Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
A membrane-covered organelle secreted by the Golgi apparatus of the spermatid, located around the head of the sperm , containing digestive (proteolytic) enzymes which break down the protective membranes of the ovum and allow the sperm to inject its haploid DNA.Link to this page:
Word Browser
- 3-Fs / Three Fs / THREE Fs
- 4-F(s) / Four F(s) / FOUR F(s)
- 4-Fer / 4-F-er
- 4-Fs / Four Fs / FOUR F'S
- 4-K / 4K
- 4-letter word / four-letter word
- 4QU2 / 4Q2
- a.f.o. / A.F.O.
- abso-fucking-lutely!
- ace fuck / ace fucking