Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. To think well of; to understand and enjoy ; to esteem; to value highly.
Synonyms: admire ; adore ; applaud; apprise; cherish ; enjoy ; esteem; extol; honor; like; look up to; love ; praise; prize; rate highly; regard; relish; respect; savor; treasure .

2. To recognize the quality, value, worth, significance of, especially favorably.
Synonyms: acknowledge; apprehend; be aware of; be cognizant of; be conscious of; catch the drift; comprehend; dig ; fathom; grasp; know (the value); perceive; read; realize; recognize; savvy; see daylight; sympathize with; take account of; understand.

3. To be grateful for; to be thankful for.
Synonyms: acknowledge; be appreciative; be indebted; be obliged; flip-over ; freak out on ; give thanks; groove-on ; welcome.

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