
- anal exudate
- anal fire water
- anal impotence
- anal intercourse
- anal joyrider
- anal orifice
- anal scientist
- anal stormtrooper
- anal-genital intercourse
- analingus
- anality
- anaphrodisiac
- anaspadias
- anatomically correct
- andro-
- androgyne
- androgynous fucking
- andrologist
- andromimetophilia
- androphilist
- androzoon
- aneroticism
- angel food
- angel's suit
- anger rapist
- anglophobia
- anile
- anility
- animal training
- anisomastia
- ankle up the aisle
- anocratism
- anolinguist
- anonymous sex
- anophile
- anorchia
- anorchous
- another thing
- answer the bone-a-phone
- antaphroditic
- Anthony Blunt
- anthropophagolagnia
- anti-bod
- antifetishism
- antipudic
- anuptaphobia
- anus
- anything on two legs
- apandria
- aperture of bliss
- aphanisis
- aphrodette
- Aphrodites Evostick
- apophallation
- apotemnophile
- apparatus urogenitalis
- appetent
- apple head
- apple-polisher
- applying the hand brake
- apricot brandy
- apron knight
- Arabian Goggles
- arbor vitae
- ardor urinae
- Are you saving it for the worms?
- areola papillaris
- arm breaker
- arm-in-arming
- armored division
- around the world
- Ars Amandi
- arse about
- arse cooler
- arse gas
- arse pirate
- arse-bone
- arse-piss
- arsehole
- arsenosadism
- arser
- art of pleasure
- article
- artillerie de Cupidon
- arts
- as the actress said to the bishop
- Ashtoreth
- aspermia
- asphyxiator
- ass about
- ass boy
- ass farmer
- ass hound
- ass leech
- ass middleman
- ass pirate
- ass thrasher
- ass-bone
- ass-fucker
- ass-kisser
- ass-opener
- ass-to-mouth
- ass-wiper
- assc
- asshole
- asshole fucking
- assignation house
- assume the position
- astraphobia
- at it
- atelophobia
- athletic supporter
- atony of the bladder
- Attila The Hen
- atypical paraphilia
- audiotext
- aulophobia
- aunt fancy
- aunt Maria
- auntie man
- Australian active
- autagonistophilia
- auto-genital stimulation
- autoassassinatophilia
- autoerotic asphyxia
- autoeroticism
- autogynephilia
- automonosexualism
- autonecrophilia
- autopedication
- autophobia
- autosuck vagina
- avisodomy
- away the trip
- axed
- axillary intercourse
- Aztec hop
- a bit of beef
- a bit of cauliflower
- a bit of ebony
- a bit of front door work
- a bit of how's yer father
- a bit of muslin
- a bit of nookey
- a bit of rough
- a bit of skin
- a bit of stiff
- a bit on the side
- a date with Manuela
- a little o the one with tother
- a piece of ass
- a piece of flesh
- a piece of meat
- a piece of snatch
- a poke in the whiskers
- a soft spot for
- a spot of perving
- a vinculo matrimonii
- a-bucking
- a-one and a-two and a-three
- a.p.b.
- a.s.s.
- Aaron's rod
- abactio partus
- abareskin
- abbesse
- abdomen
- abdominal delivery
- abdominal protector
- abduct
- aberrant sex
- abirritant
- ablation
- ablutophilia
- abnormal bleeding
- abnormal psychology
- abominable crime against nature
- aborted
- abortion law
- abortionist
- abortus
- abortus incipiens
- about to drop
- abrasion
- abscess
- absolute infertility
- abstinence
- abuse oneself
- academician
- acaudal
- acceptive phase
- accessory gland
- accidental abortion
- accommodation house
- accouchement
- accoutrements
- ace fuck
- ace poker
- ache for
- achnutshik
- acinus
- acmasia
- acne syphilitica
- acomovulvate
- acorns
- acquaintance rape
- acrai
- acrophilia
- acrosomal reaction
- acrotomophile
- act of androgynation
- act of love
- active
- active Greek
- actress
- actus brevia
- acucullus
- acute HIV infection
- acyesis
- Adam
- Adam's dagger
- Adam-like
- adamical
- Adams arsenal
- adelphepothia
- adelphogomous
- admire
- adolescent homosexuality
- adrenal
- adulate
- adult book
- adult magazine
- Adult Verification Service
- adulterine
- adultism
- adventuress
- aesthetically challenged
- affair of love
- affaire de coeur
- afgay
- African queen
- after parts
- afternoon
- afters
- agapism
- age
- Age Verification Service
- agfay
- aging
- agnuopia
- agoraphile
- agraphobia
- agrizoophobia
- agyrophobia
- aidocratia
- ailuromania
- aimless amy
- air biscuit
- air the dairy
- airing the orchid
- aischrology
- albino custard
- alchemy
- algolagnic
- algophilia
- algorgynia
- Alice
- all butched up
- all forlorn
- all man
- all pink on the inside
- all the arts
- all wool and a yard long
- all-night movie
- allergic to
- alley cat
- alleyway
- allogynia
- allopellia
- allsbay
- almond rock
- alphamegamia
- Alsatian
- altar of love
- alter kocker
- alternative lifestyle
- altophobia
- Amantes sunt amentes
- amastia
- amatorculist
- amatripsis
- ambibombe
- ambiguous
- ambisexuality
- ambosexual
- amenorrhea
- amiable
- ammunition whore
- amor insanus
- amoretto
- amorous
- amorous rites
- amour socratique
- ampersand
- amphigenetic gender
- amphisexual
- amputation fetish(ism)
- amy-john
- amyl queen
- anaesthesia sexualis
- anal birth
- anal collar
- anal delight
- anal fantasies
- anal fissure
- anal injector
- anal intruder
- anal leakage
- anal play
- anal sex
- anal toy
- anal-rape fantasy
- analipsation
- analize
- anaphrodite
- anasteemaphilia
- anchored
- androcentrism
- androgynophilia
- androgyny
- andrology
- androphile
- androphobia
- ane
- anesodia
- angel kisses
- angelcakes
- angle
- angrophobia
- anililagnia
- animal
- animalist
- anisonogamist
- ankle-biter
- anogenital
- anolingus
- anoperineal
- anorapt
- anorchid
- anorectal
- another way to love
- answer the call of nature
- ante coitum
- anthophobia
- anthropophagus
- antiaphrodisiac
- antiluetic
- antique dealer
- anuresis
- anus queen
- AoC
- apantrophy
- aphallata
- aphephobia
- aphrodisia
- apistia
- aposthia
- apotemnophilia
- appendage
- appetite
- apple of one's eye
- apples
- appreciate
- apricots
- apron strings
- arachnephilia
- archangel
- ardor veneris
- arenokoites
- aris
- arm of love
- armbinders
- armstrong heaters
- around the world in eighty ways
- ars erotica
- arse bandit
- arse crawler
- arse grease
- arse pish
- arse-fuck
- arse-wedge
- arseholed
- arseovoir
- arsey-versey
- art of unisex
- article of virtue
- artillerie de Venus
- artsy-fartsy
- asexual
- ask for the ring
- asphaltic
- asphyxiophilia
- ass around
- ass broker
- ass games
- ass in a sling
- ass man
- ass middlewoman
- ass play
- ass-a-holic
- ass-deep
- ass-fucking
- ass-kissing
- ass-out
- ass-tronaut
- assaroonie
- assecons
- asshole bandit
- asshole liaisons officer
- assisted shower
- assy
- astrophobia
- ataxiophobia
- Athanasian wench
- Athor
- atresia vaginae
- attitudes
- atypical psychosexual dysfunction
- audition the finger puppets
- aunt
- aunt Flo
- aunt Mary
- auntie queen
- Australian passive
- autassassinophilia
- auto-hedonia
- autoassassinophilia
- autoerotic asphyxiation
- autoerotism
- autohedonia
- automutilation
- autonepiophilia
- autopedophilia
- autosadism
- autumn of life
- awful-wedded wife
- axilla
- axillism
- Aztec two-step