turned on:
Sexually aroused; desirous of sex .SYNONYMS, QUASI-SYNONYMS AND RELATED TERMS: ache-for ; all-hot-and-bothered ; all-steamed-up ; all-worked-up ; amorous ; antsy; ardent; aroused; blazing; burning ; climactically excited; concupiscent ; covetousness; crave for; cream-for ; desire strongly; desirous; dripping-for-it ; eager; erotic ; estrous; excited; fervent ; fervid ; fiery; fired-up ; flaming ; flash-groove ; flash-in-the-pants ; fuckish ; full-of-beans ; full-of-fuck ; full-of-gism ; geared(-up) ; goatish ; hanker(ing); hard (up); have (a) fever; have-a-hard-on-for someone; have-a-lech ; have-the-hots ; have-the-hots-for someone; have-the-urge-to-merge ; heated; horny ; hot ; hot-and-bothered ; hot as a three-dollar pistol ; hot-and-bothered ; hot-as-a-firecracker ; hot-assed ; hot-blooded; hot-in-the-ass ; hot-in-the-biscuit ; hot-in-the-tail ; hot-to-trot ; humpy ; hunger-for ; hunky ; impassioned ; impetuous; in-a-sweat ; in-heat ; in-season ; inflamed ; inspired; itching ; itchy ; jacked-up ; juicy ; lascivious ; letch-after ; letching for; lewd ; libidinous; long-for ; lubricious ; lust-after ; lust for; lustful ; lusty ; moved by passion ; pashy ; pashful ; passional ; passionate ; perfervid ; pine (for); prurient ; quickened; rammy; randy ; red-hot ; rooty ; rousing; rutting ; ruttish ; rutty ; salacious ; sensual (craving); sexotic ; sexual-desire ; sexy ; sizzling ; steamed-(up) ; steamy ; stimulated; stirring; strong desire ; sultry; sweet-tooth ; thirsty ; torrid; urge; warm; wet ; wet-and-willing ; white-hot; wild (about); wired(-up); wistful; worked-up ; yearning; yen ; yenny ; zealous.
SEE ALSO: blue-balls ; cream-one's-pants (or jeans); hot-nuts ; hot-rocks ; love-nuts .
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