Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter M
- M
- M.S.M.
- mac
- macha
- machismo
- mack daddy
- mackerel
- macko man
- macrophallia
- mad mile
- madam X
- made one
- Mademoizook
- madonna-whore syndrome
- magic wand
- magnet
- maid's ring
- maidenhead
- maieusiophobia
- main bitch
- main piece
- maison de joie
- major lips (of the vagina)
- make a big hit
- make a deposit
- make a move on
- make a piss stop
- make a puddle
- make an honest woman of
- make bumps
- make eyes at
- make fist-kabobs
- Make hay while the sun shines
- make kissy-face
- make love to ones fist
- make love with Rosy Palm and her five sisters
- make nice
- make out with
- make sheep's eyes
- make the beast with two backs
- make the legal move
- make the tide come in
- make waves (for the boy-in-the-boat)
- make with child
- making a banana spit
- making a finger sandwich
- making bacon
- making feet for children's shoes
- making instant pudding
- making nut butter
- making the bald man cry
- making the oysters smile
- making yogurt
- maladie anglaise
- male catcher
- male condom
- male genital club
- male gladiolus
- male intruder
- male member
- male netherland(s)
- male organon
- male poker
- male pudendum
- male sexual organon
- male-identified
- maleness
- mall rat
- Malthus caps
- mamas box
- mammaries
- mammary mounds
- mammitis
- mams
- man chaser
- man lover
- man mustard
- man on the street
- man soup
- man's milk
- man-above position
- man-eater
- man-on-top position
- Manchester City
- mangle
- mangoes
- manhole cover
- manipulating the mango
- manning the cannon
- mansculine
- manual gratification
- manual override
- manual release
- manustupration
- map of Tasmania
- maracas
- marble heart
- mariposa
- marital duty
- maritudinal erection
- marmite motorway
- marriage
- married
- married to Mary Fist
- marrow-bone
- marry-making
- Mary Poppins
- masculine quotient
- mash eye
- mashie
- masonic secret self handshake
- massage the one-eyed monk
- master
- master of ceremonies
- Mastercard Mary
- mastilagnia
- mastophallator
- masturbation
- masturbatoress
- match with
- matchrupt
- mate-swapping
- mating
- matrimonial peace-maker
- mattress jig
- mawker
- maypole
- McGimp
- McQ
- means of generation
- meat and (two) potatoes
- meat case
- meat flute
- meat hound
- meat of the sandwich
- meat-house
- meatball
- meatus longus
- mecotero
- medorthophobia
- meeting Mary Palm and her five sisters
- mega-jel
- meguffies
- melophobia
- melting moments
- Member for Cockshire
- membrum virile erectum
- men's magazine
- menage a trois
- mensch
- mentula
- meretrice
- mermaid
- merry legs
- merry-begotten
- meshed
- mess about
- mess with nature
- messer
- metophilia
- Mexican fox-trot
- mezoomas
- microbiophobia
- middle cut
- middle kingdom
- midgies
- midnight queen
- Mike Lit
- milk bone
- milk cans
- milk jugs
- milk the chicken
- milk-woman
- milking one's self
- milking the moose
- milkshakes
- millimeter-peter
- milt-shop
- mince pies
- minga
- minger
- Minnesota strip
- minx
- miseries, the
- misogamy
- misophobia
- Miss Hotbot
- Miss Nancy
- missile
- missionary work
- Mister Fuzzy
- Mister Wiggly
- mix up a batch
- mixoscopia
- mizuko-jizo
- mnemophobia
- mohair knickers
- mole
- molesting the mole
- moll hunter
- mollisher
- molly shop
- molysomophobia
- money
- money-honey
- monilia
- monkey around
- monkey-house
- monocular eyeglass
- monophobia
- Montezumas revenge
- monthly causes
- monthly flux
- mooky
- moon face
- moon-eyed
- moonlighting
- moony about
- moot
- Morbus Hispanics
- more or less married
- morning drip
- morning wood
- Morticia
- moss rose
- mossy face
- mot house
- mother abbess
- mother midnight
- mother of all souls
- mother of the maids
- mother-naked
- motorcycle
- mounds
- mount everests
- mountains
- mouser
- moustache ride
- mouth job
- mouth queen
- mouth that says no words
- mouth-whore
- move one's bowels
- moving the stone
- Mr.
- Mr. Bluevein
- Mr. McGimp
- Mr. Wong
- Mrs. Princum Prancum
- Ms. Right
- much-traveled highway
- mucking around
- mud kicker
- mudeye
- muff diving
- muff munching
- muff-diver
- muffing buffing
- mug-nutty
- muliebral fascinallia
- multiple orgasm
- mumbley pegs
- munch
- munchers
- musckles
- mush worker
- mushroom-rigged
- must-I-holler
- mustard pot
- mutton
- mutton musket
- mutual masturbation
- my body's captain
- my little sister is here
- mycrophobia
- mysandry
- mysteries of Venus
- M & Ms
- M/M
- mac daddy
- machine (of love)
- macho
- mack man
- mackery
- macrogenitalism
- macrophallus
- mad pash
- Madam(e) Thumb and her four daughters
- made up like Faust
- madge
- Mae West(s)
- magiffer
- magnum
- maiden gear
- maidenhood
- maieutics
- main dish
- main squeeze
- maison de tolérance
- Major Woody
- make a branch
- make a dog's match
- make a noise
- make a pit stop
- make a rude noise
- make an offering to the porcelain god
- make butter
- make faces
- make food offerings to the china gods
- make it
- make licky-face
- make love to oneself
- make marry
- make one grunt
- make pee-pee
- make silly with the Willy
- make the bed springs creak
- make the milk run
- make time with
- make wee-wee
- make-out artist
- making a banana split
- making a foreskin cone
- making bishops
- making feet for children's stockings
- making it
- making out
- making the bald man puke
- making the scene with the magazine
- making yourself at home
- malady of France
- male chauvinist pig
- male dominant
- male genital dispenser
- male infibulation
- male knout
- male membrum erectum
- male organ
- male organs of generation
- male pouch
- male reproductive organs
- male sinker
- male-oriented
- malfior
- Mallee root
- mama-san
- mamazulons
- mammary coitus
- mammets
- mammonyms
- man
- man chowder
- man milk
- man of affairs
- man overboard
- man steel
- man's perdition
- man-and-womanizing
- man-entrapment
- man-proof
- manchesters
- mangling the midget
- manhandle
- manhole inspector
- mankind
- manning the cockpit
- mantee walk
- manual job
- manual persuasion
- manual sex
- manuxorate
- map of Tazzy
- marathon
- marble palace
- marital
- marital relations
- mark of the beast
- marquesa
- marriage gear
- married but not churched
- married woman
- marrow-pudding
- marshmallows
- masc
- masculinese
- mash the fat
- masob(s)
- massage parlor
- massage your muscle
- master and servant
- master tool
- masterpiece
- mastocontrectation
- mastos
- masturbation-female
- masturbatory orgy
- matched
- mate
- mated
- mating meat
- matrimonial polka
- mature figure
- Max Walls
- mazoomas
- McGimper
- McSpunk
- measurements
- meat and two veg
- meat cleaver
- meat for the butcher
- meat injection
- meat puppet
- meat-monger
- meatballs
- meatus urinarius
- meddle
- meet Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters
- meeting Rosie Hancock
- mega-wanker
- melanophobia
- melt
- melting pot
- member of the Bottom family
- membrum virile flaccidum
- menace to decent society
- menage a un
- menschkite
- mentulalgia
- meretrix
- merry arse Christian
- Merry Magdalene
- merry-legged
- mesoseinia
- mess around
- messalina
- messing around
- mettle
- Mexican hairless
- Mickey
- microphobia
- middle eye
- middle leg
- midlands
- midriff
- milk
- milk bottles
- milk churners
- milk pan
- milk the lizard
- milker
- milking pail
- milking the musket
- milky way, the
- milquetoast(y)
- Milwaukee goitre
- minding my own business
- minge
- mingle with
- minor lips (of the vagina)
- miracle inch
- misfire
- misogynism
- misosophy
- Miss Laycock
- Miss Thing
- missile of Venus launched
- missis
- Mister Happy
- mistress
- mix your peanut butter
- mixoscopia bestialis
- mochi hills
- mohuncher
- mole-catcher
- moll
- moll-shop
- molly
- Molly's hole
- momism
- money box
- money-maker
- moniliasis
- monkey bite
- monkey-slapping
- monogamous
- monosyllable
- monthlies
- monthly courses
- monthly period
- moon
- moon for
- mooners
- moons
- moony for
- mop head
- Morbus Indicus
- moresome
- morning drop
- mort
- mosob(s)
- mossy bank
- mossy mound
- mot-carpet
- mother damnable
- mother nature calls
- mother of masons
- mother superior
- mother-to-be
- mounds of lilies
- Mount Joy
- mouse
- mouses hole
- mouth
- mouth love
- mouth thankless, the
- mouth wrestle
- mouth-worker
- movie rating system
- mow
- Mr. and Mrs. it
- Mr. Friendly
- Mr. Priapus
- Mrs. Blank
- Mrs. Right
- muck
- muckle
- mud pies
- mudflaps
- muff guff
- muff pie
- muffer
- muffins
- mulatto
- muliebral sex organ(a)
- multiply and be fruitful
- mumbling in the moss
- munch stump
- mungle
- muscle (of love)
- mush-core pornography
- mushroom-tipped
- mustache ride
- mustard road
- mutton dagger
- mutton-monger
- mutual orgasm
- my country cousins have come
- my little visitor is here
- myctophobia
- mysogyny
- mystic grotto
- M and M
- M/s
- macaroni
- machinery, nuts and bolts
- macho-fem
- mack on
- mackin'
- macromastia
- mad about
- madam
- Madame Orr's House
- made woman
- madge culls
- magdalene
- magimp
- magoofer
- maiden pinks
- maieusiomania
- main
- main hole
- main vein
- Majesty in Purple Cap, His
- make
- make a ca-ca
- make a milk run
- make a pass at
- make a play for
- make a smell
- make babies
- make damaged goods
- make feet for children's shoes
- make goo-goo eyes
- make it legal
- make love
- make love with
- make mouth music
- make oneself comfortable
- make piggies
- make smacky-lips
- make the blind see
- make the scene
- make up
- make whoopee
- maker
- making a deposit
- making a hit
- making duck butter
- making five fingers
- making love
- making oyster soup
- making the beast with two backs
- making vanilla jism shakes
- makings, the
- malaxophobia
- male cleaver
- Male Genital
- male genital probe
- male insinuator
- male mandrel
- male menopause
- male organ of generation
- male organs of reproduction
- male pound of flesh
- male satisfier
- male tale
- maledom
- mall brat
- mallet
- mamacita
- mamilla
- mammary glands
- mammilate
- mamms
- man about town
- man in the (row)boat
- man mountain
- man of the house
- man pussy
- man trap
- man's privities
- man-below position
- man-hole
- manapuas
- manfat
- manglish
- Manhattan eel
- manhood
- manliness
- manometer
- mantrap
- manual labor
- manual pollution
- manual titillation
- map of England
- mapatasi
- marble arch
- marbles
- marital aids
- marital rights
- market dame
- Marquis de Sade
- marriage in name only
- married country style
- marrons
- marry into dough
- Mary Jane
- maschalation
- masehalophilous
- mash-on
- masochism
- massage the fireman's neck
- massage your purple-headed warrior
- master bacon
- master-slave
- masticators
- mastolagnia
- mastunculi
- masturbation-male
- mat
- matched set pair
- mate with
- material part
- mating tool
- matrimony
- maw
- maximize your potency
- mazophallate
- mcguffies
- meal ticket
- measuring for condoms
- meat and two vegetables
- meat dagger
- meat for the poor
- meat loaves
- meat tarp
- meat-seeking pissile
- meatrack
- meaty bites
- medolingus
- meet my friends Ralph and Earl
- meeting with Mother Thumb and her four daughters
- megalophobia
- melodromance
- melt the seal
- melvin
- member of the oldest profession
- memories
- menace to decent women
- menophilist
- menstrual cloth
- menu
- merinthophobia
- merry bit
- merry widow waltz
- merrymaker
- mespot
- mess around with
- Messalina complex
- messing with Moby
- mettle of generation
- Mexican two-step
- Mickey and Minnie
- micturate
- middle finger
- middle stump
- Midnight cowboy
- midsection
- milk bags
- milk buckets
- milk cow
- milk sacks
- milk the maggot
- milkers
- milking the bull
- milking the weasel
- milkywaying
- milt
- Milwaukee tumor
- mine of pleasure
- minge mouse
- minikin
- mint
- misborn
- mish
- misogynist
- Miss America Pageant
- Miss Molly
- Miss Tijuana
- missionary
- missis-ed
- Mister Poky
- mistressbate
- mixed fruits and vegetables
- mixoscopic zoophilia
- modigger
- moisture missile
- molehills
- moll about in the head
- mollicoes
- molly dyke
- mollycoddle
- momma-pappa position
- money shot
- money-pot
- monkey
- monkey business
- monkey-spanking
- monogamy
- Mons Meg
- monthly bill
- monthly cycle
- monthly rag
- moon after
- moon over
- mooning
- moonstruck
- moony over
- moppet
- Morbus Neapolitanus
- morner
- morning hard-on
- mort douce
- mosquito bites
- mossy cell
- most precious part(s)
- Mother Fist and her five daughters
- mother nature's call
- mother of pearl
- mother's little helper
- motor
- mount
- mount of lilies
- mouse trap
- mouses sleeping bag
- mouth falsies
- mouth music
- mouth that cannot bite, the
- mouth wrestling
- mouther
- moving into a one-bedroom apartment
- mowed lawn
- Mr. Big
- Mr. Happy's business suit
- Mr. Right
- Mrs. Hand and the five fingers
- Mrs. Warren's girl
- MtF
- muck around
- mucky duck
- muddle
- muff
- muff merchant
- muff ruffing
- muffet
- muffmuncher
- mule breeding
- mulligans
- mum-to-be
- mummer
- munch the bearded clam
- murder the Bishop
- muscle fuck
- mushroom
- mushy
- mustard and cress
- mute mouth
- mutton dressed as lamb
- muttoner
- muzzle
- my cousins have come
- my relations have come
- myeh
- mysophobia
- Mystic Megs
- m-and-g track
- M2F
- macgimper
- machisma
- mack
- mackadocious
- mackintosh fun
- macropenis
- Mad Mick
- Madam Ran
- made man and wife
- madefaction
- madivinaise
- maggot
- magimper
- mahu
- maiden ring
- maieusiophilia
- main avenue
- main lady
- maintaining a holding pattern
- majonkers
- make a bald man cry
- make a coke stop
- make a milkshake
- make a phone call
- make a poo-poo
- make a statement in tail
- make bedroom eyes at
- make ends meet
- make feet for children's stockings
- make googly eyes at
- make it with
- make love to
- make love with Mother Thumb and her four daughters
- make mudpies
- make out
- make scissors
- make someone
- make the chimney smoke
- make the springs creak
- make water
- make wind
- makeup
- making a dogs match of it
- making a six-fist
- making faces
- making friends with Big Ed
- making love with Miss Right
- making soup
- making the kitty purr
- making whoopee
- mal d'amour
- male begetting organ
- male climacteric
- male genital appendage
- male genital teat
- male interfemoral infidel
- Male Masturbation
- male monolith
- male organ of reproduction
- male pendant
- male pudendal trifler
- male sex(ual) organ
- male urogenitial horn
- malee-root
- mall crawler
- Malta dog
- mamas
- mammalian position
- mammary intercourse
- mammilla
- mamon
- man catcher
- man juice
- man muscle
- man oil
- man root
- man's best leg of three
- man's third leg
- man-bone
- man-meat
- manbone
- manglaze
- manglue
- manhole
- maniaphobia
- manmeat
- manroot
- manual exercise(s)
- manual orgasm
- manual preference
- manually-assisted wet dream
- map of Ireland
- marabon stork
- marble halls
- maria
- marital devices
- maritate
- market prices
- Marquis of Lorne
- marriage joys
- married on the carpet and the banns up the chimney
- marrow
- marry oneself to
- Mary Palm
- masculine part
- mash
- masher
- mason
- massage the maple
- massive mammaries
- master member
- masterbation
- mastigophobia
- mastophallation
- masturbate
- masturbator
- match ends
- matchrupcy
- mate-swapper
- matinee, a
- matrimonial
- mattress dancing
- mawk
- mayonaise
- mazophallist
- meandering mama
- meat
- meat axe
- meat factory
- meat frame
- meat market
- meat whistle
- meat-to-meat
- meatus
- mechanic
- medomalacuphobia
- meet your right-hand man
- mega-babe
- meggs
- melons
- melted butter
- member
- membrum virile
- men's lib
- menace to society
- menophobia
- menstruation
- mercy fuck
- merkin
- merry bout
- merry-arsed Christian
- mesh
- mess
- mess with
- Messalina syndrome
- metamorphosis sexualis paranoia
- Mexicali Rose
- Mexican Valium
- Mickey Bliss
- middle age
- middle finger salute
- middle-age spread
- midnight lace
- mighty meat
- milk bar
- milk can
- milk jug
- milk shop
- milk wagons
- milking machine
- milking the cow
- milkman
- mill
- milt-market
- mimpins
- miner
- minge week
- minkus
- minus a pinus
- miserablelism
- misogamist
- misogyny
- Miss Fist
- Miss Morales
- misses
- missionary position
- missus
- Mister Softy
- mitten queen
- mixer
- mixoscopist
- mmph
- mods and rockers
- mojo
- molest (someone)
- moll house
- mollies
- molly house
- molysmophobia
- mommy-daddy button
- money trick
- moneymoon
- monkey about
- monkey spanker
- monoclinous
- monopathophobia
- monster shot
- monthly blues
- monthly flowers
- monthly term
- moon balloons
- moon shot
- moonlighter
- moony
- moose
- Morbus Gallicus
- more canino
- morning dew drop
- morning pride
- mortar
- moss
- mossy doughnut
- mot
- mother
- mother hollyhock
- mother of all saints
- mother of Saint Patrick
- mother-in-law
- motor-mouth
- mottob
- mount a corporal and four
- Mount Pleasant
- mousehole
- mousetrap
- mouth fuck
- mouth of nature
- mouth that says no word about it
- mouth-genital sex
- mouthlove
- moving parts
- MQ
- Mr. Blank
- Mr. Horner
- Mr. Torpedo
- Mrs. Palm and her five daughters
- Mrs. Warren's profession
- much goo about nothing
- muck spreader
- mucky pup
- muddy starfish
- muff barking
- muff missile
- muff-dive
- muffin
- mug
- muliebra
- multiple climax
- mumbas
- mump
- muncher boy
- murphies
- mush
- mushroom tip
- musicophobia
- mustard on the burger
- mutinous rogue
- mutton gun
- mutual climax
- muzzler
- my little friend is here
- My sex life!
- myrtle
- mysteries of love
- myxophobia
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter M
- M
- M.S.M.
- mac
- macha
- machismo
- mack daddy
- mackerel
- macko man
- macrophallia
- mad mile
- madam X
- made one
- Mademoizook
- madonna-whore syndrome
- magic wand
- magnet
- maid's ring
- maidenhead
- maieusiophobia
- main bitch
- main piece
- maison de joie
- major lips (of the vagina)
- make a big hit
- make a deposit
- make a move on
- make a piss stop
- make a puddle
- make an honest woman of
- make bumps
- make eyes at
- make fist-kabobs
- Make hay while the sun shines
- make kissy-face
- make love to ones fist
- make love with Rosy Palm and her five sisters
- make nice
- make out with
- make sheep's eyes
- make the beast with two backs
- make the legal move
- make the tide come in
- make waves (for the boy-in-the-boat)
- make with child
- making a banana spit
- making a finger sandwich
- making bacon
- making feet for children's shoes
- making instant pudding
- making nut butter
- making the bald man cry
- making the oysters smile
- making yogurt
- maladie anglaise
- male catcher
- male condom
- male genital club
- male gladiolus
- male intruder
- male member
- male netherland(s)
- male organon
- male poker
- male pudendum
- male sexual organon
- male-identified
- maleness
- mall rat
- Malthus caps
- mamas box
- mammaries
- mammary mounds
- mammitis
- mams
- man chaser
- man lover
- man mustard
- man on the street
- man soup
- man's milk
- man-above position
- man-eater
- man-on-top position
- Manchester City
- mangle
- mangoes
- manhole cover
- manipulating the mango
- manning the cannon
- mansculine
- manual gratification
- manual override
- manual release
- manustupration
- map of Tasmania
- maracas
- marble heart
- mariposa
- marital duty
- maritudinal erection
- marmite motorway
- marriage
- married
- married to Mary Fist
- marrow-bone
- marry-making
- Mary Poppins
- masculine quotient
- mash eye
- mashie
- masonic secret self handshake
- massage the one-eyed monk
- master
- master of ceremonies
- Mastercard Mary
- mastilagnia
- mastophallator
- masturbation
- masturbatoress
- match with
- matchrupt
- mate-swapping
- mating
- matrimonial peace-maker
- mattress jig
- mawker
- maypole
- McGimp
- McQ
- means of generation
- meat and (two) potatoes
- meat case
- meat flute
- meat hound
- meat of the sandwich
- meat-house
- meatball
- meatus longus
- mecotero
- medorthophobia
- meeting Mary Palm and her five sisters
- mega-jel
- meguffies
- melophobia
- melting moments
- Member for Cockshire
- membrum virile erectum
- men's magazine
- menage a trois
- mensch
- mentula
- meretrice
- mermaid
- merry legs
- merry-begotten
- meshed
- mess about
- mess with nature
- messer
- metophilia
- Mexican fox-trot
- mezoomas
- microbiophobia
- middle cut
- middle kingdom
- midgies
- midnight queen
- Mike Lit
- milk bone
- milk cans
- milk jugs
- milk the chicken
- milk-woman
- milking one's self
- milking the moose
- milkshakes
- millimeter-peter
- milt-shop
- mince pies
- minga
- minger
- Minnesota strip
- minx
- miseries, the
- misogamy
- misophobia
- Miss Hotbot
- Miss Nancy
- missile
- missionary work
- Mister Fuzzy
- Mister Wiggly
- mix up a batch
- mixoscopia
- mizuko-jizo
- mnemophobia
- mohair knickers
- mole
- molesting the mole
- moll hunter
- mollisher
- molly shop
- molysomophobia
- money
- money-honey
- monilia
- monkey around
- monkey-house
- monocular eyeglass
- monophobia
- Montezumas revenge
- monthly causes
- monthly flux
- mooky
- moon face
- moon-eyed
- moonlighting
- moony about
- moot
- Morbus Hispanics
- more or less married
- morning drip
- morning wood
- Morticia
- moss rose
- mossy face
- mot house
- mother abbess
- mother midnight
- mother of all souls
- mother of the maids
- mother-naked
- motorcycle
- mounds
- mount everests
- mountains
- mouser
- moustache ride
- mouth job
- mouth queen
- mouth that says no words
- mouth-whore
- move one's bowels
- moving the stone
- Mr.
- Mr. Bluevein
- Mr. McGimp
- Mr. Wong
- Mrs. Princum Prancum
- Ms. Right
- much-traveled highway
- mucking around
- mud kicker
- mudeye
- muff diving
- muff munching
- muff-diver
- muffing buffing
- mug-nutty
- muliebral fascinallia
- multiple orgasm
- mumbley pegs
- munch
- munchers
- musckles
- mush worker
- mushroom-rigged
- must-I-holler
- mustard pot
- mutton
- mutton musket
- mutual masturbation
- my body's captain
- my little sister is here
- mycrophobia
- mysandry
- mysteries of Venus
- M & Ms
- M/M
- mac daddy
- machine (of love)
- macho
- mack man
- mackery
- macrogenitalism
- macrophallus
- mad pash
- Madam(e) Thumb and her four daughters
- made up like Faust
- madge
- Mae West(s)
- magiffer
- magnum
- maiden gear
- maidenhood
- maieutics
- main dish
- main squeeze
- maison de tolérance
- Major Woody
- make a branch
- make a dog's match
- make a noise
- make a pit stop
- make a rude noise
- make an offering to the porcelain god
- make butter
- make faces
- make food offerings to the china gods
- make it
- make licky-face
- make love to oneself
- make marry
- make one grunt
- make pee-pee
- make silly with the Willy
- make the bed springs creak
- make the milk run
- make time with
- make wee-wee
- make-out artist
- making a banana split
- making a foreskin cone
- making bishops
- making feet for children's stockings
- making it
- making out
- making the bald man puke
- making the scene with the magazine
- making yourself at home
- malady of France
- male chauvinist pig
- male dominant
- male genital dispenser
- male infibulation
- male knout
- male membrum erectum
- male organ
- male organs of generation
- male pouch
- male reproductive organs
- male sinker
- male-oriented
- malfior
- Mallee root
- mama-san
- mamazulons
- mammary coitus
- mammets
- mammonyms
- man
- man chowder
- man milk
- man of affairs
- man overboard
- man steel
- man's perdition
- man-and-womanizing
- man-entrapment
- man-proof
- manchesters
- mangling the midget
- manhandle
- manhole inspector
- mankind
- manning the cockpit
- mantee walk
- manual job
- manual persuasion
- manual sex
- manuxorate
- map of Tazzy
- marathon
- marble palace
- marital
- marital relations
- mark of the beast
- marquesa
- marriage gear
- married but not churched
- married woman
- marrow-pudding
- marshmallows
- masc
- masculinese
- mash the fat
- masob(s)
- massage parlor
- massage your muscle
- master and servant
- master tool
- masterpiece
- mastocontrectation
- mastos
- masturbation-female
- masturbatory orgy
- matched
- mate
- mated
- mating meat
- matrimonial polka
- mature figure
- Max Walls
- mazoomas
- McGimper
- McSpunk
- measurements
- meat and two veg
- meat cleaver
- meat for the butcher
- meat injection
- meat puppet
- meat-monger
- meatballs
- meatus urinarius
- meddle
- meet Mrs. Palmer and her five daughters
- meeting Rosie Hancock
- mega-wanker
- melanophobia
- melt
- melting pot
- member of the Bottom family
- membrum virile flaccidum
- menace to decent society
- menage a un
- menschkite
- mentulalgia
- meretrix
- merry arse Christian
- Merry Magdalene
- merry-legged
- mesoseinia
- mess around
- messalina
- messing around
- mettle
- Mexican hairless
- Mickey
- microphobia
- middle eye
- middle leg
- midlands
- midriff
- milk
- milk bottles
- milk churners
- milk pan
- milk the lizard
- milker
- milking pail
- milking the musket
- milky way, the
- milquetoast(y)
- Milwaukee goitre
- minding my own business
- minge
- mingle with
- minor lips (of the vagina)
- miracle inch
- misfire
- misogynism
- misosophy
- Miss Laycock
- Miss Thing
- missile of Venus launched
- missis
- Mister Happy
- mistress
- mix your peanut butter
- mixoscopia bestialis
- mochi hills
- mohuncher
- mole-catcher
- moll
- moll-shop
- molly
- Molly's hole
- momism
- money box
- money-maker
- moniliasis
- monkey bite
- monkey-slapping
- monogamous
- monosyllable
- monthlies
- monthly courses
- monthly period
- moon
- moon for
- mooners
- moons
- moony for
- mop head
- Morbus Indicus
- moresome
- morning drop
- mort
- mosob(s)
- mossy bank
- mossy mound
- mot-carpet
- mother damnable
- mother nature calls
- mother of masons
- mother superior
- mother-to-be
- mounds of lilies
- Mount Joy
- mouse
- mouses hole
- mouth
- mouth love
- mouth thankless, the
- mouth wrestle
- mouth-worker
- movie rating system
- mow
- Mr. and Mrs. it
- Mr. Friendly
- Mr. Priapus
- Mrs. Blank
- Mrs. Right
- muck
- muckle
- mud pies
- mudflaps
- muff guff
- muff pie
- muffer
- muffins
- mulatto
- muliebral sex organ(a)
- multiply and be fruitful
- mumbling in the moss
- munch stump
- mungle
- muscle (of love)
- mush-core pornography
- mushroom-tipped
- mustache ride
- mustard road
- mutton dagger
- mutton-monger
- mutual orgasm
- my country cousins have come
- my little visitor is here
- myctophobia
- mysogyny
- mystic grotto
- M and M
- M/s
- macaroni
- machinery, nuts and bolts
- macho-fem
- mack on
- mackin'
- macromastia
- mad about
- madam
- Madame Orr's House
- made woman
- madge culls
- magdalene
- magimp
- magoofer
- maiden pinks
- maieusiomania
- main
- main hole
- main vein
- Majesty in Purple Cap, His
- make
- make a ca-ca
- make a milk run
- make a pass at
- make a play for
- make a smell
- make babies
- make damaged goods
- make feet for children's shoes
- make goo-goo eyes
- make it legal
- make love
- make love with
- make mouth music
- make oneself comfortable
- make piggies
- make smacky-lips
- make the blind see
- make the scene
- make up
- make whoopee
- maker
- making a deposit
- making a hit
- making duck butter
- making five fingers
- making love
- making oyster soup
- making the beast with two backs
- making vanilla jism shakes
- makings, the
- malaxophobia
- male cleaver
- Male Genital
- male genital probe
- male insinuator
- male mandrel
- male menopause
- male organ of generation
- male organs of reproduction
- male pound of flesh
- male satisfier
- male tale
- maledom
- mall brat
- mallet
- mamacita
- mamilla
- mammary glands
- mammilate
- mamms
- man about town
- man in the (row)boat
- man mountain
- man of the house
- man pussy
- man trap
- man's privities
- man-below position
- man-hole
- manapuas
- manfat
- manglish
- Manhattan eel
- manhood
- manliness
- manometer
- mantrap
- manual labor
- manual pollution
- manual titillation
- map of England
- mapatasi
- marble arch
- marbles
- marital aids
- marital rights
- market dame
- Marquis de Sade
- marriage in name only
- married country style
- marrons
- marry into dough
- Mary Jane
- maschalation
- masehalophilous
- mash-on
- masochism
- massage the fireman's neck
- massage your purple-headed warrior
- master bacon
- master-slave
- masticators
- mastolagnia
- mastunculi
- masturbation-male
- mat
- matched set pair
- mate with
- material part
- mating tool
- matrimony
- maw
- maximize your potency
- mazophallate
- mcguffies
- meal ticket
- measuring for condoms
- meat and two vegetables
- meat dagger
- meat for the poor
- meat loaves
- meat tarp
- meat-seeking pissile
- meatrack
- meaty bites
- medolingus
- meet my friends Ralph and Earl
- meeting with Mother Thumb and her four daughters
- megalophobia
- melodromance
- melt the seal
- melvin
- member of the oldest profession
- memories
- menace to decent women
- menophilist
- menstrual cloth
- menu
- merinthophobia
- merry bit
- merry widow waltz
- merrymaker
- mespot
- mess around with
- Messalina complex
- messing with Moby
- mettle of generation
- Mexican two-step
- Mickey and Minnie
- micturate
- middle finger
- middle stump
- Midnight cowboy
- midsection
- milk bags
- milk buckets
- milk cow
- milk sacks
- milk the maggot
- milkers
- milking the bull
- milking the weasel
- milkywaying
- milt
- Milwaukee tumor
- mine of pleasure
- minge mouse
- minikin
- mint
- misborn
- mish
- misogynist
- Miss America Pageant
- Miss Molly
- Miss Tijuana
- missionary
- missis-ed
- Mister Poky
- mistressbate
- mixed fruits and vegetables
- mixoscopic zoophilia
- modigger
- moisture missile
- molehills
- moll about in the head
- mollicoes
- molly dyke
- mollycoddle
- momma-pappa position
- money shot
- money-pot
- monkey
- monkey business
- monkey-spanking
- monogamy
- Mons Meg
- monthly bill
- monthly cycle
- monthly rag
- moon after
- moon over
- mooning
- moonstruck
- moony over
- moppet
- Morbus Neapolitanus
- morner
- morning hard-on
- mort douce
- mosquito bites
- mossy cell
- most precious part(s)
- Mother Fist and her five daughters
- mother nature's call
- mother of pearl
- mother's little helper
- motor
- mount
- mount of lilies
- mouse trap
- mouses sleeping bag
- mouth falsies
- mouth music
- mouth that cannot bite, the
- mouth wrestling
- mouther
- moving into a one-bedroom apartment
- mowed lawn
- Mr. Big
- Mr. Happy's business suit
- Mr. Right
- Mrs. Hand and the five fingers
- Mrs. Warren's girl
- MtF
- muck around
- mucky duck
- muddle
- muff
- muff merchant
- muff ruffing
- muffet
- muffmuncher
- mule breeding
- mulligans
- mum-to-be
- mummer
- munch the bearded clam
- murder the Bishop
- muscle fuck
- mushroom
- mushy
- mustard and cress
- mute mouth
- mutton dressed as lamb
- muttoner
- muzzle
- my cousins have come
- my relations have come
- myeh
- mysophobia
- Mystic Megs
- m-and-g track
- M2F
- macgimper
- machisma
- mack
- mackadocious
- mackintosh fun
- macropenis
- Mad Mick
- Madam Ran
- made man and wife
- madefaction
- madivinaise
- maggot
- magimper
- mahu
- maiden ring
- maieusiophilia
- main avenue
- main lady
- maintaining a holding pattern
- majonkers
- make a bald man cry
- make a coke stop
- make a milkshake
- make a phone call
- make a poo-poo
- make a statement in tail
- make bedroom eyes at
- make ends meet
- make feet for children's stockings
- make googly eyes at
- make it with
- make love to
- make love with Mother Thumb and her four daughters
- make mudpies
- make out
- make scissors
- make someone
- make the chimney smoke
- make the springs creak
- make water
- make wind
- makeup
- making a dogs match of it
- making a six-fist
- making faces
- making friends with Big Ed
- making love with Miss Right
- making soup
- making the kitty purr
- making whoopee
- mal d'amour
- male begetting organ
- male climacteric
- male genital appendage
- male genital teat
- male interfemoral infidel
- Male Masturbation
- male monolith
- male organ of reproduction
- male pendant
- male pudendal trifler
- male sex(ual) organ
- male urogenitial horn
- malee-root
- mall crawler
- Malta dog
- mamas
- mammalian position
- mammary intercourse
- mammilla
- mamon
- man catcher
- man juice
- man muscle
- man oil
- man root
- man's best leg of three
- man's third leg
- man-bone
- man-meat
- manbone
- manglaze
- manglue
- manhole
- maniaphobia
- manmeat
- manroot
- manual exercise(s)
- manual orgasm
- manual preference
- manually-assisted wet dream
- map of Ireland
- marabon stork
- marble halls
- maria
- marital devices
- maritate
- market prices
- Marquis of Lorne
- marriage joys
- married on the carpet and the banns up the chimney
- marrow
- marry oneself to
- Mary Palm
- masculine part
- mash
- masher
- mason
- massage the maple
- massive mammaries
- master member
- masterbation
- mastigophobia
- mastophallation
- masturbate
- masturbator
- match ends
- matchrupcy
- mate-swapper
- matinee, a
- matrimonial
- mattress dancing
- mawk
- mayonaise
- mazophallist
- meandering mama
- meat
- meat axe
- meat factory
- meat frame
- meat market
- meat whistle
- meat-to-meat
- meatus
- mechanic
- medomalacuphobia
- meet your right-hand man
- mega-babe
- meggs
- melons
- melted butter
- member
- membrum virile
- men's lib
- menace to society
- menophobia
- menstruation
- mercy fuck
- merkin
- merry bout
- merry-arsed Christian
- mesh
- mess
- mess with
- Messalina syndrome
- metamorphosis sexualis paranoia
- Mexicali Rose
- Mexican Valium
- Mickey Bliss
- middle age
- middle finger salute
- middle-age spread
- midnight lace
- mighty meat
- milk bar
- milk can
- milk jug
- milk shop
- milk wagons
- milking machine
- milking the cow
- milkman
- mill
- milt-market
- mimpins
- miner
- minge week
- minkus
- minus a pinus
- miserablelism
- misogamist
- misogyny
- Miss Fist
- Miss Morales
- misses
- missionary position
- missus
- Mister Softy
- mitten queen
- mixer
- mixoscopist
- mmph
- mods and rockers
- mojo
- molest (someone)
- moll house
- mollies
- molly house
- molysmophobia
- mommy-daddy button
- money trick
- moneymoon
- monkey about
- monkey spanker
- monoclinous
- monopathophobia
- monster shot
- monthly blues
- monthly flowers
- monthly term
- moon balloons
- moon shot
- moonlighter
- moony
- moose
- Morbus Gallicus
- more canino
- morning dew drop
- morning pride
- mortar
- moss
- mossy doughnut
- mot
- mother
- mother hollyhock
- mother of all saints
- mother of Saint Patrick
- mother-in-law
- motor-mouth
- mottob
- mount a corporal and four
- Mount Pleasant
- mousehole
- mousetrap
- mouth fuck
- mouth of nature
- mouth that says no word about it
- mouth-genital sex
- mouthlove
- moving parts
- MQ
- Mr. Blank
- Mr. Horner
- Mr. Torpedo
- Mrs. Palm and her five daughters
- Mrs. Warren's profession
- much goo about nothing
- muck spreader
- mucky pup
- muddy starfish
- muff barking
- muff missile
- muff-dive
- muffin
- mug
- muliebra
- multiple climax
- mumbas
- mump
- muncher boy
- murphies
- mush
- mushroom tip
- musicophobia
- mustard on the burger
- mutinous rogue
- mutton gun
- mutual climax
- muzzler
- my little friend is here
- My sex life!
- myrtle
- mysteries of love
- myxophobia