1. Sexual intercoursing. See copulation for synonyms.Quotes:
(1) Humping (Robert Gwaltney) and Barney (Paul Rodriguez) in The Whoopee Boys (1986):
-- Humping: ' I'm Humping, the butler .'
-- Barney: ' Oh, yeah? So who's fucking the maid? '
(2) Jess (Bruno Kirby) and Harry (Billy Crystal) in When Harry Met Sally (1989):
-- Jess: ' Marriages don't break-up on account of infidelity . It's just a symbol that something else is wrong .'
-- Harry: ' Really?! Well, that symbol is fucking my wife .'
(3) Julius Jones (Kadeem Hardison) thrown out on the stoop by his girlfriend Eva (Messiri Freeman) in Vampire in Brooklyn (1995):
-- Julius: ' Damn, baby , what did I do? '
-- Eva: ' You were snoring .'
-- Julius: ' Hey, woman , everybody snores .'
-- Eva: ' Not while they're fucking .'
2. The sexual-act regarded generically.
3. An adjectival and adverbial intensifier meaning very, exceedingly (somewhat stronger and much more offensive than bloody ). The fucking fucker's fucking well fucked .
Quote: To the editor of the New Yorker , Harold Ross, who had sent someone to ask authoress Dorothy Parker when she'd come into the office and do some of her work . Dotty sent back the following message: ' Tell Mr. Ross that I'm too fucking busy, and vice-versa .'
4. An infix used for emphasis: Abso-fucking-lutely. Un-fucking-believable .
5. Interfering with.
Quote: Harry 'The Hippo' Gutterman (Dom DeLuise) speaking of the neo-nazis in Loose Cannons (1990): ' They're fucking with the wrong Jew this time! '
6. Fucking-A : Absolutely; definitely.
Synonyms: Bombay-roll, boob-balling, bunny-rub, coitus-inter-mammas, coitus-intramammas, coitus-intermammarius, coitus-a-mammilla, diddiride, Dutch-fuck, French-fuck, fuck-tits, fuck-a-brisket, go-Dutch, jug-jousting, mammary-coitus, mastophallation, mazophallate, muscle-fuck, piss-in-the-dugout, Russian (culture), sex-between-hills, sex-between-mountains, shoot-between-the-fagots, titch, tit-fucking, titty-fuck, titwank, trip-down-mammary-lane, TVF, Mammary-Intercourse, dip-in-the-fudge-pot, fuck-in-the-brown, butt-plug, 66, 99, a-bit-of-brown, a-bit-of-ring, a-bucking, ace-fuck, anal-coitus, anal-copulation, anal-dance, anal-delight, anal-intercourse, anal-genital coition, anal-genital coitus, fuck up the ass, fuck where the devil fears to tread, fudge-packing, get some brown (surgar), get-some-mud-for-the-duck, get-some-round-eye, getting some round eye, go-Hollywood, going-down-the-dirt-road, going-down-the-Hershey-highway, going-up-the-ass, going-up-the-chute, going up mustard road, going-up-the-Hershey-Bar-road, go-up-the-dirt-road, going-up-the-mustard-road, going up the (old) dirt road, Greek (greek), Greek-art(s), Greek-culture(s), Greek-love, Greek-style, Greek-way, greeking, gut-reaming, guy-fucking, have-a-bit-of-bum, have-a-bit-of-navy-cake, have-a-bit-of-tail, Hershey-Bar-route, high-Greek, Hindustani-jig, hole-in-one, hole-it, hose, hot-dogging, impale, in-the-brown, in-the-saddle, Italian-culture, Italian-fashion, Italian-habit, Italian-way, keester-stab, kicking the back the door in, lay-the-leg, let's-play-52-pick-up, love that dare not speak its name, mix-your-peanut-butter, molly, moon shot (moonshot), (the) nameless crime, navy-style, ninety-nine
See Also: 3-Fs / Three Fs / THREE Fs, 4-F(s) / Four F(s) / FOUR F(s), 4-Fer / 4-F-er, 4-Fs / Four Fs / FOUR F'S, 4-K / 4K, 4-letter word / four-letter word, 4QU2 / 4Q2, a.f.o. / A.F.O., AFU, all-she-needs-is-a-good-fuck, Anglo-Saxon monosyllable, arse-fuck, as all fuck, as fuck / like fuck / than fuck, ASAFP, ass fuck(ing) / anal fuck(ing), ass-fucker, asshole fucking, Aylesbury Duck, base-fuck, begat, BF, BFD / B.F.D., BFE / Butt Fuck Egypt, BFI, Big Fucking Deal / BFD, Bigsix, bleep, bom, bong fucked, boring as fuck, buddy-fuck, buddy-fuck week, bufu, bug-fucker / bugfucker, Bum Fuck Egypt, bum-fuckidus, Bumble Fuck Egypt, butt fuck / buttfuck, Butt Fuck Egypt / BFE, butt-fuck buddy, CABFU, Captain Fuckit / Cap'n Fuck-It, cattle truck, chinga su madre, Chuck you, Farley!, cluster fuck / clusterfuck, cluster-fuck party, Cogito, ergo est, Coito, ergo sum, Colonel Puck, colonial puck, come-fuck-me eyes, come-fuck-me's, COMMFU, crazy as fuck, DFL, Dial 3-8-2-5, DILLIGAF, Don't fuck with me / my / the / it..., Donald Duck, double fuck, drop an / the F-bomb, drug-fucked, ducking the fog, dumb fuck / dumbfuck, dumb-fuckery, east butt-fuck, ebony fuck, eff / effing, Eff off!, effing around, F factor, the, F**K, F-A-B, F-all / f-all, F-him / F-her, F-ing, F-off / f-off, F-plan, F-U2, F-word, F-you!, F.I.N.E., F.O., F.U. / FU, F.U.C.K. / FUCK, faceless fuck, fact, Fanfuckingtastic! / Fan-fucking-tastic, fank you, FEAR, feck, ferk / firk, fetish fuck, FF, FFF, FFRD, FFS / ffs, fickey fick, fico, fiddle-fuck (around) / fiddlefuck (around), fiddle-fuck / fiddlefuck, FIGJAM, FIIK, Findum Fuckum & Flee, finger scale, firk / ferk, firkin(g), fish, fist-fuckee, fist-fucker, fist-fucking, fisting / fist-fucking, FK, FKS, flak, flicking, flipping, fluff, fluff off!, flying fuck, FMH, FNG(s), FNT, FOAD, FOC, focal, focative, FOFN, foken / fokken, follow me and fuck-me shoes, fork, Fork you!, fotuere, FOUR F(s) / Four F(s) / 4-F(s), FOUR FS / Four F's / 4-Fs, four-letter word / 4-letter word, foutre, Fox Oscar!, frap, freaking, French-fried-fuck, freshman fuckbook, Friar Tuck, frick / fricking, frig / frigging, FTA, FTL, FTW, FUB, FUBAB, FUBAR, FUBB, FUBIO, FUBIS, fuccant, Fuck 'em all bar/but six (and they can be the pallbearers), Fuck 'em all!, Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke, Fuck 'n' Roll, fuck (someone's) ass out, fuck (someone's) brains out, fuck (someone) blue, fuck (someone) over, fuck a woodpile on the chance there's a snake in it, He'd, fuck and run guy, fuck and suck flick, fuck anything (fill in the blanks), fuck anything that moves, I/he/she'll, fuck anything with a crack, Fuck art, let's dance, fuck ebony, fuck eye, the, fuck feast, fuck fetish, fuck flaps, Fuck for Peace Campaign, fuck her while she's still hot, fuck in the ass, fuck in the brown, fuck in the face, fuck in the head, fuck in the mouth, fuck in the teeth, fuck it!, fuck like a champ, fuck like a rabbit, fuck like a stoat, fuck like bunnies, fuck like minxs, fuck machine, fuck Mary Palm (and her (four) sisters), Fuck me hard! / Fuck me harder (and no lubricants), Fuck me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name Gretchen, Fuck me plenty!, Fuck me!, Fuck me! said the Duchess more in hope than in anger, fuck Mrs. Palmer, fuck nob / fucknob, fuck of the (fill in the blank), fuck off, Fuck off and die!, fuck pig / fuckpig, fuck pixs / fuck pixes / fuck pics / fuck pictures, fuck site(s), fuck spider, Fuck that/this for a game of soldiers!, fuck the dog (and sell the pups), fuck the rest, Fuck U / FUCK U / Fuck U-niversity / Fuck University, fuck up / fuck-up, fuck up the ass, FUCK UTU / FUCK U-2 / FUCK U2, fuck where the devil fears to tread, fuck with, Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!, Fuck you!, fuck-a-buck, Fuck-a-duck! / Fuck a duck!, fuck-a-licious / fuckalicious, fuck-a-thon / fuckathon, Fuck-A-Vision / fuckavision, fuck-all, fuck-buddy, fuck-fest / fuckfest, fuck-fist, fuck-focused eroticism, fuck-free, fuck-happy, fuck-happy rabbit, fuck-hole / fuckhole, fuck-ism / fuckism, fuck-log, fuck-me eyes, fuck-me pumps, fuck-me shoes, fuck-monster, fuck-o-meter, fuck-o-rama, fuck-off money, fuck-off slippers, fuck-offs, fuck-up quotient, fuck-you money, fuck-your-buddy week, fuck-yourism, fucka, fuckability, fuckabilly, Fuckadilla, fuckard, fuckaus, fuckball, fucked, fucked by the fickle finger of fate, fucked over, fucked up, fucked up and far from home, fucked without getting kissed, fucken / fuckin' / fuck'n, fucker, fucking, Fucking A, fucking asshole, Fucking hell!, fucking the dog, fucking the pink, fucking the thighs, fuckle, fucknik, fuckology, fuckshitwankcunts, Fuckstones, The, fuckstrated, fuckwank, fuckwithable, fuckwittage / fuckwittery, fuckwittery / fuckwittage, fucla, fucus, fug / fugging, fugle, fugly, FUJIGMO, fuk / fukin, Fuking / Fukin, fukka, fukkit, FUKKN, fulke, full of fuck, FUMTU, funch, Funfuckingtastic!, FUQ, Fuque you!, futter, futuere, futz, futzing around, Fuuuuuuuck!, fuzzy fuck, fvk / FVK, FYFI, gang-fuck, George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words, get fucked, Get the fuck outa here, GFF, GFO, GFU, Give me a fucking break!, give-a-fuck, GMFU, Go fuck yourself! / Go get fucked!, goatfuck / goat fuck, goose and duck, GPU, hard as fuck, Hawaiian muscle fuck, head fuck / headfuck, HFH, hit and run fuck, bing bang, thank you, ma'am (kind of guy), I (just) don't give a fuck, I'm too fucking busy, and vice versa, IFO, IMFU, Infamous Seven Words, infucktion, International fuck-your-buddy week, JAFU, JANFU, Joe Buck, Kenifa Kerr, Kenny Fakur, kick the fuck out of (someone), Kinnell!, Kung Fuck Master, lame duck, like fuck / as fuck, like old people fuck, mercy fuck / pity fuck, mind fuck, mouth fuck(ing), Mrs. Duckett, naff / NAFF, NFG, NFI, NFW, not give a (flying) fuck, not-to-be-fucked-with, O.F.D.s, Only the best, fuck the rest, pfc, pheasant plucker, Phu Q / Phu-Q, phuc, phucque / phucque 2 / PhuhKue, phuk / phuking, Phukett, phuque / PhuQue, Phuque ewe, Phuque Hugh Tu / phuque UTU / phuque U2, phuque U / phuque kew, pity fuck / mercy fuck, play fiddly-fuck, prestige fuck / status fuck, punch fucking, push in the truck, quick fuck, R.A.F., rat fuck, RFF, roasted duck, RTFM, rubber duck, Russian duck, SAPFU, Scare the living fuck out of (someone), Seduce my ancient footwear!, Seven Deadly Words, Seven Dirty Words, The, Seven No-No's, shitty fuck / muddy fuck, sick fuck, skull-fuck, smeg, SNAFU, SNEFU, STFB, STFU, suckum fuckum movie, SUSFU, sweet F.A. / sweet fuck-all, sweet fuck-all / sweet F.A., TAFUBAR, Take a flying fuck (at/through a rolling doughnut/donut), TARFU, TFTF, The Big F, The Big Space Fuck, the bird / the birdie, The Capital F, The fuck off!, THREE Fs / Three Fs / 3-Fs, TMF, TMFA, tongue-fuck, trolley and truck, uck-fay, UFO, ugly verb, the, unfuck, V sign, the, vitamin F, WFW, What the fuck!, Who do I have to fuck to (fill in the blank)?, Who gives a (flying) fuck!, WOFTAM, WTF / wtf, WTFRU, Yuck Foo, zinzanbruck, zipless fuck
Quotes Containing fucking:
Don't drink water; fish fuck in it . -> W.C. Fields (1880-1946) I'm horny enough to fuck the crack of dawn -> From a Spike Lee movie. I fuck you right where you breathe -> Johnny Boy in Mean Streets (1973) Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you! Let him fuck you! -> The Exorcist (1973) A mental mind fuck can be nice -> The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) My name is Buck and I'm ready to fuck! -> Robert Englund in Eaten Alive (1976) You're gonna fuck her brains out , aren't you? -> Animal-House (1978) I'm not crazy, I just don't give a fuck -> Willy in Night of the Comet (1984) Good luck, fuck you very much. -> J. Lithgow in The Glitter Dome (1984) Baby wants to fuck! Baby wants to fuck Blue Velvet! -> D . Hopper in Blue Velvet (1986) I'll fuck anything that moves! -> Dennis Hopper in Blue Velvet (1986) Pyle, you climb obstacles like old people fuck! -> Sgt Hartman. Full Metal Jacket (1987) Eat a bowl of fuck! I am here to party! -> Night of the Demons (1987) Pork away pal. Fuck her blue -> Otto in A Fish Called Wanda (1988) Yeah, I'm serious, I'll fuck you up quick two times! -> Do the Right Thing (1989) Fucking, mumbling, stuttering little fuck -> Goodfellas (1990) Abso-fucking-lutely! -> Marked for Death (1990) Great pipes . I've heard cats fuck with more harmony-Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990) I'm so goddamn horny I could fuck mud -> The Hitman (1991) Holy fuckup -> The Pope Must Die (1991) Meyer, we have known each other since we were too young to fuck -> Beatty, Bugsy (1991) When in doubt, fuck -> Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman (1992) Fuck like minxs, raise rugrats, live happily ever after -> M . Douglas. Basic Instinct (1992) Fuck you! That's my name! -> Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) I smoke anybody, I don't give a fuck -> O-Dog in Menace II Society (1993) Baseball-bat their fucking heads -> A Bronx Tale (1993) You're my designated fuck -> The Last Seduction (1994) I wouldn't fuck you with a rented vagina -> In Angie (1994) Let me check the zip code: 212 fuck you -> In Serial Mom (1994) Jesus Herald Christ on a fucking-rubber crutch! -> Natural Born Killers (1994) Don't be telling me about foot massages; I'm the foot fucking master -> PulpFiction (1994) Fuck you very much, thank you -> In Search and Destroy (1994) Fuck you, fuckball -> Dennis Farina in Get Shorty (1995) Fuck your own -> Billy Jacoby in Just One of the Boys (1985) I feel like I owe you a great fuck -> Mira Sorvino -> Mighty Aphrodite (1995) I'm gonna fuck you up beyond repair! -> In Mallrats (1995) Eat my fuck -> Amy Blue in The Doom Generation (1995) Shut your fucking mouth when you're talking to me, pal -> The Brothers McMullen (1995) We're all happy and free as long as I can fuck as much as I want -> Before Sunrise (1995) Fuck all y'all -> Reese Witherspoon in Freeway (1996) C'mon Donnie, let's fillet this fat fuck -> Bruno Kirby in Donnie Brasco (1997) Actually, I came for a quick fuck , but you spoiled it by talking -> Smilla's Sense of Snow (1997) Fuck you with a... a sick dick -> The Players Club (1998) Fuck sympathy! I don't need your fuckin' sympathy, man , I need my fucking johnson! -> The Big Lebowski (1998) Fuck it , dude , let's go bowling -> The Big Lebowski (1998) Most men'll fuck a lamppost -> Gina McKee in Croupier (1998) Fuck Martha Stewart! Martha Stewart can kiss my shiny plastic butt! -> Bride of Chucky (1998) Fuck me, your majesty! -> Annette Bening in American Beauty (1999) There's an old Italian saying: you fuck-up once, you lose two teeth -> The Sopranos (1999) Where the fuck is the yellow brick road? -> Dorothy in The Oz Project (1999) How about a nice big cup of shut the fuck up? -> Kolobos (1999) Man, you are one twisted fuck -> American Beauty (1999) Fuck! It's Elvis! -> Detroit Rock City (1999) Hey, for a grand I'd take the cat outside and fuck it -> Dean in Angst (2000)
'They're fucking with the wrong Jew this time!'Harry 'The Hippo' Gutterman (Dom DeLuise) speaking of the neo-nazis in Loose Cannons (1990)
'You know , there's a saying in Naples: When you think you're fucking them, they're fucking you.' Michael Korda (Michael Wincott) in Metro (1997)
'I'm Tony Montana! You fuck with me, your fucking with the best!' Tony (Al Pacino) in Scarface (1983)
'You think you can recapture your youth by fucking it .' Johnny (David Thewlis) in NAKED (1993)
'You're no messiah. You're a movie of the week. You're a fucking t-shirt, at best.' Detective David Mills (Brad Pitt) in Se7en (1995)
'Fuck is not a bad word, fuck is a good word. Fuck is the reason I'm here, fuck is the reason you are here. If your mom and dad did not fuck you would not be here, OK? So get over it , O-fucking-K?' Madonna
'They were gonna make me a major for this, and I wasn't even in their fucking army anymore.' Captain Benjamin L. Willard: (Martin Sheen) in Apocalypse Now (1979)
One fucking word and your head is everywhere.' Eddie (Whoopi Goldberg) robbing people at gun point in Homer & Eddie (1990)
'Working for Wamer Brothers is like fucking a porcupine; it's one hundred pricks against one.' Wilson Mizner quoted by Max Wilk in The Wit and Wisdom of Hollywood (1971)
'I'm your worst fucking nightmare, man . I'm a nigger with a badge . That means I got the mission to kick your fucking ass whenever I feel like it .' Reggie Hammond (Eddie Murphy) in a cowboy bar in 48 HRS. (1983). (1) 'I'm your worst nightmare.' - Sam McMurray, as Glen, in Raising Arizona (1987) (2) 'I'm your worst nightmare! An eight year old with a badge .' - Norman D . Golden II, as Devon Butler, assisting detective Burt Reynolds for a day, gives a speeding ticket to the school principal in Cop and a Half (1993) (3) '- Who is this? - Your worst nightmare.' - Ted Levine, as terrorist Alex Tierney, in Detonator (1993) (4) 'Mr. Whitney? Yeah, this is your worst nightmare. The Liberty Maid. I've got a message for you and your Pentagon cronies.' - Martha Plimpton, as The Liberty Maid / Alison on the run with brothers John and Sam, to their father Mr. Whitney (Stephen Tobolowsky) in Josh and S.A.M. (1993) (5) 'You've seen these movies where they say: Make my Day! or, I'm your worst nightmare! Well, listen to this one. Rubber baby-buggy bumpers .' - Arnold Schwarzenegger, as Jack Slater, in Last Action Hero (1993) (6) 'I'm gonna be your worst nightmare.' - Rock Reilly (Tom Berenger) engaging Eddie Devane (William McNamara) in a fist fight in Chasers (1994). (7) 'Welcome to your worst nightmare.' - Herbert Cadbury (Jonathan Hyde) playing gin rummy with the prison lowlife (Rush Pearson) in Richie Rich (1994). (8) '- Who are you? - I'm you're worst nightmare. I'm a citizen with a constitutional right to bear arms. ' - The Canadian Montie (Steven Wright) and the American Sheriff Bud Boomer (John Candy) in Canadian Bacon (1995)
Matt (Ian Rose) and Kevin (Roger Daltey) in Like It Is (1998): - Matt: 'Go fuck yourself, Kelvin.' - Kelvin: 'I frequently do and I fucking enjoy it!'
Jess (Bruno Kirby) and Harry (Billy Crystal) in When Harry Met Sally (1989): - Jess: 'Marriages don't break-up on account of infidelity . It's just a symbol that something else is wrong.' - Harry: 'Really?! Well, that symbol is fucking my wife .'
Humping (Robert Gwaltney) and Barney (Paul Rodriguez) in The Whoopee Boys (1986): - Humping: 'I'm Humping, the butler.' - Barney: 'Oh, yeah? So who's fucking the maid?'
Julius Jones (Kadeem Hardison) being thrown off the stoop by his girlfriend Eva (Messiri Freeman) in Vampire in Brooklyn (1995) - Julius: 'Damn, baby , what did I do?' - Eva: 'You were snoring.' - Julius: 'Hey, woman , everybody snores.' - Eva: 'Not while they're fucking .'
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