Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word


Trade name of a medication used in the treatment of pubic-lice .
See Also: ass mites, Beattie and Babs, body lice, boys on ice, bugs, chatts, cooties, crab lice, crabs, creepers, critters, crotch crickets, crotch critters, crotch monkeys, crumb, dibs and dabs, dick scropions, gentleman's companions, Kwell, lap bugs, lice, Lice-Enz, light troops, love bugs, nits, Nix, pant rabbits, papillon d'amour, pediculophobia, pediculosis pubis, phthiriophobia, Phthirus pubis, pubic lice, pubic visitors, RID, Sandy McNabs, shattis, snatch monsters, social dandruff

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