Words in the Sex Dictionary starting with the letter T
- T & A
- T man
- T-bird
- T.L.C.
- table dancing
- tabs
- tacker
- taco
- tadger
- taffy-pulling contest
- tail bone
- tail duds
- tail flowers
- tail gone to seed
- tail oil
- tail pike
- tail shot
- tail tackle
- tail water
- tail worker
- tail-line
- tailgator
- taint
- take a crap
- take a finger ride
- take a load off your mind
- take a poo
- take a shit
- take a trip to the moon
- take a turn in Cupid's Alley
- take a turn in the Hair Court
- take a turn on Mount Pleasant
- take a whiz(z)
- Take Back the Night
- take French lessons
- take in hand
- take it in
- take liberties with someone
- take one's bed
- take out insurance
- take someone
- take the fall
- take the final step
- take the old fall
- take the vows
- take-out hooker
- taking a ride
- taking care of business
- taking ol' one eye through the fly
- taking some time off
- tale of two cities
- talk box
- talk German
- talk to god on the big white telephone
- talk trap
- talking dirty
- talking to the boat people
- tallywhacker
- tame the beef weasel
- taming the shrew
- tan-tracker
- tannhauser
- tantaleur
- tap
- tap-dance
- taphephobia
- tapioca pudding
- tar brush
- tardorgasmus
- tarrywags
- Tarzan chord
- tassels
- tasty gel
- tatas
- taters and tea
- tattoo queen
- tavern maid
- tea dance
- tea room trade
- tea-hound
- teacher
- team cream
- tear in the eye
- tearoom
- tease the python
- teasing the taco
- teat
- technical virgin
- technodynamia
- tee-tee
- teener
- teeny bopper
- teeth
- teledildonics
- telephone scatalogia
- telephone the stomach
- telephonophobia
- telophilia
- temperature eroticism
- Temple of Venus
- temptress
- ten-o'clock girl
- tender button
- tender trap
- tenderizing the meat
- tenderloin madam
- tent
- tentiginous
- tenuc
- terbutaline
- terror of virgins
- test the flashlight
- testicular sac
- testing the plumbing
- tetbury portion
- tetinas
- Texas longhorn
- thanatophile
- that certain something
- that there
- that way about
- thatch
- theater in the round
- thelemassation
- Thelma and Louise
- thelyflorescence
- theophobia
- thermophobia
- thesocratia
- thighs
- thing
- thingamaling
- thingstable
- thingummy
- third eye
- third sex
- thirst for
- thirty-nine
- thisa and thata
- thlipsophilist
- thorn (in the flesh)
- thousand pities
- thread
- three B's
- three F's
- three wheeler
- three-finger fuck around
- three-layer cake
- three-letter man
- three-piece set
- three-way
- three-way marriage
- threesies
- thrill dame
- throbbing member
- throne queen
- throttle the turkey
- throw a bop into
- throw a mean fuck
- throw one a hump
- throw the ball around
- throwing (one)
- thrum
- thumb
- thump
- thygatria
- tib
- tic-tacs
- tickle the crack
- tickle the mustache
- tickle torture
- tickle-Thomas
- ticklers
- tickling the ivories
- tidbits
- tie that binds, the
- tie up
- tiff
- tight-assed
- tigress
- Tijuana racetrack
- tiki-tiki
- tilting
- timesqueer
- tin solder
- tinkle
- tip
- tip the velvet
- tired-old thing
- tisket a-tasket
- tit art
- tit fuck
- tit king
- tit puller
- tit torture
- tit-bits
- tit-smacker
- titbit(s)
- tithioscopia
- titillation
- tits and ass
- tittens
- titties
- titty
- titty discipline
- titty shake
- titty-freak
- tivy
- to be late
- toad-eater
- toby finger (salute)
- tocks
- tocopepantic
- todger toaster
- toesies
- toilet cam
- toilet sex
- toilet training
- token chicken
- tokis
- Tokyo trots
- Tom Doolies
- tom tits
- tom-tom
- tomb, the
- tomcat with three balls
- tommy buster
- tomophobia
- tong
- tongue job
- tongue somebody out
- tongue wash
- tongue-fuck
- tonguing the hole
- tonk
- tonsil swabbing
- Tonya
- toobsteak
- tool box
- tool of pleasure
- toolshed
- toosh
- toot meat
- tooth somebody to death
- tootie fruitie
- tootsie
- tootsy
- top ballocks
- top drawer
- top ones
- top-heavy
- topless bar
- topping from the bottom
- torch
- torch of Venus
- torchy
- torment the trouser trout
- Torquemada, Tomas de
- torso job
- toss a salad
- toss freaks
- toss off
- toss the salad
- tossing off
- tossing the pink salad
- tossing yogurt
- totty
- touch of the trays, a
- touch up
- touch-on
- toucheur
- touchy
- tour de france
- tousle-top
- town bike
- town punch
- toxic shock syndrome
- toy-toy
- trabajado trader
- trade
- tradesmens entrance
- traffic
- train
- trainspotter
- trannie
- trannying
- trans-fag
- transactivist
- transdyke
- transfan
- transgendered
- transhomosexuality
- transitional bisexuality
- transnatural
- transrectal
- transsexualism
- transvaginal
- transvestism
- transy
- trap stick
- trash-rack
- traumatophilia
- travel route sixty-nine
- tray bits
- treasure trail
- tree monkey
- tremblers
- Treponema pallidum
- trial marriage
- tribadance
- tribadus
- tribology
- trichologia
- trichophilous
- trick book
- trick pad
- trick-out
- Tricky Dicky
- trigger zone
- trim and buff
- trinket
- trip down mammary lane
- triple crown
- triple play
- tripsolagnophilia
- triss
- trod the planks
- Trois, Les
- troller
- trollies
- trolling the bermuda triangle
- trombone
- trot out one's pussy
- trotters
- trouser arouser
- trouser olympics
- trouser snake CPR
- trouser trout
- trousseau
- truckers
- true to her sheets
- truelove knot
- trugging house
- trull
- truth or dare
- trypan
- TS
- tube
- tube-steak of love
- tufted honor
- tug-o-war with the cyclops
- tulip sauce
- tumefied phallus
- tummy
- tummy-fuck
- tun
- tuna taco
- tunica dartos
- tunnel of love
- turd bandit
- turgescent
- turkey money
- Turkish delight
- turn
- turn gay
- turn on
- turn on the sprinkler
- turn over
- turn the knob
- turned off
- turning japanese
- turnip seeds
- turtle head
- tush
- tusks
- TV discipline
- tvf
- twang
- twangman
- twat mat
- twat say?
- twat-faker
- twat-hungry
- twatch
- twatty
- tweak the twig
- tweenager
- twent
- twiddle poop
- twidget
- twilight
- twilight lads
- twilighters
- twin lovelies
- twinkers
- twinkle-toes
- twirl the pearls
- twist and twirl
- twisting the crank
- twit
- two beebees on a bread board
- two fingered tango
- two rounded hillocks
- two-bit hustler
- two-handed put
- two-timer
- two-way baby
- twosies
- typhlobasia
- T & B
- T Star
- T-room
- ta-tas
- table-ender
- tachorgasmia
- tackhead
- taco queen
- tadpole carrier
- tagnuts
- tail box
- tail end
- tail for the cock
- tail high
- tail one's guts out
- tail pin
- tail side
- tail trader
- tail wind
- tail-biz
- tail-sweet
- tailist
- take a beating
- take a dump
- take a flier
- take a look at
- take a ride on the mean spanking machine
- take a squat
- take a turn in Bushy Park
- take a turn in Cupid's Corner
- take a turn in the hay
- take a turn on Shooters Hill
- take an air dump
- take Captain Picard to warp speed
- take in and do for
- take it
- take it in the mouth
- take matters into your own hands
- take one's pleasure
- take out the trash
- take someone to bed
- take the fatal jump
- take the Hershey highway
- take the plunge
- take to
- taken with
- taking a shake break
- taking her temperature with a meat thermometer
- taking old one-eye to the optometrist
- taking the Jocelyn Elders midterm
- talent
- talk dirt(y)
- talk in (deep) hues of magnolia
- talk to management
- talk trash
- talking down the great white telephone
- talking to the canoe driver
- tamale-pie eater
- tame the monster
- Tampax time
- tan-trouser(ed) snake
- tanpon it long
- tantaleuse
- tap a keg
- tapdancer
- taphophilia
- tapioca toothpaste
- tarantula eyes
- target
- tarse
- tarzoon
- tastebud
- tasty-cover(s)
- tater tots
- tattas
- taunting the one-eyed weasel
- tawse
- tea engagement
- tea timers
- teach our children to fly
- teacups
- team player
- tear in the lily
- tearoom queen
- teaser
- teasing the tuna
- teated
- technicolor laugh
- technological orgasm
- teeming
- teenhood
- teeny hooker
- teeth in her crotch
- telefag
- telephone scatologia
- telephone trade
- tell a French joke
- tempasthenia
- temple of love
- Temple of Virginity
- temuvalent
- tenant-in-tail
- tender chick
- tender tumour
- tenderizing the tube steak
- tenderoni
- tent peg
- tentigo
- teratophallia
- teretophallic
- terror play
- test the mattress
- testicular tensile strength test
- testing the testicles
- tete-a-tete
- tetitas
- TG
- thanatophilia
- that crazy hand jive
- that thing
- that way inclined
- thatch hatch
- thel-
- thelerethism
- Thelonius Monk
- thelyphthoric
- therapeutic interruption of pregnancy
- theroid
- thews
- thigmacupidus
- thing-a-ling
- thingamy
- thingumabob
- thingy
- third gender
- third sexer
- thirsty
- thirty-three
- Thisbe
- thlipsosis
- thorough-good-natured wench
- thrap(e)
- thread the needle
- three bags full
- three high
- three-bee
- three-hole activities
- three-legged
- three-penny bits
- three-piece suit
- three-way broad
- three-way split
- threesome
- thriller
- throbbing muscle of pure love
- throne room
- throw
- throw a buttonhole on
- throw a screw into
- throw one's dagger
- throw the hash
- throwing the pork
- thrumster
- thumb of love
- thump the pump
- thygatrilagnia
- tibialoconcupiscent
- tick-tack
- tickle the ditty
- tickle the pickle
- tickle your fancy
- tickle-toby
- tickling
- tickling the little man in the boat
- tiddelly pod
- tie the knot (that binds)
- tie up with
- tiffing
- tight-knit
- Tijuana Bible
- Tijuana trots
- till
- time buying
- timophilia
- Tina Tuna
- tinkler-belle
- tip out
- tipout
- tired-rabbit
- tiskies
- tit bondage
- tit fucking
- tit lottery
- tit queen
- Tit Valley Fuck
- tit-fucker
- tit-up
- titch
- titillagnia
- titillatione mammarum
- tits and zits
- titter
- tittivate
- titty bar
- titty fuck
- titty torture
- titty-oggy
- to be over ones time
- toady
- toby salute
- tockus
- tocophobia
- toe queen
- toffee strings
- toilet queen
- toilet slave
- toilet water
- token of sincerity
- toko-
- toles d'abattage
- tom fucker
- Tom, Dick, and Harry
- Tomasina
- tomboy
- tomcating
- Tommy Dodd
- tomrig
- tongue
- tongue kiss
- tongue sushi
- tongue with a great T
- tongue-fucking
- tonguing the tan crack
- tonking
- tonsil wrench
- too big for one's clothes
- tooky
- tool check
- toolbox
- toonkins
- tooshie
- toot the flute
- toothache
- tooting the horn
- tootsie roll
- tootsy-wootsy
- top balls
- top lights
- top set
- top-sergeant
- topless radio
- tops and bottoms
- torch carrier
- torch song
- torista(s)
- torn
- torquemadian
- torso-tosser
- tosh
- toss beanbags
- toss him off
- toss ones cookies
- toss up
- tossing pink salad
- tossing the salad
- total coverage
- touch
- touch the bun for luck
- touch-crib
- touch-trap
- toucheurism
- tough shit!
- tour time
- towdie
- town bull
- town rake
- toy
- TP
- track one
- trade spit
- trading on her bottom
- traffic in flesh
- train Terrence at the terra-cotta
- tram lines
- tranny
- trans
- trans-hag
- transcengender
- transexion
- transfashion
- transgenderism
- transie
- TransLesBiGay
- transparent
- transsectional
- transsexuality
- transversity
- transvestite
- tranz-fag
- trap two
- trashy
- traumatophiliac
- traveler's aid
- treasure
- treasury
- tree of life
- tremophobia
- trey bits
- triangle
- tribade
- tribady
- triborgasmia
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- trichophobia
- trick day
- trick suit
- tricking
- tried
- trill
- trim the buff
- triolism
- trip down the mine shaft
- triple header
- triple shag
- tripsophilia
- Tristan
- trog
- Trojan
- trolley and truck
- trolling
- trolling the toilet
- tromboning
- troth
- trouble and strife
- trouser cough
- trouser rouser
- trouser tent
- trouser trumpet
- trout
- true confession
- true twin
- truelover's knot
- trugging ken
- trump
- try it for size
- trysexual
- tu quoque
- tube of meat
- tube-stroker
- tufted treasure
- tugging the slug
- tum-tum
- tumescence
- tummy banana
- tummy-tickler
- tuna
- tuna tins
- tuning the fork
- tup
- turd burglar
- turgid bayonet
- turkey neck
- Turkish disease
- turn (someone's) head
- turn handstands
- turn on the heat
- turn on the waterworks
- turn someone on
- turn the teacup over
- turned on
- turning on, tuning in and dropping out
- turnover
- turpicunnia
- turtle's head
- tushie
- tutor
- TV lounge
- twachel
- twang the wire
- twat
- twat peddler
- twat water
- twat-hammock
- twat-masher
- twatchel
- twatty wank
- tweak the twinkie
- tweeny
- twenty-four seven
- twiddle with oneself
- twig
- twilight boys
- twilight men
- twim
- twin peaks
- twinkie
- twinky
- twirl the squirrel
- twist the turnip
- twisting the piston
- twit the clit
- twitters, the
- two dots and a dash
- two on the town
- two snaps up
- two-bit Sadie
- two-leaved book
- two-timing
- two-way girl
- twosome
- tyrannism
- T boy
- T*
- T-room queen
- tababido
- table-for-twoing
- tachycardia
- tackle
- tactus
- tadpole treasure
- tail
- tail chicken
- tail feathers
- tail gap
- tail hole
- tail over the dashboard
- tail pipe
- tail sister
- tail trading
- tail winds
- tail-femme
- tail-tickling
- tailless
- take a cherry
- take a fall
- take a leak
- take a pee
- take a roll with
- take a trip around the parsley patch
- take a turn in Cock Alley
- take a turn in the barrel
- take a turn in the stubble
- take a turn on the aphrodisiacal tennis court
- take an Irish shave
- take down (by hand)
- take in beef
- take it anyway
- take it out in trade
- take Nebuchadnezzar out to grass
- take one's snake for a gallop
- take somebody on
- take the bayonet course
- take the fatal leap
- take the high dive
- take the sheet
- take to bed
- taking a dip
- taking a trip south
- taking Herman to the circus
- taking part in population control
- taking the monster for a one-armed ride
- talent scout
- talk dirty
- talk on the great white telephone
- talk to the carpet
- talk turkey
- talking kiss
- tallywag(ger)
- tamales
- taming goliath
- tampered with
- tango con mano
- tansie
- tantalization
- tap a kidney
- tape
- taphophobia
- taquitos
- tardagen
- target practice
- tart
- taskmaster
- taster
- tat
- tater trap
- tatties
- tautaner
- taxi driver
- tea
- tea room
- tea towel holder
- teach your dog to spit
- teahouse
- teapot
- tear off a piece (of ass)
- tearoom trade
- teasing
- teasing the weasel
- teats
- technicolor yawn
- tee off
- teen tribe
- teenie-weenie
- teeny-rocker
- telasthenia
- telephone house
- telephone scatophilia
- telephoner
- tell the folks
- tempasthenic
- temple of low men
- temporary priapism
- ten
- tender agony
- tender parnel
- tenderfoot
- tenderloin
- tennagant
- tent pole
- tentigogenic
- teratophallic
- terminate a pregnancy
- tertiary syphilis
- testes
- testimonials
- testosities
- tether one's nag
- tetons
- TG people
- thanatophobia
- that funny feeling
- that time of the month
- that way over
- thatched house (under the hill)
- thelebasiate
- theletage
- thelorthia
- thelysodomy
- There's a smell of gunpowder
- thesauromania
- thicket
- thigmosis
- thingamabobs
- thingie
- thingumbobs
- think the world of
- third leg
- third venereal disease
- thirty-day boy
- this and that
- thistle
- thoroughbred
- thrapping
- threadbare
- three card trick
- Three P
- three-dimensional romance
- three-in-a-bed
- three-legged beaver
- three-penny upright
- three-ring circus
- three-way frail
- three-way swing
- thrill
- throb knob
- throbbing python (of love)
- throttle kojak
- throw a bird
- throw a fuck into
- throw a wicked fuck
- throw one's hat in the wedding ring
- throw the tongue
- throws a mean fuck
- thrupenny bits
- thumb the button
- thump the pumper
- thyrsos
- tibiocontrectation
- tickle
- tickle the ivories
- tickle the taco
- tickle-gizzard
- tickleables
- tickling her fancy
- tickling the one-eyed weasel
- tiddle
- tie the lover's knot
- tied the knot
- tight pin (somebody)
- tightbuck
- Tijuana cha-cha
- Tijuana Tuck & Roll
- tillage
- time of the month, that
- timothy
- tinderbox
- tinta
- tip the long one
- tiptoe through the twolips
- tirly-whirly
- tissue-paper titties
- tit discipline
- tit holder
- tit man
- tit sling
- tit-bag
- tit-hammock
- tit-wanker
- tithead
- titillate
- titless wonder
- tits man
- tittery
- tittivated
- titty bondage
- titty hard-on
- titty twister
- titwank
- to die for
- Toblerone tunnel
- toc-
- toco-
- toe rage
- toggling the bit
- toilet service
- toilet talk
- tok-
- token-fag queers
- tokology
- toll-hole
- tom patrol
- Tom-tart
- tomato
- tombstones
- tomgirl
- Tommy Rollicks
- tomtit
- tongue bath
- tongue kissing
- tongue the tan crack
- tongue wrestle
- tongue-on
- tonguing the tan track
- tonsil hockey
- tonsil-lectomy
- too funny
- tool
- tool chest
- tooled
- toonkuns
- tooshies
- toot toot
- toothless mouth
- tootle
- tootsie-wootsie
- tooty-frooty
- top buttocks
- top man
- top surgery
- topcoat
- topophobia
- topside
- torch job
- torching
- torking the fork
- torpedoe
- torquing the taliwacker
- torture
- Tosos
- toss cookies
- toss in the hay
- toss ones tacos
- tosser
- tossing the caber
- tossing the snag
- total power exchange
- touch bone and whistle
- touch the toes
- touch-hole
- touche pipi
- touching oneself
- tough titties!
- tourist
- towel rack
- town Johnny
- town tramp
- toy boy
- track two
- trader
- trading post
- tragalist
- train the love porpoise
- tramp
- tranny fucker
- trans catcher
- trans-sex surgery
- transdetector
- transexual
- transgender
- transgenderist
- transindividual
- transmale
- transpeople
- transsex procedures
- transurethal resection of the prostate
- transvest
- transvestitism
- tranz-hag
- trapeze artist
- trat
- traumatophobia
- traveling past the mason-dixon line
- treasure box
- treating yourself right
- tree of love
- trench
- Tri Ess
- triangle of love
- tribadic
- tribalism
- trich
- trichomoniasis
- trick
- trick night
- trick-babe
- tricking broad
- trifle
- trillbye
- trimmed
- trip
- trip to the moon
- triple hip
- triple treat queen
- trisexual
- trixie
- troilism
- Trojan horse
- trolley-dolly
- trolling for flames
- trollop
- tropophobia
- trothplight
- trounce
- trouser ferret
- trouser serpent in the grass
- trouser toy
- trouser truncheon
- trout-fishing
- true hermaphrodite
- truegendered
- truffle hunting
- trugmolly
- trumpet
- try it on for size
- tryst
- TT
- tubal ligation
- tube queen
- tubs
- tug muscle
- tugging the tapioca tube
- tumble
- tumescent
- tummy tuck
- tummy-tickling
- tuna fish
- tuna town
- tuning the horn
- tuppence licker
- turd packer
- Turk
- turkey-trotter
- Turkish medal
- turn a date
- turn it on
- turn on the lamps
- turn one out
- turn someone out
- turn tricks
- turned on by
- turning tricks
- turnpike
- turrets
- turtleneck
- tushies
- tuzzy-muzzy
- TV style
- twam
- twanger
- twat fuzz
- twat raking
- twat-crazy
- twat-happy
- twat-sucker
- twatter
- tweak
- tweaking the little man in the boat
- tweeterfrank
- twenty-twenty
- twiddle-diddler
- twig and berries
- twilight crowd
- twilight personality
- twin
- twink
- twinkies
- twins, the
- twist
- twisted
- twisting the tool
- twitchet
- twixt wind and water
- two ferrets fighting in a sack
- two raisins on a bread board
- two-backed beast
- two-by-four
- two-mama papa
- two-way
- twofer
- twot
- T folk
- T* People
- T.L.
- tabanca
- tabophobia
- tachyorthosis
- tacky drag
- tadge
- taffy tugger
- tail around
- tail dating
- tail fence
- tail gate
- tail juice
- tail peddler
- tail security
- tail stew
- tail wagging
- tail work
- tail-job
- tailgate
- tailpipe
- take a cottage course
- take a fancy to
- take a legal piss
- take a piss
- take a shine to
- take a trip around the world (in eighty ways)
- take a turn in Cock Lane
- take a turn in the bush
- take a turn on Love Lane
- take a turn through the stubble
- take away the prime beauty of
- take eyes at
- take in cream
- take it from behind
- take it up the ass
- take ol' stiff neck to the movies
- take oneself in hand
- take somebody's pulse
- take the dog for a walk
- take the fatal step
- take the meat out
- take the starch out of
- take up with someone
- taking a nap
- taking an albino piss
- taking matters into one's own hands
- taking precautions
- taking the old skin boat to tuna town
- talk
- talk game
- talk slop
- talk to the mike
- talker
- talking quietly to yourself
- tallywags
- tame the bald-headed mouse
- taming the animal
- tan-track
- tank
- tansie's formal
- tantalolagnia
- tap dancing
- taphephilia
- tapinophobia
- tar baby
- tardojacia
- tarn wags
- tartlet
- tassel
- tasty
- tat queen
- taters
- tattoo boy
- tautanerism
- taxi steerer
- tea bagging
- tea room queen
- tea voider
- teach Yule Brenner some respect
- teahouse of the August moon
- tear a piece of ass
- tear-jerker
- tease
- teasing the kitty
- teasing the weenie
- teazie
- technicolor yodel
- tee'd (to the tits)
- teenager
- teeny bop
- teeny-weeny
- tele-dom
- telephone hustler
- telephone sex
- telephonicophilia
- telophile
- temperamental
- temple of profit
- temptation
- ten-inch (somebody)
- tender box
- tender talent
- tenderhearted
- tenderloin district
- tenpin
- tenth word in a telegram
- tenting orgasm
- teratophobia
- terms
- tertium quid
- testicle
- testing the batteries
- tetanophobia
- tethering
- Texan
- Thai beads
- that certain gleam in one's eyes
- that sin
- that way
- thata
- Thatcher's girls
- thelelingus
- thelia-
- thely-
- theme party
- thermometing
- these and those
- thigh sandwich
- thin on top
- thingamajigs
- thingmajigs
- thingummies
- third base
- third set
- third way
- thirty-forty-dead
- this way and that way
- thixophobia
- Thomas
- those days of the month
- thrasher
- threateners
- three decker
- three wheeled trike
- three-dollar bill
- three-inch fool
- three-legged bloomers
- three-penny uprighter
- three-time
- three-way girl
- three-way woman
- thrill and chill
- throbbing
- throne
- throttle pit
- throw a boff into
- throw a leg over
- throw eyes at
- throw oneself at
- throw up
- throws a wicked fuck
- thrust
- thumbnail
- thumper
- tiara
- tic-tac smuggling
- tickle faggot
- tickle the minikin
- tickle the tonsils
- tickle-tail
- tickler
- tickling the fancy
- tickling the pickle
- tidy pain
- tie the true lover's knot
- tied up
- tight-ass
- tightie whities
- Tijuana queen
- tiki
- tilt on one's kilt
- time waster
- timotrudia
- tinea cruris
- tinted bo-peeps
- tip the middle finger
- tired-old queen
- tiryak-bandha
- tit
- tit for tats
- tit in a wringer
- tit pants
- tit tips
- tit-bit
- tit-mouse
- tit-whip
- tithiolagnia
- titillating
- tits
- tits-up
- titticulture
- tittle-bat
- titty bug
- titty masher
- titty-boo
- tivvy
- toad
- toby
- tochies
- tocology
- todger
- toe-jam queen
- toilet
- toilet servitude
- Toilet Tessie
- token
- token-queer
- tokus
- tom
- Tom Thumb
- tom-tit
- tomatoes
- tomcat
- tommy
- Tommy Rollocks
- tondalayo
- tongue courting
- tongue sandwich
- tongue the tan track
- tongue wrestling
- tonguing
- tonitrophobia
- tonsil swab
- tonsila
- toobsnake
- tool bag
- tool it
- tooling
- toora-loorals
- toot
- tooters
- toothy pegs
- toots
- tootsies
- top
- top down
- top of the hill
- top-diver
- topless
- topos
- toraloorals
- torch of Cupid
- torching for
- torking the power rod
- torpedoes
- torquing the wrench
- torturing the tentacle
- toss
- toss cups
- toss it off
- toss the boss
- tossergash
- tossing the ham javelin
- tossing the turkey
- totally stuck on
- touch dick
- touch typing
- touch-me-not garden
- toucherism
- touching up
- toupee
- tourista
- town b
- town pump
- towns and cities
- toy shop
- tracy bits
- trader dick
- traff
- trailer girl
- training room
- trancentric
- tranny hawk
- trans fag drag
- trans-testicles
- transdike
- transexualism
- transgender community
- transgressively gendered
- transition
- transman
- transphobia
- transsexual
- transurethral prostatectomy
- transvestic fetishism
- transvestophilia
- trap
- trapper
- traumaphilia
- travel down route sixty-nine
- traveling salesman
- treasure chest(s)
- tree jumper
- tref
- trenches
- triad
- tribada
- tribadism
- tribas
- trichoerethism
- trichophilia
- trick baby
- trick off
- trick-cyclist
- trickster
- trigger
- trim
- trimming the hedges
- trip around the world
- trip up the Rhine
- triple penetration
- tripsolagnia
- triskaidekaphile
- trod the boards
- troilist
- troll
- trolleys
- trolling ground
- trollymog
- trot
- trots, the
- trouser action
- trouser mauser
- trouser snake
- trouser trick
- trouser worm
- truck driver
- true love
- truelove
- trug
- trugmullion
- truncheon
- trying to make One-Eyed Willy puke
- trysting place
- tubby
- tube-steak
- tuck
- tug-mutton
- tulip
- tumble a fruit
- tumid
- tummy-button
- tums
- tuna sandwich
- tuned in to another channel
- tunnel
- turd
- turf
- turkey baster
- Turkish culture
- Turkish two-step
- turn a trick
- turn off
- turn on the sizzlers
- turn out
- turn the corner
- turn up one's tail
- turned out
- turnip
- turns, the
- turtle
- turtleneck sweater
- tusk
- TV
- TV training
- twammy
- twangers
- twat hair
- twat rug
- twat-faithful
- twat-hopper
- twatarooney
- twatting
- tweak the twiddle
- tweaking the twinkie
- twelge
- twiddle
- twiddle-diddles
- twigger
- twilight girls
- twilight world
- twin hills
- twinkboner
- twinkle
- twirl
- twist a leg
- twister
- twisty
- twitchet-struck
- twixter
- two finger taco tango
- two ring circus
- two-bagger
- two-fisted
- two-time
- two-way artist
- twofers
Words in the Dictionary of the "F" Word starting with the letter T
- T & A
- T man
- T-bird
- T.L.C.
- table dancing
- tabs
- tacker
- taco
- tadger
- taffy-pulling contest
- tail bone
- tail duds
- tail flowers
- tail gone to seed
- tail oil
- tail pike
- tail shot
- tail tackle
- tail water
- tail worker
- tail-line
- tailgator
- taint
- take a crap
- take a finger ride
- take a load off your mind
- take a poo
- take a shit
- take a trip to the moon
- take a turn in Cupid's Alley
- take a turn in the Hair Court
- take a turn on Mount Pleasant
- take a whiz(z)
- Take Back the Night
- take French lessons
- take in hand
- take it in
- take liberties with someone
- take one's bed
- take out insurance
- take someone
- take the fall
- take the final step
- take the old fall
- take the vows
- take-out hooker
- taking a ride
- taking care of business
- taking ol' one eye through the fly
- taking some time off
- tale of two cities
- talk box
- talk German
- talk to god on the big white telephone
- talk trap
- talking dirty
- talking to the boat people
- tallywhacker
- tame the beef weasel
- taming the shrew
- tan-tracker
- tannhauser
- tantaleur
- tap
- tap-dance
- taphephobia
- tapioca pudding
- tar brush
- tardorgasmus
- tarrywags
- Tarzan chord
- tassels
- tasty gel
- tatas
- taters and tea
- tattoo queen
- tavern maid
- tea dance
- tea room trade
- tea-hound
- teacher
- team cream
- tear in the eye
- tearoom
- tease the python
- teasing the taco
- teat
- technical virgin
- technodynamia
- tee-tee
- teener
- teeny bopper
- teeth
- teledildonics
- telephone scatalogia
- telephone the stomach
- telephonophobia
- telophilia
- temperature eroticism
- Temple of Venus
- temptress
- ten-o'clock girl
- tender button
- tender trap
- tenderizing the meat
- tenderloin madam
- tent
- tentiginous
- tenuc
- terbutaline
- terror of virgins
- test the flashlight
- testicular sac
- testing the plumbing
- tetbury portion
- tetinas
- Texas longhorn
- thanatophile
- that certain something
- that there
- that way about
- thatch
- theater in the round
- thelemassation
- Thelma and Louise
- thelyflorescence
- theophobia
- thermophobia
- thesocratia
- thighs
- thing
- thingamaling
- thingstable
- thingummy
- third eye
- third sex
- thirst for
- thirty-nine
- thisa and thata
- thlipsophilist
- thorn (in the flesh)
- thousand pities
- thread
- three B's
- three F's
- three wheeler
- three-finger fuck around
- three-layer cake
- three-letter man
- three-piece set
- three-way
- three-way marriage
- threesies
- thrill dame
- throbbing member
- throne queen
- throttle the turkey
- throw a bop into
- throw a mean fuck
- throw one a hump
- throw the ball around
- throwing (one)
- thrum
- thumb
- thump
- thygatria
- tib
- tic-tacs
- tickle the crack
- tickle the mustache
- tickle torture
- tickle-Thomas
- ticklers
- tickling the ivories
- tidbits
- tie that binds, the
- tie up
- tiff
- tight-assed
- tigress
- Tijuana racetrack
- tiki-tiki
- tilting
- timesqueer
- tin solder
- tinkle
- tip
- tip the velvet
- tired-old thing
- tisket a-tasket
- tit art
- tit fuck
- tit king
- tit puller
- tit torture
- tit-bits
- tit-smacker
- titbit(s)
- tithioscopia
- titillation
- tits and ass
- tittens
- titties
- titty
- titty discipline
- titty shake
- titty-freak
- tivy
- to be late
- toad-eater
- toby finger (salute)
- tocks
- tocopepantic
- todger toaster
- toesies
- toilet cam
- toilet sex
- toilet training
- token chicken
- tokis
- Tokyo trots
- Tom Doolies
- tom tits
- tom-tom
- tomb, the
- tomcat with three balls
- tommy buster
- tomophobia
- tong
- tongue job
- tongue somebody out
- tongue wash
- tongue-fuck
- tonguing the hole
- tonk
- tonsil swabbing
- Tonya
- toobsteak
- tool box
- tool of pleasure
- toolshed
- toosh
- toot meat
- tooth somebody to death
- tootie fruitie
- tootsie
- tootsy
- top ballocks
- top drawer
- top ones
- top-heavy
- topless bar
- topping from the bottom
- torch
- torch of Venus
- torchy
- torment the trouser trout
- Torquemada, Tomas de
- torso job
- toss a salad
- toss freaks
- toss off
- toss the salad
- tossing off
- tossing the pink salad
- tossing yogurt
- totty
- touch of the trays, a
- touch up
- touch-on
- toucheur
- touchy
- tour de france
- tousle-top
- town bike
- town punch
- toxic shock syndrome
- toy-toy
- trabajado trader
- trade
- tradesmens entrance
- traffic
- train
- trainspotter
- trannie
- trannying
- trans-fag
- transactivist
- transdyke
- transfan
- transgendered
- transhomosexuality
- transitional bisexuality
- transnatural
- transrectal
- transsexualism
- transvaginal
- transvestism
- transy
- trap stick
- trash-rack
- traumatophilia
- travel route sixty-nine
- tray bits
- treasure trail
- tree monkey
- tremblers
- Treponema pallidum
- trial marriage
- tribadance
- tribadus
- tribology
- trichologia
- trichophilous
- trick book
- trick pad
- trick-out
- Tricky Dicky
- trigger zone
- trim and buff
- trinket
- trip down mammary lane
- triple crown
- triple play
- tripsolagnophilia
- triss
- trod the planks
- Trois, Les
- troller
- trollies
- trolling the bermuda triangle
- trombone
- trot out one's pussy
- trotters
- trouser arouser
- trouser olympics
- trouser snake CPR
- trouser trout
- trousseau
- truckers
- true to her sheets
- truelove knot
- trugging house
- trull
- truth or dare
- trypan
- TS
- tube
- tube-steak of love
- tufted honor
- tug-o-war with the cyclops
- tulip sauce
- tumefied phallus
- tummy
- tummy-fuck
- tun
- tuna taco
- tunica dartos
- tunnel of love
- turd bandit
- turgescent
- turkey money
- Turkish delight
- turn
- turn gay
- turn on
- turn on the sprinkler
- turn over
- turn the knob
- turned off
- turning japanese
- turnip seeds
- turtle head
- tush
- tusks
- TV discipline
- tvf
- twang
- twangman
- twat mat
- twat say?
- twat-faker
- twat-hungry
- twatch
- twatty
- tweak the twig
- tweenager
- twent
- twiddle poop
- twidget
- twilight
- twilight lads
- twilighters
- twin lovelies
- twinkers
- twinkle-toes
- twirl the pearls
- twist and twirl
- twisting the crank
- twit
- two beebees on a bread board
- two fingered tango
- two rounded hillocks
- two-bit hustler
- two-handed put
- two-timer
- two-way baby
- twosies
- typhlobasia
- T & B
- T Star
- T-room
- ta-tas
- table-ender
- tachorgasmia
- tackhead
- taco queen
- tadpole carrier
- tagnuts
- tail box
- tail end
- tail for the cock
- tail high
- tail one's guts out
- tail pin
- tail side
- tail trader
- tail wind
- tail-biz
- tail-sweet
- tailist
- take a beating
- take a dump
- take a flier
- take a look at
- take a ride on the mean spanking machine
- take a squat
- take a turn in Bushy Park
- take a turn in Cupid's Corner
- take a turn in the hay
- take a turn on Shooters Hill
- take an air dump
- take Captain Picard to warp speed
- take in and do for
- take it
- take it in the mouth
- take matters into your own hands
- take one's pleasure
- take out the trash
- take someone to bed
- take the fatal jump
- take the Hershey highway
- take the plunge
- take to
- taken with
- taking a shake break
- taking her temperature with a meat thermometer
- taking old one-eye to the optometrist
- taking the Jocelyn Elders midterm
- talent
- talk dirt(y)
- talk in (deep) hues of magnolia
- talk to management
- talk trash
- talking down the great white telephone
- talking to the canoe driver
- tamale-pie eater
- tame the monster
- Tampax time
- tan-trouser(ed) snake
- tanpon it long
- tantaleuse
- tap a keg
- tapdancer
- taphophilia
- tapioca toothpaste
- tarantula eyes
- target
- tarse
- tarzoon
- tastebud
- tasty-cover(s)
- tater tots
- tattas
- taunting the one-eyed weasel
- tawse
- tea engagement
- tea timers
- teach our children to fly
- teacups
- team player
- tear in the lily
- tearoom queen
- teaser
- teasing the tuna
- teated
- technicolor laugh
- technological orgasm
- teeming
- teenhood
- teeny hooker
- teeth in her crotch
- telefag
- telephone scatologia
- telephone trade
- tell a French joke
- tempasthenia
- temple of love
- Temple of Virginity
- temuvalent
- tenant-in-tail
- tender chick
- tender tumour
- tenderizing the tube steak
- tenderoni
- tent peg
- tentigo
- teratophallia
- teretophallic
- terror play
- test the mattress
- testicular tensile strength test
- testing the testicles
- tete-a-tete
- tetitas
- TG
- thanatophilia
- that crazy hand jive
- that thing
- that way inclined
- thatch hatch
- thel-
- thelerethism
- Thelonius Monk
- thelyphthoric
- therapeutic interruption of pregnancy
- theroid
- thews
- thigmacupidus
- thing-a-ling
- thingamy
- thingumabob
- thingy
- third gender
- third sexer
- thirsty
- thirty-three
- Thisbe
- thlipsosis
- thorough-good-natured wench
- thrap(e)
- thread the needle
- three bags full
- three high
- three-bee
- three-hole activities
- three-legged
- three-penny bits
- three-piece suit
- three-way broad
- three-way split
- threesome
- thriller
- throbbing muscle of pure love
- throne room
- throw
- throw a buttonhole on
- throw a screw into
- throw one's dagger
- throw the hash
- throwing the pork
- thrumster
- thumb of love
- thump the pump
- thygatrilagnia
- tibialoconcupiscent
- tick-tack
- tickle the ditty
- tickle the pickle
- tickle your fancy
- tickle-toby
- tickling
- tickling the little man in the boat
- tiddelly pod
- tie the knot (that binds)
- tie up with
- tiffing
- tight-knit
- Tijuana Bible
- Tijuana trots
- till
- time buying
- timophilia
- Tina Tuna
- tinkler-belle
- tip out
- tipout
- tired-rabbit
- tiskies
- tit bondage
- tit fucking
- tit lottery
- tit queen
- Tit Valley Fuck
- tit-fucker
- tit-up
- titch
- titillagnia
- titillatione mammarum
- tits and zits
- titter
- tittivate
- titty bar
- titty fuck
- titty torture
- titty-oggy
- to be over ones time
- toady
- toby salute
- tockus
- tocophobia
- toe queen
- toffee strings
- toilet queen
- toilet slave
- toilet water
- token of sincerity
- toko-
- toles d'abattage
- tom fucker
- Tom, Dick, and Harry
- Tomasina
- tomboy
- tomcating
- Tommy Dodd
- tomrig
- tongue
- tongue kiss
- tongue sushi
- tongue with a great T
- tongue-fucking
- tonguing the tan crack
- tonking
- tonsil wrench
- too big for one's clothes
- tooky
- tool check
- toolbox
- toonkins
- tooshie
- toot the flute
- toothache
- tooting the horn
- tootsie roll
- tootsy-wootsy
- top balls
- top lights
- top set
- top-sergeant
- topless radio
- tops and bottoms
- torch carrier
- torch song
- torista(s)
- torn
- torquemadian
- torso-tosser
- tosh
- toss beanbags
- toss him off
- toss ones cookies
- toss up
- tossing pink salad
- tossing the salad
- total coverage
- touch
- touch the bun for luck
- touch-crib
- touch-trap
- toucheurism
- tough shit!
- tour time
- towdie
- town bull
- town rake
- toy
- TP
- track one
- trade spit
- trading on her bottom
- traffic in flesh
- train Terrence at the terra-cotta
- tram lines
- tranny
- trans
- trans-hag
- transcengender
- transexion
- transfashion
- transgenderism
- transie
- TransLesBiGay
- transparent
- transsectional
- transsexuality
- transversity
- transvestite
- tranz-fag
- trap two
- trashy
- traumatophiliac
- traveler's aid
- treasure
- treasury
- tree of life
- tremophobia
- trey bits
- triangle
- tribade
- tribady
- triborgasmia
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- trichophobia
- trick day
- trick suit
- tricking
- tried
- trill
- trim the buff
- triolism
- trip down the mine shaft
- triple header
- triple shag
- tripsophilia
- Tristan
- trog
- Trojan
- trolley and truck
- trolling
- trolling the toilet
- tromboning
- troth
- trouble and strife
- trouser cough
- trouser rouser
- trouser tent
- trouser trumpet
- trout
- true confession
- true twin
- truelover's knot
- trugging ken
- trump
- try it for size
- trysexual
- tu quoque
- tube of meat
- tube-stroker
- tufted treasure
- tugging the slug
- tum-tum
- tumescence
- tummy banana
- tummy-tickler
- tuna
- tuna tins
- tuning the fork
- tup
- turd burglar
- turgid bayonet
- turkey neck
- Turkish disease
- turn (someone's) head
- turn handstands
- turn on the heat
- turn on the waterworks
- turn someone on
- turn the teacup over
- turned on
- turning on, tuning in and dropping out
- turnover
- turpicunnia
- turtle's head
- tushie
- tutor
- TV lounge
- twachel
- twang the wire
- twat
- twat peddler
- twat water
- twat-hammock
- twat-masher
- twatchel
- twatty wank
- tweak the twinkie
- tweeny
- twenty-four seven
- twiddle with oneself
- twig
- twilight boys
- twilight men
- twim
- twin peaks
- twinkie
- twinky
- twirl the squirrel
- twist the turnip
- twisting the piston
- twit the clit
- twitters, the
- two dots and a dash
- two on the town
- two snaps up
- two-bit Sadie
- two-leaved book
- two-timing
- two-way girl
- twosome
- tyrannism
- T boy
- T*
- T-room queen
- tababido
- table-for-twoing
- tachycardia
- tackle
- tactus
- tadpole treasure
- tail
- tail chicken
- tail feathers
- tail gap
- tail hole
- tail over the dashboard
- tail pipe
- tail sister
- tail trading
- tail winds
- tail-femme
- tail-tickling
- tailless
- take a cherry
- take a fall
- take a leak
- take a pee
- take a roll with
- take a trip around the parsley patch
- take a turn in Cock Alley
- take a turn in the barrel
- take a turn in the stubble
- take a turn on the aphrodisiacal tennis court
- take an Irish shave
- take down (by hand)
- take in beef
- take it anyway
- take it out in trade
- take Nebuchadnezzar out to grass
- take one's snake for a gallop
- take somebody on
- take the bayonet course
- take the fatal leap
- take the high dive
- take the sheet
- take to bed
- taking a dip
- taking a trip south
- taking Herman to the circus
- taking part in population control
- taking the monster for a one-armed ride
- talent scout
- talk dirty
- talk on the great white telephone
- talk to the carpet
- talk turkey
- talking kiss
- tallywag(ger)
- tamales
- taming goliath
- tampered with
- tango con mano
- tansie
- tantalization
- tap a kidney
- tape
- taphophobia
- taquitos
- tardagen
- target practice
- tart
- taskmaster
- taster
- tat
- tater trap
- tatties
- tautaner
- taxi driver
- tea
- tea room
- tea towel holder
- teach your dog to spit
- teahouse
- teapot
- tear off a piece (of ass)
- tearoom trade
- teasing
- teasing the weasel
- teats
- technicolor yawn
- tee off
- teen tribe
- teenie-weenie
- teeny-rocker
- telasthenia
- telephone house
- telephone scatophilia
- telephoner
- tell the folks
- tempasthenic
- temple of low men
- temporary priapism
- ten
- tender agony
- tender parnel
- tenderfoot
- tenderloin
- tennagant
- tent pole
- tentigogenic
- teratophallic
- terminate a pregnancy
- tertiary syphilis
- testes
- testimonials
- testosities
- tether one's nag
- tetons
- TG people
- thanatophobia
- that funny feeling
- that time of the month
- that way over
- thatched house (under the hill)
- thelebasiate
- theletage
- thelorthia
- thelysodomy
- There's a smell of gunpowder
- thesauromania
- thicket
- thigmosis
- thingamabobs
- thingie
- thingumbobs
- think the world of
- third leg
- third venereal disease
- thirty-day boy
- this and that
- thistle
- thoroughbred
- thrapping
- threadbare
- three card trick
- Three P
- three-dimensional romance
- three-in-a-bed
- three-legged beaver
- three-penny upright
- three-ring circus
- three-way frail
- three-way swing
- thrill
- throb knob
- throbbing python (of love)
- throttle kojak
- throw a bird
- throw a fuck into
- throw a wicked fuck
- throw one's hat in the wedding ring
- throw the tongue
- throws a mean fuck
- thrupenny bits
- thumb the button
- thump the pumper
- thyrsos
- tibiocontrectation
- tickle
- tickle the ivories
- tickle the taco
- tickle-gizzard
- tickleables
- tickling her fancy
- tickling the one-eyed weasel
- tiddle
- tie the lover's knot
- tied the knot
- tight pin (somebody)
- tightbuck
- Tijuana cha-cha
- Tijuana Tuck & Roll
- tillage
- time of the month, that
- timothy
- tinderbox
- tinta
- tip the long one
- tiptoe through the twolips
- tirly-whirly
- tissue-paper titties
- tit discipline
- tit holder
- tit man
- tit sling
- tit-bag
- tit-hammock
- tit-wanker
- tithead
- titillate
- titless wonder
- tits man
- tittery
- tittivated
- titty bondage
- titty hard-on
- titty twister
- titwank
- to die for
- Toblerone tunnel
- toc-
- toco-
- toe rage
- toggling the bit
- toilet service
- toilet talk
- tok-
- token-fag queers
- tokology
- toll-hole
- tom patrol
- Tom-tart
- tomato
- tombstones
- tomgirl
- Tommy Rollicks
- tomtit
- tongue bath
- tongue kissing
- tongue the tan crack
- tongue wrestle
- tongue-on
- tonguing the tan track
- tonsil hockey
- tonsil-lectomy
- too funny
- tool
- tool chest
- tooled
- toonkuns
- tooshies
- toot toot
- toothless mouth
- tootle
- tootsie-wootsie
- tooty-frooty
- top buttocks
- top man
- top surgery
- topcoat
- topophobia
- topside
- torch job
- torching
- torking the fork
- torpedoe
- torquing the taliwacker
- torture
- Tosos
- toss cookies
- toss in the hay
- toss ones tacos
- tosser
- tossing the caber
- tossing the snag
- total power exchange
- touch bone and whistle
- touch the toes
- touch-hole
- touche pipi
- touching oneself
- tough titties!
- tourist
- towel rack
- town Johnny
- town tramp
- toy boy
- track two
- trader
- trading post
- tragalist
- train the love porpoise
- tramp
- tranny fucker
- trans catcher
- trans-sex surgery
- transdetector
- transexual
- transgender
- transgenderist
- transindividual
- transmale
- transpeople
- transsex procedures
- transurethal resection of the prostate
- transvest
- transvestitism
- tranz-hag
- trapeze artist
- trat
- traumatophobia
- traveling past the mason-dixon line
- treasure box
- treating yourself right
- tree of love
- trench
- Tri Ess
- triangle of love
- tribadic
- tribalism
- trich
- trichomoniasis
- trick
- trick night
- trick-babe
- tricking broad
- trifle
- trillbye
- trimmed
- trip
- trip to the moon
- triple hip
- triple treat queen
- trisexual
- trixie
- troilism
- Trojan horse
- trolley-dolly
- trolling for flames
- trollop
- tropophobia
- trothplight
- trounce
- trouser ferret
- trouser serpent in the grass
- trouser toy
- trouser truncheon
- trout-fishing
- true hermaphrodite
- truegendered
- truffle hunting
- trugmolly
- trumpet
- try it on for size
- tryst
- TT
- tubal ligation
- tube queen
- tubs
- tug muscle
- tugging the tapioca tube
- tumble
- tumescent
- tummy tuck
- tummy-tickling
- tuna fish
- tuna town
- tuning the horn
- tuppence licker
- turd packer
- Turk
- turkey-trotter
- Turkish medal
- turn a date
- turn it on
- turn on the lamps
- turn one out
- turn someone out
- turn tricks
- turned on by
- turning tricks
- turnpike
- turrets
- turtleneck
- tushies
- tuzzy-muzzy
- TV style
- twam
- twanger
- twat fuzz
- twat raking
- twat-crazy
- twat-happy
- twat-sucker
- twatter
- tweak
- tweaking the little man in the boat
- tweeterfrank
- twenty-twenty
- twiddle-diddler
- twig and berries
- twilight crowd
- twilight personality
- twin
- twink
- twinkies
- twins, the
- twist
- twisted
- twisting the tool
- twitchet
- twixt wind and water
- two ferrets fighting in a sack
- two raisins on a bread board
- two-backed beast
- two-by-four
- two-mama papa
- two-way
- twofer
- twot
- T folk
- T* People
- T.L.
- tabanca
- tabophobia
- tachyorthosis
- tacky drag
- tadge
- taffy tugger
- tail around
- tail dating
- tail fence
- tail gate
- tail juice
- tail peddler
- tail security
- tail stew
- tail wagging
- tail work
- tail-job
- tailgate
- tailpipe
- take a cottage course
- take a fancy to
- take a legal piss
- take a piss
- take a shine to
- take a trip around the world (in eighty ways)
- take a turn in Cock Lane
- take a turn in the bush
- take a turn on Love Lane
- take a turn through the stubble
- take away the prime beauty of
- take eyes at
- take in cream
- take it from behind
- take it up the ass
- take ol' stiff neck to the movies
- take oneself in hand
- take somebody's pulse
- take the dog for a walk
- take the fatal step
- take the meat out
- take the starch out of
- take up with someone
- taking a nap
- taking an albino piss
- taking matters into one's own hands
- taking precautions
- taking the old skin boat to tuna town
- talk
- talk game
- talk slop
- talk to the mike
- talker
- talking quietly to yourself
- tallywags
- tame the bald-headed mouse
- taming the animal
- tan-track
- tank
- tansie's formal
- tantalolagnia
- tap dancing
- taphephilia
- tapinophobia
- tar baby
- tardojacia
- tarn wags
- tartlet
- tassel
- tasty
- tat queen
- taters
- tattoo boy
- tautanerism
- taxi steerer
- tea bagging
- tea room queen
- tea voider
- teach Yule Brenner some respect
- teahouse of the August moon
- tear a piece of ass
- tear-jerker
- tease
- teasing the kitty
- teasing the weenie
- teazie
- technicolor yodel
- tee'd (to the tits)
- teenager
- teeny bop
- teeny-weeny
- tele-dom
- telephone hustler
- telephone sex
- telephonicophilia
- telophile
- temperamental
- temple of profit
- temptation
- ten-inch (somebody)
- tender box
- tender talent
- tenderhearted
- tenderloin district
- tenpin
- tenth word in a telegram
- tenting orgasm
- teratophobia
- terms
- tertium quid
- testicle
- testing the batteries
- tetanophobia
- tethering
- Texan
- Thai beads
- that certain gleam in one's eyes
- that sin
- that way
- thata
- Thatcher's girls
- thelelingus
- thelia-
- thely-
- theme party
- thermometing
- these and those
- thigh sandwich
- thin on top
- thingamajigs
- thingmajigs
- thingummies
- third base
- third set
- third way
- thirty-forty-dead
- this way and that way
- thixophobia
- Thomas
- those days of the month
- thrasher
- threateners
- three decker
- three wheeled trike
- three-dollar bill
- three-inch fool
- three-legged bloomers
- three-penny uprighter
- three-time
- three-way girl
- three-way woman
- thrill and chill
- throbbing
- throne
- throttle pit
- throw a boff into
- throw a leg over
- throw eyes at
- throw oneself at
- throw up
- throws a wicked fuck
- thrust
- thumbnail
- thumper
- tiara
- tic-tac smuggling
- tickle faggot
- tickle the minikin
- tickle the tonsils
- tickle-tail
- tickler
- tickling the fancy
- tickling the pickle
- tidy pain
- tie the true lover's knot
- tied up
- tight-ass
- tightie whities
- Tijuana queen
- tiki
- tilt on one's kilt
- time waster
- timotrudia
- tinea cruris
- tinted bo-peeps
- tip the middle finger
- tired-old queen
- tiryak-bandha
- tit
- tit for tats
- tit in a wringer
- tit pants
- tit tips
- tit-bit
- tit-mouse
- tit-whip
- tithiolagnia
- titillating
- tits
- tits-up
- titticulture
- tittle-bat
- titty bug
- titty masher
- titty-boo
- tivvy
- toad
- toby
- tochies
- tocology
- todger
- toe-jam queen
- toilet
- toilet servitude
- Toilet Tessie
- token
- token-queer
- tokus
- tom
- Tom Thumb
- tom-tit
- tomatoes
- tomcat
- tommy
- Tommy Rollocks
- tondalayo
- tongue courting
- tongue sandwich
- tongue the tan track
- tongue wrestling
- tonguing
- tonitrophobia
- tonsil swab
- tonsila
- toobsnake
- tool bag
- tool it
- tooling
- toora-loorals
- toot
- tooters
- toothy pegs
- toots
- tootsies
- top
- top down
- top of the hill
- top-diver
- topless
- topos
- toraloorals
- torch of Cupid
- torching for
- torking the power rod
- torpedoes
- torquing the wrench
- torturing the tentacle
- toss
- toss cups
- toss it off
- toss the boss
- tossergash
- tossing the ham javelin
- tossing the turkey
- totally stuck on
- touch dick
- touch typing
- touch-me-not garden
- toucherism
- touching up
- toupee
- tourista
- town b
- town pump
- towns and cities
- toy shop
- tracy bits
- trader dick
- traff
- trailer girl
- training room
- trancentric
- tranny hawk
- trans fag drag
- trans-testicles
- transdike
- transexualism
- transgender community
- transgressively gendered
- transition
- transman
- transphobia
- transsexual
- transurethral prostatectomy
- transvestic fetishism
- transvestophilia
- trap
- trapper
- traumaphilia
- travel down route sixty-nine
- traveling salesman
- treasure chest(s)
- tree jumper
- tref
- trenches
- triad
- tribada
- tribadism
- tribas
- trichoerethism
- trichophilia
- trick baby
- trick off
- trick-cyclist
- trickster
- trigger
- trim
- trimming the hedges
- trip around the world
- trip up the Rhine
- triple penetration
- tripsolagnia
- triskaidekaphile
- trod the boards
- troilist
- troll
- trolleys
- trolling ground
- trollymog
- trot
- trots, the
- trouser action
- trouser mauser
- trouser snake
- trouser trick
- trouser worm
- truck driver
- true love
- truelove
- trug
- trugmullion
- truncheon
- trying to make One-Eyed Willy puke
- trysting place
- tubby
- tube-steak
- tuck
- tug-mutton
- tulip
- tumble a fruit
- tumid
- tummy-button
- tums
- tuna sandwich
- tuned in to another channel
- tunnel
- turd
- turf
- turkey baster
- Turkish culture
- Turkish two-step
- turn a trick
- turn off
- turn on the sizzlers
- turn out
- turn the corner
- turn up one's tail
- turned out
- turnip
- turns, the
- turtle
- turtleneck sweater
- tusk
- TV
- TV training
- twammy
- twangers
- twat hair
- twat rug
- twat-faithful
- twat-hopper
- twatarooney
- twatting
- tweak the twiddle
- tweaking the twinkie
- twelge
- twiddle
- twiddle-diddles
- twigger
- twilight girls
- twilight world
- twin hills
- twinkboner
- twinkle
- twirl
- twist a leg
- twister
- twisty
- twitchet-struck
- twixter
- two finger taco tango
- two ring circus
- two-bagger
- two-fisted
- two-time
- two-way artist
- twofers