Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. A 19 th century British euphemism for the vagina .
Etymology: Lawrence Paros. The Erotic Tongue (1984): ' Our Fanny derives from fundament (13 th C . for bottom), and she was shortened and punned successfully into funniment, fun, funny, and at last Fanny. But there was nothing funny about her problems in the States. As late as 1929, Fanny found herself on B.F. Keith's list of forbidden expressions that vaudeville performers were not allowed to use on the stage. Instead, they preferred the part-that-went-over-the-fence-last,-the caboose , and where-the-sun-never-shines . ' See vagina for synonyms.

2. More rarely, the ass . See ass for synonyms.

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