Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Or: aunty :

1. Derogatory term for an aging , middle-aged or elderly male homosexual , especially if effeminate , dainty and gossipy. Old age starts early in the gay community, around 30.
Synonyms: aging-actress ; aunt ; aunt-Mame ; aunt-Mathilda ; chin-strap ; geriatric-set ; Geritol-set ; dirty-old-man ; fallen-star ; grandma ; gray-lady ; grimm's-fairy ; old-girl (hen, one, thing , queen , queer); prune-person ; rancid-flower ; soiled-senior-citizen ; wheelchair-set .

Quote: Bruce Rodgers. The Queens' Vernacular (1972): ' Youth is the premium in the real world , but it is the criterion in the gay world . '

2. Dated expression for an older prostitute .

3. My auntie has come (to stay or to visit) , to be menstruating. See menstruation for synonyms.

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