Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter F
- F
- F2F
- face
- face hole
- face pussy
- face-fungus
- facho
- facts of life, the
- fag bashing
- fag hole
- fag stag
- faggot's moll
- faggots lunch box
- faggy
- fagrag
- fair treat
- fairy hawk
- fall backward
- fall for like a ton of bricks
- fall in love (with)
- fallen star
- false alarm
- fam
- family organ
- fan someone's tail
- fancy bit
- fancy lip-service
- fancy work
- fanning the fur
- fanny fart
- fanny hair
- fanny rag
- fare
- farmers
- fart sack
- fart-catcher
- fash the red flag
- fast food sex
- fast life
- fast worker
- Fat Frank
- fat rabbit
- father-fucker
- fatherless
- faxing the pope
- fearnought
- feathery flick, the
- feck
- feed one's face
- feed the cat
- feed the dumb glutton
- feed the monkey
- feeding bottles
- feeding the slot
- feel in one's pocket for one's big hairy rocket
- feel poorly
- feel the fur
- feeling poorly
- fegelah
- felinophobia
- fellatio
- fellatorism
- fellatrix
- female charms
- female complaint, the
- female dominant
- Female Genital
- female genital passage
- female gewgaw
- female impersonator
- female netherland
- female organs of generation
- female phallus
- female pudendal gimcrack
- female pudendalia
- female sexual organon
- female trouble
- female vulvar apparatus
- femdom
- feminacy
- feminine persuasion, the
- femme
- femoke
- fen
- fence painting
- ferret
- fervency
- fervor
- fetch metal
- fetish wear
- fettle
- fickey fick
- fiddle the bean
- fiddle-stick
- fidget with the digit
- fifi bag
- fifty-nine
- figger
- figs
- figure-maker
- fill one with come
- filled up
- filling the juicebox
- find a haven of refuge
- fine thing
- finger dancing
- finger job
- fingerbating
- fingering the skin harp
- fire the hand cannon
- fire your wad
- fires of hell
- firk
- firm worm
- first leg of three
- fish and shrimp
- fish lips
- fish pound
- fish supper
- fishbowl dancer
- fishing for zipper trout
- fist flick
- fist kebabing 101
- fist-fucker
- fit
- five against Willy
- five finger knuckle shuffle
- five knuckle olympics
- five-finger Mary
- five-letter woman
- fix her plumbing
- fizz
- flab
- flaccid
- flag
- flag-about
- flah
- flaming asshole
- flankey
- flapjacks
- flaps
- flash drag
- flash in the pan
- flash of light
- flash the hash
- flashing her charms
- flat floosie
- flat-backer
- flaying the emperor
- fleas and ants
- Fleet Street houri
- flesh bombs
- flesh fly
- flesh peddling
- flesh trade
- fleshly
- fleshy charms
- fleshy part of the thigh
- flick on over the thumb
- flicking the switch
- flip it around
- flip over
- flip the flaps
- flip-flops
- flippy
- flirtation
- flirtigiggs
- flit the clit
- floaters
- flog a willing horse
- flog the dolphin
- flog the goose
- flog the log
- flog the pork
- flogger
- flogging the dolphin
- flogging the mule
- flogging your pride
- floor work
- flop in the hay
- flopping beef
- floral arrangement
- flossing the cat
- flower fancier
- flowers, the
- fluff the muff
- flunitrazepam
- flute player
- fluzie
- fly jockey
- fly-by-night
- fly-trap
- flying saucer
- flying the red flag
- foaming at the mouth
- foken
- fondling the fig
- foofer
- fool for, a
- foop
- foot loose (and fancy free)
- for love
- forbidden fruit eater
- forcibly assaulted
- fore-buttocks
- foreplay
- forest bush
- forgotten woman
- forking
- fornicating engine
- fornicator
- fornicatress
- forty-four
- foul disorder
- fountain pen
- four-legged frolic
- fourchette
- fox
- Fr act
- fraenum (of the penis)
- frail flossie
- frame-dame
- frat
- Fraulein
- Fred
- free lover
- free the tadpoles
- freejack
- freezer
- French active
- French by injection
- French devices
- French embassy
- French goods
- French kiss
- French language training
- French love letter
- French methods
- French polishing
- French revolution
- French tickler
- French woman
- Frenchery
- Frenching
- frenulum laborium
- frenulum of the tongue
- frenzy house
- fresh bit
- fret the fiddle-strings
- Freya
- frick
- Friend of Dorothy
- frig
- frigging
- frigid map
- frigstress
- frog legs
- frogskin
- front bum
- front door work
- front garden
- front passage
- front window
- frontispiece
- frousty
- frowzletop
- fruit cup
- fruit plate
- fruitcake
- fruitfully
- fuck a brisket
- fuck arse
- fuck buttock
- fuck fur
- fuck in the brown
- fuck luck
- fuck muscle
- fuck one's fist
- fuck pole
- fuck someone over
- fuck the duck
- fuck udders
- fuck your fist
- fuck-face
- fuck-hole
- fuck-meat
- fuck-rod
- fuck-wit
- fuckathon
- fucked up
- fucker
- fuckhole
- fucking stick
- fuckle
- fucks like a minx
- fuckster
- fucus
- fudge packing
- fug
- fugly
- full hand
- full load
- full of gism
- full of wind and piss
- full-bosomed
- full-time
- fumbler's hall
- fun bags
- funch
- fundillo
- funk hole
- funk-a-thon
- funniment
- funny man
- fur burger
- furgle
- furry bush
- furry letterbox
- fursuit
- fussed up
- futuere
- fuzz
- fuzz sandwich
- fuzzy fun
- F-ing
- f2m
- face artist
- face job
- face shot
- face-to-face mating
- facial
- fadge
- fag busting
- fag hots
- fag-lang
- faggot-master
- faggots toothbrush
- Fagin
- fags toothbrush
- fairer sex
- fairy lady
- fall for
- fall hard for
- fall in the furrow
- fallen woman
- false front
- family
- fan dancer
- fan the fur
- fancy girl
- fancy man
- fancy-free
- fanning the furnace
- fanny ferret
- fanny magnet
- fans her pussy
- far gone
- fare un ditolino
- fart
- fart slime
- farting-clapper
- fast breathing
- fast fuck
- fast stepper
- fast-house
- Fat Injection
- fat sacks
- father-of-all
- favor
- fay
- feather bed jig
- febris amatoria
- fecundate
- feed somebody's monkey
- feed the clam
- feed the dummy
- feed the pussy
- feeding the bearded clam
- feeding your trouser-mouse
- feel my pulse
- feel that funny feeling
- feel unwell
- feeling randy
- felch queen
- fellare
- fellation
- fellatrant
- fem
- female cock
- female condom
- female dominator
- female genital appeaser
- female genital receptacle
- female gimcrack
- female interlabial oven
- female of the species, the
- female organs of reproduction
- female pudendal canal
- female pudendal hawsehole
- female pudendum
- female slit
- female underbelly
- female's lower kisser
- femdom goddess
- feminine
- feminine protection
- femme fatale
- Femoral
- fence
- fence sitter
- ferry
- fervent
- fescennine
- fetch mettle
- fetishism
- feygelah
- fico
- fiddle with oneself
- fiddling stick
- fie-for-shame
- fifth point of contact
- fifty-nining
- fight in armor
- figura veneris prima
- file in the wrong box
- fill out
- filled-out
- filling up the belly button well
- find a haven of rest
- finger
- finger flick
- finger painting
- fingerdoodling
- fire a shot
- fire the question
- fire-box
- firing off a round
- firkin
- first
- first stage of ejaculation
- fish city
- fish market
- fish queen
- fish trap
- fishing for brown trout
- fishmongers daughter
- fist fucking
- fist of fury
- fisting
- fit end to end
- five finger boogie on the blue vein
- five finger lingo
- five knuckle shuffle
- five-finger solo
- five-minute shack up
- fix someone up
- fizzing
- flab hangings
- flaccilation
- flag day
- flagger
- flame
- flaming bitch
- flanks
- flapper
- flash
- flash girl
- flash in the pants
- flash panny
- flash the meat
- flat as a board
- flat fuck
- flat-chested
- flea and louse
- fleece
- flesh
- flesh broker
- flesh it
- flesh pencil
- flesh wallet
- fleshpot
- fleshy excrescence
- fleshy parts (of a woman)
- flick the bean
- fling
- flip it off
- flip over for
- flip-flap
- flipper
- flipwreck
- flirtatious
- Flirtina Cop-all
- flitty
- flog
- flog it
- flog the dong
- flog the hog
- flog the meat
- flog the pup
- flogging
- flogging the dong
- flogging the poodle
- flong the dong
- floozy
- flophouse
- floppy tits
- Florentine girdle
- flossy
- flower house
- flub the dub
- fluffer
- flunkey
- flute solo
- fly
- fly manually
- fly-cage
- flyer
- flying solo
- flyspecks
- foaming beef probe
- folk-dancing
- food dropper
- foofer felching
- fool trap
- fooper
- foot soldier
- for the love of
- forbidden zone
- forcibly molested
- fore-pleasure
- foreskin
- Forest Gump
- fork
- forks
- fornicating member
- fornicators
- fornix
- forty-niner
- foul line
- fountain(s)
- four-letter man
- Fourex
- fox hunter
- Fr pas
- fragile number
- frail job
- franger
- fraternize
- freak
- free for all
- free loving
- free-and-easy
- freelance(r)
- freezy
- French art(s)
- French cap
- French dip
- French fare
- French gout
- French kissing
- French lessons
- French marbles
- French mole
- French postcard
- French safe
- French tricks
- French-fried ice cream
- Frenchie
- Frenchy
- frenulum linguae
- frenulum preputii
- frequent flyer
- fresh meat
- Freudian
- Friar Tuck
- frictation
- friendly
- frig off
- frigging the love muscle
- frigidity
- frit
- frog prince
- front attic
- front bumpers
- front doors
- front marriage
- front porch
- front windows
- frosting the pastries
- frow
- frozen face
- fruit for the monkey
- fruit that made man wise, the
- fruiter
- fruitnugget
- Fuck a duck!
- fuck away
- fuck by the book
- fuck handles
- fuck in the teeth
- fuck Mary Fist
- fuck music
- fuck out
- fuck princess
- fuck someone up
- fuck the fist
- fuck up
- fuck-a Jesuit
- fuck-finger
- fuck-house
- fuck-nutty
- fuck-stick
- fuckable
- fucked
- fucked up and far from home
- fuckery
- fucking
- fucking tool
- fuckpig
- fucks like a rattlesnake
- fuckstress
- fud
- fudge pipe(s)
- fugging
- fugo
- full house
- full monty
- full of heir
- full pack
- full-bosomed figure
- fulsome
- fumenda cheese
- fun bone
- functional homosexuality
- funhouse
- funk stick
- funky
- funny bit
- funny that way, he's
- fur chalice
- furilla
- furry finger fuck
- furry mongoose
- furze
- fussock
- futy
- fuzz around
- fuzzburger
- fuzzy-bunny
- F-word
- f2m SRS
- face man
- face the nation
- facetiae
- factory equipped
- fag
- fag factory
- fag mag
- faggot
- faggoteer
- faggotter
- faglish
- fair game
- fairy
- fake it
- fall for (someone) in a big way
- fall head-over-heels for
- fall off the roof
- falling off the roof
- falsies
- family hotel
- fan one's ass
- fan your ass
- fancy house
- fancy piece
- fancy-pants
- fanny
- fanny fright
- fanny nosher
- fantail
- far gone on
- Farmer Giles
- fart around
- Fart, Barf and Itch
- fartleberries
- fast chick
- fast girl
- fast track
- fastie
- fat one
- fat-ass
- father-stuff
- favorite dish
- faygeleh
- feather one's bed
- fecal freak
- fed at both ends
- feed the bearded clam
- feed the dog
- feed the fish
- feed the spunk-o-meter
- feeding the chooks
- feel funny about
- feel one's oats
- feel that way
- feel up
- feeling sexy
- felching
- fellate
- fellatize
- fellatrice
- female appurtenances
- female coital apparatus
- female disorder
- female ejaculation
- female genital inlet
- female genital slit
- female goodies
- female lower mouth
- female organ of generation
- female orgasmic dysfunction
- female pudendal chamber
- female pudendal inlet
- female reproductive organs
- female spendings
- female upper bombosities
- female-identified
- femdomme
- feminine heart pumper
- feminine variety, the
- femme follower
- femoral coitus
- fence fucker
- ferk
- fertility symbols
- fervently
- fesses
- fetish
- fetishistic cross-dressing
- fiddle
- fiddle-fuck
- fidget the midget
- field day
- fifth wheel
- fig
- fight the champ
- figurae veneris
- file the fun-rod
- fille de joie
- fillet o' fish
- filly
- fine chick
- finger artist
- finger fuck
- finger pie
- fingering the clit
- fire blanks
- fire the wobbly warhead
- fired-up
- firing the flesh musket
- firkytoodle
- first base
- first-timer
- fish dinner
- fish mitten
- fish skin
- fish-box
- fishing for kippers
- fishtail
- fist fucking the piss pump
- fist the mister
- fisting the mister
- fit ends
- five finger discount
- five fingers against one penis
- five of clubs
- five-fingered Annie
- fiver
- fixed bayonet
- fizzle
- flabby lips
- flack
- flag is out, the
- flagging
- flamer
- flaming fruitbar
- flannel-shirt dyke
- flapperitis
- flash and buick
- flash groove
- flash ken
- flash piece
- flash woman
- flat as a pancake
- flat tail
- flatulate
- flea bagger
- fleece hunter
- flesh bag
- flesh factory
- flesh market
- flesh sandwich
- flesh-cushions
- fleshy
- fleshy interests
- fletching
- flick the BIC
- fling woo
- flip off
- flip side
- flip-flaps
- flipping the bishop
- flirt
- flirtatious eyes
- flirty
- float an air biscuit
- flog (oneself)
- flog the bishop
- flog the donkey
- flog the infidel
- flog the mutton
- flog the sausage
- flogging cully
- flogging the frog
- flogging the salami
- flood
- flop
- flopper-stopper
- floppy whites
- flossie
- flounder
- flower of chivalry
- fluff
- fluffhead
- flusher
- fluter
- fly automatic
- fly the red flag
- fly-catcher
- flying manual
- flying the flag
- flytrap
- foghorn
- follicularly challenged
- food gone to waist
- fool around (with)
- fool-sticker
- foot
- foot warmer
- foraminate
- force-fuck
- fore and aft
- forecastle
- foreskin hunter
- Forget Pill
- fork and knife
- form an attachment
- fornicating tool
- fornicators hall
- Fort Bushy
- forty/five
- foundation garment
- Four Fs
- four-letter word
- foursome
- foxy
- Fr/A
- fragrant
- frail sisterhood
- frankendick
- fratting
- freak trick
- free holder
- free lovism
- freebie
- freewheeler
- French
- French article
- French crown
- French disease
- French fever
- French head job
- French lady
- French letter
- French measles
- French passive
- French pox
- French sex
- French vice
- French-fried ice water
- frenchified
- frenulum
- frenulum of the labia
- frenum (of the penis)
- fresh and sweet
- fresh nugs
- Freudian slip
- fribble
- fried eggs
- friendly with
- frig oneself
- friggit
- frigophobia
- frizzle
- froggie
- front bottom
- front door
- front entrance
- front office
- front room
- frontage
- froth
- frowsty
- frozen meat
- fruit juice
- fruit-fly
- fruitex vulvaria
- fruity
- fubsey
- fuck about
- fuck book
- fuck film
- fuck hatch
- fuck like a bunny
- Fuck me gently!
- fuck off
- fuck palmala
- fuck rag
- fuck someone's brains out
- Fuck The World
- fuck wise
- fuck-beggar
- fuck-fist
- fuck-in
- fuck-pig
- fuck-struck
- fuckaholic
- fucked by the fickle finger of fate
- fucked without getting kissed
- fuckfest
- fucking around
- fucking without complications
- fucks anything on two legs
- fucks trucks
- fuckwad
- fud packer
- fudge tunnel
- fugitive from a chain gang
- fulke
- full in the belly
- full of beans
- full of life
- full pudenda
- full-figured
- fumble
- fun and frolics
- fun-stick
- fundament
- funk
- funk the duck
- funmaker
- funny business
- fur
- fur pie
- furor uterinus
- furry fun
- furry mound
- furze-bush
- fusty luggs
- futz
- fuzz burger
- fuzzies
- fuzzy-muzzy
- F.I.N.E.
- fab
- face fucking
- face on a stick
- face time
- facha
- factotum
- fag bag
- fag hag
- fag magnet
- faggot worker
- faggotry
- faggoty
- fagola
- fair sex
- fairy godmother
- fake penis
- fall for it
- fall in a big way
- fall to it
- faloosie
- falsy
- family jewels
- fan one's pussy
- fancy
- fancy lady
- fancy woman
- fangs
- fanny bomb
- fanny fumbling
- fanny noshing
- fanzine
- far goner
- farmer's lady
- fart hole
- fart-arsing around
- fascinating furpiece
- fast fanny
- fast lady
- fast woman
- fat flabs
- fat peter
- fatcha
- father-to-be
- faxing Jimmy Dean
- feak
- featherweights
- fecal speech
- federating
- feed the beaver
- feed the ducks
- feed the fist
- feed the stick
- feeding the other mouth
- feel fuzzy
- feel one's way to heaven
- feel the Colt's tooth
- feeling gay
- feeling unwell
- Felicia
- fellatee
- fellator
- fellatricial
- female bubbies
- female come
- female dom
- female finger fun
- female genital mouth
- female genitorture
- female hiatus
- Female Masturbation
- female organ of reproduction
- female perineal cul-de-sac
- female pudendal funnel
- female pudendal slit
- female sex(ual) organ
- female testicles
- female variety, the
- female-oriented
- feme
- feminine matters
- feminosexual
- femmy
- femoral intercourse
- fence jumper
- fern
- fertilize the sidewalk
- fervid
- fetch
- fetish clothing
- fetishizing
- ficaro
- fiddle bow
- fiddle-fucking around
- fidget the midget in Bridget
- fife and drum
- fifty-fifty
- figa
- fight the turkey
- figure
- filius nullius
- fille de nuit
- filling the box
- filthy babbling
- fine figure
- finger blasting
- finger fun
- finger puppet
- fingering the fountain
- fire in the air
- fire water complex
- fireplace
- firing the surgeon general
- firm the worm
- first game ever played
- fish
- fish face
- fish pond
- fish stick
- fish-monger
- fishing for trouser trout
- fishwife
- fist it off
- fist-fuck
- fistula in ano
- five against one
- five finger exercise(s)
- five knuckle chuckle
- five on one
- five-knuckle-shuffle (on the old piss pump)
- fives
- fizgig
- fla
- flabby melons
- fladge
- flag is up, the
- flagpole
- flaming
- flange
- flap-doodle
- flapping takkie
- flash crib
- flash house
- flash man
- flash tail
- flasher
- flat cock
- flat tire
- flavor comic
- fleabag
- Fleet Street dove
- flesh beer towels
- flesh flick
- flesh peddler
- flesh session
- flesh-monger
- fleshy bagpipes
- fleshy part
- flex one's sex
- flickers
- flinking
- flip oneself off
- flip the bird
- flip-flop
- flipping through the pages
- flirt girl
- flirtee
- flit
- floater
- flog a dead horse
- flog the dog
- flog the dummy
- flog the lizard
- flog the old whipping-boy
- flog the whipping-boy
- flogging the dog
- flogging the hog
- flogging your dumber brother
- floor show
- flop in
- floppers
- flops
- flossing
- flower
- flowers and frolics
- fluff the duff
- flukers
- flute
- fluttering her skirt
- fly fishing
- fly-boy
- fly-girl
- flying on automatic
- flying the Japanese flag
- foam
- foining
- fond of
- food metaphor
- fool for dames, a
- fooling around
- foot long
- for keeps
- forbidden fruit
- forced Greek
- fore and after
- foreman
- forest
- forget-me-not
- fork and spoon
- fornicate
- fornication
- fornicatory doll
- fortune cookie
- foul disease
- fount of femininity
- four sisters on thumb street
- four-lip whistling
- foutering
- Fr
- Fr/P
- frail
- frame
- frankentits
- frau
- freckle
- free love
- free one's hips
- freeing Willy
- freewheeling femme
- French ache(s)
- French artist
- French culture(s)
- French dressing
- French fuck
- French job
- French language expert
- French love
- French method
- French pig
- French prints
- French stuff
- French way
- Frencher
- Frenchified potatoes
- frenulum breve
- frenulum of the penis
- frenum of the clitoris
- fresh axe wound in a bears back
- fresh stock
- Frey
- fricatrix
- friend has come
- friends to stay
- frigamajig
- friggle
- frigster
- frog
- frogging cully
- front botty burp
- front door mat
- front exposure
- front parlor
- front suspension
- frontal development
- frottering bastard
- frowsy
- fruit
- fruit of adultery
- fruit-picker
- fruitful vine
- FtM
- fuck
- fuck around
- fuck bunny
- fuck flaps
- fuck in the ass
- fuck like a minx
- Fuck me pink!
- fuck one's brains out
- fuck passage
- fuck rubber
- fuck something up
- fuck tits
- Fuck you!
- fuck-else
- fuck-happy
- fuck-me pumps
- fuck-plug
- fuck-truck
- fuckass
- fucked out
- fuckee
- fuckhead
- fucking rubber
- fuckish
- fucks anything with a hole in it
- fucksome
- fuckwit
- fudge packer
- fudy
- fugle
- full frontal
- Full lips, fill lips
- full of fuck
- full of oneself
- full wood
- full-service
- fumbler
- fun and games
- fun-zone
- fundamental features
- funk freak
- funk up a wet dream
- funnel
- funny feeling
- fur below
- furburger
- furrow
- furry hoop
- furry muff
- fuss-pot
- futter
- futz around
- fuzz face
- fuzzy cup
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter F
- F
- F2F
- face
- face hole
- face pussy
- face-fungus
- facho
- facts of life, the
- fag bashing
- fag hole
- fag stag
- faggot's moll
- faggots lunch box
- faggy
- fagrag
- fair treat
- fairy hawk
- fall backward
- fall for like a ton of bricks
- fall in love (with)
- fallen star
- false alarm
- fam
- family organ
- fan someone's tail
- fancy bit
- fancy lip-service
- fancy work
- fanning the fur
- fanny fart
- fanny hair
- fanny rag
- fare
- farmers
- fart sack
- fart-catcher
- fash the red flag
- fast food sex
- fast life
- fast worker
- Fat Frank
- fat rabbit
- father-fucker
- fatherless
- faxing the pope
- fearnought
- feathery flick, the
- feck
- feed one's face
- feed the cat
- feed the dumb glutton
- feed the monkey
- feeding bottles
- feeding the slot
- feel in one's pocket for one's big hairy rocket
- feel poorly
- feel the fur
- feeling poorly
- fegelah
- felinophobia
- fellatio
- fellatorism
- fellatrix
- female charms
- female complaint, the
- female dominant
- Female Genital
- female genital passage
- female gewgaw
- female impersonator
- female netherland
- female organs of generation
- female phallus
- female pudendal gimcrack
- female pudendalia
- female sexual organon
- female trouble
- female vulvar apparatus
- femdom
- feminacy
- feminine persuasion, the
- femme
- femoke
- fen
- fence painting
- ferret
- fervency
- fervor
- fetch metal
- fetish wear
- fettle
- fickey fick
- fiddle the bean
- fiddle-stick
- fidget with the digit
- fifi bag
- fifty-nine
- figger
- figs
- figure-maker
- fill one with come
- filled up
- filling the juicebox
- find a haven of refuge
- fine thing
- finger dancing
- finger job
- fingerbating
- fingering the skin harp
- fire the hand cannon
- fire your wad
- fires of hell
- firk
- firm worm
- first leg of three
- fish and shrimp
- fish lips
- fish pound
- fish supper
- fishbowl dancer
- fishing for zipper trout
- fist flick
- fist kebabing 101
- fist-fucker
- fit
- five against Willy
- five finger knuckle shuffle
- five knuckle olympics
- five-finger Mary
- five-letter woman
- fix her plumbing
- fizz
- flab
- flaccid
- flag
- flag-about
- flah
- flaming asshole
- flankey
- flapjacks
- flaps
- flash drag
- flash in the pan
- flash of light
- flash the hash
- flashing her charms
- flat floosie
- flat-backer
- flaying the emperor
- fleas and ants
- Fleet Street houri
- flesh bombs
- flesh fly
- flesh peddling
- flesh trade
- fleshly
- fleshy charms
- fleshy part of the thigh
- flick on over the thumb
- flicking the switch
- flip it around
- flip over
- flip the flaps
- flip-flops
- flippy
- flirtation
- flirtigiggs
- flit the clit
- floaters
- flog a willing horse
- flog the dolphin
- flog the goose
- flog the log
- flog the pork
- flogger
- flogging the dolphin
- flogging the mule
- flogging your pride
- floor work
- flop in the hay
- flopping beef
- floral arrangement
- flossing the cat
- flower fancier
- flowers, the
- fluff the muff
- flunitrazepam
- flute player
- fluzie
- fly jockey
- fly-by-night
- fly-trap
- flying saucer
- flying the red flag
- foaming at the mouth
- foken
- fondling the fig
- foofer
- fool for, a
- foop
- foot loose (and fancy free)
- for love
- forbidden fruit eater
- forcibly assaulted
- fore-buttocks
- foreplay
- forest bush
- forgotten woman
- forking
- fornicating engine
- fornicator
- fornicatress
- forty-four
- foul disorder
- fountain pen
- four-legged frolic
- fourchette
- fox
- Fr act
- fraenum (of the penis)
- frail flossie
- frame-dame
- frat
- Fraulein
- Fred
- free lover
- free the tadpoles
- freejack
- freezer
- French active
- French by injection
- French devices
- French embassy
- French goods
- French kiss
- French language training
- French love letter
- French methods
- French polishing
- French revolution
- French tickler
- French woman
- Frenchery
- Frenching
- frenulum laborium
- frenulum of the tongue
- frenzy house
- fresh bit
- fret the fiddle-strings
- Freya
- frick
- Friend of Dorothy
- frig
- frigging
- frigid map
- frigstress
- frog legs
- frogskin
- front bum
- front door work
- front garden
- front passage
- front window
- frontispiece
- frousty
- frowzletop
- fruit cup
- fruit plate
- fruitcake
- fruitfully
- fuck a brisket
- fuck arse
- fuck buttock
- fuck fur
- fuck in the brown
- fuck luck
- fuck muscle
- fuck one's fist
- fuck pole
- fuck someone over
- fuck the duck
- fuck udders
- fuck your fist
- fuck-face
- fuck-hole
- fuck-meat
- fuck-rod
- fuck-wit
- fuckathon
- fucked up
- fucker
- fuckhole
- fucking stick
- fuckle
- fucks like a minx
- fuckster
- fucus
- fudge packing
- fug
- fugly
- full hand
- full load
- full of gism
- full of wind and piss
- full-bosomed
- full-time
- fumbler's hall
- fun bags
- funch
- fundillo
- funk hole
- funk-a-thon
- funniment
- funny man
- fur burger
- furgle
- furry bush
- furry letterbox
- fursuit
- fussed up
- futuere
- fuzz
- fuzz sandwich
- fuzzy fun
- F-ing
- f2m
- face artist
- face job
- face shot
- face-to-face mating
- facial
- fadge
- fag busting
- fag hots
- fag-lang
- faggot-master
- faggots toothbrush
- Fagin
- fags toothbrush
- fairer sex
- fairy lady
- fall for
- fall hard for
- fall in the furrow
- fallen woman
- false front
- family
- fan dancer
- fan the fur
- fancy girl
- fancy man
- fancy-free
- fanning the furnace
- fanny ferret
- fanny magnet
- fans her pussy
- far gone
- fare un ditolino
- fart
- fart slime
- farting-clapper
- fast breathing
- fast fuck
- fast stepper
- fast-house
- Fat Injection
- fat sacks
- father-of-all
- favor
- fay
- feather bed jig
- febris amatoria
- fecundate
- feed somebody's monkey
- feed the clam
- feed the dummy
- feed the pussy
- feeding the bearded clam
- feeding your trouser-mouse
- feel my pulse
- feel that funny feeling
- feel unwell
- feeling randy
- felch queen
- fellare
- fellation
- fellatrant
- fem
- female cock
- female condom
- female dominator
- female genital appeaser
- female genital receptacle
- female gimcrack
- female interlabial oven
- female of the species, the
- female organs of reproduction
- female pudendal canal
- female pudendal hawsehole
- female pudendum
- female slit
- female underbelly
- female's lower kisser
- femdom goddess
- feminine
- feminine protection
- femme fatale
- Femoral
- fence
- fence sitter
- ferry
- fervent
- fescennine
- fetch mettle
- fetishism
- feygelah
- fico
- fiddle with oneself
- fiddling stick
- fie-for-shame
- fifth point of contact
- fifty-nining
- fight in armor
- figura veneris prima
- file in the wrong box
- fill out
- filled-out
- filling up the belly button well
- find a haven of rest
- finger
- finger flick
- finger painting
- fingerdoodling
- fire a shot
- fire the question
- fire-box
- firing off a round
- firkin
- first
- first stage of ejaculation
- fish city
- fish market
- fish queen
- fish trap
- fishing for brown trout
- fishmongers daughter
- fist fucking
- fist of fury
- fisting
- fit end to end
- five finger boogie on the blue vein
- five finger lingo
- five knuckle shuffle
- five-finger solo
- five-minute shack up
- fix someone up
- fizzing
- flab hangings
- flaccilation
- flag day
- flagger
- flame
- flaming bitch
- flanks
- flapper
- flash
- flash girl
- flash in the pants
- flash panny
- flash the meat
- flat as a board
- flat fuck
- flat-chested
- flea and louse
- fleece
- flesh
- flesh broker
- flesh it
- flesh pencil
- flesh wallet
- fleshpot
- fleshy excrescence
- fleshy parts (of a woman)
- flick the bean
- fling
- flip it off
- flip over for
- flip-flap
- flipper
- flipwreck
- flirtatious
- Flirtina Cop-all
- flitty
- flog
- flog it
- flog the dong
- flog the hog
- flog the meat
- flog the pup
- flogging
- flogging the dong
- flogging the poodle
- flong the dong
- floozy
- flophouse
- floppy tits
- Florentine girdle
- flossy
- flower house
- flub the dub
- fluffer
- flunkey
- flute solo
- fly
- fly manually
- fly-cage
- flyer
- flying solo
- flyspecks
- foaming beef probe
- folk-dancing
- food dropper
- foofer felching
- fool trap
- fooper
- foot soldier
- for the love of
- forbidden zone
- forcibly molested
- fore-pleasure
- foreskin
- Forest Gump
- fork
- forks
- fornicating member
- fornicators
- fornix
- forty-niner
- foul line
- fountain(s)
- four-letter man
- Fourex
- fox hunter
- Fr pas
- fragile number
- frail job
- franger
- fraternize
- freak
- free for all
- free loving
- free-and-easy
- freelance(r)
- freezy
- French art(s)
- French cap
- French dip
- French fare
- French gout
- French kissing
- French lessons
- French marbles
- French mole
- French postcard
- French safe
- French tricks
- French-fried ice cream
- Frenchie
- Frenchy
- frenulum linguae
- frenulum preputii
- frequent flyer
- fresh meat
- Freudian
- Friar Tuck
- frictation
- friendly
- frig off
- frigging the love muscle
- frigidity
- frit
- frog prince
- front attic
- front bumpers
- front doors
- front marriage
- front porch
- front windows
- frosting the pastries
- frow
- frozen face
- fruit for the monkey
- fruit that made man wise, the
- fruiter
- fruitnugget
- Fuck a duck!
- fuck away
- fuck by the book
- fuck handles
- fuck in the teeth
- fuck Mary Fist
- fuck music
- fuck out
- fuck princess
- fuck someone up
- fuck the fist
- fuck up
- fuck-a Jesuit
- fuck-finger
- fuck-house
- fuck-nutty
- fuck-stick
- fuckable
- fucked
- fucked up and far from home
- fuckery
- fucking
- fucking tool
- fuckpig
- fucks like a rattlesnake
- fuckstress
- fud
- fudge pipe(s)
- fugging
- fugo
- full house
- full monty
- full of heir
- full pack
- full-bosomed figure
- fulsome
- fumenda cheese
- fun bone
- functional homosexuality
- funhouse
- funk stick
- funky
- funny bit
- funny that way, he's
- fur chalice
- furilla
- furry finger fuck
- furry mongoose
- furze
- fussock
- futy
- fuzz around
- fuzzburger
- fuzzy-bunny
- F-word
- f2m SRS
- face man
- face the nation
- facetiae
- factory equipped
- fag
- fag factory
- fag mag
- faggot
- faggoteer
- faggotter
- faglish
- fair game
- fairy
- fake it
- fall for (someone) in a big way
- fall head-over-heels for
- fall off the roof
- falling off the roof
- falsies
- family hotel
- fan one's ass
- fan your ass
- fancy house
- fancy piece
- fancy-pants
- fanny
- fanny fright
- fanny nosher
- fantail
- far gone on
- Farmer Giles
- fart around
- Fart, Barf and Itch
- fartleberries
- fast chick
- fast girl
- fast track
- fastie
- fat one
- fat-ass
- father-stuff
- favorite dish
- faygeleh
- feather one's bed
- fecal freak
- fed at both ends
- feed the bearded clam
- feed the dog
- feed the fish
- feed the spunk-o-meter
- feeding the chooks
- feel funny about
- feel one's oats
- feel that way
- feel up
- feeling sexy
- felching
- fellate
- fellatize
- fellatrice
- female appurtenances
- female coital apparatus
- female disorder
- female ejaculation
- female genital inlet
- female genital slit
- female goodies
- female lower mouth
- female organ of generation
- female orgasmic dysfunction
- female pudendal chamber
- female pudendal inlet
- female reproductive organs
- female spendings
- female upper bombosities
- female-identified
- femdomme
- feminine heart pumper
- feminine variety, the
- femme follower
- femoral coitus
- fence fucker
- ferk
- fertility symbols
- fervently
- fesses
- fetish
- fetishistic cross-dressing
- fiddle
- fiddle-fuck
- fidget the midget
- field day
- fifth wheel
- fig
- fight the champ
- figurae veneris
- file the fun-rod
- fille de joie
- fillet o' fish
- filly
- fine chick
- finger artist
- finger fuck
- finger pie
- fingering the clit
- fire blanks
- fire the wobbly warhead
- fired-up
- firing the flesh musket
- firkytoodle
- first base
- first-timer
- fish dinner
- fish mitten
- fish skin
- fish-box
- fishing for kippers
- fishtail
- fist fucking the piss pump
- fist the mister
- fisting the mister
- fit ends
- five finger discount
- five fingers against one penis
- five of clubs
- five-fingered Annie
- fiver
- fixed bayonet
- fizzle
- flabby lips
- flack
- flag is out, the
- flagging
- flamer
- flaming fruitbar
- flannel-shirt dyke
- flapperitis
- flash and buick
- flash groove
- flash ken
- flash piece
- flash woman
- flat as a pancake
- flat tail
- flatulate
- flea bagger
- fleece hunter
- flesh bag
- flesh factory
- flesh market
- flesh sandwich
- flesh-cushions
- fleshy
- fleshy interests
- fletching
- flick the BIC
- fling woo
- flip off
- flip side
- flip-flaps
- flipping the bishop
- flirt
- flirtatious eyes
- flirty
- float an air biscuit
- flog (oneself)
- flog the bishop
- flog the donkey
- flog the infidel
- flog the mutton
- flog the sausage
- flogging cully
- flogging the frog
- flogging the salami
- flood
- flop
- flopper-stopper
- floppy whites
- flossie
- flounder
- flower of chivalry
- fluff
- fluffhead
- flusher
- fluter
- fly automatic
- fly the red flag
- fly-catcher
- flying manual
- flying the flag
- flytrap
- foghorn
- follicularly challenged
- food gone to waist
- fool around (with)
- fool-sticker
- foot
- foot warmer
- foraminate
- force-fuck
- fore and aft
- forecastle
- foreskin hunter
- Forget Pill
- fork and knife
- form an attachment
- fornicating tool
- fornicators hall
- Fort Bushy
- forty/five
- foundation garment
- Four Fs
- four-letter word
- foursome
- foxy
- Fr/A
- fragrant
- frail sisterhood
- frankendick
- fratting
- freak trick
- free holder
- free lovism
- freebie
- freewheeler
- French
- French article
- French crown
- French disease
- French fever
- French head job
- French lady
- French letter
- French measles
- French passive
- French pox
- French sex
- French vice
- French-fried ice water
- frenchified
- frenulum
- frenulum of the labia
- frenum (of the penis)
- fresh and sweet
- fresh nugs
- Freudian slip
- fribble
- fried eggs
- friendly with
- frig oneself
- friggit
- frigophobia
- frizzle
- froggie
- front bottom
- front door
- front entrance
- front office
- front room
- frontage
- froth
- frowsty
- frozen meat
- fruit juice
- fruit-fly
- fruitex vulvaria
- fruity
- fubsey
- fuck about
- fuck book
- fuck film
- fuck hatch
- fuck like a bunny
- Fuck me gently!
- fuck off
- fuck palmala
- fuck rag
- fuck someone's brains out
- Fuck The World
- fuck wise
- fuck-beggar
- fuck-fist
- fuck-in
- fuck-pig
- fuck-struck
- fuckaholic
- fucked by the fickle finger of fate
- fucked without getting kissed
- fuckfest
- fucking around
- fucking without complications
- fucks anything on two legs
- fucks trucks
- fuckwad
- fud packer
- fudge tunnel
- fugitive from a chain gang
- fulke
- full in the belly
- full of beans
- full of life
- full pudenda
- full-figured
- fumble
- fun and frolics
- fun-stick
- fundament
- funk
- funk the duck
- funmaker
- funny business
- fur
- fur pie
- furor uterinus
- furry fun
- furry mound
- furze-bush
- fusty luggs
- futz
- fuzz burger
- fuzzies
- fuzzy-muzzy
- F.I.N.E.
- fab
- face fucking
- face on a stick
- face time
- facha
- factotum
- fag bag
- fag hag
- fag magnet
- faggot worker
- faggotry
- faggoty
- fagola
- fair sex
- fairy godmother
- fake penis
- fall for it
- fall in a big way
- fall to it
- faloosie
- falsy
- family jewels
- fan one's pussy
- fancy
- fancy lady
- fancy woman
- fangs
- fanny bomb
- fanny fumbling
- fanny noshing
- fanzine
- far goner
- farmer's lady
- fart hole
- fart-arsing around
- fascinating furpiece
- fast fanny
- fast lady
- fast woman
- fat flabs
- fat peter
- fatcha
- father-to-be
- faxing Jimmy Dean
- feak
- featherweights
- fecal speech
- federating
- feed the beaver
- feed the ducks
- feed the fist
- feed the stick
- feeding the other mouth
- feel fuzzy
- feel one's way to heaven
- feel the Colt's tooth
- feeling gay
- feeling unwell
- Felicia
- fellatee
- fellator
- fellatricial
- female bubbies
- female come
- female dom
- female finger fun
- female genital mouth
- female genitorture
- female hiatus
- Female Masturbation
- female organ of reproduction
- female perineal cul-de-sac
- female pudendal funnel
- female pudendal slit
- female sex(ual) organ
- female testicles
- female variety, the
- female-oriented
- feme
- feminine matters
- feminosexual
- femmy
- femoral intercourse
- fence jumper
- fern
- fertilize the sidewalk
- fervid
- fetch
- fetish clothing
- fetishizing
- ficaro
- fiddle bow
- fiddle-fucking around
- fidget the midget in Bridget
- fife and drum
- fifty-fifty
- figa
- fight the turkey
- figure
- filius nullius
- fille de nuit
- filling the box
- filthy babbling
- fine figure
- finger blasting
- finger fun
- finger puppet
- fingering the fountain
- fire in the air
- fire water complex
- fireplace
- firing the surgeon general
- firm the worm
- first game ever played
- fish
- fish face
- fish pond
- fish stick
- fish-monger
- fishing for trouser trout
- fishwife
- fist it off
- fist-fuck
- fistula in ano
- five against one
- five finger exercise(s)
- five knuckle chuckle
- five on one
- five-knuckle-shuffle (on the old piss pump)
- fives
- fizgig
- fla
- flabby melons
- fladge
- flag is up, the
- flagpole
- flaming
- flange
- flap-doodle
- flapping takkie
- flash crib
- flash house
- flash man
- flash tail
- flasher
- flat cock
- flat tire
- flavor comic
- fleabag
- Fleet Street dove
- flesh beer towels
- flesh flick
- flesh peddler
- flesh session
- flesh-monger
- fleshy bagpipes
- fleshy part
- flex one's sex
- flickers
- flinking
- flip oneself off
- flip the bird
- flip-flop
- flipping through the pages
- flirt girl
- flirtee
- flit
- floater
- flog a dead horse
- flog the dog
- flog the dummy
- flog the lizard
- flog the old whipping-boy
- flog the whipping-boy
- flogging the dog
- flogging the hog
- flogging your dumber brother
- floor show
- flop in
- floppers
- flops
- flossing
- flower
- flowers and frolics
- fluff the duff
- flukers
- flute
- fluttering her skirt
- fly fishing
- fly-boy
- fly-girl
- flying on automatic
- flying the Japanese flag
- foam
- foining
- fond of
- food metaphor
- fool for dames, a
- fooling around
- foot long
- for keeps
- forbidden fruit
- forced Greek
- fore and after
- foreman
- forest
- forget-me-not
- fork and spoon
- fornicate
- fornication
- fornicatory doll
- fortune cookie
- foul disease
- fount of femininity
- four sisters on thumb street
- four-lip whistling
- foutering
- Fr
- Fr/P
- frail
- frame
- frankentits
- frau
- freckle
- free love
- free one's hips
- freeing Willy
- freewheeling femme
- French ache(s)
- French artist
- French culture(s)
- French dressing
- French fuck
- French job
- French language expert
- French love
- French method
- French pig
- French prints
- French stuff
- French way
- Frencher
- Frenchified potatoes
- frenulum breve
- frenulum of the penis
- frenum of the clitoris
- fresh axe wound in a bears back
- fresh stock
- Frey
- fricatrix
- friend has come
- friends to stay
- frigamajig
- friggle
- frigster
- frog
- frogging cully
- front botty burp
- front door mat
- front exposure
- front parlor
- front suspension
- frontal development
- frottering bastard
- frowsy
- fruit
- fruit of adultery
- fruit-picker
- fruitful vine
- FtM
- fuck
- fuck around
- fuck bunny
- fuck flaps
- fuck in the ass
- fuck like a minx
- Fuck me pink!
- fuck one's brains out
- fuck passage
- fuck rubber
- fuck something up
- fuck tits
- Fuck you!
- fuck-else
- fuck-happy
- fuck-me pumps
- fuck-plug
- fuck-truck
- fuckass
- fucked out
- fuckee
- fuckhead
- fucking rubber
- fuckish
- fucks anything with a hole in it
- fucksome
- fuckwit
- fudge packer
- fudy
- fugle
- full frontal
- Full lips, fill lips
- full of fuck
- full of oneself
- full wood
- full-service
- fumbler
- fun and games
- fun-zone
- fundamental features
- funk freak
- funk up a wet dream
- funnel
- funny feeling
- fur below
- furburger
- furrow
- furry hoop
- furry muff
- fuss-pot
- futter
- futz around
- fuzz face
- fuzzy cup