Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


An act of group-sex involving three people. Triadic group-sex regardless of gender : two women and one man , two men copulating the vagina and rectum of a woman , three men engaged in a chain or train of anal-intercourse with the middle man being passive and active at the same time, or two men, one from the front, the other from the rear , simultaneously penetrating the anus of a third man . The first two instances could be a domestic arrangements where a married couple share their bed with a third party , a stranger or the lover of the husband or wife .
Bibliography: A. Karlen, Threesomes: Studies in Sex, Power, and Intimacy (NY: Beechtree Books, 1988).

SYNONYMS: club-sandwich ; cluster fuck ; double-peptide ; flesh-sandwich ; ménage à trois; Peter, Paul and Mary; Oreo-cookie ; sandwich ; sausage-sandwich ; séance-à-trois ; three-decker ; three-high ; three-hole-activities ; three-in-a-bed : three-layer-cake ; threesies ; three-way ; three-way-split ; three-way-swing ; triple-shag .
SEE ALSO: cicisbeism ; double-entry ; foursome ; lying-in-state ; moresosme; Three-P ; three-way-woman .


(1) Anonymous: ' Sex is nobody's business except the three people involved .'

(2) Roland T. Flakfizor (John Turturro) in Brain Donors (1992): ' Two is company and three is an adult-movie '.

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