Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. Older slang for the backside , the posterior , the ass . See ass for synonyms.

2. Metaphorically speaking, the inner works and workings of a person that can be turned-on or off or accelerated.


(1) Jerry (Jack Lemmon) watching Sugar Kane (Marilyn Monroe) walk in Some Like It Hot (1959): ' Look how she moves. Just like Jell-O on springs. She must have a built-in motor or something .'

(2) Joyce Mannering (Marilyn Monroe) clapping eyes on millionnaire Victor Macfarland (Zachary Scott) in Let's Make It Legal (1951): ' My motor's been running ever since I laid eyes on him .'

(3) Lois Laurel (Marilyn Monroe), Barnaby Fulton (Cary Grant) in a car in Monkey Business (1952):
-- Lois: ' Is your motor running? '
-- Barnaby: ' Yes, is yours? (Races the engine of his car.) Takes a while to warm up .'
-- Lois: ' Does me too .'

(4) Rusty Martin (Ann-Margret) to Lucky Jackson (Elvis Presley) in Viva Las Vegas (1963):
-- Rusty: ' I'd like you to check my motor. It whistles .'
-- Lucky: ' I don't blame it .'

(5) Bugsy (Scott Baio) to Tallulah (Jodie Foster) in Bugsy Malone (1976): ' Careful! You're racing my motor! '

See Also: cojones, cylinder, get one's oil changed, motor, piston rod, ratchet-jaw, ratchet-mouth, TLC

Quotes Containing motor:
Harry (Joe Pesci) to Kevin (Macaulay Culkin) in Home Alone (1990): ''You bop me with one more can , kid, and I''ll snap off your cojones and boil them in motor oil.''
Bugsy (Scott Baio) to Tallulah (Jodie Foster) in Bugsy Malone (1976): ''Careful! You''re racing my motor!''
Joyce Mannering (Marilyn Monroe) clapping eyes on millionnaire Victor Macfarland (Zachary Scott) in Let''s Make It Legal (1951): ''My motor''s been running ever since I laid eyes on him.''
Lois (Marilyn Monroe) & Barnaby (Cary Grant) in a car in Monkey Business (1952): - Lois Laurel: ''Is your motor running?'' - Barnaby Fulton: ''Yes, is yours? (Races the engine of his car.) Takes a while to warm up .'' - Lois Laurel: ''Does me too.''
Jerry (Jack Lemmon) watching Sugar Kane (Marilyn Monroe) walk in Some Like It Hot (1959): ''Look how she moves. Just like Jell-O on springs. She must have a built-in motor or something.''
Rusty (Ann-Margret) to Lucky (Elvis Presley) in Viva Las Vegas (1963): - Rusty Martin: ''I''d like you to check my motor . It whistles. '' - Lucky Jackson: ''I don''t blame it .''
Alabama Whitman''s (Patricia Arquette) voice over introduction in True Romance (1993):''I had to come all-the-way from the highways and byways of Tallahassee, Florida, to Motor City, Detroit to find my true-love . If you gave me a million years to ponder I would never have guessed that true romance and Detroit would ever go together, and to this day the events that followed all seem like a distant dream. But the dream was real, and was to change our lives forever. I kept asking Clarence why our world seemed to be collapsing and everything seemed so shitty? And he''d say: That''s the way it goes, but don''t forget, it goes-the-other-way too. That''s the way romance is. Usually that''s the way it goes but every once in a while it goes-the-other-way too.''

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