Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Or: mot , an obsolete word for a woman or a whore . Defined by Captain Francis Grose in his Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1811) as: ' A woman or wench ; also a yeoman's daughter .'
See Also: bite, clicket, die, frenchified, mot, wap

Quotes Containing mort:
Humorist James Thurber (1894-1961) rephrasing the clich: a woman''s place is in the home/kitchen: ''A woman''s place is in the wrong.'' Of course, as Lady Lou (Mae West) says in She Done Him Wrong (1933): ''When women go wrong, men go right after them.'' Mort Sahl also paraphrased the clich: ''A woman''s place is in the stove.'' Warrick (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) in Valley of the Sun (1942): ''The way to a woman''s heart is to get her out of the kitchen .''
Humorist James Thurber (1894-1961) rephrasing the clich: a woman''s place is in the home/kitchen: ''A woman''s place is in the wrong.'' Of course, as Lady Lou (Mae West) says in She Done Him Wrong (1933): ''When women go wrong, men go right after them.'' Mort Sahl also paraphrased the clich: ''A woman''s place is in the stove.'' Warrick (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) in Valley of the Sun (1942): ''The way to a woman''s heart is to get her out of the kitchen .''
Humorist James Thurber (1894-1961) rephrasing the clich: a woman''s place is in the home/kitchen: ''A woman''s place is in the wrong.'' Of course, as Lady Lou (Mae West) says in She Done Him Wrong (1933): ''When women go wrong, men go right after them.'' Mort Sahl also paraphrased the clich: ''A woman''s place is in the stove.'' Warrick (Sir Cedric Hardwicke) in Valley of the Sun (1942): ''The way to a woman''s heart is to get her out of the kitchen .''

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