Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
1. Jocular synonym for bisexual . See bisexual for synonyms. Antonym: monosexual.2. Or: flippy , in gay terminology, a male who assumes alternately the passive and active role in anal-coitus .
3. To reverse the roles during anal-intercourse .
4. Americanism for mutual oral-sex in the 69 position .
Synonyms: double-header ; double marriage ; head-over-heels-(in-love) ; loop-de-loop ; (play) hoop-snake(s) ; p's-and-q's ; six-to-nine ; sixty-nine ; 69 ; soixante-neuf (French); vice-versa .
See also: catch-a-sixty-nine ; dinner-beneath-the-bridge ; linguistic-exercise ; route-sixty-nine ; thirty-nine .
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