1. A woman in a position of authority, one who rules others or has control, authority, power, or ownership over something.2. The female head of a household or institution.
3. In Britain, a female schoolteacher or tutor .
4. A woman who has continuing sexual-intercourse with and is supported by a man who is not her husband , but more often the husband of another woman .
SYNONYMS: bachelor's-wife ; canary ; columbine ; convenient ; concubine ; courtesan ; doxy ; fancy-woman ; fresh-bit ; jellyroll ; kept-woman ; keptie ; lady-bird ; left-handed-wife ; leman ; paramour ; peculiar ; secondary wife ; side-dish ; spare-rib ; stud-mare ; Sunday-girl ; unofficial-wife ; wife-in-watercolors .
5. More rarely, a sweetheart .
6. In BDSM, a woman owner of a slave ; a slavemaster or slavemistress. Mistress is a courtesy title and courtesy titles such as countess , domina ; marquesa , lady , mistress, mistresse, princess , and queen , are usually followed by a name. Examples: Mistress Pain; Countess Storm.
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