Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Area of the body, both the external part and the internal cavity, extending from the thorax (or diaphragm) to the pelvis. It contains the stomach, intestines, liver, reproductive-organs , and other organs.

Synonyms and related terms : abs ; alvus; basement ; basket ; bay-window ; belly ; binny; bread-basket ; bulk; corporation ; deep chest ; eater; elly-bay; epigastrum; food-gone-to-waist ; front-exposure ; front-porch ; frontage ; gullet; gut(s); gut-bucket; hangover ; jelly belly ; little-Mary ; maw ; middle; midriff ; midsection ; Ned Kelly; paunch; pot ; pot-belly (potbelly); shit-locker ; shitbag; six-pack ; stomach; swelling ; tum-tum ; tummy ; underbelly; venter maw .

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