Usage: This four letter word was taboo until only a few decades ago. It was long considered vulgar , even obscene, but has gained considerable approval in the last half of this century and is now frequently heard in coarse speech. Although its public use is becoming more common, it is still considered unacceptable in polite society. It is also used as an adjectival and adverbial intensifier: fucking ... or, euphemistically, f-ing, effing ... Euphemisms: eff , F , The big F , The F-word . Earlier euphemisms: firk , foutering , frig , fucus (Elizabethan) , fugle , futz , fulke (coined by Byron in Don-Juan ), futter (coined by Sir Richard Burton), fug (coined by Norman Mailer in The Naked and the Dead ), and fugh (coined by Brendan Behan in Borstal Bay ); fickey-fick and fuckle are not very euphemistic but they do attempt to soften the grosser word.Etymology: There are a number of possibilities: a) From the acronym: For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. b) From the sound of the act itself ' phuick '. c) From the French foutre , or the Latin futuere . c) From the German ficken, to strike, beat , knock , or bang . d) From the Latin root pug , to prick , and the Roman pugil, a boxer or puncture . e) From the Greek word phuteo for sowing, planting, or begetting. f) From the Old English foken , which see . Lawrence Paros, The Erotic Tongue (1984)'Freed at last by the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Lady Chatterley's Lover in 1951. (...) We had rediscovered the f**k with a vengeance. The Big F's formal coming-out includes: The Penguin Dictionary , 1965; The American Heritage Dictionary , 1969; and at last the OED in its 1972 supplement.'
1. To copulate (with) someone.
(1) W.C. Fields: ' Don't drink water; fish fuck in it .'
(2) Heather Chandler (Kim Walker) in Heathers (1989): ' Fuck me gently with a chain saw. '
(3) Trumble (Charles Caughan) and V.I. (Kathleen Turner) in V.I. Warshawski (1991):-- Trumble: ' You see , I fuck a lot, more than five hundred women .'-- Warshawski: ' Just can't get the hang of it , hey? '
(4) Angie (Geena Davis) in Angie (1994): 'If I were her I wouldn't fuck you with a rented vagina .'
(5) Frank Slade (Al Pacino) in Scent of a Woman (1993): ' Remember. When in doubt, fuck! '
(6) Robert Reisner. Graffiti. Two Thousand Years of Wall Writing : ' Fuck intercourse .'
2. An act of, the act of copulation . See copulation for synonyms.
Joe Dubin (Larry Miller) and Emily (Elizabeth McGovern) after their date in The Favor (1992):-- Joe: ' How about a little goodnight fuck? '-- Emily: ' Goodnight, Fuck! '
3. A person, usually a woman , regarded as a sex-object or sex partner . S/He's a good fuck .
4. Said of or pertaining to copulation , sex or pornography .
5. Semen. He shot a full-load of fuck into ... See semen for synonyms.
6. Full of fuck , of a male, sexually aroused, full of sexual energy, libidinal. See horny for synonyms.
7. Fuck! A rude exclamation expressing annoyance, anger, disbelief, surprise or disappointment. ' That fuck! You fuck! ' A rude insult for a despicable person, more often a man .
8. Fuck it! An exclamation of dismay, disbelief or resignation. Same as ' Forget it! '
9. Fuck-me! An exclamation of surprise, anger, astonishment or disbelief. Synonym: ' I'll be damned! '
10. To fuck-about , to act foolishly or annoyingly; to aimlessly fool about; to mess-about .
11. To fuck-away , to waste-time .
12. Fuck off! or Fuck-you! To dismiss with contempt.
Quote: Ray Tango (Sylvester Stallone) responding to a bad guy in Tango and Cash (1989): 'Bad guy : ' Fuck-you! ' Ray: ' I prefer blondes .'
13. To fuck-up , to botch or mishandle, to ruin, spoil, or mess up something.
Quote: Captain Vincent Alcoa (Danny Aiello) in The January Man (1989): ' It's like the army: wartime-hero,-peacetime-fuck-up .'
14. Fuck with , meddle or interfere with someone or something; to challenge.
(1) From Encyclopedia of Graffiti . R. Reisner & L. Wechsler (1974): ' Don't fuck-with love .'
(2) Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) in Bull Durham (1988): ' Never fuck-with a winning streak! '
(3) Mike Brennan (Nick Nolte) in Q & A (1990): ' You fuck-with me, better you piss a kidney stone through your hard-on .'
(4) Chris (Elisabeth Shue) in Adventures in Babysitting (1987): ' Don't fuck-with the babysitter! '
15. Fuck-me! An exclamation of surprise.
16. Holy-fuck! An exclamation of surprise or astonishment.
17. For fuck's sake , for heaven's sake.
18. To fuck-over , nonsexual expression meaning to create havoc, to undermine.
19. For the fuck of it , for the fun of it ; for the hell of it .
20. Fuck; fuck-over . To rob, con, hurt, or kill; to victimize.
(1) Sonny (Al Pacino) to Detective Moretti (Charles Durning) in Dog Day Afternoon (1975): ' Kiss me, pig! When I'm getting fucked I like to get kissed a lot .'
(2) Shannon (Ben Affleck) to Brodie in Mallrats (1995): ' I'm gonna fuck you up beyond repair .'
(3) John Hatcher (Steven Seagal) to Jimmy Fingers in Marked for Death (1990): ' You give me what I need I'm gonna leave here a nice guy . You don't, I'm gonna fuck you up .'
(4) Nick Conklin (Michael Douglas) to Japanese detective Masahiro Matsumoto (Ken Takakura) in Black Rain (1989): ' I usually get kissed before I get-fucked .'
(5) Sgt Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson) to South African corrupt diplomat in Lethal Weapon 2 (1989): ' If you stick around here I'm gonna fuck your ass and they'll send you home with your balls-in-a-sling .'
21. Holy-fuck! An exclamation of surprise or astonishment. (I added this one to break the monotony.)
Synonyms: Bombay-roll, boob-balling, bunny-rub, coitus-inter-mammas, coitus-intramammas, coitus-intermammarius, coitus-a-mammilla, diddiride, Dutch-fuck, French-fuck, fuck-tits, fuck-a-brisket, go-Dutch, jug-jousting, mammary-coitus, mastophallation, mazophallate, muscle-fuck, piss-in-the-dugout, Russian (culture), sex-between-hills, sex-between-mountains, shoot-between-the-fagots, titch, tit-fucking, titty-fuck, titwank, trip-down-mammary-lane, TVF, Mammary-Intercourse, dip-in-the-fudge-pot, fuck-in-the-brown, butt-plug, 66, 99, a-bit-of-brown, a-bit-of-ring, a-bucking, ace-fuck, anal-coitus, anal-copulation, anal-dance, anal-delight, anal-intercourse, anal-genital coition, anal-genital coitus, fuck up the ass, fuck where the devil fears to tread, fudge-packing, get some brown (surgar), get-some-mud-for-the-duck, get-some-round-eye, getting some round eye, go-Hollywood, going-down-the-dirt-road, going-down-the-Hershey-highway, going-up-the-ass, going-up-the-chute, going up mustard road, going-up-the-Hershey-Bar-road, go-up-the-dirt-road, going-up-the-mustard-road, going up the (old) dirt road, Greek (greek), Greek-art(s), Greek-culture(s), Greek-love, Greek-style, Greek-way, greeking, gut-reaming, guy-fucking, have-a-bit-of-bum, have-a-bit-of-navy-cake, have-a-bit-of-tail, Hershey-Bar-route, high-Greek, Hindustani-jig, hole-in-one, hole-it, hose, hot-dogging, impale, in-the-brown, in-the-saddle, Italian-culture, Italian-fashion, Italian-habit, Italian-way, keester-stab, kicking the back the door in, lay-the-leg, let's-play-52-pick-up, love that dare not speak its name, mix-your-peanut-butter, molly, moon shot (moonshot), (the) nameless crime, navy-style, ninety-nine
See Also: 3-Fs / Three Fs / THREE Fs, 4-F(s) / Four F(s) / FOUR F(s), 4-Fer / 4-F-er, 4-Fs / Four Fs / FOUR F'S, 4-K / 4K, 4-letter word / four-letter word, 4QU2 / 4Q2, a.f.o. / A.F.O., AFU, all-she-needs-is-a-good-fuck, Anglo-Saxon monosyllable, arse-fuck, as all fuck, as fuck / like fuck / than fuck, ASAFP, ass fuck(ing) / anal fuck(ing), ass-fucker, asshole fucking, Aylesbury Duck, base-fuck, begat, BF, BFD / B.F.D., BFE / Butt Fuck Egypt, BFI, Big Fucking Deal / BFD, Bigsix, bleep, bom, bong fucked, boring as fuck, buddy-fuck, buddy-fuck week, bufu, bug-fucker / bugfucker, Bum Fuck Egypt, bum-fuckidus, Bumble Fuck Egypt, butt fuck / buttfuck, Butt Fuck Egypt / BFE, butt-fuck buddy, CABFU, Captain Fuckit / Cap'n Fuck-It, cattle truck, chinga su madre, Chuck you, Farley!, cluster fuck / clusterfuck, cluster-fuck party, Cogito, ergo est, Coito, ergo sum, Colonel Puck, colonial puck, come-fuck-me eyes, come-fuck-me's, COMMFU, crazy as fuck, DFL, Dial 3-8-2-5, DILLIGAF, Don't fuck with me / my / the / it..., Donald Duck, double fuck, drop an / the F-bomb, drug-fucked, ducking the fog, dumb fuck / dumbfuck, dumb-fuckery, east butt-fuck, ebony fuck, eff / effing, Eff off!, effing around, F factor, the, F**K, F-A-B, F-all / f-all, F-him / F-her, F-ing, F-off / f-off, F-plan, F-U2, F-word, F-you!, F.I.N.E., F.O., F.U. / FU, F.U.C.K. / FUCK, faceless fuck, fact, Fanfuckingtastic! / Fan-fucking-tastic, fank you, FEAR, feck, ferk / firk, fetish fuck, FF, FFF, FFRD, FFS / ffs, fickey fick, fico, fiddle-fuck (around) / fiddlefuck (around), fiddle-fuck / fiddlefuck, FIGJAM, FIIK, Findum Fuckum & Flee, finger scale, firk / ferk, firkin(g), fish, fist-fuckee, fist-fucker, fist-fucking, fisting / fist-fucking, FK, FKS, flak, flicking, flipping, fluff, fluff off!, flying fuck, FMH, FNG(s), FNT, FOAD, FOC, focal, focative, FOFN, foken / fokken, follow me and fuck-me shoes, fork, Fork you!, fotuere, FOUR F(s) / Four F(s) / 4-F(s), FOUR FS / Four F's / 4-Fs, four-letter word / 4-letter word, foutre, Fox Oscar!, frap, freaking, French-fried-fuck, freshman fuckbook, Friar Tuck, frick / fricking, frig / frigging, FTA, FTL, FTW, FUB, FUBAB, FUBAR, FUBB, FUBIO, FUBIS, fuccant, Fuck 'em all bar/but six (and they can be the pallbearers), Fuck 'em all!, Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, Fuck 'n' Roll, fuck (someone's) ass out, fuck (someone's) brains out, fuck (someone) blue, fuck (someone) over, fuck a woodpile on the chance there's a snake in it, He'd, fuck and run guy, fuck and suck flick, fuck anything (fill in the blanks), fuck anything that moves, I/he/she'll, fuck anything with a crack, Fuck art, let's dance, fuck ebony, fuck eye, the, fuck feast, fuck fetish, fuck flaps, Fuck for Peace Campaign, fuck her while she's still hot, fuck in the ass, fuck in the brown, fuck in the face, fuck in the head, fuck in the mouth, fuck in the teeth, fuck it!, fuck like a champ, fuck like a rabbit, fuck like a stoat, fuck like bunnies, fuck like minxs, fuck machine, fuck Mary Palm (and her (four) sisters), Fuck me hard! / Fuck me harder (and no lubricants), Fuck me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name Gretchen, Fuck me plenty!, Fuck me!, Fuck me! said the Duchess more in hope than in anger, fuck Mrs. Palmer, fuck nob / fucknob, fuck of the (fill in the blank), fuck off, Fuck off and die!, fuck pig / fuckpig, fuck pixs / fuck pixes / fuck pics / fuck pictures, fuck site(s), fuck spider, Fuck that/this for a game of soldiers!, fuck the dog (and sell the pups), fuck the rest, Fuck U / FUCK U / Fuck U-niversity / Fuck University, fuck up / fuck-up, fuck up the ass, FUCK UTU / FUCK U-2 / FUCK U2, fuck where the devil fears to tread, fuck with, Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!, Fuck you!, fuck-a-buck, Fuck-a-duck! / Fuck a duck!, fuck-a-licious / fuckalicious, fuck-a-thon / fuckathon, Fuck-A-Vision / fuckavision, fuck-all, fuck-buddy, fuck-fest / fuckfest, fuck-fist, fuck-focused eroticism, fuck-free, fuck-happy, fuck-happy rabbit, fuck-hole / fuckhole, fuck-ism / fuckism, fuck-log, fuck-me eyes, fuck-me pumps, fuck-me shoes, fuck-monster, fuck-o-meter, fuck-o-rama, fuck-off money, fuck-off slippers, fuck-offs, fuck-up quotient, fuck-you money, fuck-your-buddy week, fuck-yourism, fucka, fuckability, fuckabilly, Fuckadilla, fuckard, fuckaus, fuckball, fucked, fucked by the fickle finger of fate, fucked over, fucked up, fucked up and far from home, fucked without getting kissed, fucken / fuckin' / fuck'n, fucker, fucking, Fucking A, fucking asshole, Fucking hell!, fucking the dog, fucking the pink, fucking the thighs, fuckle, fucknik, fuckology, fuckshitwankcunts, Fuckstones, The, fuckstrated, fuckwank, fuckwithable, fuckwittage / fuckwittery, fuckwittery / fuckwittage, fucla, fucus, fug / fugging, fugle, fugly, FUJIGMO, fuk / fukin, Fuking / Fukin, fukka, fukkit, FUKKN, fulke, full of fuck, FUMTU, funch, Funfuckingtastic!, FUQ, Fuque you!, futter, futuere, futz, futzing around, Fuuuuuuuck!, fuzzy fuck, fvk / FVK, FYFI, gang-fuck, George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words, get fucked, Get the fuck outa here, GFF, GFO, GFU, Give me a fucking break!, give-a-fuck, GMFU, Go fuck yourself! / Go get fucked!, goatfuck / goat fuck, goose and duck, GPU, hard as fuck, Hawaiian muscle fuck, head fuck / headfuck, HFH, hit and run fuck, bing bang, thank you, ma'am (kind of guy), I (just) don't give a fuck, I'm too fucking busy, and vice versa, IFO, IMFU, Infamous Seven Words, infucktion, International fuck-your-buddy week, JAFU, JANFU, Joe Buck, Kenifa Kerr, Kenny Fakur, kick the fuck out of (someone), Kinnell!, Kung Fuck Master, lame duck, like fuck / as fuck, like old people fuck, mercy fuck / pity fuck, mind fuck, mouth fuck(ing), Mrs. Duckett, naff / NAFF, NFG, NFI, NFW, not give a (flying) fuck, not-to-be-fucked-with, O.F.D.s, Only the best, fuck the rest, pfc, pheasant plucker, Phu Q / Phu-Q, phuc, phucque / phucque 2 / PhuhKue, phuk / phuking, Phukett, phuque / PhuQue, Phuque ewe, Phuque Hugh Tu / phuque UTU / phuque U2, phuque U / phuque kew, pity fuck / mercy fuck, play fiddly-fuck, prestige fuck / status fuck, punch fucking, push in the truck, quick fuck, R.A.F., rat fuck, RFF, roasted duck, RTFM, rubber duck, Russian duck, SAPFU, Scare the living fuck out of (someone), Seduce my ancient footwear!, Seven Deadly Words, Seven Dirty Words, The, Seven No-No's, shitty fuck / muddy fuck, sick fuck, skull-fuck, smeg, SNAFU, SNEFU, STFB, STFU, suckum fuckum movie, SUSFU, sweet F.A. / sweet fuck-all, sweet fuck-all / sweet F.A., TAFUBAR, Take a flying fuck (at/through a rolling doughnut/donut), TARFU, TFTF, The Big F, The Big Space Fuck, the bird / the birdie, The Capital F, The fuck off!, THREE Fs / Three Fs / 3-Fs, TMF, TMFA, tongue-fuck, trolley and truck, uck-fay, UFO, ugly verb, the, unfuck, V sign, the, vitamin F, WFW, What the fuck!, Who do I have to fuck to (fill in the blank)?, Who gives a (flying) fuck!, WOFTAM, WTF / wtf, WTFRU, Yuck Foo, zinzanbruck, zipless fuck
Quotes Containing fuck:
Don't drink water; fish fuck in it . -> W.C. Fields (1880-1946) I'm horny enough to fuck the crack of dawn -> From a Spike Lee movie. I fuck you right where you breathe -> Johnny Boy in Mean Streets (1973) Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you! Let him fuck you! -> The Exorcist (1973) A mental mind fuck can be nice -> The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) My name is Buck and I'm ready to fuck! -> Robert Englund in Eaten Alive (1976) You're gonna fuck her brains out , aren't you? -> Animal-House (1978) I'm not crazy, I just don't give a fuck -> Willy in Night of the Comet (1984) Good luck, fuck you very much. -> J. Lithgow in The Glitter Dome (1984) Baby wants to fuck! Baby wants to fuck Blue Velvet! -> D . Hopper in Blue Velvet (1986) I'll fuck anything that moves! -> Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet (1986) Pyle, you climb obstacles like old people fuck! -> Sgt Hartman. Full Metal Jacket (1987) Eat a bowl of fuck! I am here to party! -> Night of the Demons (1987) Pork away pal. Fuck her blue -> Otto in A Fish Called Wanda (1988) Yeah, I'm serious, I'll fuck you up quick two times! -> Do the Right Thing (1989) Fucking, mumbling, stuttering little fuck -> Goodfellas (1990) Abso-fucking-lutely! -> Marked for Death (1990) Great pipes . I've heard cats fuck with more harmony-Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990) I'm so goddamn horny I could fuck mud -> The Hitman (1991) Holy fuckup -> The Pope Must Die (1991) Meyer, we have known each other since we were too young to fuck -> Beatty, Bugsy (1991) When in doubt, fuck -> Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman (1992) Fuck like minxs, raise rugrats, live happily ever after -> M . Douglas. Basic Instinct (1992) Fuck you! That's my name! -> Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) I smoke anybody, I don't give a fuck -> O-Dog in Menace II Society (1993) Baseball-bat their fucking heads -> A Bronx Tale (1993) You're my designated fuck -> The Last Seduction (1994) I wouldn't fuck you with a rented vagina -> In Angie (1994) Let me check the zip code: 212 fuck you -> In Serial Mom (1994) Jesus Herald Christ on a fucking-rubber crutch! -> Natural Born Killers (1994) Don't be telling me about foot massages; I'm the foot fucking master -> PulpFiction (1994) Fuck you very much, thank you -> In Search and Destroy (1994) Fuck you, fuckball -> Dennis Farina in Get Shorty (1995) Fuck your own -> Billy Jacoby in Just One of the Boys (1985) I feel like I owe you a great fuck -> Mira Sorvino -> Mighty Aphrodite (1995) I'm gonna fuck you up beyond repair! -> In Mallrats (1995) Eat my fuck -> Amy Blue in The Doom Generation (1995) Shut your fucking mouth when you're talking to me, pal -> The Brothers McMullen (1995) We're all happy and free as long as I can fuck as much as I want -> Before Sunrise (1995) Fuck all y'all -> Reese Witherspoon in Freeway (1996) C'mon Donnie, let's fillet this fat fuck -> Bruno Kirby in Donnie Brasco (1997) Actually, I came for a quick fuck , but you spoiled it by talking -> Smilla's Sense of Snow (1997) Fuck you with a... a sick dick -> The Players Club (1998) Fuck sympathy! I don't need your fuckin' sympathy, man , I need my fucking johnson! -> The Big Lebowski (1998) Fuck it , dude , let's go bowling -> The Big Lebowski (1998) Most men'll fuck a lamppost -> Gina McKee in Croupier (1998) Fuck Martha Stewart! Martha Stewart can kiss my shiny plastic butt! -> Bride of Chucky (1998) Fuck me, your majesty! -> Annette Bening in American Beauty (1999) There's an old Italian saying: you fuck-up once, you lose two teeth -> The Sopranos (1999) Where the fuck is the yellow brick road? -> Dorothy in The Oz Project (1999) How about a nice big cup of shut the fuck up? -> Kolobos (1999) Man, you are one twisted fuck -> American Beauty (1999) Fuck! It's Elvis! -> Detroit Rock City (1999) Hey, for a grand I'd take the cat outside and fuck it -> Dean in Angst (2000)
'Fuck is not a bad word, fuck is a good word. Fuck is the reason I'm here, fuck is the reason you are here. If your mom and dad did not fuck you would not be here, OK? So get over it , O-fucking-K?' Madonna
'Fuck me once, fuck you! Fuck me twice, fuck me!' Monica (Marisa Tomei) in Unhook the Stars (1996)
'Excuse me, did I hear the F-word out of you? You say "fuck " again and I'll bang you right to fuck! Now get the fuck-out of here!' Ford Fairlane (Andrew Dice Clay) to the kid in The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990)
'A fuck-up. Another goddam, four-star, class-A fuck-up! Every backward candy-ass shit-for-brains fuck-up in the city, I get 'em. Not Wynnefield, not South Philly, not Germantown, me!' Henry Coleman (Art Evans) in Downtown (1990)
Donald Patterson (Robert Blake) and the Transit Twins policemen Charlie (Woody Harrelson) and his brother John (Wesley Snipes) in Money Train (1995) - Donald : 'You're right on the edge. You're a wreck looking for someplace to happen. I'll be there and I'll fuck you dead.' - Charlie : 'Do you think he wants to fuck us before we're dead or fuck us after we're dead?' - John: 'Either way it's a pain-in-the-ass .'
- I'll Never Forget What's 'is Name (1967) is regarded by many movie historians as the first time the word 'fuck' was heard in a movie.
'Fuck them if they can't take a joke.' Sam (Tom Berenger) about being an ex-revolutionary turned millionnaire actor in The Big Chill (1983). Spoonerism: 'Joke 'em if they can't fuck .'
'You know , I always said if I had to fuck any man , I mean if I had to, if my life depended on it , I'd fuck Elvis.' Clarence Worley (Christian Slater) in True Romance (1993)
'I look the way you want to look, I fuck the way you want to fuck .' Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) to his alter ego in Fight Club (1999)
Joe Dubin (Larry Miller) driving Emily (Elizabeth McGovern) home after a date in The Favor (1992) - Joe: 'How about a little goodnight fuck?' - Emily: 'Goodnight, Fuck!'
'You fuck with me, better you piss a kidney stone through your hard-on . Mike Brennan (Nick Nolte) to Luis Valentin (Luis Guzman) in Q & A (1990)
'You fuck with my brother I'm gonna rip your eyelids off , I'm gonna paste 'em on your asshole .' Skippy (Will Patton) to Adolfo Rollo (Steve Buscemi) in In the Soup (1992)
'I'm Tony Montana! You fuck with me, your fucking with the best!' Tony (Al Pacino) in Scarface (1983)
'It's like the army: wartime-hero,-peacetime-fuck-up .' Captain Vincent Alcoa (Danny Aiello) in The January Man (1989)
'Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. ' Travis Dane (Eric Bogosian) in Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995)
'You must be somebody who's always on the lookout for a new way to fuck-up .' Claire (Angelina Jolie) in Playing God (1997)
'There's an old Italian saying: You fuck-up once, you lose two teeth .' Anthony Soprano, Sr. (James Gandolfini) in The Sopranos (1999)
'Despite your obvious racial handicap, you are an American citizen now, OK, so act like one! We shit all over our families! And then we have kids who grow up to be as big fuck-ups as we are.' Dennis (French Stewart) in Glory Daze (1996)
'Are you ready to hear something? I want you to see if this sounds familiar. Anytime you try a decent crime you got fifty ways you can fuck-up . If you think of twenty-five of them you're a genius, and you ain't no genius. Do you remember who told me that?' Arsonist Teddy Lewis (Mickey Rourke) to Ned Racine (William Hurt) in Body Heat (1981)
'I'm so goddam horny I could fuck mud.' Del/Ronald Delany (Michael Parks) in The Hitman (1991)
'Excuse me, ma'am. Moses called. He says you're a great fuck .' Stand-up comic Buddy Young, Jr. (Billy Crystal) before an audience of senior citizens in Mr. Saturday Night (1992)
'Shut that cunt's mouth before I come-over there and fuck-start her head!' Parker (Ryan Philippe) in The Way of the Gun (2000)
'The rest of the time you're just a good-looking, sweet-talking, charm-oozing, fuck-happy fellow with nothing to offer but some dialogue. Dialogue is cheap in Hollywood , Ben.' Virginia Hill (Annette Bening) to Ben Siegel (Warren Beatty) in Bugsy (1991)
'... if he's a has-been , let's say, jumping from field to field like some fuck-happy rabbit carrying the inadequacies that come from inexperience...' Julia (Geena Davis) referring to Kevin (Michael Keaton) in Speechless (1994)
'I ain't no swinging dick . I know better than to fuck with the wrong people.' Heaven's Prisoners (1995)
'Just remember, this is a mercy-fuck .' Ellen Stone (Dyan Cannon) consenting to have-sex-with her ex-husband Harry (Danny Aiello) to keep him from jumping out the window and as an alternative to re-marriage in The Pickle (1993)
'Remember. When in doubt, fuck!' Frank Slade (Al Pacino) in Scent of a Woman (1993)
'Out here it's kill your parents, fuck your frinds, and have a nice day.' Keystone Pictures Senior V.P. Buddy Ackerman (Kevin Spavey) to his assistant Guy (Frank Whaley) about movie producing in Swimming with Sharks (1994)
'Gerry, if I were her I wouldn't fuck you with a rented vagina .' Angie Scacciapensieri (Geena Davis) to her best friend's husband in Angie (1994)
'You prefer the usual routine; we fuck and you lose the power of speech.' Justine Hanna (Diane Venora) in Heat (1995)
'For you, to fuck is to penetrate. You're used to the more traditional definition: You inside some girl you do , jackhammering away, not noticing that bored look in her eyes .' Alyssa Jones (Joey Lauren Adams) in Chasing Amy (1997)
'Actually, I came for a quick fuck , but you spoiled it by talking. ' Smilla Jaspeson (Julia Ormond) in Smilla's Sense of Snow (1997)
'Most men'll fuck a lamppost.' Marion (Gina McKee) in Croupier (1998)
'Your best!? Losers always whine about their best; winners go home and fuck the Prom Queen.' Mason (Sean Connery) in The Rock (1999)
'Fuck me, your majesty!' Carolyn Burnham (Annette Bening) in American Beauty (1999)
'Of course I look good; all I do is fuck and eat .' Rona (Marie-Louise Parker) in The Five Sense (1999)
'If people I don't even know look at me and want to fuck me, it means I really have a shot at being a model.' Angela Hayes (Mena Suvari) in American Beauty (1999)
'You want bread? Fuck a baker.' Richard Chance (William L. Petersen) in Live and Die in L.A. (1985)
'Who the fuck said that? Who's the slimey-little-communist-shitt-winkle-toe-couksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant?' Sergeant Hartman (R. Lee Ermey), the drill instructor in Full Metal Jacket (1987)
'My name is Buck and I'm ready to fuck!' Buck (Robert Englund) in Eaten Alive (1976)
'You better stop eye-balling me, boy! I'll rip your eyeballs out of their sockets and skull-fuck you to death.' Sgt. Foley (Louis Gosset, Jr.) to Zack Mayo (Richard Gere) in An Officer and a Gentleman (1982)
'All I did was, I parked the car on a nice lonely road , I looked at her, and I said: Fuck or fight.' Timothy Fenwick, Jr. (Kevin Bacon) in Diner (1982)
'Fuck your friends. Enemies won't let you get that close.' Anonymous
'Practice safe-sex ; go fuck yourself.' Graffito
'The only difference between graffiti and philosophy is the word fuck .' Anonymous
'Fuck the system? Nah, you might catch-something .' Anonymous
According to IMDb (Internet Movie Database) and other sources the word fuck (and its derivatives) is said: - 399 times in South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut (1999) - 362 times, an average 2.05 times per minute, in Casino (1995) - 327 times in the 101 minute movie Another Day in Paradise (1998) - 271 times in Pulp Fiction (1994). Other sources says 257 times. - 246 times in Goodfellas (1990) - 206 times in Scarface (1983) Prompting Elvira (Michelle Pfeiffer) to say: 'Can't you stop saying 'fuck' all the time?' - 137 times in Glengarry Glen Ross (1992). Shit and its derivatives: 50 times.
'Fuck him the the Nth degree.' Robert Moss. Moscow Rules
'Hey! Asshole! This is the ultimate fuck you. I just poked your wife .' Bill Babowsky (Richard Dreyfuss) in Tin Men (1987)
'Fuck you, fuckball .' Ray Barboni / Ray Bones (Dennis Farina) in Get Shorty (1995)
'Why don't you go, passionately, fuck yourself?' Amy Bleu (Rose McGowan) in The Doom Generation (1995)
'If you stick around here I'm gonna fuck your ass and they'll send you home with your balls-in-a-sling .' Sgt Martin Riggs (Mel Gibson) to a South African diplomat in Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
'I'm gonna fuck you up beyond repair.' Shannon Hamilton (Ben Affleck) to Brodie (Jason Lee) in Mallrats (1995)
'You give me what I need I'm gonna leave here a nice guy . You don't, I'm gonna fuck you up .' John Hatcher (Steven Seagal) to Jimmy Fingers in Marked for Death (1990)
'You have the right to remain silent, so shut the fuck-up! You have the right to get an attorney. If you can't afford one, we'll get you the dumbest goddamn lawyer we've got. If you get Johnnie Cochrane, I'll kill ya! ' Lee Butters (Chris Rock) in Legal Weapon 4 (1998)
Bob Hope was fond-of relating this incident about W. C . Fields. He was in his dressing room at Paramount when he was visited by two ladies who were canvassing for donations to some worthy Califomia charity. "I am very sorry, mesdames." said Fields, "but I only give to one charity: F .E.B.F." And when pressed for the name of that cause, he elucidated: "Fuck Everyone But Fields." From the book by Max Wilk, The Wit and Wisdom of Hollywood (1971)
'Fuck is one of a group of well-known four letter words, all Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, in origin, that are uncomplicated, easy to pronounce, and monosyllabic.' Alan Richter. The Language of Sexuality (1987)
I Gonna Fuck You Back to the Stoneage (1989) Movie title
'You know , Scotland has its own martial arts . Yeah, it's called Fuck You. It's mostly just head butting and then kicking people when they're on the ground.' Charlie Mackenzie (Mike Myers) to Harriet Michaels (Nancy Travis) in So I Married an Axe Murderer (1993)
'Fuck you! That's my name!' Blake (Alec Baldwin) in Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Matt (Ian Rose) and Kevin (Roger Daltey) in Like It Is (1998): - Matt: 'Go fuck yourself, Kelvin.' - Kelvin: 'I frequently do and I fucking enjoy it!'
Ray Tango (Sylvester Stallone) to the bad guy in Tango and Cash (1989) - Drug dealer: 'Fuck you!' - Ray Tabgo: 'I prefer blondes.'
'Today is the first chance to fuck-up the rest of your life .' A cynical rewording of the popular dictum: 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life .' Attributed to Lars Eighner.
'The mathematician Von Blecks Devised the equation for sex Having proved a good fuck Isn't patience or luck But a function of Y over X .' VARIANT: 'The mathematician Von Blecks Derived the equation for sex He found a good fuck Isn't patience or luck But a function of Y over X .' Limerick: Ca. 1949.
Trumble (Charles Caughan) and private investigator V.I. Warshawski (Kathleen Turner) in V.I. Warshawski (1991) - Trumble: 'You see , I fuck a lot, more than five hundred women.' - Warshawski: 'Just can't get the hang of it , hey?'
Moonshiner Gator McKlusky (Burt Reynolds) and revenuer Irving Greenfield/Greeny (Jack Weston) in Gator (1976) - Gator: 'Why am I driving?' - Irving: 'I don't drive . (...) When you're from New York you don't drive .' - Gator: 'Well, that makes sense. I guess if you're from Boston you don't fuck .'
Clay Easton (Andrew McCarthy) and Blair (Jami Gertz) in Less Than Zero (1987) - Clay: 'You OK?' - Blair: 'This cocaine has too much speed or something.' - Clay: 'That's a relief. You fuck-up , you look like shit , but hey, no problem! All you need is a better cut of cocaine.'
Cooley (Harold Hopkins), Don (John Hargreaves), and Kerry (Candy Raymond) in Don's Party (1975): - Cooley: 'Hello, gorgeous! Care for a screw?' - Don: 'He used to say fuck' - Kerry: 'Any particular reason for the change?' - Cooley: 'Yeah, I get more fucks when I say screw .'
'There was a young artist named Victor Who purchased a boa constrictor. He intended to sketch her, But decided (the lecher!) To fuck her instead of depict her.' Limerick: Ca. 1949.
'We're the men of Schofield Barracks We are riders of the night We are dirty sons of bitches And we'd rather fuck than fight.' In From Here to Eternity James Jones recorded many genuine bits of G .I. poetry.
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