Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. A man or woman who is fully grown up ; a mature person. In his humorous dictionary published as The Penthouse Sexicon (1968), Frederic Mullally defines:

-- Adult: ' Person who is supposed to know what he or she is doing .'

-- Adulterer: ' Person who does it .'

-- Adultery: ' It .'

2. One who has reached the age-of-majority or legal age , now generally 18 years.
Synonyms: grown; grown-up; mature(d); of age . Antonym: underage(d).

3. A fully developed organism, animal or plant.

4. Gorwn up ; fully developed and mature; mature in age , size, strength, etc.

5. Of or for adult persons only; intended for and restricted to adults. Adult bookstore .

6. Containing sexually-explicit material; dealing with explicitly seuxal material; pornographic . Adult movies .

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