Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


1. Or: the trade , the sex business , prostitution and pornography . See prostitution for synonyms.

QUOTE: Odette (Judith Vosselli) and Lulu (Marjorie Rambeau) in Inspiration (1931):
-- Odette: ' There are tricks in every trade .'
-- Lulu: ' You ought to know , dearest, you're trade is the oldest .'

2. A prostitute's customer(s).
SYNONYMS: baby ; beef-burger ; client ; cull ; date ; fare ; john ; meal-ticket ; meatball ; money-trick ; patron ; piper ; punter ; sucker ; TOS ; trick .
SEE ALSO: 33 ; 78 ; champagne-trick ; curb-crawler ; freak-trick ; frequent-flyer .

3. In gay-slang , any sexual partner or potential partner .

4. A straight or gay male prostitute .

5. In the gay pornographic industry, a man who refuses to be portrayed other than as the active participant in anal-sex or the receptive partner in oral-sex .

6. In Polari slang, casual-sex .

7. A male heterosexual who seeks sexual gratification from homosexuals without reciprocating.

8. In BDSM, an exchange of slaves between slavemasters.

9. A person considered only as a sex partner .

See Also: 606, A-200, a2m, Accu-Jac, Acyvir, adult entertainment center, ass-to-mouth, bag bride, beef burger, big tender, boong-moll, brothel, bubby trader, car-hop, chicklet, Chin Dildo, Chinese Love Beads, client, closed door, closed swinging, Clovix, clubhouse, commercial body worker, commercial sex worker, cornhole palace, cottage, cruise, cull, custom-house, dame de voyage, dibucaine hydrochloride, do the milk run, Drury Lane vestal, Enovid, erection maintainer, erection medicine, fare, Fleet Street dove, Fleet Street houri, fork, Fourex, glad bag, greenhouse, grinder, hawk, hawk the fork, hawk the mutton, hide the candy, ho stroll, hooker's beat, in the trade, into the trade, Kwell, Lice-Enz, line, lonelyhearts' club, long pole, long pork, luncheonette, make a milk run, make the milk run, marble palace, meatball, messer, money trick, Nix, oldest profession, oldest trade, on the game, Oriental Love Beads, patron, penile colony, piper, rock whore, Rohypnol, rounder, Siamese Strings, Silastic, skeezer, strawberry, street girl, String of Pearls, stringer, stroll, stunt cock, T-room, talk game, tea room, tea room trade, teahouse, teahouse of the August moon, tearoom, tearoom trade, TOS, trade, trailer girl, troll, trolling the toilet, Viagra, wench of the game, window-tapping, womanhood, work

Quotes Containing trade:
Odette (Judith Vosselli) and Lulu (Marjorie Rambeau) in Inspiration (1931): - Odette: ''There are tricks in every trade .'' - Lulu:''You ought to know , dearest, you''re trade is the oldest.''
Odette (Judith Vosselli) and Lulu (Marjorie Rambeau) in Inspiration (1931): - Odette: ''There are tricks in every trade .'' - Lulu:''You ought to know , dearest, you''re trade is the oldest.''
Murderer Peter Cable (Charles Cioffi) to prostitute Bree Daniels (Jane Fonda) in Klute (1971): ''You''re all obviously too lazy and too warped to do anything meaningful with your life so you pray on the sexual fantasies of others. That''s your stock and trade , isn''t it , a man''s weakness and I was never fully aware of mine until you brought them out .''
Murderer Peter Cable (Charles Cioffi) to prostitute Bree Daniels (Jane Fonda) in Klute (1971): ''You''re all obviously too lazy and too warped to do anything meaningful with your life so you pray on the sexual fantasies of others. That''s your stock and trade , isn''t it , a man''s weakness and I was never fully aware of mine until you brought them out .''
Lena Yakushova 'Ninotchka' (Greta Garbo) to the Russian trade delegates Buljanoff, Iranoff and Kopalski in Ninotchka (1939): 'Don't make an issue of my womanhood .' In the 1957 musical remake entitled Silk Stockings (1957) Fred Astaire answers Cyd Charisse with: 'Please don't say that. I was looking forward to it .'

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